
Indian Families: Contemporary Family Structures and Dynamics

ISBN: 978-1-83797-596-9, eISBN: 978-1-83797-595-2

ISSN: 1530-3535

Publication date: 21 June 2024

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(2024), "Index", Chandra, V. and Blair, S.L. (Ed.) Indian Families: Contemporary Family Structures and Dynamics (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Vol. 26), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-225.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Vinod Chandra and Sampson Lee Blair


Access to sanitation
, 88, 91–92

Actolife salt company
, 211

Adolescent mental health
, 5–6

, 9–10

, 15, 18

Adoptive families
, 203

Adult sex preferences
, 8–9

Affective individualism
, 137

Age group 15–24 years
, 80, 92

, 103–104

, 61

“Alliance theory” concept
, 55–56

Ambivalence process
, 102, 120–121

American anthropologist
, 54

Analysis strategy
, 10–11

Andhra Pradesh
, 58–59, 61–62, 85, 207

, 54

Anthropology, concept of family in
, 54–56

Anxiety symptoms
, 9

Arranged marital system in India
, 159

Arranged marriages
, 155

cultural significance of arranged marriage system in India
, 159

decline of
, 163

in India
, 159–160

to love marriages
, 71, 160–161

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 211

, 26

Associational solidarity
, 102

Ayushman Bharat Scheme (2018)
, 78

Baby clone AI technology
, 212

Backward Classes (BCs)
, 58

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
, 9–10

Bhovi women
, 61

Bihar, MP, Rajasthan and UP (BIMARU)
, 90

Biological family
, 202

Bivariate statistical analysis
, 81

Blended family
, 203

Bonferroni tests
, 10

Brahma marriage
, 155

, 70

and social network
, 151

, 98, 159

Census of India
, 67

Challenges to traditional family
, 52, 56

Changes in family structures
, 72

Changing family structures
, 55

Child marriage
, 142

Child Marriage Prevention Act (1929)
, 154

Child Marriage Prevention Act amendment (1978)
, 156

Child outcomes
, 2, 5–7

Child sex preferences
, 8

analysis strategy
, 10–11

data and methods
, 7

descriptive results
, 11–12

meaning of sex preferences
, 4

, 8

mothers’ vs. fathers’ sex preferences
, 6–7

no preference in Indian context
, 4–5

predicting adolescent mental health
, 9–10

predicting adult sex preferences
, 8–9

regression results
, 13–15

, 11

, 8

sensitivity analyses
, 15

sex preferences and adolescent mental health
, 5–6

son preference
, 2–4

, 7

Child sex ratio
, 2

, 44

, 26

Childless couples
, 203

Civil Marriage Act (1872)
, 155

Classical demographic transition theory
, 27

Classroom exercises

changes and continuities in family relationships
, 194

family change
, 183–184, 190–191

, 187

Indian family
, 181–182

, 185

multigenerational extended relationships
, 191–192

myth of nuclear family as normative family
, 182

nature of family relationships
, 184–185

normative family
, 187–190

, 193

review of literature
, 181

sample and method of data collection
, 186–187

shifts in characteristics and cultural values held by families
, 193

type of family and demographic changes
, 193

Close relationships with family and extended kin
, 200

, 117

Collectivist society
, 98–99, 195

Colonial era, marriage in
, 154–155

, 141–144, 169–170

Compatibility among youth
, 136–138

Complexity of families
, 56

Conflict process
, 121

Conjugal family
, 183, 202–203

Consensual process
, 108, 110

, 139–141

Construction site laborers
, 58

Consumerist system
, 204

Contemporary India

marital status from NFHS
, 157

marriage in
, 156–158

Conventional joint family
, 100

, 98–99


behavior strategies
, 116

, 79, 118

Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)
, 157

Creolization of cultures
, 171

Cultural dimensions
, 158

arranged marital system in India
, 159

cultural significance of arranged marriage system in India
, 159

nature of arranged marriage in India
