
Reimagining Public Sector Management

ISBN: 978-1-80262-022-1, eISBN: 978-1-80262-021-4

ISSN: 2045-7944

Publication date: 18 November 2022

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(2022), "Index", Diamond, J. and Liddle, J. (Ed.) Reimagining Public Sector Management (Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management, Vol. 7), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 185-191.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 John Diamond and Joyce Liddle. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Accident and Emergency units (A&E units)
, 148

, 95–96

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
, 161–162

Aggressive internal reforms
, 114

Agonistic pluralism
, 140

and deliberative democracy
, 145–146

Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)
, 21

Ambulance services
, 140

agonistic pluralism and deliberative democracy
, 145–146

ambulance staff wellbeing
, 149–150

communicative rationality
, 143

context and challenges facing English ambulance services
, 141–143

criticisms of deliberative democracy
, 144–145

current regime
, 148–149

deliberative democracy
, 143–144

effects of COVID-19 pandemic
, 147

management and policy implications
, 147–148

paramedic roles, performance indicators and ambulance service
, 148–149

participation and deliberation
, 150–151

performance management
, 151

previous performance management regime
, 148

wellbeing of ambulance staff
, 146–148

Ambulance staff wellbeing
, 149–150

Anchor institutions
, 71

, 19

Artificial intelligence
, 124

Asian Financial Crisis (AFC)
, 19

Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE)
, 147

, 88

Austerity funding models
, 114

Backlash against bureaucracy
, 17

, 84–85, 91–92

Big data
, 124

Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic community (BAME community)
, 126

