Library Review: Volume 52 Issue 7


Table of contents

Becoming information literate in The Netherlands

Albert K. Boekhorst

This article starts by setting a general context for the importance of being information literate. After this, the specific pattern of use for information literacy in The…


German libraries at the starting line for the new task of teaching information literacy

Benno Homann

Initiatives by German librarians on taking on board educational work in the field of information literacy or “Informationskomptenz” now seem to be successful. Although a lot of…


Information literacy: the case or non‐case of Norway?

Ragnar Audunson, Ragnar Nordlie

The term “information literacy” does not have an exact parallel in the Norwegian language, but information policy strategies as well as educational reforms are nevertheless…


Fighting an uphill battle: teaching information literacy in Danish institutions of higher education

Annette Skov, Helli Skærbak

The article addresses the development and present state of information literacy activities in Danish institutions of higher education. It outlines the national policy on…


Information literacy development in Finland

Kaisa Sinikara, Leena Järveläinen

In Finland there is still much to be done to promote integrated information literacy in higher education. Teamwork between teachers and libraries is well developed in some…


Information literacy developments and issues in Spain

José Antonio Gómez Hernández, Cristóbal Pasadas Ureña

The adoption of the information literacy (IL) agenda in Spain has been comparatively slow and fragmented due to cultural setbacks during the twentieth century. Since the late…

Cover of Library Review



Online date, start – end:

1927 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:
