Personnel Review: Volume 15 Issue 2

A Journal of People, Work, and Organisations


Table of contents

Personnel Management and Recruitment

Stephen Wood

This article will set out to compare some findings of a study on recruitment with the more general pronouncements on selection which are available in the literature on personnel…


The Promotion Pathology: A Study of British Police Inspectors

S. Glowinkowski, N. Nicholson

One of the most perplexing problems in human resource management is how to satisfy and motivate employees who originally joined an organisation with hopes of becoming “stars”, but…

Career Development: The Significance of the Subjective Career

Audrey Collin

Our changing society and troubled economy are making many new demands of work organisations, so that human resource managers are having to deal with new issues and explore ways of…

Correlates of Specialisation and Training among Personnel Managers in Britain

P.B. Beaumont, D.R. Deaton

The decade of the 1970s is widely regarded as one in which the personnel management function in Britain enjoyed substantial gains in authority and status within organisations…

Cover of Personnel Review



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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Eddy Ng
  • Professor Pauline Stanton