
Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management

ISBN: 978-1-83797-890-8, eISBN: 978-1-83797-889-2

ISSN: 0742-7301

Publication date: 26 September 2024

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(2024), "Index", Buckley, M.R., Wheeler, A.R., Baur, J.E. and Halbesleben, J.R.B. (Ed.) Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Vol. 42), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 251-259.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 M. Ronald Buckley, Anthony R. Wheeler, John E. Baur and Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben


Academic research, community-building in
, 177

, 151

Adaptive cultures
, 125

Adoption of HRM practices
, 76

Adulation of patriots and celebration of patriotic events
, 183

Adult training settings, learning in
, 62–63

Affective commitment
, 191

Affective reactions
, 202

Affordable Care Act
, 29

Agency theory
, 21

, 120, 124, 126, 130

Alignment, importance of
, 197–198

American and French revolutions
, 179

American Dream, The
, 180

American Express
, 184

Anecdotal quotations
, 192

Archival databases
, 105

Aristotelian ethics
, 158

Assessment models
, 87

Behavioral disposition
, 147

, 28–31

Biased effect sizes
, 217

Big 5 personality traits
, 118, 123, 126, 136

Binomial Option Pricing Model
, 90

Black–Scholes model
, 90

Blind patriotism
, 199

Blue Ridge Co.
, 193–194

Brain imaging techniques
, 50

Business ethics programs
, 157

Business functions, relationship of HRM flexibility with other
, 86

Business stakeholders
, 190

Candidate HRM practices
, 93

, 124

moderating effect of CEO gender
, 126–132

, 133

Certification schemes
, 160

Chi-square difference tests
, 236

Chi-square significance test
, 221

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
, 197

Choice mechanism, valuation of HRM options as
, 89–93

, 176–177

Cognition, metacognition and
, 48–49

Cognitive constructs
, 47

Cognitive process
, 56

Cognitive scientists
, 60

Cognitive-developmental psychologists
, 61

Collaborative cultures
, 123

Collectivist identity orientation
, 149

Collectivist organizations
, 149

Common factor models
, 233

Common method bias (CMB)
, 217, 221

Common method variance (CMV)
, 217, 221, 238

, 175–177

community-building in academic research
, 177


, 28–31

, 22

overall compensation logic
, 14–15

pay administration
, 25–28

pay determinants/basis
, 19–22

pay level
, 16–19

pay structure
, 22–25

, 14

specific pay categories
, 15–16

, 3, 14–15

, 31


, 78

presence of
, 97–99

Complex CMV
, 216

Complex latent variable models
, 228

Componential framework for meta cognition
, 51–57

, 172

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
, 217–218

models with ULMF
, 238–241

Conscientious CEOs
, 124

, 119

Constitutional patriotism
, 175

Contemporary social exchange theory
, 154

Conventional HRM field
, 81

Corporate governance
, 133–134, 197

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 146, 151–156, 177

attribution typology
, 146

, 146, 156, 158

moderating effect of
, 159–160

organizational identity and orientation
, 148–156

relational CSR attribution
, 157

strategic CSR attribution
, 156–157

virtuous CSR attribution
, 158–159

COVID-19 pandemic
, 191

, 49

, 122–123, 172


alignment with
, 190–191

, 123

Declarative metacognitive knowledge
, 53

Deep historical roots
, 179–181

Defined benefit (DB)
, 99

Defined contribution (DC)
, 82

Deontic justice motives
, 154–155

Distinct identity orientations
, 149

Distributive justice
, 155

Domain independent metacognitive control strategies
, 59

Domain-specific metacognitive knowledge and skills alongside general ones
, 67–68

