
People, Spaces and Places in Gendered Environments

ISBN: 978-1-83797-894-6, eISBN: 978-1-83797-893-9

ISSN: 1529-2126

Publication date: 3 June 2024


(2024), "Prelims", Demos, V.(V). and Segal, M.T. (Ed.) People, Spaces and Places in Gendered Environments (Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 34), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiii.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos and Marcia Texler Segal

Half Title Page


Endorsement Page

As a member of the oldest environmental organization in the United States, the Sierra Club (founded in 1892), I am especially pleased to endorse this important work about how the climate crisis is affecting women. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change found that 80% of displaced persons are women. Examining natural and built environments in their physical, social-psychological, and spiritual manifestations, this volume provides a broad view of the relationship between gender and environments.

Susan Olsen

Board, Dorcestor (MD) Citizens for Planned Growth (DCPG)

Chair, Sierra Club, Lower Shore Group (2018–2020)

Series Page


Series Editors: Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos and Marcia Texler Segal

Recent Volumes:

Volume 14: Interactions and Intersections of Gendered Bodies at Work, at Home, and at Play – Edited by Marcia Texler Segal, 2010
Volume 15: Analyzing Gender, Intersectionality, and Multiple Inequalities: Global, Transnational and Local Contexts – Edited by Esther Ngan-Ling Chow, Marcia Texler Segal and Lin Tan, 2011
Volume 16: Social Production and Reproduction at the Interface of Public and Private Spheres – Edited by Marcia Texler Segal, Esther Ngan-Ling Chow and Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, 2012
Volume 17: Notions of Family: Intersectional Perspectives – Edited by Marla H. Kohlman, Dana B. Krieg and Bette J. Dickerson, 2013
Volume 18A: Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence: Part A – Edited by Marcia Texler Segal and Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, 2013
Volume 18B: Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence: Part B – Edited by Marcia Texler Segal and Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, 2014
Volume 19: Gender Transformation in the Academy – Edited by Marcia Texler Segal and Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, 2014
Volume 20: At the Center: Feminism, Social Science and Knowledge – Edited by Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos and Marcia Texler Segal, 2015
Volume 21: Gender and Race Matter: Global Perspectives on Being a Woman – Edited by Shaminder Takhar, 2016
Volume 22: Gender and Food: From Production to Consumption and After – Edited by Marcia Texler Segal and Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, 2016
Volume 23: Discourses of Gender and Sexual Inequality: The Legacy of Sanra L. Bem – Edited by Marla H. Kohlman and Dana B. Krieg, 2016
Volume 24: Gender Panic, Gender Policy – Edited by Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos and Marcia Texler Segal, 2017
Volume 25: Marginalized Mothers, Mothering from the Margins – Edited by Tiffany L. Taylor and Katrina R. Bloch, 2018
Volume 26: Gender and the Media: Women’s Places – Edited by Marcia Texler Segal and Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, 2019
Volume 27: Gender and Practice: Insights from the Field – Edited by Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, Marcia Texler Segal and Kristy Kelly, 2019
Volume 28: Gender and Practice: Knowledge, Policy, Organizations – Edited by Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, Marcia Texler Segal and Kristy Kelly, 2020
Volume 29: Advances in Women’s Empowerment: Critical Insight from Asia, Africa, and Latin America – Edited by Araceli Ortega Diaz and Marta Barbara Ochman, 2020
Volume 30: Gender and Generations: Continuity and Change – Edited by Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos and Marcia Texler Segal, 2021
Volume 31: Producing Inclusive Feminist Knowledge: Positionalities and Discourses in the Global South – Edited by Akosua Adomako Ampofo and Josephine Beoku-Betts, 2021
Volume 32: Advances in Trans Studies: Moving Toward Gender Expansion and Trans Hope – Edited by Austin H. Johnson, Baker A. Rogers and Tiffany Taylor, 2022
Volume 33: Gender Visibility and Erasure – Edited by Marcia Texler Segal and Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos, 2022

Editorial Advisory Board

Editors: Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos and Marcia Texler Segal

  • Miriam Adelman

    Universidade do Paraná, Brazil

  • Franca Bimbi

    University of Padua, Italy

  • Paraskevi-Viviane Galata

    Hellenic Open-University, Greece

  • Max Greenberg

    Boston University, USA

  • Marla Kohlman

    Kenyon College, USA

  • Chika Shinohara

    Momoyama Gakuin University

    (St. Andrew’s University), Japan

  • Shaminder Takhar

    London South Bank University, UK

  • Tiffany Taylor

    Kent State University, USA

Title Page





University of Minnesota Morris, USA



Indiana University Southeast, USA

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL.

