
Contemporary Issues in Business Economics and Finance

ISBN: 978-1-83909-605-1, eISBN: 978-1-83909-604-4

ISSN: 1569-3759

Publication date: 2 September 2020

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(2020), "Index", Grima, S., Özen, E. and Boz, H. (Ed.) Contemporary Issues in Business Economics and Finance (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Vol. 104), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 255-262.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited



Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

Adobe Flash
, 131

Adobe Photoshop
, 131

, 107, 119

Afyonkarahisar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)
, 64–65

Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
, 224

Alro SA
, 25–26

Alternative media
, 129

Altman, Argenti, Conan and Holder models
, 22

Altman model
, 22, 26

Altman Z-score model
, 22

, 25

Alum Tulcea
, 25

AML/CTF requirements
, 237

Anti-Discrimination Agencies (ADAs)
, 200

Anti-discrimination law in sports in EU
, 194–198

discrimination in sports, victims of
, 199

discriminative examples in Sports
, 198–199

recommendations for development of EU Sports Policy
, 199–200

Asian Financial Crisis
, 2

Asset quality
, 90

Augmented Dickey Fuller test (ADF test)
, 8–10, 37–38, 51

Auto correlation function (ACF)
, 10

Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model (ARCH model)
, 10

Average variance extracted (AVE)
, 115

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
, 240

Bank size
, 238

Bank stability in Latvia
, 237–238

data analysis technique
, 241

data sources
, 241

dependent variable
, 238–239

discussion of key findings
, 243–245

independent variables
, 239–241

panel data analysis
, 242–243

proposals and recommendations
, 245–246

results and discussion
, 242

robustness check
, 243

Banking sector
, 86–89

Bankruptcy risk analysis
, 20

Bankruptcy risk prediction
, 20

literature review
, 21–23

research methodology 23–27

Bartlett’s tests
, 112, 141

BDS test
, 13

BIST Derivative Market (VIOP)
, 73, 83

BİST-30 conventional index
, 4

BIST-30 participation index
, 7–8, 13

ADF test results
, 9

KPSS test results
, 10

return series
, 9

volatility spillover
, 14

BIST100 index
, 222–223

, 118

, 118

Borsa Istanbul (BIST)
, 62

Brand experience
, 109–110

, 106

Bretton Woods System
, 58

Breusch–Pagan test
, 38

Bucharest Stock Exchange
, 20, 25

Bucovina SA Scheia
, 25

, 60, 136

, 237

search behaviour
, 152–154

, 172

Capital, Asset, Management, Earnings, Liquidity and Sensitivity analysis (CAMELS analysis)
, 90

content of CAMELS variables
, 89–95

correlation matrix of variables
, 98

data and method
, 95–96

descriptive statistical values of variables
, 97

literature research
, 92–95

model 2 regression analysis results
, 100

, 100–101

regression analysis results
, 99

research findings
, 96

, 91

unit root test results of variables
, 98

Capital adequacy
, 90, 243

, 238–239

Capital adequacy ratio (CAR)
, 239, 243

Capital ratio
, 239

Carbon tax

countries in terms of carbon tax rate/revenue/scope
, 171

and miracles for balanced climate and liveable world
, 172–175

multiple policy approach
, 176

opportunities and threats
, 173

solution against climate change
, 168–172

Carbon Tax Forum
, 172

Career opportunities
, 159, 161

Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR)
, 200

Charnes–Cooper transformation
, 208

Chi-square test
, 242

χ2/df ratio
, 114

Circiumaru model
, 24–26

City marketing
, 107–109

Climate change
, 166–168

carbon tax solution against
, 168–172

carbon taxes and miracles for balanced climate and liveable world
, 172–175

Commodity markets
, 47

volatility spillover analysis in
, 46–54

, 180

, 180

communication tool of
, 181

Community media
, 180–181

data analysis methods
, 184–185

data collection techniques
, 183–184

female-oriented non-governmental organisations in Turkey
, 181–183

, 185–189

methodology of research
, 183

sampling design
, 184

validity and reliability
, 185

, 159–160

Compliance risk
, 238

Composite reliability (CR)
, 115

Conan and Holder and Circiumaru models
, 25

Conan and Holder model
, 27

Confirmatory factor analysis
, 115–116

Constant returns to scale (CRS)
, 209

output-oriented single-stage DEA model
, 210–212

Content analysis
, 156, 185

related to job search behaviour
, 157–161

Content production factor
, 188–189

‘Content’ and ‘Process’ theories
, 136–137

Contextual performance
, 137–138

Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body (CEDB)
, 198

Conventional market indices
, 6

, 132–133

, 47

Correlated Random Effect-Hausman Test
, 242

Correlation analysis regarding variables
, 143–144

Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
, 196–197

Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
, 196

Credit risk (CR)
, 237–239, 242, 244

Cronbach alpha value
, 65

Cronbach α coefficient
, 115, 140

Crowdsourcing (CS)
, 124

, 131

Internet technologies and new media
, 125–128

as new media application and characteristics
, 129–131

, 132–133

working samples
, 131–132

Cumulative abnormal returns (CAR)
, 222, 224, 226–228

, 25

Data analysis and findings
, 140

correlation analysis regarding variables
, 143–144

reliability analyses
, 141–143

results of factor analysis
, 140–141

test of hypotheses and regression analyses
, 144–145

Data analysis methods
, 184–185, 241

Data collection
, 111–112, 138–139, 183–184

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) (see also National innovation systems (NIS))
, 204, 208–209

