
Circuit World

ISSN: 0305-6120

Article publication date: 1 March 2005



Goosey, M. (2005), "Editorial", Circuit World, Vol. 31 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/cw.2005.21731aaa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Following on from the last “extra large” themed issue of Circuit World which focussed on substrate technology, this one reverts to the more typical size and format with a wide range of papers covering diverse topics from the world of circuitry and interconnection. There is a paper from Mark Tardibuono of the laminate company Isola on the interesting topic of PCB plated through hole reliability characterisation using statistical analysis, whilst the newly emerging field of commercial digital technology for PCB applications is introduced by Hans Fritz of SAT in Germany. Complementing these two papers are papers from the process materials supply companies Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials and MacDermid. The Rohm and Haas paper by Percy Chinoy et al. gives a nicely timed update to earlier work that was reported last year in volume 30-1, the special issue dedicated to Embedded Passives Technology. In contrast, the paper from MacDermid discusses the development and properties of an immersion tin process – the type of PCB finish that has been around for some time but which is predicted to become increasingly important in coming years as the electronics industry embraces lead-free technology. The final paper of this issue represents something of a departure from the more typical type of technical paper published here and I am pleased to have had the opportunity to be able to include a very interesting paper from Kirstie Petherbridge, Peter Evans and David Harrison of Brunel University which details the history and evolution of the PCB manufacturing processes.

Readers will also have noticed that, in recent issues, there has been a marked increase in the size of the rear section of the journal, where we bring you reviews of conferences, meetings and other topics of a more general circuit related nature. This increase in both material and coverage has been deliberate and in no small measure due to the sterling efforts of our associate editor, John Ling, who has taken the task to heart and really set out to enhance the content of this section. As always, I am pleased to receive comments and feedback from readers about the journal. I can be contacted at mgoosey@rohmhaas.com

Martin GooseyMay 2004

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