The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in the Asia-Pacific Regio

The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in the Asia-Pacific Region

ISBN: 978-1-84950-639-7, eISBN: 978-1-84950-640-3

ISSN: 0732-1317

Publication date: 1 January 2009

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(2009), "The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in the Asia-Pacific Regio", Wescott, C., Bowornwathana, B. and Jones, L.R. (Ed.) The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in the Asia-Pacific Region (Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 18), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. iii.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management
The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in the Asia-Pacific Regio
Copyright page
List of contributors
Chapter 1 Corruption, anti-corruption policy and management reform
Chapter 2 Combating corruption in the Asia-Pacific countries: What do we know and what needs to be done?
Chapter 3 Corruption in India: Can it be controlled?
Chapter 4 The politics of combating corruption when big businessmen are at the helm: Lessons from Thaksin and Berlusconi
Chapter 5 Competition and Transparency in Government Procurement in Southeast Asia
Chapter 6 Why did anticorruption policy fail? Implementation of the anticorruption policy of the authoritarian new order regime in Indonesia, 1971–1998
Chapter 7 Assessing World Bank support for public financial management and procurement
Chapter 8 Unlocking capacity and revisiting political will: Cambodia's public financial management reforms, 2002–2007
Chapter 9 Making Indonesia's budget decentralization work: The challenge of linking planning and budgeting at the local level
Chapter 10 The causal dynamic effects of a performance-based budget on Thai public spending: A reexamination
Chapter 11 Managing performance in a context of political clientelism: The case of Thailand
Chapter 12 Do leadership and management for results matter? A case study of local e-government performance in South Korea
Chapter 13 Could a decentralized human resource management system in Cambodia strengthen performance and accountability?
Chapter 14 Assessing the impact of crises on the performance and governance of Asian countries