Meditari Accountancy Research

Issue(s) available: 60 – From Volume: 20 Issue: 1, to Volume: 32 Issue: 7


Cover of Meditari Accountancy Research
Volume 32
  • Issue 7 2024 Open Access Issue in Progress
  • Issue 5 2024 Accounting as technical, social and moral practice for shaping a better world
  • Issue 4 2024
  • Issue 3 2024
  • Issue 2 2024
  • Issue 1 2024 Accounting in and by the Extractive Industries
Volume 31
  • Issue 7 2023 Open Access Issue
  • Issue 6 2023
  • Issue 5 2023
  • Issue 4 2023
  • Issue 3 2023
  • Issue 2 2023
  • Issue 1 2023 COVID-19 and accounting: Threats to, and opportunities for, accounting education, research and publication, and innovation in professional practice
Volume 30
  • Issue 7 2022 Open Access Issue
  • Issue 6 2022
  • Issue 5 2022
  • Issue 4 2022 The Influence of Digital Transformation on Performance Management: Outlining a New Research Agenda
  • Issue 3 2022 Non-financial and Integrated Reporting, Governance and Value Creation
  • Issue 2 2022
  • Issue 1 2022
Volume 29
  • Issue 7 2021 Open Access Issue
  • Issue 6 2021
  • Issue 5 2021 Smart Technologies and the Accounting Environment: Charting the new challenges
  • Issue 4 2021 Exploring Integrated Thinking in action: theoretical interpretations and evidence from the field
  • Issue 3 2021 New challenges in sustainability reporting
  • Issue 2 2021 Creating Value through Accounting for Non-financial matters
  • Issue 1 2021
Volume 28
Volume 27
  • Issue 6 2019
  • Issue 5 2019 The disruptive and transformative potential of new technologies for Accounting, Accountants and Accountability
  • Issue 4 2019 Sustainability accounting, accountability and reporting in the public sector
  • Issue 3 2019
  • Issue 2 2019
  • Issue 1 2019
Volume 26
Volume 25
Volume 24
  • Issue 4 2016
  • Issue 3 2016 Teaching and learning
  • Issue 2 2016 Gender (in) Accounting: Insights, Gaps and an Agenda for Future Research
  • Issue 1 2016
Volume 23
Volume 22
Volume 21
Volume 20



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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof Charl de Villiers
  • Warren Maroun