, 159–160

shifting trends
, 160–161

Cultural hybridization
, 171

Cultural identity
, 62–63

Cultural importance
, 40

Cultural norms
, 106

Cultural rules
, 37

, 169

Dadra and Nagar Haveli (D&NH)
, 82

Daman and Diu (D&D)
, 82

Dating apps
, 166–167

De-notified tribe (DNT)
, 58

Dearth of pedagogical approaches
, 195

Decision-making process
, 69, 209


, 56–57

of normative family
, 182

Deconstructive lens
, 57

Delayed age of marriage
, 163

Delayed marriage and new family
, 68–69

Demographic data analysis
, 54

Demographic factor
, 114

Demographic theories
, 26

Demographic transition
, 26–27

Dependent variables
, 8–9, 81

Depressive symptoms
, 9

Derogatory names
, 63

Developmental idealism
, 151

Developmental idealism theory
, 161

, 159

, 35

, 41

Digital technology
, 128

impact of digital technology on family system
, 211–212

Disintegration of families, reasons for
, 53

Distress and conflict
, 150, 168–170

Diversity of families in India
, 180

, 73

incidence of divorce and family structure
, 71–73

in India
, 72

, 66, 72, 156, 164

Divorce Reform Act of (1969)
, 72

Divorced adults
, 203

Domestic violence
, 5

Dominant occupations
, 188

, 156

Dowry Prohibition Act (1961)
, 72

Dual income, no kids family (DINK family)
, 203, 208, 211

Eastern collectivistic cultures
, 159

Economic security
, 37

Economic status
, 70

, 28, 35

, 70

Educational attainment
, 5, 9–10, 43, 45, 79, 81–82

Elongated singlehood
, 128

Emotional security
, 202

Emotional-focused coping strategies
, 116

Empowered action group (EAG)
, 90

, 160

Ethnographic account
, 54–55

, 162

, 139–141

Experiential learning
, 180–181, 185–186, 193

Extended family systems
, 52, 184, 203

Extended kin, close relationships with
, 200

, 184

, 66, 141–144, 169–170, 181, 202, 204, 207

in anthropology and sociology
, 54–56

approval and responsibility
, 138–139

, 183–184, 190–191, 199–200

changes in family traditions
, 71

changing roles of elder generation in
, 206–209

close relationships with
, 200

concept of
, 208

and demographic changes
, 193

impact of digital technology on family system
, 211–212

, 45, 69, 106, 129, 143, 145, 203

as foundation
, 207

, 107

, 152

households and
, 67–68

, 53, 99

of orientation
, 202

, 180

planning strategies
, 39

preserving family harmony
, 160

of procreation
, 202

, 199

sociology of changing patterns of
, 210–211

Family Change Theory
, 105

Family planning behaviour

fertility and age of marriage
, 32

fertility and inter-spousal communication
, 38–40

fertility and mortality
, 32–33

fertility and parental aspirations
, 34–36

fertility and son preference
, 36–38

fertility and traditional gender roles
, 33–34

fertility intentions and ideational structures
, 41–42

, 29

parity and fertility
, 31

religion and fertility
, 40–41

research design and data collection
, 29–30

settings and context
, 28

theoretical underpinnings
, 27–28

Family relationships

changes and continuities in
, 194

nature of
, 184–185

and social media
, 74

Family structures
, 52–53

changing trends in
, 100

incidence of divorce and separation and
, 71–73

in India
, 52–53, 99–100

in interdependent society
, 100–101

Vaddera community
, 59–60

Family-oriented individualism
, 194

, 203–206

Family–Religion–Patriarchy, interface between
, 210

Fathers’ sex preferences
, 6–7

Feminist theory of autonomy
, 131

, 2, 31–33, 45

, 60

, 26, 28, 31–32, 34, 66–67

Fertility aspirations

and age of marriage
, 32

intentions and ideational structures
, 41–42

and inter-spousal communication
, 38–40

and mortality
, 32–33

, 29

and parental aspirations
, 34–36

parity and fertility
, 31

religion and
, 40–41

research design and data collection
, 29–30

settings and context
, 28

and son preference
, 36–38

theoretical underpinnings
, 27–28

and traditional gender roles
, 33–34