Dynamic mental model
, 51

Metacognitive Control
, 58–60

of object-level cognition
, 57

Dynamic model
, 58

Economic Policy Institute
, 22

Economic scarcity consequences
, 11

cognitive effects
, 11–12

emotional effects
, 12–13

health effects
, 13

Economic theory
, 156

Educational psychologists
, 61

Elicits sentiments
, 170

Emotional effects
, 12–13

Emotional stability
, 121

, 117

alignment with
, 191–192

, 186–187

, 7

, 85, 146–147, 159

, 170

Employment relationship literature
, 14

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
, 87

Entrepreneurship research
, 185

Environmental, social, and governance values (ESG)
, 189

Episodic memory
, 55

Ethical organizational identity
, 150

Ethical theories
, 157

, 157

, 201

, 158

, 59

Excessive patriotism
, 173

Executive function, metacognition and
, 49–50

Expatriate research
, 201

Expectation states theory
, 127–128

Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM)
, 240

, 120

Extraverted leaders
, 120

Extreme contexts
, 204

Fair Trade certification
, 161

Fairtrade International
, 161

Feedback analysis
, 57

Female CEO leadership

implications and directions for future research
, 133–137

leader personality and performance
, 117–121

literature review
, 117

moderating effect of CEO gender
, 126–132

organizational culture as pathway for leader’s personality to impact performance
, 122–125

Fermentation process
, 216

Financial buffer
, 11

Financial Health Network
, 29

Financial performance
, 86, 133–137, 182, 190

Financial resources
, 10, 12

Firm capability, relationship of HRM flexibility with other
, 86

Firm performance, value of HRM options and
, 86

Firm strategy
, 187–188

Firms’ decision making
, 79

First responders, HR practices targeted toward military members and
, 182–183

Five-Factor Model (see Big 5 personality traits)

Fortune 500 companies
, 129

, 14, 51, 87, 190

Functional framework for meta cognition
, 51–57

Future research directions
, 65–68, 135, 198–203

, 127

Gendered stereotypes
, 128

General independent metacognitive control strategies
, 59

Generational demographics
, 200

Gig economy
, 20

Google Scholar
, 79

Health effects
, 13

Health outcomes
, 2, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25

High-investment HRM systems (HIHRS)
, 95

High-performance work systems (HPWS)
, 15

Higher pay level
, 18

Household income
, 3

Human resource (HR)
, 171

practices targeted toward military members and first responders
, 182–183

Human resource and organizational behavior (HROB)
, 216

, 216

scholars used ULMF approach
, 223–225

Human resource management (HRM)
, 3

absence of theoretical mechanism of HRM options choice
, 89

antecedents and consequences of HRM option utilization
, 85

compensation practices
, 14–31

consequences of HRM flexibility and boundary conditions
, 83–84

cost and negative effects of HRM flexibility
, 85–86

difference in relevant information
, 93–95

empirical investigations
, 85

, 105

future research
, 32–34

implications for HRM research with real options perspective
, 103–105

implications for practice
, 105–107

implications for research on HRM practice adoptions
, 102–103

, 77–78

literature search and inclusion criteria
, 80–81

low-wage work literature review
, 6

low-wage work pay strategies, strategic considerations, and effects
, 4–5

moderation effects of contexts
, 86

, 98, 102

overview of example valuation of HRM options
, 91

path dependence
, 99–100

portfolio of options
, 96–97

practice adoptions
, 79, 99

, 106

presence of competitors
, 97–99

propositions for future research
, 88

real options approach for uncertainty management
, 82–83

real options theory into HRM Research
, 81–82

relationship of HRM flexibility with other business functions and firm capability
, 86

