Advances in Taxation: Volume 31

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Table of contents

(9 chapters)

We examine why Cash ETRs of US domestic firms have decreased over time. Using samples from two periods – an early period (1994–1998) and a late period (2011–2015) – we regress Cash ETRs in each period on a set of explanatory variables, and allow coefficients to differ across time periods. We find that, when coefficients are allowed to differ, there is no longer a decline in the unexplained portion of Cash ETR across the two periods, and that the previously observed decline is associated with a change in the relation between firm size and Cash ETR between the two periods. Further analysis suggests that the coefficient on firm size has been declining over the past 20 years, and that controlling for this time trend alone is sufficient to explain the declining trend in Cash ETRs for domestic firms.


This study examines whether US effective tax rates on foreign income of US multinationals (MNCs) vary according to the favorability of US macroeconomic conditions relative to those of non-US countries. We use the pre-Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 regime as our setting and present evidence that US effective tax rates on foreign earnings are higher (lower) in periods when macroeconomic conditions in the US are favorable (unfavorable) relative to those elsewhere in the world. These results imply that firms seek to maximize after-tax returns when making asset allocation decisions, even when faced with US repatriation tax costs. We provide further evidence indicating that our primary results vary predictably according to certain firm characteristics, namely the ability to acquire funds for investment through less expensive means than repatriation of foreign profits, high intangible asset intensity, and tax aggressiveness. Finally, we show that economic uncertainty in the US counters the positive effects of favorable US macroeconomic conditions on US effective tax rates on foreign earnings. Our findings have implications for the policy debate around the US taxation of foreign earnings and provide a (partial) explanation for the observed lower-than-expected levels of repatriation activity following the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.


This study explores the relationship between firm value and conforming tax avoidance (tax avoidance that does not create a book-tax difference). Tax avoidance provides firms with more cash and creates value. However, conforming tax avoidance has costs, such as lower book income, and these costs potentially lower firm value. As such, it is unclear whether conforming tax avoidance is positively or negatively correlated with firm value. We use a measure of conforming tax avoidance that was recently introduced in the literature, and bifurcate tax avoidance into conforming and nonconforming portions using a large sample. We present evidence that investors place a negative value on conforming tax avoidance for the average firm. We also examine the top quartile based on the measure of conforming tax avoidance and find a positive correlation between firm value and conforming tax avoidance for this subsample.


In this study, we examine the impact of audit protection services on individual taxpayer decision making. Audit protection services provide additional support for taxpayers in the event of an audit including preparation and representation. While these services could provide taxpayers with additional confidence, such services could also foster greater reliance on tax software, possibly resulting in riskier tax decisions. Drawing on risk homeostasis theory, we investigate two factors that could affect taxpayer reliance: the amount of taxes owed and the extent of audit protection services. Our results indicate that taxpayers are more likely to rely on tax software prompts when there are full audit protection services and a greater amount of taxes owed. Further, we find that the provision of full audit protection services reduces the likelihood that taxpayers change their tax reporting behavior. Collectively, we provide evidence on taxpayer interactions with tax software.


We examine experimentally the extent to which three potential tax authority interventions encourage the reporting of tax fraud to tax authorities and how two types of guilt feelings are involved in this decision. Using a sample of 728 adult taxpayers in the United States, we find that a cash award, a prosocial award and a moral suasion message positively influence whistleblowing intentions and that the moral suasion effect is mediated by intrapsychic guilt (when an individual violates their moral values) and interpersonal guilt (when one's actions cause harm to another). The combination of a cash award and moral suasion message results in the greatest likelihood of tax whistleblowing. Our research contributes to the tax whistleblowing literature by providing evidence of the efficacy of potential interventions and also extends literature on the role of moral emotions by showing the relevance of intrapsychic and interpersonal guilt to the tax fraud reporting decision.


This chapter proposes that tax education, proxied by Master of Science in Taxation (MST) degree, has substantial influence on chief financial officers’ (CFOs) knowledge, skill sets, values, and cognitive preferences and further influences their decisions in tax reporting. By empirically examining the relation between CFOs with MST degree and their companies' tax compliance based on US data between 2004 and 2016, we find that CFOs with MST degree are associated with improved tax compliance, suggesting that US MST education, beyond general accounting education, cultivates graduates with higher levels of professionalism and ethics in the field of taxation. Moreover, we find that CFOs' tenure, age, and compensation influence the relation between tax education and tax compliance, suggesting company's compensation and employee policies influence executives' tax decisions. Finally, we find that pressures from financial reporting and CEOs with accounting educational background could alleviate the role of CFOs with accounting educational background in tax reporting, while institutional owners could strengthen the role of CFOs. This chapter provides evidence regarding the social implication of MST program and has important managerial implication to tax compliance, executive recruitment, and corporate governance.


Local governments use taxes on future increases in property values to pay for current economic development through tax incremental financing (TIF). TIF is a powerful tax tool used to spur improvements to a designated area. Proponents of TIF argue that it allows local governments to make investments without affecting previously established government and school district programs. Detractors argue that because the TIF designation denies existing overlapping districts (e.g., schools) the benefits of increases in property values, TIF can have a negative impact on a community. Empirical evidence on the economic and fiscal effects of TIF is mixed. This paper describes the potential costs and benefits associated with the use of TIF and then summarizes prior research on outcomes associated with this widely used property tax program.


This report and reflective note provides details and analyzes the tax scholarship published in Advances in Taxation over the ten-year period from 2014 to 2023 including authorship, themes, research methods adopted, and impact of the underlying scholarship. I conclude with some thoughts on future directions for the journal.

Cover of Advances in Taxation
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Book series
Advances in Taxation
Series copyright holder
Emerald Publishing Limited
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