Special issue on the sustainable agenda and energy efficiency: logistics solutions and supply chains in times of climate change

Supply Chain Management

ISSN: 1359-8546

Article publication date: 23 January 2009



(2009), "Special issue on the sustainable agenda and energy efficiency: logistics solutions and supply chains in times of climate change", Supply Chain Management, Vol. 14 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/scm.2009.17714aaa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Special issue on the sustainable agenda and energy efficiency: logistics solutions and supply chains in times of climate change

Article Type: Call for papers From: Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 14, Issue 1

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Contemporary logistics solutions and supply chain designs have been developed in an industrial context where sustainability of the natural environment and efficiency of the use of energy appear as part of traditional performance measures, for example costs and quality. Fuel price, for example, is internalized in ``transportation costs''. Acquisition of natural resources and the effects of their use are similarly often treated as ``costs'' and ``quality'' of materials. Today, companies face the challenge of addressing the sustainability of natural environment and energy efficiency in the logistics flow across the supply chain; not only from sourcing to production and delivery, but also into the stage of consumption where consumers use and later dispose of products. Not only is the need to revisit logistics performance stimulated by the importance of environmental concerns or rising oil prices but also immense pressure of regulation from both governmental bodies (e.g. EU legislation) and social regulation by the media requires that these issues are dealt with in a more distinct manner than hitherto.

This raises a number of questions. Provided that theoretical models and approaches in logistics reflect the industrial context in which they are generated, would it not be fair to say that business solutions considering sudden emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency would need a shift in the theoretical mindset? Are current theory and solutions in logistics and supply chain management suitable to address the current challenge of sustainability and energy efficiency? Are the time-based distribution strategies with small-size shipment deliveries at flexible dates still environmentally and economically sustainable? And what about global sourcing – is the next step local sourcing? Perhaps theoretical approaches and practices need to change? Or, more radically, are current theory and practice the root causes of the problem, not (only) a key to the solution?

The objective of this special issue is to facilitate a critical but constructive discussion of the role logistics management plays in moving and storing goods through international supply chains in a manner that can be regarded as sustainable in both economic and environmental terms. We encourage authors to submit manuscripts related to sustainability and energy efficiency in the context of logistics and supply chain management. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Green logistics

  • Comparison of alternative distribution strategies with regards to use of environmental resources and/or energy efficiency

  • Critical review of current theory and approaches in logistics and supply chain in the context of sustainability and energy efficiency

  • Critical review of global logistics in the light of sustainability and energy efficiency

  • Studies of impact of climate change and energy prices on logistics performance

  • Supply chain design in the context of climate change and high energy prices

  • Positioning of logistics management and sustainability relative to the discourse of sustainability in other management disciplines

  • Environmental issues and/or fuel efficiency in freight transport and distribution

  • Empirical applications of solutions that consider climate change and energy efficiency

  • Analysis that identifies strengths and weaknesses in current theory and/or practice

  • Future directions for sustainability and energy efficiency in the design of logistics solutions

  • Climate change and scarcity of natural resources

  • Environmental regulation in logistics

  • Corporate responsibility

  • Process and product design that have implications for usage of natural resources in the supply chain

  • Interorganisational collaboration in designing and implementing the sustainable agenda into supply chains

  • Product recalls (voluntary and non-voluntary).

In preparation of their manuscripts, authors are asked to follow the Author Guidelines of the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management closely.

Submission deadline: 31 March 2009

Guest Editors

Dr Árni Halldórsson, School of Management, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, E-mail: arni@soton.ac.uk

Dr Gyöngyi Kovács, Supply Chain Management and Corporate Geography, Hanken School of Economics, E-mail: kovacs@hanken.fi

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