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Feeling compassion and responsible but not starting a social venture: role of empathy and moral obligation in social entrepreneurial intention

Minhajul Islam Ukil (Department of Management and Marketing, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)
Abdullah Almashayekhi (Department of Management and Marketing, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)
Muhammad Shariat Ullah (Department of Organization Strategy and Leadership, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Society and Business Review

ISSN: 1746-5680

Article publication date: 25 April 2023

Issue publication date: 10 January 2024




While compassionate and morally motivated people are theorised to be more likely to engage in activities that contribute to the social good, the literature provides contradictory evidence regarding the role of empathy and moral obligation in building social entrepreneurial intention (SEI). This study aims to clarify how empathy and moral obligation influence SEI.


The authors used survey data (n = 307) from Bangladesh, a frontier economy, to test the hypothesised relationships between empathy, moral obligation and SEI by applying partial least square–structural equation modelling in Smart PLS 3. They then conducted a second study with a larger sample (n = 339) from Saudi Arabia, an emerging economy, to further investigate how the findings withstand in a different socio-economic context.


The findings contradicted extant conceptualisations and revealed that empathy and moral obligation influence SEI indirectly through other individual and contextual factors, such as social entrepreneurial self-efficacy and perceived social support. The findings indicate that a person with a feeling of compassion and moral responsibility to help others will not start a social venture unless they feel capable and supported to start and run the venture.


The study contributes to a contentious area of research in SEI by demonstrating the links between various individual-level (empathy, moral obligation and social entrepreneurial self-efficacy) and contextual-level (perceived social support) variables and their relationship with SEI.



Funding: This work was supported by the Deanship of Research Oversight and Coordination (DROC) at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) under Grant number SR211005.

Declaration of interest statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Ukil, M.I., Almashayekhi, A. and Ullah, M.S. (2024), "Feeling compassion and responsible but not starting a social venture: role of empathy and moral obligation in social entrepreneurial intention", Society and Business Review, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 132-154.



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