Journal of Documentation: Volume 80 Issue 7


Table of contents

“They act like we are going to heaven”: pre-arrival information experiences, information crafting and settlement of immigrants in Canada

Nafiz Zaman Shuva

Although there is a growing body of work on immigrants' information behavior, little is known about the pre-arrival information experiences of immigrants who consult formal…


Algorithmic recommendations enabling and constraining information practices among young people

Ville Jylhä, Noora Hirvonen, Jutta Haider

This study addresses how algorithmic recommendations and their affordances shape everyday information practices among young people.


Curiosity and information-seeking behaviour: a review of psychological research and a comparison with the information science literature

Thomas D. Wilson

The aim of this paper is to review the psychological literature on curiosity and its relationship to information-seeking behaviour, and compare this with the information science…


What characterizes LIS as a fragmenting discipline?

Pertti Vakkari

The purpose of this paper is to characterize library and information science (LIS) as fragmenting discipline both historically and by applying Whitley’s (1984) theory about the…


Fact-checking of political information about the Russo-Ukrainian conflict

Reijo Savolainen

To elaborate the nature of fact-checking in the domain of political information by examining how fact-checkers assess the validity of claims concerning the Russo-Ukrainian…

Who cites the contributions by information science?

Kalervo Järvelin, Pertti Vakkari

The purpose of this paper is to find out which research topics and methods in information science (IS) articles are used in other disciplines as indicated by citations.

Assessing knowledge organization systems from a gender perspective: Wikipedia taxonomy and Wikidata ontologies

Miquel Centelles, Núria Ferran-Ferrer

Develop a comprehensive framework for assessing the knowledge organization systems (KOSs), including the taxonomy of Wikipedia and the ontologies of Wikidata, with a specific…

The implications of handwritten text recognition for accessing the past at scale

Joseph Nockels, Paul Gooding, Melissa Terras

This paper focuses on image-to-text manuscript processing through Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR), a Machine Learning (ML) approach enabled by Artificial Intelligence (AI)…


Critical open access literacy as a strategy to confront the challenges in scholarly communication

Dijana Šobota

The paper seeks to introduce the “critical open access literacy” construct as a holistic approach to confront the challenges in open access (OA) as a dimension of scholarly…


When words are key: negotiating meaning in information research

Bonnie J. Tulloch, Michelle Kaczmarek, Saguna Shankar, Lisa P. Nathan

This project set out to explore information scholars’ perceptions of the influence of their keyword selections and the implications of their linguistic choices on possibilities…

Social infrastructuring in public libraries: librarians' continuous care in everyday library practice

Johanna Rivano Eckerdal, Lisa Engström, Alexa Färber, Marion Hamm, Jamea Kofi, Friederike Landau-Donnelly, Rianne van Melik

As social infrastructures, public libraries are increasingly recognised as providing more than access to books and information; librarians’ work is importantly centred around…

Drag story hour at public libraries: the reading child and the construction of fear and othering in Swedish cultural policy debate

Lisa Engström, Hanna Carlsson, Fredrik Hanell

The purpose of the paper is to produce new knowledge about the positions that public libraries both take and are given in the conflicts over politics and identity that play out in…

Mitigating the infodemic of the pandemic: hospital librarians’ enactment and development of information resilience in healthcare organisations

Sara Ahlryd, Fredrik Hanell

The challenges to healthcare caused by the COVID-19 pandemic forced hospital librarians to develop their abilities to cope with change and crises, both on a social level and an…

Information science in the German Democratic Republic

Wolfgang G. Stock

The article aims to give an overview of the history and the achieved status of information science in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) with an emphasis on the organisation of…

Data stewardship: case studies from North American, Dutch and Finnish universities

Antti Mikael Rousi, Reid Isaac Boehm, Yan Wang

As national legislation, federated national services, institutional policies and institutional research service arrangements may differ, data stewardship programs may be organized…

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  • Prof David Bawden