First edition 2024

Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos and Marcia Texler Segal.

Individual chapters © 2024 The authors.

Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83797-894-6 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-893-9 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-895-3 (Epub)

ISSN: 1529-2126 (Series)


About the Editors ix
About the Contributors xi
People, Spaces and Places in Gendered Environments: An Introduction
Marcia Texler Segal and Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos 1
Chapter 1: Women and Public Space in Late-1980s Athens, Greece: Reflections on Gender, Space and Future Cities
Christina Marouli 15
Chapter 2: Nel Gasometro: A Gender Perspective on the Ostiense District of Rome
Marzia D’Amico 35
Chapter 3: Recent Asian Immigrant Women Scholars in STEM Fields: A Study of Gender and Environment Impacts on Their Career Pathways
Dao T. Nguyen 57
Chapter 4: Workplace Environment for Gender Equality and Sustainable Career Planning: The Case of Bangladesh
Lubaba Basharat and Md Jahangir Alam 77
Chapter 5: Indoor Sex Workers In Punjab: A Qualitative Enquiry
Rachana Sharma 99
Chapter 6: My First Environmentalist
Clara E. Rodríguez 119
Chapter 7: Indigenous Women and Climate Change in the Colombian Amazon
K. Lorena Romero Leal and Julián Neira Carreño 123
Chapter 8: Ecofeminist Ecospirituality: Manifestations of Queerness and Gender in (Re)Connecting With Nature and the Non-Human World
Asmae Ourkiya, Todd Jared LeVasseur and Paul M. Pulé 145
Index 165

About the Editors

Vasilikie (Vicky) Demos is a Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Minnesota Morris, USA. Her research focuses on race, ethnicity, history, and gender, particularly the construction of ethnicity among Greek women in Greece and the diaspora. She has received various awards, including the Harriet Martineau Sociological Society Annual Award and the UMM Distinguished Research Award. She has also served on committees in the American Sociological Association and as President of Sociologists for Women in Society and the North Central Sociological Association. Recently, she participated in efforts to stop pipeline construction near a minority neighborhood and a hospital.

Marcia Texler Segal, PhD, is Professor of Sociology and Dean for Research Emerita, Indiana University Southeast, USA. The focuses of her research, teaching, publications, and scholarly presentations include gender and international development; intersections of gender, race, and class; history of sociology; and sociology of religion. Her overseas experience has principally been in Sub-Saharan Africa. A Past President of the North Central Sociological Association, she has served in elected and appointed positions in the American and International Sociological Associations and Sociologists for Women in Society. She is currently Co-chair of the Feminist Development Sub-section of the American Sociological Association Section on Development.

About the Contributors

Md Jahangir Alam is Associate Professor and Chair at the Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His research interest covers a broad spectrum of education and development discourses, international education cooperation, and global cooperation studies.

Lubaba Basharat is Research Associate, Bangladesh Consulting Services, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Her research interests include higher education and gender equality, workplace environment, sustainable employability, and work–life balance.

Julián Neira Carreño has a Master’s degree in Psychosocial Research and Intervention from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and is a Social Psychologist. He collaborates with Tropenbos Colombia to support indigenous youth from the lower Caquetá in the Colombian Amazon. His work focuses on strengthening cultural practices and the transmission of local knowledge from an intergenerational perspective. In addition, he supported the implementation and knowledge management of the call “Women Caregivers of the Amazon”. He conducted research on indigenous territorial management in the deforestation arc zone of Colombia. His research interests include indigenous youth participa-tion and policies, indigenous territorial management, gender and intersectionality, development of participatory intercultural methodologies.