research background of real options perspective in HRM
, 79–80

research contributions
, 31–32

research with real options approach
, 81

, 82

, 80

switching options
, 100–102

theories of uncertainty management by HRM flexibility
, 83

theories of uncertainty management by proactive resource commitment
, 84

uncertainty as antecedents of HRM flexibility
, 83

valuation models of HRM options
, 86–88

valuation of HRM options as choice mechanism
, 89–93

valuation of unquantifiable information
, 95–96

value of HRM options and firm performance
, 86

Humanistic management theory
, 162


, 149

complexity and reasoning
, 150–152

, 188

Implicit leadership theory (ILM)
, 24, 129–130, 134

Impression management
, 225

Imprinting process
, 186

In-depth analysis
, 195

Inclusion criteria
, 80–81

Inclusive localism
, 175

Individual-focused OCBs
, 192

Individual-level motivations
, 156

Individual-level virtues
, 158

Individualistic identity orientation
, 149

, 2–3, 15

research on
, 6

Information technology (IT)
, 186

Institutional pressures
, 92

Instrumental justice
, 155

, 153

Internal attribution
, 146

Internal labor markets (ILMs)
, 23

Intervention overselling
, 223

Investors, alignment with
, 189–190

Job evaluation
, 23


deontic justice motives
, 154

, 155–156

instrumental justice motives
, 153

, 153

relational justice motives
, 153–154

Language-processing models
, 203

Latent variable models
, 235

Leader gender
, 117, 133–134

Leader personality
, 117–118, 133

organizational culture as pathway for
, 122–125

and performance
, 117–121

, 134

, 119

(see also Female CEO leadership)
, 134–135


in adult training settings
, 62–63

in cross-cultural settings
, 63

Literature search
, 80–81

Long-term memory
, 55

Love of country
, 174, 176, 183, 204

Low-wage compensation systems
, 32

Low-wage jobs
, 7–8

Low-wage work
, 6

benefits considerations
, 29

benefits design
, 29

benefits effects
, 30–31

, 7–9

consequences of economic scarcity
, 11–13

literature review
, 6

lives of workers
, 9–11

Low-wage work pay

administration considerations
, 27

administration design
, 26

administration effects
, 27–28

determinants/basis considerations
, 20–21

determinants/basis design
, 19–20

determinants/basis effects
, 21–22

level considerations
, 17–18

level design
, 16–17

level effects
, 18–19

structure considerations
, 23–24

structure design
, 22–23

structure effects
, 24–25

Major League Baseball (MLB)
, 172

“Market-based” pay
, 24

Material resources
, 10

Material self-concept
, 152

Measurement errors
, 216

Measurement method
, 216

Mechanisms of adoption
, 199

Mediating mechanism
, 122

Mental health problems
, 13

Mental processes
, 48

, 46, 62

and as individual difference
, 61

and cognition
, 48–49

componential and functional framework for meta cognition
, 51

components and functions of
, 52

definition and distinction from related constructs
, 47

dynamic mental model of object-level cognition
, 57–60

examining metacognitive processes
, 65–66

and executive function
, 49–50

exploring domain-specific metacognitive knowledge and skills alongside general ones
, 67–68

