
The New Digital Era: Other Emerging Risks and Opportunities

ISBN: 978-1-80382-984-5, eISBN: 978-1-80382-983-8

ISSN: 1569-3759

Publication date: 16 September 2022

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(2022), "Index", Grima, S., Özen, E. and Boz, H. (Ed.) The New Digital Era: Other Emerging Risks and Opportunities (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Vol. 109B), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 177-183.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Simon Grima, Ercan Özen and Hakan Boz



Bigrams Treemap
, 43

three-word pairs network
, 47

Word Cloud
, 41

Activity restriction
, 59–60

Agent theory of financial inclusion
, 5

Annual growth rate
, 32

ANOVA analysis
, 83, 86, 88, 90, 93

Asian crisis (1997)
, 27


, 112–113

data quality
, 82

essence of financial reporting quality and
, 146–149

of structural model path coefficients and evaluation of model’s mediation
, 113

Authors network
, 45

Autocratic leadership
, 103

Average Variance Extracted value (AVE value)
, 77, 108

Balkan countries

descriptive statistics
, 84–85

differences between countries regarding cases of confirmed, deaths and recovered cases
, 86–92

estimated marginal means of confirmed cases
, 97

effect of observation date and country on confirmed, death and recovered cases
, 93–96

observation dates effect on confirmed, recovered, and death cases
, 85–86

research methodology
, 83

Bank income smoothing
, 130–131

, 135–136

COVID-19 impact on banking sector
, 130

graphical representation of data
, 132–135

, 131

related literature
, 130–131

research design
, 131–132

review of existing literature
, 130

, 129–130

univariate regression analyses
, 136–137

Bank regulators
, 57

Bank supervision
, 59–60

Banking crisis (2008)
, 28

, 133–134

Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS)
, 59

Behavioural economic research
, 73

Beta coefficient
, 85–86

Bibliometric analysis
, 29–49

Bigrams Treemap

, 43

, 42

Black Monday (1987)
, 27

, 115

Boolean operators
, 29

Bradford’s law
, 32, 37

, 26

, 28

Capital market volatility
, 23–25

crises impact on
, 28–29

exploring impact of crises on
, 29–49

Capital regulation
, 59–60

, 106

Central bank
, 6

independent from federal government
, 62–63, 65

Chi-square test analysis
, 72

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
, 61

Co-occurrence network
, 46–47

Coefficient of determination (R-Square)
, 108, 113–114

, 143

Collaboration index
, 32

Collinearity assessment
, 112–113

Competitive pay for executive talent
, 58–59

Composite Reliability (CR)
, 75

Conceptual structure
, 33

Conditional tax rebate, fiscal policies with
, 7–8

Congressional Research Service (CRS)
, 28

Construct reliability
, 107

, 22, 24

Convergent validity
, 107

Coronavirus (COVI D-19)
, 28, 74, 82, 129

, 135–136

, 25

, 83, 93–96

Covid infection
, 18

Credit unions
, 5

, 25

abstract three-word pairs network
, 48

abstract’s Bigrams Treemap
, 43

abstracts Word Cloud
, 41

authors and journals co-citation networks
, 49

authors and journals network
, 45

Bradford’s Law plot
, 37

co-occurrence network
, 46

country scientific production
, 39

crisis of Souk Al-Manakh Stock Exchange in Kuwait (1982)
, 27

data and methodology
, 29, 33–34

empirical results
, 34

exploring impact of crises on capital market volatilities
, 29

frequency distribution of scientific productivity
, 38

history of major crises over time
, 25–28

impact on capital market volatility
, 28–29

literature concerning relationship between crises and market volatility
, 30–31

most cited journals
, 36

Sankey Diagram of journals, authors and keywords
, 35

Title’s Bigrams Treemap
, 42

titles co-occurrence network
, 46

topic evolution over time
, 44

Word Cloud
, 40

Cronbach’s Alpha values (CA values)
, 75, 110

Cross Loadings
, 109, 112

, 29

Cyber entrepreneurial self-efficacy
, 102

Data quality assessment
, 82

Data visualization
, 82

De-risking financial system
, 9

Descriptive analysis
, 83

Descriptive techniques
, 83

Digital devices
, 5

Digital finance
, 4

, 29

Discriminant validity
, 107

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
, 27

Earnings before provisions and tax (EBTP)
, 132

co-movement between LLP and EBTP
, 133–135

trend in
, 132

Earnings management
, 129–131

Economic crises
, 25–26

Economic development
, 22

Economic paralysis
, 14

Economic policy
, 14

, 5

Economically viable solution
, 14

Effect size (F-Square)
, 108, 114–115

, 15

Entrepreneurial intent
, 73

Entrepreneurial leadership
, 104

Entrepreneurial passion
, 100–101, 102–103

entrepreneurial self-efficacy
, 105

, 104

, 125

Entrepreneurial self-efficacy
, 100, 101–102

entrepreneurial passion
, 105

, 105

measurement model evaluation
, 107–112

, 106

research methodology
, 105

, 107

, 124

selection of multivariate statistical technique
, 106–107

structural model assessment
, 112–115

study design
, 105–106

, 100

, 100, 101

, 102

, 102, 104, 144

Environmental pressure
, 8

, 145

, 108, 114–115

, 86

Female chair and female CEO in major financial institution
, 61–62


, 72

COVID-19 pandemic and
, 128

, 62

, 129

, 71

Finance Studies
, 51

Financial attitude
, 72–73

Financial behaviour
, 73

Financial crises
, 28, 128

Financial decisions
, 70

Financial education
, 4, 70

, 5

Financial inclusion
, 4

conditional low interest rates
, 6

de-risking financial system
, 9

inclusion–environment decoupling
, 8–9

literature review
, 5

policy options to achieve full financial inclusion
, 5

reduced taxes
, 7

reducing interest rate
, 5–6

ring-fence banking of poor
, 10

support fiscal policies with conditional tax rebate and tax exemptions
, 7–8

support monetary policies with social security payments
, 6–7

targeted government spending
, 7

Financial innovations
, 5

Financial institutions

female chair and female CEO in major
, 61–62

financial sector without limiting ability of
, 58–59

increase lending in bad times and during recessions
, 60–61

instilling strict financial regulation and supervision without limiting ability of
, 59–60

making in midst of hostile technological innovation and disruption
, 63–64

Financial intermediaries
, 72

Financial knowledge
, 73

Financial literacy (FL)
, 4, 70–71, 73

data description, experimental design, materials and methods
, 73–78

literature review
, 71–73

research purpose and scope
, 73

Financial regulation
, 56

breaking too-big-to-fail financial institutions into small insignificant parts
, 57–58

difficult issues and solutions
, 57

ensuring financial institutions increase lending in bad times and during recessions
, 60–61

female chair and female CEO in major financial institution
, 61–62

instilling light-touch regulation without creating incentives for excessive risk taking
, 64