Fifth National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5)
, 80

Filial hierarchy
, 101

Filial piety
, 36, 103

Finalizing proposal
, 139–141

Financial autonomy
, 82–83, 91

, 162

Focus group discussions (FGDs)
, 29, 46, 186

Focus Group Interview
, 181, 186–187, 193

, 57

Foster family
, 203

Functional process
, 110, 119–120

Functional solidarity
, 102

Functions of traditional families
, 202


, 4

decline in hierarchy based on gender in families
, 69–70

, 70

, 33, 69

, 5

, 16, 28, 129

, 5

, 7, 17, 37, 41, 44–45, 46, 69–70, 183–184

Gender differences
, 165

in premarital sex in India
, 167–168

Generational bonds
, 98

Generational processes
, 101

, 128

, 150, 161, 203–204

impact of globalization on marital system of India
, 163–164

, 162–163

, 100

Grindr (geo-social app)
, 167

Hierarchy based on gender in families, decline in
, 69–70

Higher education
, 158

Higher educational attainment
, 91

Higher-class people
, 119

Hindu Marriage Act (1955)
, 70, 72

Hindu Marriage Law in India
, 71

, 3, 70

, 33

Honor killings
, 158, 170

Households and family
, 67–68

Hygienic menstrual practices among young women, analyzing determinants of
, 81–86

Identity crisis
, 62–63

, 162

, 28, 34

Independence in partner selection
, 154

Independent variables
, 9–10

, 78, 85–86

arranged marital system in
, 159

cultural dimensions influence marriage and romance in
, 158–161

cultural significance of arranged marriage system in
, 159

family structure in
, 52–53, 99–100

gender differences in premarital sex in
, 165–166

impact of globalization on marital system of
, 163–164

historical introduction to marriage system in
, 152–158

nature of arranged marriage in
, 159–160

researches on intergenerational relationship in
, 104–105

technoscapes in
, 166–167

theoretical perspectives on marital change in
, 151

traditional patriarchal culture
, 98

women empowerment indicators in
, 81

zones in
, 88

Indian context
, 85

no preference in
, 4–5

Indian Cultural Fabric
, 162–163

Indian families
, 69, 72, 181–182, 202

from arranged marriage to love marriage
, 71

, 141–144

changing size of
, 67–68

data and method
, 130–131

family and community
, 141

family relationships and social media
, 74

features of 21st-century Indian families
, 68–70

finalizing proposal
, 139–141

households and family
, 67–68

incidence of divorce and separation and family structure
, 71–73

initiating contact
, 134–136

inter-caste marriages
, 70–71

key findings of study
, 132

marriage and compatibility among youth
, 136–138

methodology of study
, 131

in online match making
, 129

personal vs. social attributes
, 132–134

review of literature
, 129–130

single-parent Indian Families
, 73–74

spousal expectations and choices
, 138–139

, 52

, 150

transition from joint family system to nuclear family system
, 66–67

Indian government, The
, 5

Indian Human Development Survey (IHDS)
, 156, 171

Indian marital system
, 167, 171

Indian marriage system
, 161

impact of globalization on marital system of India
, 163–164

, 162–163

Indian parents
, 164

Indian social organization
, 44

Indian society
, 36, 52, 66, 74, 98, 171

Indian women
, 68

Indian young adults, premarital romance and sexual relationship among
, 164–167

Indigenous community
, 58

Individual agency
, 139–141

Individual distress in premarital relationships
, 168

, 46, 98, 117, 170, 184

Informal institutions
, 204

Information revolution
, 203

Information technology (IT)
, 130

Inheritance rights
, 61–62

Insurance effect
, 32

Inter-caste marriages
, 151

and families in India
, 70–71

Inter-spousal communication, fertility and
, 38–40

, 98, 106, 190, 194

Interdependent society

changing trends in family structure
, 100

conceptual bases of intergenerational relation
, 101–103

correlations of consensual process, functional process, and normative process
, 111