future research directions
, 65

learning in adult training settings
, 62–63

learning in cross-cultural settings
, 63

learning to explain effects of metacognitive knowledge and skills
, 66–67

metacognitive experiences
, 54–56

metacognitive knowledge
, 51–54

metacognitive monitoring
, 56–57

as process
, 60–61

, 66

and self-regulation
, 49

, 61–62

Metacognitive control
, 49, 51, 58–60

Metacognitive cultural intelligence
, 47, 63

Metacognitive experiences
, 54–56

Metacognitive knowledge
, 51–54

Metacognitive monitoring
, 56–57

Metacognitive phenomena
, 51

Metacognitive process
, 53, 66

Metacognitive skills
, 63–64

Methods of investment
, 79, 87, 93

Micro and small enterprises (MSEs)
, 171

Mid-range theory
, 185

Military members and first responders, HR practices targeted toward
, 182–183

Military service members
, 183

Moderating effects
, 133–135

Modern organizations
, 148

Modern slavery
, 17

Monte Carlo

, 233

, 226, 231

Multidimensional CMV, preliminary evidence supporting
, 237–238

Multidimensional method variance
, 232

Multinational corporations (MNCs)
, 83

Multiple social identities
, 150

Multitrait multimethod (MTMM)
, 218, 234

National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR)
, 190

National Basketball Association (NBA)
, 172

National Football League (NFL)
, 17, 172

National Labor Relations Act
, 27

National symbols
, 183–184

Natural disasters
, 204

Neurotic CEOs
, 124–125

, 121

Non-transitory workers
, 6

Object-level cognition, dynamic mental model of
, 57–60

, 192

On-the-job training (OJT)
, 86–87

, 118

Option pricing models
, 90

Option valuation models
, 93

, 150

Organization-focused OCBs
, 192

Organizational behavior and human resources management (OBHRM)
, 46

, 64

, 62–63

Organizational compensation issues
, 3

Organizational culture
, 117, 133–134

as pathway for leader’s personality to impact performance
, 122–125

Organizational hybrids
, 193

Organizational identification (OID)
, 146

Organizational identity
, 147

Organizational identity orientation
, 148–149, 161

and CSR
, 149–150

CSR and organizational justice
, 152

identity complexity and reasoning
, 150–152

justice dimensions
, 155–156

justice motives
, 153–154

, 172

organizational identity orientation and CSR
, 149–150

SA and SC perspectives
, 148–149

Organizational image
, 188, 190

Organizational justice
, 152–156, 159

Organizational leaders
, 115

Organizational leadership
, 128

Organizational members
, 151

Organizational patriotism
, 172, 184

Organizational performance
, 118, 120, 125, 133

Organizational practices
, 181

Organizational relevant outcomes
, 31

Organizational research
, 202

Organizational value distribution
, 14

, 19–20, 26, 149, 199

, 178

Overall compensation logic
, 14–15

Paid time off (PTO)
, 183

Paired associate learning tasks
, 66

, 195

Partial least squares (PLS)
, 224

Path dependence
, 99–100

Patriotic events, adulation of patriots and celebration of
, 183

Patriotic organization
, 178–179, 181, 187, 193–195

additional antecedents
, 201

additional routes
, 202–203

adulation of patriots and celebration of patriotic events
, 183

affective reactions
, 202

alignment with customers
, 190–191

alignment with employees
, 191–192

alignment with investors
, 189–190

community-building in academic research
, 177

Company Founder
, 185–186

contextual factors
, 200

, 196–197

dark side of patriotism
, 199–200

deep historical roots
, 179–181

employee dispersion
, 186–187

extreme contexts
, 204

firm strategy
, 187–188

future research directions
, 198

HR practices targeted toward military members and first responders
, 182–183

importance of alignment
, 197–198

international stage
, 201–202

methodological implications
, 203–204

national symbol adoption
, 183–184

origins of patriotic organizational practices
, 184

outcomes of patriotic organization image
, 189

patriotic organizational image
, 188

patriotic organizational practices
, 181–182

patriotic-oriented CSR
, 184

patriotism and community
, 175–177

patriotism defined
, 173–175

theorizing on patriotism
, 195–196

thought experiment on patriotic organization
, 192–193

Patriotic organizational image
, 189, 191

Patriotic organizational practices
, 185

Patriotic orientation
, 173, 178

Patriotic symbols
, 183

Patriotic themes
, 180

Patriotic-oriented CSR
, 184

, 170–171, 173–177, 179–180, 186, 191, 196–198, 202, 204

dark side of
, 199–200

Patriots and celebration of patriotic events, adulation of
, 183

Pay administration
, 25–28

, 16

Pay determinants/basis
, 19–22

Pay dispersion
, 23

Pay frequency
, 27

Pay information disclosure
, 27–28

Pay level
, 16–19

Pay secrecy
, 28

Pay strategies
, 15

Pay structure
, 22–25

Pay volatility
, 26–28

, 26

, 25, 27

Pay–for–performance for low-wage work
, 22

, 123

performance-based cultures
, 123

performance-based outcomes
, 134

, 117–118

Personality dimensions
, 133–134

Phenomena-based theorization approach
, 184

Physical health problems
, 13

, 59

Political skill
, 225

Population analytic simulation context
, 226

Population model
, 228

Portfolio of options approach
, 78, 96–97, 103

, 10

poverty-based definition
, 17

, 137

Preliminary evidence supporting multidimensional CMV
, 237–238

Proactive resource commitment, theories of uncertainty management by
, 84

Procedural justice
, 155

Procedural memory
, 55

Procedural metacognitive knowledge
, 53

Process approach
, 47

Propositions for future research
, 88–102

Prosocial rule breaking
, 193

, 128

R code

for reproducing differences between identifying indicator approach and ESEM
, 248–250