instilling strict financial regulation and supervision
, 59–60

making Central banks independent from federal government
, 62–63

making financial institutions
, 63–64

regulating executive compensation in financial sector
, 58–59

Financial regulators
, 56

Financial reporting
, 142

essence of financial reporting quality and assessment
, 146–149

literature review
, 142–143

philosophy of quality
, 143–146

quality assessment
, 142, 146

research methodology
, 143

Financial services
, 5

Financial stability
, 4

Financial statements, quality of
, 142

Financial system, de-risking
, 9

, 4

Firm-specific factors
, 129–130

Fiscal policy approach
, 7

with conditional tax rebate and tax exemptions
, 7–8

5-point Likert-scale questionnaire
, 73

Formal financial services
, 4–5

Fornell and Larcker criteria
, 109, 112

Fortune 500 finance companies
, 61

, 28

Generation Y
, 72, 74

, 15

cases and mortality by country
, 17

land borders of
, 16

tourism industry economic development in
, 14

travelling to
, 18

, 142

Government documents
, 15

Graph theory
, 33

Graphical representation of data
, 132–135

Great Interwar Depression (1929–1933)
, 26–27

‘Green Country’
, 15

‘Heat wave’ hypothesis
, 25

Herding behaviour of investors
, 22, 24

History of major crises over time
, 25–28

, 133–134

HTMT criterion
, 109, 112

Inclusion–environment decoupling
, 8–9

Income smoothing
, 129–130

Individual reliability of indicator
, 107, 108

Infection pneumonia
, 82

Information flow
, 25

, 4

Intellectual structure
, 33

Interest rate

conditional low
, 6

, 5–6

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
, 148

International financial crisis caused by First World War (1914)
, 26

International tourism
, 15–18

Intrinsic investment behaviour variable
, 73

Investment behaviour (IB)
, 73

Investment decision
, 72

, 142

financial losses for
, 28

herding behaviour of
, 22

investment decision of
, 72

, 78

Journal articles
, 15

Journal of Finance
, 48, 51–52

Journals network
, 46

Keynesian interpretation
, 26

Kosovo, youth intention and investment behaviour in

data description, experimental design, materials and methods
, 73–78

literature review
, 71–73

research purpose and scope
, 73

Kurtosis values
, 74

, 100, 104

entrepreneurial self-efficacy
, 105

Leadership styles
, 100, 103–104, 122–123

, 142

Liberal interpretation
, 26

Linear regression
, 83

, 33

, 33

Liquidity crises
, 25

Lloyds Bank
, 134

Loan default
, 128

Loan loss provisions (LLP)
, 128, 132

co-movement between LLP and EBTP
, 133–135

trend in
, 132–133

, 6, 60–61, 128, 132

Lotka’s law
, 32–33

Market discipline
, 59

Marxist interpretation
, 26

Measurement model
, 107

construct reliability
, 108–112

, 107

individual reliability of indicator
, 107, 108


effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy
, 100

evaluation of model’s mediation
, 113

Mexican Crisis (1994)
, 27

Microfinance institutions
, 7

Modern economic development
, 15

Monetary crisis (2008)
, 28

Monetary policies with social security payments
, 6–7

Multivariate statistical technique
, 101, 106–107

NatWest Bank
, 134–135

Nepotistic leadership behaviour
, 104

New York Stock Exchange
, 26

, 33

Normal funding channels
, 28

Oil Crisis (1973)
, 27

One-way ANOVA
, 83, 86

Operational approach
, 143, 147, 149

