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Counterpoint Dancing: Towards a Rhythmanalysis of Interculturalism


ISBN: 978-1-83909-973-1, eISBN: 978-1-83909-972-4

Publication date: 26 November 2021


This chapter extends Henri Lefebvre's writings on rhythm to explore how time, space, power and difference articulate themselves in the uneven social relations of intercultural space. Taking Lefebvre's ‘Seen From the Window’ chapter as a theme, I propose a variation of rhythmanalysis which interrogates the politics of copresence at a dance party in Munich, Germany. Plug in Beats is a participatory party – songs are selected by the crowd through a karaoke-like process. The monthly event was initiated in 2015 when a refugee camp was installed near an arts and cultural center. The party creates a space for dialogue between new migrants and established locals occupying a wide range of social positions. I look at the implications of rhythm for studying intercultural dance through a rhythmanalysis of one party in June 2018. The methodological approach is framed around the embodied multisensory participant observation advocated by Lefebvre; however, the analysis draws on additional ethnographic data from interviews, audio recordings, Shazam (a song identification app) and video footage. I propose a relational rhythmanalysis which engages the historical and geographic power dynamics at work in music, dancing and in the party space. Such an approach, I argue, reveals how participants negotiate and sometimes reconfigure social relations of difference through rhythm itself. While there are limits to the questions that rhythmanalysis allows the researcher to ask and answer, it is a valuable means to engage how power and difference work – and might be more equitably reworked – in migrant-receiving and otherwise heterogeneous spaces.




I am eternally grateful for the generosity of all participants, Thomas Lechner and Feierwerk staff that made this research possible. I am indebted to Dr Norma Rantisi and Dr Julie Podmore for their commentary on earlier drafts of this work and to Maria Fuchs, Nina Reggi, Marcus Grassl, Stefan Schneider and Fjóla Evans for their assistance the research. This study was funded by the Fonds de Recherche Société et Culture du Québec and Mitacs.


Stein, J.L. (2021), "Counterpoint Dancing: Towards a Rhythmanalysis of Interculturalism", Lyon, D. (Ed.) Rhythmanalysis (Research in Urban Sociology, Vol. 17), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 247-264.



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