for reproducing population simulation
, 245–247

Real options approach
, 87

HRM research with
, 81–88

for uncertainty management
, 82–83

Real options theory
, 76, 78, 99, 80, 106

into HRM research
, 81–82

Recommendations for practice
, 105–106

, 59

Relational CSR attribution
, 157, 159

Relational justice motives
, 153–154, 157

Relational organizations
, 149

Relational process
, 147

Rent allocation
, 3

in organizations
, 3, 31

Reparameterization of CFA model
, 239

, 2, 6, 25

Resource-based view (RBV)
, 76

Retirement programs
, 30

Rights-based ethical approach
, 157

Risk shifting
, 14

Scale of investment
, 82

Scheduling practices
, 25

, 151

, 203

, 150–151

, 151

, 49

Semantic memory
, 55

Sentiment models
, 170, 203

Single factor ULMV
, 238

Single latent method factor
, 217

Social actor (SA)
, 146

, 148–149

Social construction (SC)
, 148

organizational identity
, 148

, 148–149

Social identity

, 152

, 146

, 154

Social-role theory
, 127

, 176

Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
, 223

Specific pay categories
, 15–16

Stakeholder engagement
, 146

Stakeholder responses
, 154

Standard organizational practices
, 184

Strategic CSR attribution
, 156–157, 159

Strategic HRM

, 79

, 76

Strategic human resources
, 14

Strategy literature
, 97

Strategy-oriented view
, 2

, 13

Substantive latent variable, unidimensionality
, 235–236

Switching options
, 100–102

Theoretical mechanism of HRM options choice, absence of
, 89

Theoretical perspectives
, 46, 51, 76

Theory of Special Relativity
, 193

Thought experiment on patriotic organization
, 192–193

Timing of investment
, 87

Traditional simulation approach
, 226

Traditional ULMF analytical strategy
, 230


, 47

, 62

, 63

, 12, 19, 28


as antecedents of HRM flexibility
, 83

in HRM
, 82

Uncertainty management

real options approach for
, 82–83

theories by HRM flexibility
, 83

theories by proactive resource commitment
, 84

Uncommon method variance (UMV)
, 232

Unidimensionality for each substantive latent variable, confirm
, 235–236

, 18

, 14

United Parcel Service
, 183

Unmeasured latent method construct (ULMC)
, 217, 226

Unmeasured latent method factors (ULMFs)
, 217

background on ULMF approach
, 218

Castille and Williams
, 228–232

CFA models
, 238–241

complete all steps, report all results, and check power of model comparisons
, 236–237

confirm unidimensionality for each substantive latent variable
, 235–236

Ding et al.
, 233–234

effectiveness of
, 225

future directions for research featuring ULMFs
, 234

HROB scholars used ULMF approach
, 223–225

illustration of three-step approach
, 220–221

preliminary evidence supporting multidimensional CMV
, 237–238

Richardson et al.
, 227

simulations of ULMF
, 225–226, 232

small biases matter in practice
, 221–223

Spector et al.
, 232–233

, 219–220

Upper echelons theory
, 122, 134, 185

Utility equation
, 222


of HRM options
, 78

prior HRM research with real options approach
, 88

, 95, 105

models of HRM options
, 86–88

, 92

, 14

, 22

Variable work schedules (VWS)
, 9, 85, 104

, 158

Virtuous behavior
, 158

Virtuous CSR attribution
, 158–159

, 158

Web of Science
, 79

Web scraping
, 203

Women leaders
, 117, 127–130

, 11, 13

, 3, 31

lives of
, 9–11

, 21

World Fair Trade Organization
, 161