Journal of Documentation: Volume 55 Issue 3


Table of contents

Models in information behaviour research

T.D. Wilson

This paper presents an outline of models of information seeking and other aspects of information behaviour, showing the relationship between communication and information…


Building and maintaining a numeric data collection

William H. Walters

This paper describes a set of collection development strategies for use in the identification, evaluation and selection of numeric data resources. It addresses three primary…


ISO standards for the presentation of scientific periodicals: little known and little used by Spanish biomedical journals

Emilio Delgado López‐cózar

Compliance with international standards for the presentation of periodical publications was evaluated in 221 Spanish biomedical journals. The objectives of the study were to…

Building a list of journals with constructed impact factors

Johannes Stegmann

This communication describes the building of a list of constructed impact factors (CIF) for biomedical journals not included in the 1996 editions of the Journal Citation Reports…


Symbols and formulas for a few bibliometric concepts

B.K. Sen

Symbols for concepts like ‘half life’, ‘impact factor’, ‘normalised impact factor’ and ‘immediacy index’ are proposed and formulas for the determination of their values are…

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  • Prof David Bawden