, 209–210

CRS output-oriented single-stage DEA model
, 210–212

Data set
, 37–40

Data sources
, 241

Decision-making units (DMUs)
, 208, 213n2

DECO model
, 8, 11–13

, 48

Decoupling hypothesis
, 3

Dependent variable
, 238–239

Descriptive statistics
, 8, 51


discriminative examples in Sports
, 198–199

in sports, victims of
, 199

Discriminatory analysis
, 21

DJGCC Dow Jones regional indices
, 6

DJIAP Dow Jones regional indices
, 6

DJIEU Dow Jones regional indices
, 6

DJIGCC Dow Jones regional indices
, 6

DJIMI Islamic stock market indices
, 3–5

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
, 218–219, 222–224

Dupont profitability
, 101

DWAP Dow Jones regional indices
, 6

Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC)
, 11

Dynamic equicorrelation (DECO)
, 4

, 50

E1DOW Dow Jones regional indices
, 6

Earnings status
, 90

Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA)
, 204

Econometric model
, 37

Economical decisions of 24 January 1980
, 59

Efficient innovation
, 206

Efficient markets hypothesis (EMH)
, 220, 227

Emissions trading systems (ETS)
, 169

Employees, job search behaviour for
, 154–155

Equality Bodies
, 197

Error correction model (ECM)
, 223

EU Agency for FRA
, 197

European Banking Authority (EBA)
, 237

European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
, 194

European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
, 196

European Court of Justice (ECJ)
, 196

European Cricket Council
, 198

European Cycling Union
, 198

European Union (EU)
, 194

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
, 194

Exchange rate fluctuations in Turkey
, 59–60

Exchange rate risk
, 60

management approaches
, 63

Exchange risk management

, 64–81

future research directions
, 81–83

literature review
, 61–64

sample selection, data collection and methodology
, 64

Exchange risk perception

, 64–81

future research directions
, 81–83

literature review
, 61–64

sample selection, data collection and methodology
, 64

Exploratory factor analysis
, 114

External hedging methods
, 60

, 38

statistical value
, 39

F-value test
, 242

Face-to-face survey method
, 112

Factor analysis
, 140–143

Factor loads
, 142–143

Federal Reserve (FED)
, 218–219

Female employment effects on economic growth
, 30–31

human development data
, 34–35

labour force participation
, 36

literature review
, 31–33

, 33–37

model and data set
, 37–40

Female workforce
, 31

Female-oriented non-governmental organisations in Turkey
, 181–183

Final Prediction Error criterion (FPE)
, 224

Finance factor
, 187

Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC)
, 236–237

Financial bankruptcy connotation
, 22

Financial deregulation
, 2

Financial intermediation
, 86

Financial markets
, 86

, 58

Financial performance indicators
, 20, 22

Financial system in Turkey
, 88

Firm sensitivity to exchange rate risk
, 63

Fiscal policy
, 166

Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE)
, 197

Foreign openness process
, 2

Fractionally integrated GARCH model (FIGARCH)
, 10

FTSEGII Islamic stock market indices
, 3, 5

GARCH models
, 49, 52

Gender inequality
, 33

Generalised Dickey Fuller unit root test method (ADF unit root test method)
, 37

Generalised method of moments (GMM)
, 32

Global public goods
, 168

, 47

Goodness-of-fit indices
, 114–115

, 206

, 166

, 169

Granger causality tests
, 13

Greenhouse effect
, 168

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 218, 241

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
, 15

Hannan–Quinn information criterion (HQ)
, 224

Hausman test
, 39–40

, 60, 74

Human factor
, 174

Human management
, 130

Human resource

, 155

, 152, 155

Hyperbolic GARCH model (HYGARCH model)
, 8, 10–15

, 139–140

ICD-Thomson Reuters-published Islamic Finance Development Report-2018
, 3

Im, Peseran and Shin test
, 37–38

Independent variables
, 239–241

, 155

, 128

information-based efficiency
, 220

, 124

, 124

Information and communication technologies (ICT)
, 124

, 204

, 207

International diversification theory
, 46

, 124–125, 129

, 125–128

Islamic and conventional markets
, 4

Islamic financial

, 3–4

, 3

, 2

Islamic rules
, 30, 33

Islamic stocks
, 3

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce
, 62

Istanbul Declaration
, 195

Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)
, 62–63, 219, 221

Istanbul Stock Exchange 30 index (BIST30)
, 220

CAR analysis
, 226–228

, 228–230

literature review
, 221–223

method and findings
, 223–226

, 132–133

Job search
, 152

Job search behaviour
, 152

content analysis related to
, 157–161

for employees and non-employees
, 154–155

limitations of research
, 156–157

purpose and importance of research
, 155–156

research method and analysis
, 156

, 161–163

Johansen Cointegration Test Values
, 225

Kaiser–Mayer–Olkin tests (KMO tests)
, 112, 141

Katılım-30 conventional index
, 7–8, 13

ADF test results
, 9

KPSS test results
, 10

return series
, 9

volatility spillover
, 14

Katılım-30 participation index
, 4

KLSI Islamic stock market indices
, 3, 5

Knowledge management
, 130

Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin test (KPSS test)
, 8–10

Kyoto Protocol
, 167

Lag length test

for contraction period
, 232

for expansion period
, 232

, 238

Latvian banking sector
, 236–237, 244

Legal factors
, 188

Legal instruments
, 167

Levin, Lin and Chu test
, 37–38

Linear programming (LP)
, 207

Liquidity ratios (LRs)
, 237

Liquidity risk (LR)
, 237–238, 244

Liquidity status
, 90

LM test
, 38–39

, 239–240

Macroeconomic developments
, 218

Management quality
, 90

Market situation
, 159–160

Marketing activities
, 106

Marketing literature

analysis and findings
, 112–117

analysis of model
, 117–119

brand experience
, 109–110

city marketing
, 107–109

positive word-of-mouth communication
, 110

practical implications
, 119–120

sampling method and data collection
, 111–112

, 110

theoretical framework of study
, 110–111

theoretical implications
, 119

Markov Switching model
, 47, 49, 53

Markov-switching VEC model
, 48–49

Mass-based meeting management
, 130

Meaningfulness analysis
, 156

Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
, 33

Model analysis
, 117–119

, 136

performance, vs.
, 138

, 136–137

Motivation factors
, 136–137

data analysis and findings
, 140–145

factor analysis and factor loads regarding
, 142

MS-VAR model
, 48

MSCI Islamic indices
, 4

Multivariate DCC-GARCH model
, 48

Multivariate GARCH models
, 47

Multivariate Portmanteau robustness tests
, 13

National economic structure in Turkey
, 59

National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs)
, 197

National innovation systems (NIS) (see also Data envelopment analysis (DEA))
, 204–206

, 206–207

inputs and outputs
, 207

New media
, 125–128

ownership of NGOs
, 185

, 129

New York Stock Exchange index
, 218

Non-employees, job search behaviour for
, 154–155

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
, 173, 175, 183, 185

new media ownership of
, 185

Nonlinear Granger causality tests
, 13–14

Null hypothesis
, 242


smoothed probabilities of regimes
, 53–54

transition probabilities of regimes
, 53–54

volatility spillover from
, 52

Oil series
, 50

correlation matrix
, 51

GARCH (1,1) model
, 52

unit root tests
, 52

‘Old’ media
, 126

OLS model
, 38, 94

OMV Petrom
, 25–26

Operational efficiency (CIR)
, 240–241

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
, 168

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation countries (OIC countries)
, 30, 33–35, 37, 42

