Research in multi-level issues volume 8

Multi-Level Issues in Organizational Behavior and Leadership

ISBN: 978-1-84855-502-0, eISBN: 978-1-84855-503-7

ISSN: 1475-9144

Publication date: 19 May 2009

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(2009), "Research in multi-level issues volume 8", Yammarino, F.J. and Dansereau, F. (Ed.) Multi-Level Issues in Organizational Behavior and Leadership (Research in Multi-Level Issues, Vol. 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. iii.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Research in multi-level issues
Research in multi-level issues volume 8
Copyright page
About the editors
List of contributors
Overview: Multi-level issues in organizational behavior and leadership
A new kind of organizational behavior
Thick or thin? A fundamental question in organizational behavior
A newer organizational behavior
Charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leadership: An examination of multi-level influences on emergence and performance
Levels of performance: multi-level perspectives on outstanding leadership
Presidential leadership styles: how do they map onto charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leadership?
Charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leadership: where we are, and where do we need to go?
A componential analysis of leadership using the social relations model
Considerations in applying the social relations model to the study of leadership emergence in groups: a leadership categorization perspective
Thoughts on Studying Leadership in Natural Contexts
A levels-based leadership simulation: insights regarding group decision optimization
Comparing simulation results of leadership style impacts on emergent versus specific task outcomes and required simulation model components
Making it practical: simulation, naturalistic decision making, and complexity in team performance
Sins of omission and envy: redemption and salvation through levels of analysis
Enviroscapes: a multi-level contextual approach to organizational leadership
Targeting the cultural processes of partnering for analysis
Enviroscapes: the challenges of cultural partnering concepts
About the authors