An approach to management training: stage three a WELLENS‐ICT feature
the problem of where and how to start In my first two articles I have made the point that the management trainer has to provide learning experiences in several distinct fields. I identified four such fields. One field I referred to as the KNOWLEDGE module and this knowledge related largely to management techniques and systems although some elements of management principle might be included. Then I identified an EXPERIENCE module or OPPORTUNITY TO APPLY IN PRACTICE module; this requires a different type of learning experience. After this came the third area which concerns the development of advanced MENTAL SKILLS such as decision‐making and problem‐solving. Then I treated that aspect of management which involves MANAGING THE HUMAN RESOURCE.
(1970), "An approach to management training: stage three a WELLENS‐ICT feature", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 2 No. 6, pp. 256-261.
Copyright © 1970, MCB UP Limited