Education + Training: Volume 51 Issue 5/6


Table of contents - Special Issue: Computer Assisted Collaborative Learning: The New Generation of Simulations and Social Computing in the Business Curriculum

Guest Editors: Thomas Clarke

Teaching the Google‐eyed YouTube generation

Bill Ashraf

The purpose of this paper is to report on how the University sector in the UK has undertaken a massive transformation over recent years, resulting in a current mass market…


Role of social software tools in education: a literature review

Shailey Minocha

The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of literature on the role of Web 2.0 or social software tools in education.


Scenarios and strategies for Web 2.0

Graeme Martin, Martin Reddington, Mary Beth Kneafsey, Martyn Sloman

The aim of this article is to bring together ideas from the authors' review of the Web 2.0 literature, the data and their insights from this and other technology‐related projects…


An empirically‐grounded study on the effective use of social software in education

Shailey Minocha

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of an empirical investigation of the effective use of social software in further and higher education. The aims of the research…


Born digital? Pedagogy and computer‐assisted learning

Thomas Clarke, Elizabeth Clarke

The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of the shift to a knowledge society, where information and communication technology (ICT) and the widening spread of…


Positioning ePortfolios in an integrated curriculum

Simon Housego, Nicola Parker

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the potential and the challenges of successful integration of ePortfolios and graduate attributes into the curriculum.


Simulations: a case study of City & Guilds' newest assessment

Andrew Stone, Mike Dearing

The purpose of this paper is to present a case study of City & Guilds' development of simulation‐based assessments for its ICT user qualification. These simulations are authentic…

Online self‐ and peer assessment for groupwork

Darrall Thompson, Ian McGregor

Group‐based tasks or assignments, if well designed, can yield benefits for student employability and other important attribute developments. However there is a fundamental problem…


Learning outcomes from business simulation exercises: Challenges for the implementation of learning technologies

Elizabeth Clarke

High order leadership, problem solving skills, and the capacity for innovation in new markets, and technologically complex and multidimensional contexts, are the new set of skills…


Why do we play the games? Exploring institutional and political motivations

Thibaut Bardon, Emmanuel Josserand

The purpose of this paper is to explore why digital games based learning (DGBL) is spreading rapidly in all educational settings, when the literature does not provide clear…


Integrating blended teaching and learning to enhance graduate attributes

Antoine Hermens, Elizabeth Clarke

The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of computer based business simulations in higher education as innovative tools of teaching and learning to enhance students'…


Simulations, learning and real world capabilities

Robert E. Wood, Jens F. Beckmann, Damian P. Birney

The purpose of this paper is to consider how simulations are increasingly used in training programs for the development of skills such as leadership. However, the requirements of…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken