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Digitisation and Artificial Intelligence in Retailing Sector – Key Drivers

Suvarna Hiremath (KLE Technological University, Hubbali, Karnataka, India)
C. Prashantha (SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India)
Ansumalini Panda (KLE Technological University, Hubbali, Karnataka, India)
Gurubasavarya Hiremath (KLE Technological University, Hubbali, Karnataka, India)

Smart Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Performance Management in a Global Digitalised Economy

ISBN: 978-1-83753-417-3, eISBN: 978-1-83753-416-6

Publication date: 29 May 2023


Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) and digitisation offer substantial human potential and profit margins, making them promising retail solutions. Retail leaders have successfully integrated comprehensive uses into their daily operations, while competitors heavily invest in new projects. The Indian retail sector is undergoing a significant transformation, which can be attributed to factors such as growing income, demographic characteristics, and enhanced consumerism, as well as the rapid development of new technologies such as digitisation and AI, which is changing both consumers’ and retailers’ buying behaviour.

Purpose: This study aims to determine the influence of AI on elements that drive digitisation in the retailing sector, as well as the factors that lead to organised retailers adopting digitisation and its impact on their business.

Methodology: The study employs a standardised questionnaire distributed to organised stores via an online link, and the data are analysed with SmartPLS software 3.0.

Finding: The retail sector is driven by elements that promote digitalisation in food and groceries retailing, such as simplicity of operation, adoption of digital payment, quicker internet connection, retailer consumer interface, and the involvement of AI.

Research implication: AI has significant consequences for retailing, which serves as the interface between marketers and customers.

Theoretical implication: The study’s findings reflect the perspectives of retailers, store managers, and entrepreneurs on how digitalisation and AI are crucial for the creation and growth of long-term competitive advantages in retail.



Hiremath, S., Prashantha, C., Panda, A. and Hiremath, G. (2023), "Digitisation and Artificial Intelligence in Retailing Sector – Key Drivers", Tyagi, P., Grima, S., Sood, K., Balamurugan, B., Özen, E. and Eleftherios, T. (Ed.) Smart Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Performance Management in a Global Digitalised Economy (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Vol. 110B), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-232.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Suvarna Hiremath, Prashantha C., Ansumalini Panda and Gurubasavarya Hiremath