, 17

, 84

Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES)
, 71

Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIFPA)
, 124–125

City-regional green new deal
, 92–93

City-regional municipalism
, 91–96

Clever Tendering
, 75–77

business capability model
, 76

Climate change and COVID-19 pandemic (2Cs)
, 16

Co-creation of value
, 171

, 170–171

, 33–34

affective states
, 47–48

being relational
, 42–43

building relationships
, 38–39

challenge of
, 34–36

collaborating relationally
, 41–42

common trends
, 33

, 36–37

, 40–45

four-principle approach
, 40–41

meaningful dialogue
, 44–45

privileging relational
, 45–47

public leadership and reform in Scotland
, 32–33

, 39

support and trust
, 43

trust and power
, 48–49

Collaborative assessment
, 151

Combined Authority (CA)
, 60–62, 73

Communicative rationality
, 143

Community Benefit Societies (BenComs)
, 93–94

Community hubs
, 93–94

Community wealth building (CWB)
, 71, 73

SME tendering capabilities needed to accelerate
, 75

SMEs as local suppliers for
, 74–75

Community wealth building
, 8–9

Community-led low-traffic neighbourhoods
, 95

Competitive tendering
, 75

Contemporary public administration
, 17

Contemporary public management in context
, 104–105

Continuous professional development (CPD)
, 173

Corporate neoliberalism
, 71

, 104

COVID-19 pandemic
, 2, 16, 23, 104, 114, 124, 141

effects on ambulance services
, 147

Criminal justice system
, 158

, 16

democracy in
, 20

of legitimacy
, 4

, 2

of political and social trust
, 21

Cross-boundary collaboration
, 40–41

Dark side of resilience
, 118–119

, 148–149

Data analytics
, 124

in public sector auditing
, 128–129

Data portals
, 124

‘Decomposition’ of civil society
, 87

Degree holder entry programme (DHEP)
, 172–173

, 150–151

Deliberative democracy
, 140, 143–144

agonistic pluralism and
, 145–146

criticisms of
, 144–145

, 95–96

decline in social trust and setback in
, 20

, 88

, 73, 124

‘Dual power’ concept
, 6

Economist Intelligence Unit
, 20

Education Investment Areas
, 85–86

Elected mayors
, 61

Emergency management
, 2

Emergency Operations Centres (EOC)
, 147

Emergent working
, 41

Employee resilience
, 114

and PSM
, 117–120

English ambulance services

challenges facing service
, 141–142

context and challenges facing
, 141–143

English emergency ambulance service
, 141

new public management and new public governance
, 142–143

English emergency ambulance service
, 141

, 19

, 65

Envisioning administration
, 17

European Commission
, 124

Evergreen Cooperative Initiative
, 59

Extracting, Transforming, Loading process (ETL process)
, 125–126

Fair employment
, 72

Financial power work for place
, 72

Five Star Movement (M5S)
, 21

Four-principle approach
, 40–41

emergent working
, 41

framework for enhancing collaboration
, 40–41

inquiry-led approach
, 41

relational approach
, 41

system-focused approach
, 41

Gig economy
, 90

Global Democracy Index
, 20

Global financial crisis (GFC)
, 3, 19

Global geopolitics
, 21–24

Global pandemic
, 21–24

, 73

Governance capacity
, 16

Governance legitimacy
, 16

Government austerity savings
, 104

Greater Manchester Combined Authority City Region (GMCA City Region)
, 76

Greater Manchester ecosystem for SME tendering capability support
, 77–78

Green Economy
, 59

Green New Deal (GND)
, 92

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 73

Group process
, 33

Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 104

, 94

Ideal speech situation
, 144

IMPACT cycle
, 125–126

Inclusive Growth
, 71–72

Inclusive local economy

case and method
, 75

community wealth building
, 71–73

findings of Greater Manchester ecosystem for SME tendering capability support
, 77–78

GMCA City Region
, 76

Greater Manchester Map
, 77

inclusive procurement
, 73–77

, 76–77

policy recommendations
, 79–81

public procurement, anchor institutions and SMEs
, 71

SMEs as local suppliers for CWB
, 74–75

Inclusive procurement
, 72–73, 77

Individual employees
, 115

Information technology (IT)
, 124

Inquiry-led approach
, 41

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 23

Keynesian public sector
, 84

Labour markets
, 72

, 94

, 32–33

Liberal democracy
, 4

Liverpool City Council
, 95

Liverpool City Region (LCR)
, 85, 91

Local agency
, 89–91

Local Area Research + Intelligence Association (LARIA)
, 124–125

Local economic renewal
, 84

Local government
, 84

, 85–91

Local Government Act
, 61–62

, 8–9

Low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs)
, 95

Lucas Plan methodology
, 93

Macro-economic policy
, 4

Municipally-owned corporations (MOCs)
, 62

National Health Service (NHS)
, 141

National Performance Framework (NPF)
, 32

National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS)
, 74–75

National Referral Mechanism (NRM)
, 166

Nationalist exceptionalism
, 84

Neo-Fascist tendency
, 21

Neoliberal economy
, 92

Neoliberal ideology
, 18

, 4–5, 19

rise and fall of
, 19–20

‘Neutral’ instrumentalities
, 16

New Labour administrations
, 86–87

New local public leadership
, 179–181

New municipalism
, 7–9, 89, 91

New Public Administration (NPA)
, 17–18

New public enterprise (NPE)
, 8–9, 58–59

empirical examples of
, 60–63

, 62–63

theoretical implications
, 63–64

from UK
, 60–62

New Public Governance (NPG)
, 20, 140–143

New Public Management (NPM)
, 16–20, 63–64, 85–86, 140–143

Newcomb-Benford Law
, 128

Non-government organisations (NGOs)
, 161

Open government data

conceptual orientation
, 125–126

data analytics in public sector auditing
, 128–129

, 126–132

payroll data from state universities in Florida
, 127–128

simple regression
, 129–132

students to open government data portals to identifying potential questions
, 126–127