economic class
, 119

family structure in India
, 99–100

intergenerational relationship and family structure in
, 100–101

, 117

mean and SD of coping strategies
, 110

mean and SD of dimensions of emotional experiences and intergenerational relation
, 110

mean and SD scores of consensual process, functional process, normative process
, 109

mean and SD Scores of subjective experiences and dimensions by total sample
, 109

, 107

perspectives of younger adults toward elderly
, 103–104

predictors of intergenerational ambivalence
, 113

predictors of intergenerational conflict
, 114–115

predictors of intergenerational solidarity
, 112

, 107

process of ambivalence
, 120–121

process of conflict
, 121

process of intergenerational relations
, 119

process of solidarity
, 120

, 106–107

researches on intergenerational relationship in India
, 104–105

, 107

, 118

, 107

scale description
, 107–108

theoretical positioning
, 105–106

Intergenerational contacts
, 103–104

Intergenerational interaction
, 103–104

Intergenerational relations
, 102, 119

conceptual bases of
, 101

intergenerational ambivalence
, 102–103

intergenerational conflict
, 101–102

intergenerational solidarity
, 102

Intergenerational relationships
, 46, 101

in interdependent society
, 100–101

researches on intergenerational relationship in India
, 104–105

Intergenerational solidarity
, 110

Internet technology
, 128–129, 137, 144

“Janani” Platform
, 212

Joint family
, 98–99, 202

system to nuclear family system
, 66–67

Jointly arranged marriages
, 150

Judiciary reforms
, 66

, 185

and family organization
, 181

, 39, 55

Legalization of same-sex marriage
, 53

Legislative reforms
, 66

Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization (LPG)
, 156

Limited dating
, 160

Literacy rates
, 66, 68, 82

Lived experiences
, 181

Livelihood of Vaddera community
, 61

Living Apart Together relationships (LAT relationships)
, 211

Love marriages, from arranged marriages to
, 71, 160–161

Love-cum-arranged marriages
, 151

Macro-level factors
, 26

Madhya Pradesh (MP)
, 88

Marital agency
, 150

Marital change in India, theoretical perspectives on
, 151

Marital relations, Vaddera community
, 59–60

Marital system of India, impact of globalization on
, 163–164

, 131, 151, 159, 163

among youth
, 136–138

of choice
, 150

, 129–130

in colonial era
, 154–155

in contemporary India
, 156–158

distress and conflict related to
, 168–169

historical introduction to
, 152–158

in India
, 158–161

in medieval India
, 153–154

in post-independent India
, 155–156

in pre-Vedic and Vedic eras
, 152–153

, 38

Mass media/mobile phones exposure
, 85

, 128–129, 144

Matchmaking process
, 129, 131, 160

Mate-selecting process
, 166

Matrimonial websites
, 166–167

, 162

Medieval India, marriage in
, 153–154

Member-checking process
, 186

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM)
, 79–80

rural–urban divide in
, 86–90

Menstrual hygiene products
, 80–81

Menstrual Hygiene Scheme (2011)
, 91

Menstrual hygienic disparity in India

analyzing determinants of hygienic menstrual practices among young women
, 81–86

dependent variables
, 81

independent variables
, 81

literature review
, 79–80

, 80

, 81

rural–urban divide in MHM
, 86–90

Menstrual hygienic practices
, 78, 85

zonal pattern of
, 86

Menstrual poverty
, 78

Micro-level factors
, 17

Migratory Vaddera children
, 59

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
, 80

Mixed methods
, 130

Mobile technologies
, 91

Mobile-phone-based dating
, 167

Modern family system
, 203

