Education + Training: Volume 21 Issue 8


Table of contents

Viewpoint: Profit is not without honour, save in our own country

In many Western nations unemployment is much higher than official statistics indicate. Many who would work if the opportunities were there do not register as unemployed…

BEC is on course

Janet Elliott

The past year has seen a major change in business education courses in more than 350 colleges and polytechnics throughout the country, with the introduction of new BEC courses…


Ruth Holdsworth

Perspectives on Academic Gaming and Simulation is the series title of the proceedings at the annual conferences of SAGSET (The Society for Academic Gaming and Simulation in…


We have great pleasure in announcing the appointment — for a two‐year period — of Professor Gerry Fowler as President of ABE. As a former Minister of State at the Department of…

The role of BEC in post — experience business education

This article is based on the formal response of the Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education to a consultative Paper issued by the Business Education Council earlier…

Business education campaign

Bernard C. Fisher

Business (industry and commerce) creates our real national wealth. The more wealth it creates, the stronger it becomes. As we have seen, when too many people reject this principle…

The foundry industry

Brian Cave

Many young people are either totally unaware of, or have outdated ideas about, the foundry industry. Like all other industries, it needs to attract people both of the right…


Careers:: COURSES

Women without skills who want to go back to work after lengthy spells of domestic life are to be given more chances to find out what they can do, and how to go about it, by the…

Careers:: TRAINING

A new Lex Service Group Training Centre opened in Banbury, Oxon is designed to provide a base for the company's central training operation, and will be available for use by…

Careers:: TOPICS

A major shift in the policy and work of the Schools Council has been presented to the Council's Convocation by the Chairman, John Tomlinson. New skills and knowledge are needed…

DES News Releases

Rhodes Boyson

I was a schoolmaster for 23 years and regard teaching as a great profession; but it would be wrong for us to ignore tendencies in the opposite direction which have harmed and can…


Kodak Ltd, in association with the Science Museum, is staging a major exhibition at the Museum in South Kensington, London SW7 The Photography of Walter Nurnbergan Image of

Fleecing the foreigners

Gerry Fowler

This month sees another swingeing increase in the fees for overseas students attending British institutions of further and higher education: an increase of nearly one‐third. Of…

Up & frontism

David Gilbert‐Smith

Leadership to many people is an emotive word with militaristic, autocratic, authoritarian overtones. To some it conjures up an elitism of leaders over the led, of strong dominant…

BEC General Diploma course

R.E. Owen

The Department of Business and Management Studies at Dewsbury and Batley Technical and Art College is perhaps an average‐sized department in an averaged‐sized college. It has a…

Effective management of employee attendance

Lyndon Jones

In the development of a strategy to reduce absenteeism one must focus on attendance. Factors related to absenteeism, which become high turnover, are shown in Figure II.

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  • Dr Martin McCracken