Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 30 Issue 7


An International Journal

Table of contents

Wet or Dry?

FROM time to time controversies arise as to the respective merits of two, or possibly more, solutions of a certain technical problem. These rage fiercely for a few years and then…

The Case for Pneumatics An Examination of the Possibilities of High and Low Pressure Systems

J. Wotton

THE outstanding difference in using a gas as compared with a liquid as a means of transmitting power is the high degree of compressibility which can be achieved in the one and its…


Tensor Analysis of Finite Rotations: Applications to Aircraft Manoeuvres, Variable Sweep Wings, Retractable Undercarriages

E.H. Bateman

PART III The Motion of a Retractable Undercarriage THE methods developed in Part I, to describe the motion of a body moving on a fixed axis, enable the direction of the axis and…

A Matric Formulation of Linearly Coupled Vibration Problems: A Method Enabling the Engineer Rapidly to set up Vibration Problems

Hugh L. Cox

A LARGE class of aircraft and missile structural vibration problems, and also dynamics problems associated with missile test stands and launch equipment, may be represented…

Dilution of Cryogenic Liquid. Rocket Propellants during Pressurized Transfer: Conditions Affecting the Dilution of Liquid Oxygen with Nitrogen and Ways of Preventing it

S. Greenfield

IN the testing of rocket engines and engine components, such as thrust chambers and gas generators, the rocket engineer is regularly faced with the job of transferring cryogenic…

The Library Shelf

This book, published under the authority of the Royal Aeronautical Society, contains abundant information on all aspects of current landing gear design. In collecting this…

Research Reports and Memoranda

Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States…

Trade Announcements

Aero Research Ltd., Duxford, Cambridge, have announced that the name of the Company is to be changed to CIBA (A.R.L.) Ltd. Aero Research was formed in 1934 to pioneer research…

New Materials

Foamoprene is the trade name given to a type of polyurethane foam manufactured by Kay Brothers Plastics, Marple, Stockport, Cheshire. With a k value of 0028 the material is a good…

Tools for the Workshop

The instrument shown in FIG. 1 has been designed for the accurate projection of the leading edges of scale prototype aerofoils in Research Establishments. It provides an accurate…

Month in the Patent Office

A ram jet has a casing 1 formed as a body of revolution containing two annular burners 2. The casing, the diametral section of which is a supersonic aerofoil, may constitute the…

U.S. Patent Specifications

A fluid‐directing blade for turbomachincs and the like, said blade having fluid‐directing faces and comprising a number of physically united laminae each having extension in the…

Cover of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology



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  • Prof Phil Webb