Education + Training: Volume 44 Issue 6


Table of contents

Competence‐based training, vocational qualifications and learning targets: some lessons for the Learning and Skills Council

Harry Matlay, Mark Addis

Contextualises a number of concerns related to the usage of National and Scottish Vocational Qualifications by both employers and employees in Britain. It provides an analysis of…


Undergraduate work experience: an alternative approach using micro businesses

Paul Greenbank

Examines the use of micro‐businesses for undergraduate placements on business and management courses. Such businesses are often not considered for placements by HEIs because…


The MSc management development: a programme in management or a management development process? A study focusing on the MSc in management development at Edge Hill

Richard Choueke, Penny West

Focuses on the MSc in management development at Edge Hill. Describes the environment in which the programme was developed and takes particular account of some of the different…

Training young people through a school/enterprise partnership: a longitudinal study

Peter J. Smith, John Henry, Graeme Munro

This paper reports a longitudinal study of 58 students who undertook an engineering traineeship concurrent with their final two years of secondary school. The student experience…


Passport to Success

Nigel Tomlinson

Looks at the “Passport to Success” scheme introduced by the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce in a bid to address the employability skills problem among young people. States that the…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken