
Systemic Inequality, Sustainability and COVID-19

ISBN: 978-1-80117-733-7, eISBN: 978-1-80117-732-0

ISSN: 0895-9935

Publication date: 30 May 2022

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(2022), "Index", Aladuwaka, S., Wejnert, B. and Alagan, R. (Ed.) Systemic Inequality, Sustainability and COVID-19 (Research in Political Sociology, Vol. 29), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 269-281.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Seela Aladuwaka, Barbara Wejnert and Ram Alagan. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Abuse in line of duty
, 72

Access to food
, 201

Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs)
, 62

abuse and attacks in line of duty
, 72

, 66

, 66–72

hours grow longer
, 70

income level of
, 69

lives at risk with inadequate safety gear
, 71–72

low literacy
, 70–71

, 64–65

problems of
, 63–64

roadblocks, exclusion, and discrimination
, 67

role of
, 62–63

services delivered by
, 68–69

under-paid job and loss of earnings
, 67–70

workers in India
, 62

, 233–234

Advanced communications technology
, 212

African Americans group
, 4

Age of Sustainable Development, The (Sachs)
, 179

Age-related stereotypes
, 53

Aggrieved women
, 112

, 50

, 50

, 230–231

, 229, 231

Alabama statewide mask mandate

analysis after expiration of
, 41–45

analysis prior to
, 38–41

Amma Canteen
, 151

Android phones
, 167

Angan Wadi Childcare workers (AWWs)
, 62

Anomie concept
, 213

, 161


biocolonization and consumerism as factors in loss of birdsong
, 260–261

climate change as causal factor of COVID-19 outbreak
, 255

eco-poetics, birdsong, and ataraxis
, 257–258

issues raised through both memoirs
, 265–266

Mormon Women and Mormon Faith
, 264–265

referential fallacy
, 258–259

splicing of loss of birdsong and Williams’s personal loss
, 259–260

terminal illnesses, loss of birdsong and
, 255–257

The Clan of One-Breasted Women
, 261–263

Tropes of Mythical Goddess as Representational of Situation of Women
, 263–264

Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)
, 95

, 257–258

Atmospheric aerosol loading
, 179

Attacks in line of duty
, 72

, 136–137

Attracting investments
, 78

Auburn-Opelika metro
, 36–37

, 158–159

Augmented workload
, 62–63

Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs)
, 62

, 110

, 242

, 110

, 54

Below Poverty Level (BPL)
, 82

Biocolonization factors in loss of birdsong
, 260–261

, 178–180

in African
, 179

cases of biodiversity degradation and impact on environment
, 180–181

combatting negatives of deforestation
, 182

combatting negatives of Tragedy of the Commons
, 181

COVID-19 pandemic implications on biodiversity policies
, 182–183

, 178, 254

Bird refuge
, 256

, 257–258

biocolonization and consumerism as factors in loss of
, 260–261

loss of
, 255–257

splicing of loss of birdsong and Williams’s personal loss
, 259–260

Black Belt communities
, 6

data and methods
, 7–9

geographic information system and population health data
, 7–9

healthy foods vs. COVID-19
, 24

ownership of private vehicles vs. COVID-19
, 18–21

poverty vs. COVID-19
, 18

pre-existing health conditions vs. COVID-19
, 21–24

, 9–24

SDH and COVID-19 in Alabama
, 14–18

socioeconomic status of Alabama’s Black Belt region
, 9–14

Black Belt region
, 4

socioeconomic status of
, 9–14

Business Development Services (BDS)
, 85

Carceral settings
, 186–187

Cardiovascular diseases
, 54–55

Care ethics
, 128–129

, 142–148

digital food activism of Food for Chennai
, 131–132

feminist theory of care ethics or ethics of care as applied to work of FFC
, 132–134

food ethics and hunger
, 129–130

Food for Chennai
, 135–149

Hunger Watch
, 151

mobilizing Food for Chennai during pandemic
, 130–131

plurality, communication, solidarity
, 149

, 148–149

, 142, 147

, 134

, 130

Case law
, 91

Causal conditions for online chatting by Muslim married women
, 159–160

Center for Disease Control (CDC)
, 34–35, 197–198

Center on Poverty and Social Policy (CPSP)
, 14–15


in husband’s absence
, 163

as remedy for loneliness
, 159

, 164

Chemical pollution
, 179

, 135–136

digital food activism of Food for Chennai
, 131–132

Food for Chennai
, 135–149

mobilizing Food for Chennai during pandemic
, 130–131

Chennai Live on Instagram
, 136–137


COVID-19 in
, 214–215

inequality in
, 216–218

social revolution, COVID-19, and political reform in
, 218–219

, 182

Climate change
, 180

as causal factor of COVID-19 outbreak
, 255

Clinical sociological interventions
, 190

Code of Criminal Procedure Act
, 101

Collective action through connective engagement
, 131–132

Collective violence
, 97

Communicating with elderly patient
, 53

, 53–54, 149


of individuals
, 130

of sexual harassment
, 110

, 187

, 97

Community health workers (CHW)
, 63

, 142–148

, 198

Confidentiality, lack of
, 121

1980 Constitution
, 218–219

Consumerism as factors in loss of birdsong
, 260–261

Contemporary tendencies
, 52

Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution Act
, 99–100

Convicted women
, 186–187

Correctional system
, 194–195

“Cottage industry of care”
, 147

, 229

COVID Prison Project
, 188

, 90, 186–187

in Chile
, 214–215

climate change as causal factor of COVID-19 outbreak
, 255

, 128

effects on African American communities
, 4–5

global pandemic
, 4

harassments during
, 123

healthy foods vs.
, 24

impact on employment in India and Himachal Pradesh
, 78–79

impacts on data collection
, 194

impacts on historically marginalized communities
, 5

increase domestic violence during
, 94–96

of indigenous people’s health and life
, 231–233

limited access to health care and COVID-19 protection
, 197–199

minority communities impacted by
, 6

ownership of private vehicles vs.
, 18–21

, 9, 11, 55, 212, 254, 266

pandemic implications on biodiversity policies
, 182–183

pandemic in United States
, 34

poverty vs.
, 18

pre-existing health conditions vs.
, 21–24

reasons for domestic violence against women during
, 96

SDH and COVID-19 in Alabama
, 14–18

social revolution, COVID-19, and political reform in Chile
, 218–219

spread in Latin America
, 215

, 243, 249

Crimes under Penal Code of Sri Lanka
, 99

Crimes under special penal legislations
, 99

Criminal justice systems
, 92

Criminal justice-involved women
, 189


experience of
, 238

fragile stabilization and hard crisis
, 245–249

pandemic-related communication
, 156–157

Critical thinking
, 229

Crowdsourced volunteering
, 151

Cultural rights
, 230

Cultural services
, 179–180

, 164

, 165

, 161, 167

Death in Venice (Mann)
, 214

, 113

, 178, 180–181

combatting negatives of
, 182

Delhi gang-rape case
, 112

Demand-side mechanisms
, 85

Demographic dividend
, 76–77

Demographic variables
, 36

Department of Corrections (DOC)
, 198

Descriptive analysis
, 91

Detailed analysis
, 91

, 231

, 230–231

, 21

Digital activism
, 131–132, 135, 149

Digital food activism of food for Chennai
, 131–132

Digital infrastructure
, 129, 132

Digital social media platforms
, 131–132, 134

, 51–52

, 50, 63–64, 67

characteristics of old age
, 50–51

against elderly people
, 50

problem of
, 51–56

trying to solve problem
, 56–58

Discriminatory behavior
, 50

Diseased Gaia
, 264

District Information System of Education (DISE)
, 76

Divide-and-rule strategy
, 230

Domestic prevention law with special focus on COVID-19 pandemic
, 105

Domestic Violence (DV)
, 90, 97–98

as form of gender-based violence
, 96–98

increase domestic violence during pandemic
, 94–96

reasons for domestic violence against women during COVID-19 pandemic
, 96

regulatory framework for domestic violence prevention in Sri Lanka
, 101–104

in Sri Lanka
, 91

vulnerability of women for
, 91

Dubay, Latha (FFC’s founder)
, 129

Earnings, loss of
, 67–70

Eating Behind Bars
, 200

, 257–258

Economic abuse
, 102

Economic costs
, 4

Economic hardship
, 23–24

Economic impact of COVID-19 in Latin America
, 215–216

Economic migration
, 52–53

, 179–180

, 255

, 178–180

Educational garden programming
, 186–187

Educational qualification of surveyed respondents
, 80–82

Elderly patients
, 53

Elderly people, discrimination against

characteristics of old age
, 50–51

problem of
, 51–56

trying to solve problem
, 56–58

“Emergency menus”
, 200

Emotional abuse
, 105–106

, 133–134


COVID-19 impact on employment in India and Himachal Pradesh
, 78–79

data analysis
, 80–86

educational qualification of surveyed respondents
, 80–82

employment situations among families of respondents
, 83

expected sectors as reveled by respondents
, 84

, 84–85

initiatives of SSDM post-COVID-19
, 78

investments in state
, 77–78

poverty, rural-urban profile of respondents
, 82

pre-COVID-19 job situations and present strategy
, 83

pre-COVID-19 sector wise employment status
, 82–83

, 85–86

research design
, 79–80

respondents registered in skill portal
, 80

significance and objective of study
, 79

situations among families of respondents
, 83

sources of livelihoods of respondents’ households
, 82

vocational skills among surveyed respondents
, 83

Enemy Within, The (Gould)
, 262

Engagement with private agencies
, 86

Environmental degradation
, 254

Environmental rights
, 227–228

Environmental sustainability
, 178–179

Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
, 29

, 178

, 212

, 51

“Eremezoic era”
, 260–261

“Essential business”
, 34

“Essential workers”
, 130

Ethical theory
, 129

Ethics of care

as applied to work of FFC
, 132–134

, 128

Ethnicity in self-reported mask wearing
, 35

Everyday life

character and meaning of
, 240

realm of
, 240

on ruins of old world
, 241–243

women role in
, 240

, 67

Expected sectors as reveled by respondents
, 84

, 128–129, 131–132, 167

mobilizing food for Chennai during pandemic by using
, 130–131

Facility management
, 192

, 130

Family violence
, 90

Feeling sense of betrayal
, 165

, 63–64

Feminist theory of care ethics as applied to work of FFC
, 132–134


, 129

deterioration in incarcerated settings
, 199–201

, 201

, 186–187, 191, 201, 204–205, 231

Food ethics
, 129

and hunger
, 129–130

Food for Chennai (FFC)
, 128–129, 135, 149

, 136–137

digital food activism of
, 131–132

feminist theory of care ethics or ethics of care as applied to work of
, 132–134

mobilizing during pandemic
, 130–131

, 137–142

Fragile stabilization and hard crisis
, 245–249

Frontline Health Workers (FLWs)
, 72


in incarcerated settings
, 190

in penal settings
, 190

, 194–195

, 97

in self-reported mask wearing
, 35

sensitized authorities
, 120–121

Gender-based violence (GBV)
, 90, 98

assessing adequacy of existing domestic prevention law on COVID-19 pandemic
, 105

domestic violence as form of
, 96–98

increase domestic violence during pandemic
, 94–96

laws for gender-based violence against women in Sri Lanka
, 99–100

, 91

, 91

reasons for domestic violence against women during COVID-19 pandemic
, 96

regulatory framework for prevention of domestic violence in Sri Lanka
, 101–104

Sri Lankan response toward specific international standards of violence and women
, 100–101