Modernization theory
, 151, 161

, 32–33

Mothers’ sex preferences
, 6–7

Multigenerational extended kin relationships
, 191–192

Multigenerational family
, 119

Multinomial regression
, 10, 13

Multiple imputation
, 11

, 3, 33

Myth of a normative family
, 185

National Commission for De-Notified, Nomadic, and Semi-Nomadic Tribes, The
, 58

National Crime Records Bureau
, 207

National Family Health Surveys (NFHS)
, 31, 67, 156, 171

, 28

, 26, 81, 165

Negative aging stereotypes
, 103

Neo-liberal economy
, 205

New age movements
, 66

New Family
, 203

New-home economics theory
, 43

Non-resident Indian (NRI)
, 139

Nongovernmental organizations
, 5

Normative family
, 187–190

family profiles emerged from FGDs of Students from three consecutive batches
, 188

myth of nuclear family as
, 182

students’ perception of changes in selected family characteristics over two generations
, 189

Normative process
, 110, 116, 119–120

Normative solidarity
, 102

Nuclear family
, 52, 56, 203

myth of nuclear family as normative family
, 182

transition from joint family system to
, 66–67

Nutritional status
, 5

Occupation of Vaddera community
, 61

Old family
, 202–203

OLS regression models
, 14

Online matchmaking
, 135

Online matrimonial website
, 135

Other Backward Class (OBC)
, 58

Parental aspirations
, 45

fertility and
, 34–36

Parental influence in premarital sexual behavior
, 164–165

Parental preferences
, 2

, 31

Parity progression ratio (PPR)
, 31

Participant observation
, 131

Patriarchal culture
, 98

Patriarchal value system
, 33

Patron deity
, 62

Personal attributes
, 132

Pillar of support
, 66

Post-independent India, marriage in
, 155–156

Postmodern society
, 204

, 204, 210

Pre-Vedic eras, marriage in
, 152–153

Premarital relationships
, 169–170

Premarital romance

dating apps and matrimonial websites
, 166–167

distress and conflict related to
, 168–169

gender differences in premarital sex in India
, 165–166

individual distress in premarital relationships
, 168

parental influence in premarital sexual behavior
, 164–165

premarital relationships, family, and community
, 169–170

role of individual-level factors in premarital romantic and sexual behavior
, 165

and sexual relationship among Indian young adults
, 164–167

Premarital romantic relationships
, 150, 158, 165, 172

Premarital sex
, 163, 169

Prescriptive role
, 145

Primordial institutions
, 129

Problem-focused coping strategies
, 119

Progressive legislation
, 155

Purdah system
, 153

Qualitative data
, 130, 132, 193

Qualitative study
, 132

Quantitative methods
, 54

Rakshasa marriage
, 152

Reactionary behavior approach
, 119

Regional disparities
, 90

Relationship Education Programs (REB)
, 172

Religion and fertility
, 40–41

Religious communities
, 40

Religious faith
, 62

Replacement effect
, 32

Replacement fertility rate
, 26

Reproduction strategies
, 131

Reproductive technologies
, 46

Restrictive role
, 145

Romance in India, cultural dimensions influence
, 158–161

Rural South Indian households
, 7

Rural–urban divide in MHM
, 86–90

Rural–urban spectrum
, 78

Safety concerns for children, especially girls
, 208

, 162–163

Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED)
, 9

Semi-feudal institution
, 210

Senior citizen concept
, 206

Senior Citizens Act (2007)
, 204

Sensitivity analyses
, 15

, 73

incidence of separation and family structure
, 71–73

Sex preferences
, 5–6

by demographic characteristics
, 13–14

meaning of
, 4

Sexual behavior, role of individual-level factors in premarital romantic and
, 165

