
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

ISSN: 1467-6370

Article publication date: 13 July 2010



(2010), "Diary", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 11 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijshe.2010.24911cac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Diary From: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Volume 11, Issue 3

Training “Easy-Eco Training on Sustainability Assessment in a Transboundary Context”

14-18 June 2010, Tallinn, Estonia

Applications for the next training course within the EASY-ECO series of events (European Conferences and Training Courses on Evaluation of Sustainability) are now open. The training focuses on the theory and practice of evaluation of sustainable development, with a special focus on sustainability assessment in a transboundary context. The training is intended for young researchers and practitioners active in evaluation research or sustainable development.

EU grants are available for young researchers (with less than ten years research experience) to cover all costs (travel expenses, training fees, accommodation and living allowance). Details on the content and organization of this training and other upcoming events as well as on the application procedure can be available at: www.easy-eco.eu

Global Ecohealth Challenges Conference

18-20 August 2010, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK

This three-day conference, the third biennial conference of the International Association for Ecology and Health, aims to bring together academic institutions, government bodies and civil society groups to discuss jointly the major challenges facing people, wildlife and ecosystems internationally in 2010 and the future. A major emphasis will be placed on the perspectives of peoples most vulnerable to the harms of ecosystem destruction, including indigenous peoples, women, and young people.

There will be three themed days, with each day starting with a panel of keynote speakers brought from academia, policy makers, and civil society. The three main themes for the conference are: urban ecohealth; biodiversity and ecohealth; and, sustainability and future priorities for ecohealth. Further details are available at: www.ecohealth2010.org/

Environment and Health in Science Education Conference

18-21 August 2010, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Environment and health have always been important learning areas in science education and are gradually becoming more important. These are highly relevant sustainable development discourses, but have often been neglected in science education research. There is a need to better understand how learners interact with complex issues, what perceptions they have of concepts relating to environment and health, how they deal with controversial perspectives in these fields, what images they have of sciences in this context, and how and why these images have emerged.

The conference will offer keynote presentations by researchers who are prominent in the field, as well as a broad variety of workshops, where both advanced and young researchers present their research studies for in-depth discussions. Further details are available at: www.igb.uzh.ch/lehrstuehle/lehrstuhlkyburz/International-Conference.html

GIRA Global Conference “Corporate Governance, Innovation, Social and Environmental Responsibility”

9-10 September 2010, ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal

The GIRA conference will take place in Lisbon on 9 and 10 September 2010, with the purpose of addressing the global challenges and adequacy of managerial goals in the pursuit of long-term corporate sustainability.

The ultimate goal of the conference shall be to encourage the mobilisation of corporate leaders in setting the agenda in the creation of new perspectives and strategies on corporate governance, social responsibility and the environment. Further details are available at: www.giraconference.com

Joint International Conference on “Innovations for Renewable Energy: How Science can help”

20-23 September 2010, Hanoi University of Science (HUS), Hanoi, Vietnam

The Joint International Conference on “Innovations for Renewable Energy: How Science Can Help” (IRE) that combines the Symposium “Innovations for Environmental Actions” and the “7th SEE Forum” Meeting will be held at HUS, Vietnam on 20-23 September 2010. The SEE Forum is an Asia-Pacific academic, scientific and technological network that brings forward the dialogue on global issues of common concern. The overall goal of the SEE Forum is to promote “New Energy Initiatives” and to seek academic, scientific and technological cooperation that will contribute to the global climate and energy security issues. Further details can be seen at: www.seeforum.net

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