vulnerability of Sri Lankan women for domestic violence as form of
, 92–94

Genealogy of sustainable development
, 239

Genetic diversity
, 179

Geographic Information System (GIS)
, 7, 9, 29

, 9–14

Geotracking of smart phones
, 35

Geriatric syndromes
, 50–51

Gini Index
, 216

Glide App
, 135

Global freshwater use
, 179

“Globalized Islam”
, 166

Google Spreadsheet
, 80

Government offices with IC implementation
, 121–122

Green City Solutions
, 182

Green ideologies
, 189–190

Green Linnet, The
, 257

Green prison programs
, 189

Green Studies Reader, The (McKibben)
, 258–259

“Green-washing” of prison design and programming
, 189–190

Gross Enrollment Rate (GER)
, 76

Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)
, 77

Habermas’ concept of public sphere
, 156

Harassments during COVID-19
, 123

Health care

, 5–6

limited access to health care and COVID-19 protection
, 197–199

Health data maps
, 8

Health disparity
, 5

Health mapping supports
, 7

Healthcare system

, 55–56

in Poland
, 55

, 50

Healthy foods vs. COVID-19
, 24

Hermeneutical phenomenology
, 157

Himachal Pradesh
, 76

COVID-19 impact on employment in India and
, 78–79

Hippi movement
, 244–245

Home confinement
, 212

“Honor killings”
, 163

Human dignity
, 51–52

Human over-exploitation of forests
, 181

Human Rights approach
, 254–255

Human social networks
, 134

Hunger, food ethics and
, 129–130

Hunger Watch study
, 135

, 194–195

of women and girls
, 188–189

, 261

, 212

Incarcerated women
, 186–187, 201

, 194–195

Incentive-based remuneration for ASHA workers
, 67


COVID-19 impact on employment in
, 78–79

second wave of COVID-19 infections in
, 128

Indigenous communities
, 226–227

Indigenous defense system
, 230

Indigenous lands
, 226

Indigenous people

COVID-19 pandemic and precarity of indigenous people’s health and life
, 231–233

, 233–234

rights for
, 224

Ineffectiveness of IC
, 118–119

Inequality in Chile
, 216–218

Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP)
, 14–15

Institutional corrections
, 187

Interfaith marriages
, 156

Internal committee (IC)
, 111–112

awareness of employees and IC members
, 122–123

background of study
, 112–113

dynamics of IC and constitution in study offices
, 114–116

gaps in
, 118

gender sensitized authorities
, 120–121

harassments during COVID-19
, 123

implementation of
, 116–117

ineffectiveness of
, 118–119

, 113–114

, 113

opinion of chairperson in
, 117–118

perspectives of Government offices and private office with IC implementation
, 121–122

privacy concerns and lack of confidentiality
, 121

rooting of patriarchy
, 120

International Criminal Court
, 233–234

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 215, 230–231

International pressure
, 233–234

Interpersonal violence
, 97

, 63–64

Interview method
, 113

, 249

“Investment defense forces”
, 224–225

Investments in state
, 77–78

Investors Summit (2019)
, 78

Invisibility of ASHA workers
, 64

Iranian dating sites

causal conditions for online chatting by Muslim married women
, 159–160

consequences of chatting by Muslim married women
, 165

contextual conditions of online chatting by Muslim married women
, 160–161

data gathering
, 157–158

, 159

intervening conditions behind chatting of Muslim married women
, 161–162

, 157

research method
, 157

strategies used for chatting by Muslim married women
, 163–165

, 158–159

Islam in online environment
, 166

Islamic penal law
, 156–157

, 52–53

, 212

Job performance
, 113

Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
, 215

Judicial Service commission (JSC)
, 105

, 156

Language Goes Two Ways (Snyder)
, 258

Latin America

COVID-19 spread in
, 215

social and economic impact of COVID-19 in
, 215–216

Laws for gender-based violence against women in Sri Lanka
, 99–100

Legal regulations
, 55–56

Lesbian, bi-sexual, gay, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual relationships (LBGTQIA relationships)
, 156

Livelihoods, sources of
, 82

Living Planet Report
, 178

Local Committee (LC)
, 112

“Lockdown meals”
, 200

, 90

, 52–53

chat as remedy for
, 159

Loneliness of the Dying, The (Elias)
, 214


of ASHA workers
, 64

of seniors
, 57

Marital rape
, 99

Marshall Project
, 198, 200

Mask wearing behavior

analysis after expiration of Alabama statewide mask mandate
, 41–45

analysis prior to Alabama statewide mask mandate
, 38–41

, 36–38

participants/study population
, 36–37

procedure for data collection
, 37–38

, 38–45

Mass incarceration
, 187–190

, 261

, 187

Medium Household Income (MHI)
, 13–14

“Member checking”
, 158–159

Mepham, Ken (co-founder of the academic field of food ethics)
, 129

, 110

, 151

Midwest Garden program
, 202

Midwest PI
, 203–204

Midwestern correctional facility
, 192–193

, 229

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
, 179–181

Million-TreesNYC Campaign
, 182

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW)
, 135–136

Mixed-method longitudinal design
, 191

Mobile Internet
, 167

Mobilizing food for Chennai during pandemic
, 130–131

, 194–195

Mormon Faith
, 264–265

Mormon Women
, 264–265

, 194–195

Muslim married women

avoiding face-to-face meeting
, 163–164

causal conditions for online chatting by
, 159–160

chat as remedy for loneliness
, 159

chat in husband’s absence
, 163

consequences of chatting by
, 165

contextual conditions of online chatting by
, 160–161

digital romantic chats by
, 168

disguise fact of being married
, 163

experience of family restrictions
, 160–161

feeling sense of betrayal
, 165

husband’s sexual coldness
, 162

intervening conditions behind chatting of
, 161–162

online chat addiction
, 165

online entertainment
, 164–165

premarital experiences in virtual space
, 160

sense of freedom
, 161

sex chat
, 164

social media role life world of
, 156

strategies used for chatting by
, 163–165

unhappy marriage
, 161–162

Narrative analysis of participants
, 165

Narrative biographical interview
, 250

National Child Protection Authority Act
, 102

National Health Mission (NHM)
, 62

ASHAs workers including in
, 62

National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
, 62

Neoliberal regimes
, 224

Nitrogen cycle
, 179

, 110

Non-Black Belt counties
, 24–27

Non-digital media
, 137

Non-heroic everyday life
, 249

, 51

Nongovernmental organizations
, 233–234

Normative theory of care ethics
, 133–134

Novel coronavirus (2019-nCov)
, 215

, 242

, 226–228, 230–231

Old age characteristics
, 50–51

Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights
, 54

Online chat addiction
, 165

Online communications
, 167

Online complaint management system
, 122–123

Online entertainment
, 164–165

Online romantic chat
, 166

Open-pit mining
, 227–228

, 63–64

Overexploitation of resource
, 178, 180

Ownership of private vehicles vs. COVID-19
, 18–21

, 4

increase domestic violence during
, 94–96

mobilizing Food for Chennai during
, 130–131

pandemic-induced restrictions
, 132

pandemic-related communication crisis
, 156–157

women’s prison gardens in pandemic times
, 201–204

Participants/study population
, 36–37

Patients’ Rights Ombudsman
, 54

Penal Code Amendment Act
, 99

Penal Code of Sri Lanka
, 101–102

People’s Mining Bill
, 234

Person of Color (POC)
, 39–40

Personal protective equipment (PPE)
, 64, 71–72

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996)
, 201

Phenomenology method
, 157

Philippine Mining Act (1995)
, 224–225, 230–231, 234

, 224

human rights violations in
, 233

indigenous people in
, 230

Phosphorous cycle
, 179

Physical distancing
, 35

Place-based pedagogy
, 229

, 149

Polish Constitution
, 51

Polish retiree
, 56

Political reform in Chile
, 218–219

Population health data
, 7–9

Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
, 255

Post-war stabilization
, 243–245

Poverty, rural-urban profile of respondents
, 82

Poverty vs. COVID-19
, 18


job situations and present strategy
, 83

sector wise employment status
, 82–83

Pre-existing health conditions vs. COVID-19
, 21–24

Pre-Pandemic times ASHA workers
, 67

Precarity of indigenous people’s health and life
, 231–233

Premarital experiences in virtual space
, 160

Preventative behaviors
, 35–36

Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (PDVA)
, 90–91, 101, 105

, 110

Principal Investigator (PI)
, 191, 193

Midwest PI
, 203–204

Print media, mobilizing food for Chennai during pandemic by using
, 130–131

Prison Education Devices program (PED program)
, 196

Prison farms
, 190

Prison gardens
, 187, 190

Prison horticulture
, 190

Prison Industrial Complex (PIC)
, 187–188

Prison Policy Initiative
, 197–198

Privacy concerns
, 121

Private domain
, 100–101

Private office with IC implementation
, 121–122

Product-oriented learning
, 229

Productivity-driven mentality of societies
, 52–53

Provisioning services
, 179–180

Psychosocial outcomes in COVID-19
, 212–214

Public distribution system (PDS)
, 128

Public emergencies
, 90–91

Public policy changes effect on mask wearing behavior
, 46

Public sphere
, 156

Qualitative data, exploration of
, 130–131


of human life
, 227

of prison food
, 199–200

Quantity of prison food
, 199–200


inequality in US Carceral System
, 187–188

in self-reported mask wearing
, 35

, 99

, 201

Reentry support
, 201

Referential fallacy
, 258–259

, 256–258, 260

Regulating services
, 179–180

Rehabilitation of respondents
, 86

Reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health services (RMNCHA services)
, 62, 64