Sexual expression
, 168

Sexual liberalism
, 170

Sexual relationship among Indian young adults
, 164–167

, 3

Single-parent family
, 52, 66, 73, 203

Single-parent Indian families
, 73–74

Social attributes
, 132

Social capillarity
, 35

Social cohesiveness
, 98

Social media

family relationships and
, 74

, 169

Social security
, 44, 46, 98

Social status
, 4, 17, 27, 71, 79, 90–92, 156, 164

Social structure
, 28, 42, 56–57, 82, 98, 106, 131, 185

Social system
, 202

Socialization of children
, 205–206

Socialization process
, 59, 206

Societal change
, 106, 122, 151

Socio-economic disparity
, 78

Socio-economic factors
, 67, 92

Socio-legal realm
, 128

Sociocultural context
, 26–27

Sociocultural norms
, 33

Sociological research
, 57

, 54

, 57

changing roles of elder generation in family
, 206–209

concept of family in
, 54–56

impact of digital technology on family system
, 211–212

interface between family–market–state
, 203–206

interface between family–religion–patriarchy
, 210

modern family system or “New Family”
, 203

sociology of changing patterns of family
, 210–211

traditional family system or “old family”
, 202–203

, 61

Solidarity process
, 104, 120

Son preference
, 2–4, 28

fertility and
, 36–38

South Asian context
, 38

South Indian Community Health Study (SICHS)
, 7

data collection project
, 19

, 9

Spatial mobility
, 206

Special Marriage Act (1954)
, 155

Special Marriage Act (1974)
, 72

Spousal expectations and choices
, 138–139

Spouse-selection process
, 129, 140, 144

Standard deviation (SD)
, 107

, 9, 17, 41–42

, 58, 61

Stratification system
, 55

Stratified cluster random sampling technique
, 30

Structural constraints
, 26

Supportive role
, 145

, 54

Sustainable development goals (SDGs)
, 78

Symbolic capital
, 144

Tata Institute of Social Sciences
, 186, 193

, 180

Teaching exercises
, 181

Technological advancements
, 66, 92

, 162

in India
, 166–167

, 58–60, 82, 85

Telangana Samagra Kutumba Survey
, 60

Theory of practice
, 131

Theory of structuration
, 131

Total fertility rate (TFR)
, 26

Traditional family system
, 202–203

Traditional values
, 66, 103, 116–117, 159, 164

Transitions in Vadderas over decades
, 58–62

21st-century Indian families

decline in hierarchy based on gender in families
, 69–70

delayed marriage and new family
, 68–69

features of
, 68

Union territory (UT)
, 80

Universal health coverage (UHC)
, 78

, 116, 118, 202

Upward mobility
, 41

Urban and rural settings
, 86, 88, 98

, 72

Uttar Pradesh (UP)
, 88

Vaddera community
, 58

concept of family in anthropology and sociology
, 54–56

cultural identity and identity crisis
, 62–63

deconstruction framework
, 56–57

family structure and marital relations
, 59–60

family structure in India
, 52–53

fertility issues
, 60

inheritance rights
, 61–62

, 57

occupation and livelihood
, 61

reasons for disintegration of families
, 53

religious faith
, 62

role of women
, 60

transitions in Vadderas over decades
, 58

Vadderas, transitions in
, 58–62

Vedic eras, marriage in
, 152–153

Vertical collectivistic culture
, 159

Village deities
, 62

Walkthrough method
, 131

Warrior class
, 61

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
, 78

Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, The (WSSCC)
, 79

Way global methods seeping into Indian Cultural Fabric
, 162–163

Western civilization
, 98

Western concept of “marriage”
, 55

Western nuclear family concept
, 180

, 66

Widow Remarriage Act (1856)
, 154

, 31, 60, 133

World Health Organization
, 104

Wudar community (see Vaddera community)

Young girls and women
, 81–86

Younger adults toward elderly, perspectives of
, 103–104

Youth, marriage and compatibility
, 136