utilisation of
, 124–125

Open markets
, 73

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 124

Organisational resilience
, 115

Oriental authoritarianism
, 22

, 71

Paradigm shift in public leadership
, 182–183

Paramedic roles and ambulance service
, 148–149

, 150–151

Participatory Budgeting (PB)
, 150

, 104

developing pedagogy for renewed PSE
, 107–109

Peelian principle
, 158–159

Performance indicators and ambulance service
, 148–149

Performance management
, 140, 151

Performance management regime
, 141, 148

Personal crises
, 159

Personality trait
, 115–116

Plural ownership of local economy
, 72

Police constable degree apprenticeships (PCDA)
, 172–173

Police education qualifications framework (PEQF)
, 172–173

Police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL)
, 172

Police management
, 158

Police organisations
, 158

, 158, 172

, 161, 163, 170

Policing, Health and Social Care consensus (PHSCC)
, 164

Policing Vision 2025
, 172–173

, 104

and PSE
, 105–106

Politics of fear
, 21

, 21

Post pandemic renewal
, 91–96

, 84

Post-COVID-19 era
, 17

, 17

, 17

Post-modern Public Administration
, 18

, 17

Post-pandemic renewal

city-regional green new deal
, 92–93

democracy and accountability
, 95–96

hollowed out state
, 86–88

from hollowing out to filling in
, 88–89

land and housing
, 94

local government matters
, 85–91

‘Mondragon on the Mersey’
, 93–94

new municipalism and local agency
, 89–91

post pandemic renewal and City-Regional municipalism
, 91–96

socialising city region economy
, 92

universal services for City Region citizens
, 94–95

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
, 146

, 17

Power, trust and
, 48–49

, 146

‘Preston Model, The’
, 71

, 71

of public services
, 87

, 17–18

Professional policing
, 172–173

, 158–159

Public administration
, 33–34, 108

decline in social trust and setback in democracy
, 20

global geopolitics and global pandemic
, 21–24

and management
, 16

past trajectory of
, 17–18

reconceptualizing state and governance
, 24–26

rise and fall of neoliberalism
, 19–20

rise of politics of fear and populism
, 21

turning points
, 19–21

Public bureaucracy
, 86

Public enterprise
, 59

Public Entrepreneurialism
, 8–9

Public expenditure
, 88

Public health approach
, 163–166

Public institutions
, 16

Public leadership

paradigm shift in
, 182–183

and reform in Scotland
, 32–33

Public management
, 105–106, 108

Public organisations
, 33–34

Public procurement
, 71, 73

Public sector
, 73–77

cross cutting questions for reimagined
, 9–10

data analytics in public sector auditing
, 128–129

, 84

organisations role in fostering resilience
, 119–120

Public service
, 17, 105, 161

Public service ethos (PSE)
, 103–104, 180–181

and contemporary public management in context
, 104–105

developing pedagogy for renewed
, 107–109

policy and
, 105–106

purpose and
, 106–107

role of universities and training
, 107–109

Public service motivation (PSM)
, 106, 114, 116–117

employee resilience and
, 117–120

underlying factors explaining relationship between resilience and
, 118–119

Public-private partnerships (PPPs)
, 85–86

, 16

Purpose and PSE
, 106–107

Rational choice theory
, 145

Relational approach
, 41

Relational trust
, 38

, 58–59, 62

Representative bureaucracy
, 17–18

Representative democracy
, 17

, 115–116, 140–141, 152, 168, 170

impact on public sector
, 114

public management and building
, 105–106

public service motivation
, 116–117

role of public sector organisations in fostering
, 119–120

unanswered questions regarding relationship between employee resilience and PSM
, 117–120

underlying factors explaining relationship between resilience and PSM
, 118–119

, 10, 158–159

risk assessment, safeguarding and identification of vulnerability
, 166–168

, 166–168

Scientific administration
, 17

Scotland, public leadership and reform in
, 32–33

Scottish National Party (SNP)
, 32

Semi-structured interviews
, 77

Service reforms and concept of risk
, 10

Setback in democracy
, 20

Shared Prosperity Fund
, 85–86

Simple regression
, 129–132

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs)
, 71, 74–75

as local suppliers for CWB
, 74–75

tendering capabilities needed to accelerate community wealth building
, 75

Social injustices
, 159

Social trust in democracy
, 20

Socialising city region economy
, 92

Socially productive land and assets
, 72

Staff wellbeing
, 146–147

State capacity
, 23

State-owned enterprise (SOE)
, 58, 62

Structural crises
, 159

Supervised approach
, 125–126

, 152

System-focused approach
, 41

, 17

, 73, 75, 77

Thatcherite revolution
, 87

Threat, Harm, Risk, Investigation Opportunities, Victim Vulnerability and Engagement Level process (“THRIVE” process)
, 167–168

Traditional model of public service delivery
, 150

Traditional public service
, 18

, 107–109

, 38

and power
, 48–49

support and
, 43

Unintended consequences of organizational strategies
, 117

Universal basic services (UBS)
, 94–95

Universal services for city region citizens
, 94–95

, 107–109

University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)
, 59

Unsupervised approach
, 125–126

US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
, 129–130

Value co-creation
, 170–171

Value-based motivations

Violence Prevention Alliance
, 164

Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE)
, 74–75, 77–78

, 158–160

meeting demands
, 172–173

policing and
, 161–163

risk assessment, safeguarding and identification of
, 166–168

Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF)
, 167

Weberian bureaucratic paradigm
, 17

, 140–141, 152

of ambulance staff
, 146–148

Western democracy
, 84

White Paper
, 85–86

Wicked issues
, 33