Residential community
, 187

Residential facility for women
, 192

, 187


educational qualification of surveyed respondents
, 80–82

employment situations among families of
, 83

expected sectors as reveled by
, 84

poverty, rural-urban profile of
, 82

registered in skill portal
, 80

rehabilitation of
, 86

sources of livelihoods of respondents’ households
, 82

vocational skills among surveyed respondents
, 83

, 137–142

, 148–149

Right to ancestral land
, 225–227

Right to education and cultural rights
, 228–230

Right to life
, 224–225

Right to self-determination
, 230–231

Right to sustainable development
, 230–231

Rights for indigenous people
, 224

Romantic chat
, 166

Rural-urban profile of respondents
, 82

Safe sex chat role
, 166

Salary payment
, 113

Sampling method
, 157

Sand County Almanac, The (Leopold)
, 258–259

Second wave of COVID-19 infections in India
, 128

“Secret cyber entertainment”
, 167

Self-directed violence
, 97

, 77, 85

Self-reported face masking behaviors
, 35

Senior patient
, 50

Sense of freedom
, 161

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
, 55, 212, 214, 255

Sex chat
, 164

Sexual harassment (SH)
, 110

community of
, 110

in Indian context
, 111

against women at workplace
, 112

Sexual Harassment Act
, 112–114

Sexual harassment electronic–box (She-Box)
, 122–123

Shariah law
, 156

Skill portal, respondents registered in
, 80

Skipping meals in incarcerated settings
, 200

, 167

, 164–165

Social campaigns
, 57

Social Determinants of Health (SDH)
, 4–5, 7–8

SDH and COVID-19 in Alabama
, 14–18

Social distance approach
, 212

Social distancing
, 35–36, 90

Social impact of COVID-19 in Latin America
, 215–216

Social media role life world of Muslim women
, 156

Social networks
, 156, 167

Social revolution in Chile
, 218–219

Social support, suspension of
, 186–187, 195, 197

Socialist economy
, 242

Societal costs
, 4

Socioeconomic databases
, 9

Socioeconomic status
, 4–5

of Alabama’s Black Belt region
, 9–14

Soil degradation
, 182

, 149

Source of livelihoods of respondents’ households
, 82

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
, 99–100

Southeastern Garden
, 201

Southeastern Prison
, 190–192

Species web
, 180

Sri Lanka

laws for gender-based violence against women in
, 99–100

regulatory framework for prevention of domestic violence in
, 101–104

Sri Lankan woman
, 93

vulnerability of Sri Lankan women for domestic violence as form of
, 92–94

State Skill Development Mission (SSDM)
, 78

initiatives of SSDM post-COVID-19
, 78

, 121

Study rigor
, 158–159

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP program)
, 201

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
, 201

Supporting services
, 179–180

, 178, 189–190

Sustainable development
, 224, 232–233, 238

everyday life on ruins of old world
, 241–243

and experience of crisis
, 238

fragile stabilization and hard crisis
, 245–249

genealogies of
, 238–239

limitations and questions
, 249

materials and methods
, 239–240

post-war stabilization
, 243–245

, 232

Terminal illnesses
, 255–257

Textual analysis of social media post
, 128–129

Theory of care ethics
, 129

‘Third world feminism’
, 63–64

Toxic Discourse (Buell)
, 260–261

, 212

, 99–100

Tragedy of Commons
, 178

Tragedy of the Commons (Hardin)
, 180

combatting negatives of
, 181

#Transforming Lives
, 149–150

Transnational mining corporations (TNCs)
, 226

Travel/mobility restrictions
, 90

Tropes of Mythical Goddess as Representational of Situation of Women
, 263–264

, 158–159

, 131–132

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services
, 4–5

UCLA Law COVID-19 Behind Bars Data Project
, 198

UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 231

UN Commission for Human Rights
, 233

UN Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
, 97, 100, 111

UN Declaration
, 110

UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP)
, 224

UN High Commission on Human Rights
, 233–234

Under-paid job
, 67–70

Uneven spatial development
, 6–7

United Nations Declaration on Elimination of Violence against Women (DEVAW)
, 97–98