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 70

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)
, 27

, 128

Pandemic infection
, 82–83

Partial least squares structural equation model approach (PLS-SEM approach)
, 72, 74, 75, 77–78, 101, 106, 107

Paternalistic leadership behaviour
, 104

Path coefficients of structural model
, 108

assessment of
, 113

Peer influence (PI)
, 73

, 33

Policy instruments
, 5

Policy makers
, 4, 56

Policy options to achieve full financial inclusion
, 5–10

Predictive relevance (Q-Square)
, 108, 115

Price stability
, 63

Profit before tax (PBT)
, 131–132

Published academic journals
, 15

, 108, 115

Qualitative characteristics
, 148

, 145–146

, 148

essence of financial reporting quality and assessment
, 146–149

of financial statements
, 142

philosophy of
, 143–146

Quality of financial reporting
, 146, 148

Quantitative analysis
, 83

Quantitative methodology
, 73

, 74

, 113–114

Regression analysis
, 85

Regulatory sandboxes
, 4


abnormal earnings
, 130

, 142–148

Research fronts
, 33

, 15, 18, 58

, 59–60

‘Revoke-and-reinstate’ licencing regulatory action
, 57

, 108, 110

Ring-fence banking of poor
, 10

Russian financial crisis (1998)
, 27–28

Sankey diagram
, 32

of journals, authors and keywords
, 35

Sankey energy density diagram (see Sankey diagram)

, 100

Schumpeterian interpretation
, 26

Scientific mapping
, 29

, 29

Second-generation statistical techniques
, 106–107

Secondary research methodology approach
, 14–15

, 101

Self-control (SC)
, 73

, 101, 105

Skewness values
, 74

, 100

Smart-PLS v. 3. 3. 2. program
, 72

Social security payments, monetary policies with
, 6–7

Social structure
, 33

Spillover effects
, 25

SPSS software
, 82, 83

Statistical analysis
, 83

Statistical databases
, 15

Steward leadership behaviour
, 104

Structural equation model
, 73

Structural model assessment
, 108, 112

assessment of structural model path coefficients and evaluation of model’s mediation
, 113

blindfolding and Q-Square predictive relevance
, 115

coefficient of determination
, 113–114

collinearity assessment
, 112–113

effect size
, 114–115

essence of financial reporting quality and assessment
, 146–149

leadership styles
, 122–123


entrepreneurial self-efficacy
, 102

financial literacy amongst
, 78

financially literate
, 70–71

intention and investment behaviour
, 73

in South Africa
, 105

Super-spreader tax regime
, 57

Supportive leadership behaviour
, 104

Systemic risk
, 41, 51, 57, 129–130

Tax exemptions, fiscal policies with
, 7–8

‘The 1907 Bankers’ Panic’
, 23–24, 26


Bigrams Treemap
, 42

co-occurrence network
, 46–47

Tourism Economic Policy
, 14

Tourism industry
, 14

economic development
, 14

international tourism
, 15–18

literature review
, 15

research methodology
, 14–15

Transformational leaders
, 104

United Kingdom (UK)
, 8, 24

, 129

Great Interwar Depression in
, 26–27

systemic banks in
, 131–132

Univariate regression analyses
, 136–137

US stock market crash (1987)
, 24

, 100

, 24

of capital markets
, 23

, 24–25

Web of Science (WoS)
, 23, 29

Web pages
, 15

Word Cloud
, 38, 40

, 41

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 83

Youth, intention and investment behaviour of

data description, experimental design, materials and methods
, 73–78

literature review
, 71–73

research purpose and scope
, 73