Can diabetes be reversed?

Nutrition & Food Science

ISSN: 0034-6659

Article publication date: 18 September 2007



(2007), "Can diabetes be reversed?", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 37 No. 5.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Can diabetes be reversed?

Can diabetes be reversed?

Breakthrough revealed during National Diabetes Week (10-16 June)

Is diabetes reversible The mainstream opinion and one supported by Diabetes UK is that there is no way of reversing diabetes, a condition that affects over 2,000,000 people in the UK during National Diabetes Week (10-16th June), however, nutrition expert Patrick Holford has demonstrated that this illness is in fact reversible using a low GL diet, in combination with a mineral supplement and the spice cinnamon.

Renowned diabetes expert Dr Fedon Lindberg, from Norway, has reported complete reversal of adult-onset type 2 diabetes, even amonge patients injecting insulin, using this radical approach. A balanced low GL diet, coupled with a healthy lifestyle can not only achieve normal blood pressure, cholesterol and fat levels, but can also achieve non-diabetic sugar levels without the need for medication therefore "reversing" the disease, and has challenged the Norwegian Diabetes Association to change their advice.

A recent issue of the British Medical Journal stated that taking prescription drugs to prevent diabetes cannot be justified, favouring a diet and lifestyle approach. By 2010, one in six people over 40 years are expected to have diabetes, at a cost of 10 per cent of the UK's national health budget. With close to £1 billion spent on diabetes drugs per year, this inexpensive, natural approach may help save a lot of lives and money.

  • Diabetes? Are you at risk?

  • Are you rarely wide awake within 15min of rising?

  • Do you need tea, coffee, a cigarette or something sweet to get you going in the morning?

  • Do you crave chocolate, sweet foods, bread, cereal or pasta?

  • Do you often have energy slumps during the day or after meals?

  • Do you crave something sweet or a stimulant after meals?

  • Do you often have mood swings or difficulty concentrating?

  • Do you get dizzy or irritable if you go six hours without food?

  • Do you find you over-react to stress?

  • Is your energy now less than it used to be?

  • Do you feel too tired to exercise?

  • Are you gaining weight, and finding it hard to lose, even though you're not noticeably eating more or exercising less?

  • Do you get very thirsty and pee a lot especially at night?

  • Do you get blurred vision?

If you experience many of these symptoms check your blood sugar levels. You are likely to have insulin resistance and benefit from a low GL diet, with chromium and cinnamon.

For more information see

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