University Grants Commission
, 113–114

University of Philippines (UP)
, 229

Urban gardening
, 201

US Carceral System, race inequality in
, 187–188

US corrections system
, 187

, 6

“Vegas Rule”
, 202–203

, 99–100, 118

Victims of Crime and Witnesses Act
, 104

Vienna Declaration
, 97–98

Violation of dignity
, 54

, 63–64, 91, 96–97

against healthcare workers
, 72

Sri Lankan response toward specific international standards of
, 100–101

against women
, 97, 110

Virtual space, premarital experiences in
, 160

Vocational skills among surveyed respondents
, 83


of Sri Lankan women for domestic violence as form of gender-based violence
, 92–94

of women
, 91

Western consumerism
, 238–239

, 128–129, 167

mobilizing food for Chennai during pandemic by using
, 130–131

When Women Were Birds (Williams)
, 256, 263, 265

, 263

#With you
, 110


, 118–119

hyper-incarceration of
, 188–189

in penal system
, 189

in period of stabilization
, 245–246

population in Sri Lanka
, 90

reasons for domestic violence against women during COVID-19 pandemic
, 96

role in everyday life
, 240

victims of domestic violence
, 91

Women in Global Health (WGH)
, 72

Women were Birds
, 261

Women’s prison gardens

COVID-19 impacts on data collection
, 194

deterioration of food in incarcerated settings
, 199–201

, 194–201

hyper-incarceration of women and girls
, 188–189

limited access to health care and COVID-19 protection
, 197–199

literature review
, 187–190

mass incarceration and sustainability
, 189–190

, 190–194

Midwestern correctional facility
, 192–193

in pandemic times
, 201–204

race inequality in US Carceral System
, 187–188

Southeastern Prison
, 190–192

suspension of social support
, 195–197

Women’s Well-being Survey (WWS)
, 93

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 18, 92–93, 96–97

World Health Organization-Pulse survey
, 64

World Hunger Index
, 151

World Report on Violence and Health (WRVH)
, 96–97

World Trade Organization (WTO)
, 230–231

World Wildlife Foundation (WWF)
, 178, 180

Zoom (social media platform)
, 128–129, 142–143

mobilizing food for Chennai during pandemic by using
, 130–131

, 254

Part I Heath and Social Inequality and COVID-19
Social Determinants of Health Disparities and COVID-19 in Black Belt Communities in Alabama: Geospatial Analyses
A Naturalistic Observation of Mask Wearing Behavior in a Southeastern United States Town during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Selected Aspects of Discrimination against the Elderly in the Polish Health Care System
Invisible Frontline Warriors of COVID-19: An Intersectional Feminist Study of ASHA Workers in India
Impact of COVID-19 on Employment in Himachal Pradesh – A Case Study
Gender-Based Violence and COVID-19: Legislative and Judicial Measures for Protection and Support of the Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Sri Lanka
Gender Relations and Dynamics of Internal Committee: Case Studies from Private and Public Institutions in South India
Care Ethics in the Time of COVID-19: Are We Our Brother's Keepers? Some Insights from the Efforts of “Food for Chennai,” India
Iranian Dating Sites in the Age of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study on Muslim Married Women
Part II Environment, Sustainability, and COVID-19
A Reflection on Biodiversity in a Time of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Foundation of Environmental Sustainability
Systemic Inequality, Sustainability and COVID-19 in US Prisons: A Sociological Exploration of Women's Prison Gardens in Pandemic Times
COVID-19 in Chile: Personal and Political Outcomes
Corporate Mining, Sustainable Development, and Human Rights of the Indigenous People in the Philippines: Implications for Building Resiliency to the Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic
Genealogies of Sustainable Development? Life Stories of Frugal, Inventive, and Creative Women
Birdsong and the Diseased Gaia in the Anthropocene: An Ecofeminist Reading of Terry Tempest Williams' Memoirs – Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place and When Women Were Birds: Fifty-Four Variations on Voice