Marzia D’Amico is a Junior Researcher (FCT) at the Centre for Comparative Studies (CEComp), Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. Their research explores the interplay between tradition and experimentalism in its forms, expressions, languages, and codes, with a focus on the socio-political implication behind non-male subjects’ production of verbivocovisual poetry. They received a DPhil from the University of Oxford, in which they focused on gender and genre theories with a distinctive interest in the first epic poetry written by women in Italian. They published Figlie del Sé. L’epica rivoluzionaria di Amelia Rosselli e Patrizia Vicinelli (Mimesis, 2023) and various scientific articles about the Italian counter-canon panorama, with a specific involvement in feminist theory and practices. They co-run an open-access transfeminist monthly newsletter (Ghinea) and engage regularly in many forms of broadening the extents of academic results to larger audiences, particularly through their work as a multilingual poet and translator.

K. Lorena Romero Leal is a PhD candidate in Anthropology at the University of Florida and has MA in Latin American Studies from Leiden University. She is Co-founder and President of the non-governmental organization Fundación Yauda, Colombia, organization focused on promoting research and intervention in the Amazon region from a bottom-up approach developing dialogic processes with grassroots organizations. She has conducted her doctoral studies with a Fulbright–Colombian Ministry of Science scholarship and has received grants from different Colombian and US institutions. Her research interests include gendered ecologies, feminist political ecology, intersectionality, women leadership, embodiment, and decolonizing methodologies. Her research projects span practices and representations of regions such as the Amazon, the Latin-American continent, and the Netherlands. She has more than 10 academic publications in Spanish and English.

Todd Jared LeVasseur, PhD, teaches at the College of Charleston, USA, in the Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program, focusing his research and teaching on issues related to the environmental humanities, religion and nature, sustainability, and navigating runaway climate change.

Christina Marouli, PhD, is Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at Deree-American College of Greece (ACG), and works on issues of sustainable cities and gender, food waste, education for sustainability, and social change. She is a socially active scholar (e.g., worked at non-governmental organizations for women and children and founded the ACG Center of Excellence in Sustainability).

Dao T. Nguyen is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Purdue University Global, USA. She has extensive experience in higher education and public administration as a researcher, educator, manager, policy-maker, and evaluator. Her research interests revolve around issues related to gender, race, and social stratification, focusing on policy, leadership, and practice. Her scholarly works were published in peer-reviewed journals – International Journal of Public Administration, American Journal of Qualitative Research, Journal of Educational Administration, and International Higher Education. She worked in various capacities for An Giang University, IRED Institute of Education, University of Pittsburgh IISE, CIES Executive Director Office, and CPED Executive Director Office. She holds a PhD in Higher Education Management from the University of Pittsburgh with minors in Gender-Sexuality-Women’s Studies, Research Methodology, and Asian and Global Studies. She also has a master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from Boston College and a bachelor’s degree in Teacher Education from Can Tho University.

Asmae Ourkiya, PhD, an ecofeminist researcher and founder, bridges humanities, climate politics, and sciences with over a decade of experience. Their groundbreaking work, highlighted in their book Queer Ecofeminism, explores environmentalism, ecological feminism, climate justice, and gender studies. As the Founder of The Ecofeminist Institute Ltd., they advocate for global sustainability, gender, and climate justice.

Paul M. Pulé, PhD, is a social and environmental justice scholar-activist. He is widely published in gender and environment discourses, having authored the monograph Ecological Masculinities and edited the anthology Men, Masculinities & Earth. He co-founded the Starfish Collective that educates on gender ecologization toward a sustainable future.

Clara E. Rodríguez, Professor of Sociology, Fordham University, USA, is the author of 11 books and over 70 academic pieces. She is also the recipient of numerous awards, including the American Sociological Association’s Award for Distinguished Contributions in the Field of Latina/o Studies and her university’s Award for Distinguished Teaching in the Social Sciences.

Rachana Sharma, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India. Her areas of research interest include migration, gender, economic sociology, and social exclusion and inclusion of weaker sections. She is a recipient of Seminar and Project grants from Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute and National Commission for Women, Indian Council of Social Science Research. Her book, Shops and the Malls, was published by a reputed publication house in New Delhi, India and she has written several articles concerning issues of gender. She has held positions as a Consultant, Youth Affairs in State AIDS Control Society under the National AIDS Control Organization, India and has also worked as assistant professor in various colleges in Punjab. In addition to teaching, she also actively collaborates with a number of non-governmental organizations to support the cause of women and children. She was a member of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment as well.