Overreaction hypothesis (ORH)
, 220–222

Ox Metrics programs
, 50

, 47

smoothed probabilities of regimes
, 53

transition probabilities of regimes
, 53

volatility spillover from
, 52

Palladium series
, 50

correlation matrix
, 51

GARCH (1,1) model
, 52

unit root tests
, 52

Panel data analysis
, 32, 93–95, 98, 241–243

Panel unit root test
, 37–38

, 213n1

, 137–138

motivation vs.
, 138

Performance scales

factor analysis and factor loads regarding
, 143

reliability coefficients of scales
, 143

used in research
, 139

Phillips–Perron unit root tests
, 51

Pigouvian taxes and subsidies
, 169

, 47

smoothed probabilities of regimes
, 54

transition probabilities of regimes
, 54

Platinum series
, 50

correlation matrix
, 51

GARCH (1, 1) model
, 52

unit root tests
, 52

Portfolio diversification
, 46

Positive word-of-mouth

, 119

, 110

, 95, 100, 238, 240, 245

, 246

Quantitative content analysis
, 183

Racial Equality Directive
, 195

Ratio analysis
, 89

Redundant Fixed Effects-Likelihood Ratio
, 242

, 185

, 115–116

and validity tests
, 112–117

Reliability analyses
, 141–143

test of hypotheses and
, 144–145

Reputation risk
, 237


, 156

data collection
, 138–139

, 139–140

limitations of
, 156–157

, 156, 183

, 139–140

, 138–139

purpose and importance of
, 155–156

scales used in
, 139

Research and development (R&D)
, 204, 207, 209

Return on assets (ROA)
, 92–93, 95, 101

, 95–96

Return on equity (ROE)
, 93, 95–96, 101

Risk spillover
, 47

Robustness check
, 243

Rompetrol Well Services
, 25–27

Salary level
, 159–160

Sales activities
, 136


relation between motivation and performance
, 138

research model and hypotheses
, 139–140

research population and data collection
, 138–139

scales used in research
, 139

Sampling design
, 184

Sampling method
, 111–112

, 110, 117

Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF)
, 92

Schwarz Information Criterion (SC)
, 224

Sensitivity to market risk
, 90

, 47

Single European Market principles
, 194

Social media
, 125


anti-discrimination law in EU
, 194–198

discriminative examples in
, 198–199

victims discrimination in, of
, 199

State of affairs
, 21

Stationarity tests
, 8–10

Stationarity tests of indexes by periods
, 232

Statistical methods
, 21

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
, 140

statistical software program
, 117

Strategy risk
, 237

Supervisory review and evaluation process (SREP)
, 237

, 181

SWAP contracts
, 77

Talent and skills
, 158–159

Tax law
, 167

Technical/Infrastructure factors
, 189

Thermal tourism
, 109

, 131

Tmk Artrom
, 25

Tobacco industry enterprises
, 63

Tokyo Stock Exchange
, 63

Tolerance Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)
, 242

Training on Anti-Discrimination in Sports
, 199

, 25–26

, 25

Treaty on the Functioning of European Union (TFEU)
, 194

, 25

Turbomecanica firm
, 26

Turkey Chambers of Commerce and Industry
, 83

Turkish banking sector asset size and share
, 87

Two-factor fixed effect model
, 38

Two-stage approach
, 241

U-shaped femininity hypothesis
, 32–33

UN Framework Convention
, 167

, 189

Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)
, 198

United Nations (UN)
, 167

Unwanted situations
, 157–158

, 185

, 48

VAR model
, 31

, 48

, 7

Volatility spillover
, 4

analysis in commodity markets
, 46–47

, 50

empirical results
, 50–54

, 10–15

literature review
, 4–7, 47–49

, 49

research methodology
, 7–10

Web 1.0
, 125

Web 2.0
, 125

Web development
, 126

Web-based social networks
, 126

, 110

communication tendency
, 107

World Development Indicators
, 32

World Players Association (WPA)
, 197

World Values Surveys
, 36

World Wide Web (WWW)
, 125

Chapter 1: Volatility Spillover Between Conventional Stock Index and Participation Index: The Turkish Case
Chapter 2: Bankruptcy Risk Prediction in Assuring the Financial Performance of Romanian Industrial Companies
Chapter 3: The Effects of Female Employment on Economic Growth: An Application of Panel Data on the Member Countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Chapter 4: Volatility spillover from oil prices to precious metals under different regimes
Chapter 5: Exchange Risk Perception and Exchange Risk Management: A Regional Application in Turkey’s Manufacturing Firms
Chapter 6: Determining the Relationship Between CAMLS Variables and Profitability: An Application on Banks in the BIST Bank Index
Chapter 7: The Interaction Between Customer Experience, Satisfaction and Positive Word of Mouth: A Study on City Marketing in Afyonkarahisar
Chapter 8: The Crowdsourcing Concept as a New Media Application
Chapter 9: A Field Study of the Effect of Motivation Factors on Performance of the Salesperson
Chapter 10: Job Search: Predictors of Job Search Behaviour of Human Resources Managers
Chapter 11: Tax as a Solution for Climate Change
Chapter 12: Community Media, Sustainability and Female-Oriented NGOs: The Case in Izmir
Chapter 13: The European Union’s Fight against Discrimination in Sports
Chapter 14: An Assessment of Innovation Efficiency in EECA Countries Using the DEA Method
Chapter 15: Testing the Overreaction Hypothesis on the BIST30 Index and Dow Jones: The Case of the 2008 Financial Crisis Process
Chapter 16: The Determinants of Bank’s Stability: Evidence from Latvia, a Small Post-Transition Economy