
Thierry Elin-Saintine (Stockton University, USA)

Racial Inequality in Mathematics Education

ISBN: 978-1-78769-886-4, eISBN: 978-1-80043-990-0

ISSN: 1529-210X

Publication date: 26 August 2021

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Elin-Saintine, T. (2021), "Index", Racial Inequality in Mathematics Education (Studies in Educational Ethnography, Vol. 15), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 127-130.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Thierry Elin-Saintine. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Ability model
, 4, 75

Abstract mathematical concepts
, 35

Abstract thinking
, 55

Academic identity
, 5, 22–23, 73–74

Academic learning
, 10, 16, 83

, 33–34

Algebra Project
, 104

American carceral system
, 94–95

American social imaginary
, 75

, 66–67

, 30

Audenried High School
, 29–30

Belief systems
, 64

, 64–68

as academic identity
, 73–74

authority and membership
, 74–75

designated identity
, 74

, 73–74

as learning
, 74–75

, 73–74

Black children and mathematics
, 3

Black Lives Matter movement
, 90

Brown V. Board of Education decision
, 15

Cecil B. Moore’s college of education program
, 34, 68–70, 101–102

Classroom culture. See also Turner’s classroom
, 32–34

Cognitive revolution
, 87

Competence–confidence relationship
, 4

COVID-19, digital divide
, 89

Cultural racism
, 21

Culture of poverty
, 5, 10, 16, 66

Deep procedural knowledge
, 32

De facto segregation, racial separation
, 20

Developmental math courses
, 104

“Discarded” school-aged children
, 20

“Drill-and-kill” approach
, 33

Economic supremacy
, 36

Educational policies
, 9

Efficacy beliefs
, 77–78

Ethnographic study
, 102

Oxford high school
, 18

Experiential knowledge
, 35

Exploratory learning
, 32

Factual assertions
, 70

Gender-based differences
, 48

Geniuses community
, 102–103

Global labor market
, 3

Government-funded public education
, 1–2

Government-funded residential segregation
, 15

Growth mindset concept
, 4

Institutionalized mathematical knowledge
, 44

Institutional racism
, 22–23

, 62–63, 68–70

, 42–43, 51–53, 55, 59–61, 64, 68, 101–102

K – 12 mathematics education
, 5–6, 21, 33–34, 47–48

Legitimate school
, 66

, 91

Master narratives
, 31, 53–54, 66

Math anxiety
, 77

Mathematics education evolution
, 3

Math person
, 1, 4–6, 27, 31, 75–76

abstract thinking
, 55

academic identity
, 54

academic labels
, 65

academic learning
, 44–45

, 44

belief systems
, 64

bunch of rules
, 45, 49

cognitive demands
, 43

designated identity
, 55

economic stability
, 54

factual assertions
, 70

institutionalized mathematical knowledge
, 44

‘minority’ children
, 52

, 43

and nonmath people
, 50

resilient children
, 61–64

revisionist history
, 63

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
, 42

secondary education
, 42–44, 50

, 50

, 51

social inequalities
, 53

social justice education
, 44–45

social realities
, 44

social types
, 50

, 43

validity studies
, 52

Math wars casualties
, 87, 91, 95

Black Lives Matter movement
, 90

cognitive revolution
, 87

digital divide, COVID-19
, 89

, 88, 90

gender-based inequalities
, 89

K-12 mathematics education
, 87–88

mathematical illiterates
, 88

multigenerational poverty
, 89

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
, 89

race-based “gap,”
, 90–91

racial inequality
, 89–90

racial injustice
, 90

systemic injustices
, 87

Multigenerational poverty
, 35

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
, 89

Neoliberal and market-based campaign
, 28–29

, 1

, 61–62

Normative identity
, 75–76

Oxford High School. See also Urban education tale
, 29, 48, 83–84

academic learning
, 10

culture of poverty
, 10

de facto segregation, racial separation
, 20

“discarded” school-aged children
, 20

educational policies
, 9

ethnographic study
, 18

inflated grades
, 21

institutional racism
, 22–23

political and value-laden institutions
, 9–10

race-based differences
, 9

racial inequity
, 22–23

regular math classes
, 20

resilient children
, 18

secondary education
, 19

singular and isolated events
, 19

social imaginary
, 22

“the marginalized Other,”
, 18

turnaround movement
, 9

, 18, 22

Postsecondary education
, 46

Predominantly white institutions (PWIs)
, 46–47

Process-oriented/student-centered approaches
, 33

Profit-driven economy
, 29

Quality education
, 16

Race-based achievement gap
, 1, 103

Race-based stereotypes
, 68

Race-comparative approach
, 3

Racial equity
, 31–32

American carceral system
, 94–95

Boycott Collaboration with police
, 93–94

casualties, math wars
, 87–91

“genius” label
, 83–84

K-12 education
, 84

market-based ideologies
, 84

mathematics education
, 85–86

mathematics education reform, neoliberal ethos
, 91–93

social realities
, 94

sociopolitical and cultural forces
, 95

Racial hierarchy, mathematics ability
, 1–2

Racial inequality
, 16, 22–23, 48–49, 77, 104–105

mathematics education
, 2–3

math wars
, 90, 105–106

Rote learning
, 32–33

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores
, 86

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
, 1–2, 42

, 16–17, 27

designated identity
, 17–18

math person
, 51

, 78

, 77–78

, 41, 49, 51, 59

Skills-focused mathematics education
, 32–33

Social cognitive psychology
, 77

Social imaginary
, 105–106

Social inequalities
, 53

Socialization process
, 75–77

Social responsibility
, 46–47

Socioeconomic oppression
, 15

, 86

, 45, 49, 51, 63, 83–84

Stereotype management
, 46–47

Students’ performance, mathematics
, 2–3

, 45, 49, 51, 60–61, 63, 65, 68, 83–84

Teacher-centered education
, 32–33

Transmission model
, 37

Turner’s classroom. See also Math person
, 17–18, 21, 27–28, 41, 51

abstract mathematical concepts
, 35

, 30

at Audenried High School
, 29–30

college pipeline program
, 34

, 32–34

, 29

economic/social mobility argument
, 36

economic supremacy
, 36

experiences, at Oxford High School
, 29

experiential knowledge
, 35

low-anxiety environment
, 35

master narrative
, 31

multigenerational poverty
, 35

neoliberal and market-based campaign
, 28–29

“nonacademic” interactions
, 28

prot-driven economy
, 29

racial equity
, 31–32

study’s participants
, 28

test scores
, 28–29

transmission model
, 37

urban education tale
, 30

Vietnamese students
, 30

, 51, 53–55, 101–102

Urban education tale
, 5, 30, 75

academic demands
, 13

Black and Latinx teenagers’ experiences
, 14–15

Black Lives Matter movement
, 14

digital collections
, 11–12

English and Language Arts
, 13–14

, 15–17

neoliberal and market-based initiatives
, 13

nondescript back entrance
, 10–11

Oxford student community
, 11

propagation and legitimation
, 12–13

, 11–12

white-working class families
, 11

, 43, 54–55