
Essays in Honor of Cheng Hsiao

ISBN: 978-1-78973-958-9, eISBN: 978-1-78973-957-2

ISSN: 0731-9053

Publication date: 15 April 2020

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(2020), "Index", Li, T., Pesaran, M.H. and Terrell, D. (Ed.) Essays in Honor of Cheng Hsiao (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 41), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 445-457.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited



Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

A + B auctions
, 288

Ad position auctions, application to
, 331

click-through curve
, 332

, 331–332

estimation results
, 333–335

model specification
, 332–333

Advanced placement (AP)
, 367

AIC criterion
, 74, 76, 78–80, 84–85, 87, 89

, 324

latent Dirichlet
, 435

, 326

, 325–328

American Express Inc. (AXP)
, 133

Arellano–Bond type GMM
, 2

dynamic panel model and
, 3

estimation and asymptotical bias
, 3–6

JIVE estimation
, 6–7

JIVE for Arellano–Bond GMM estimation
, 19–24

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 414, 416–417, 425, 431

big data and growing engagement of economics with
, 425

Asymptotic bias of Arellano–Bond GMM
, 3–6, 17n2

Asymptotic theory
, 75

of indirect inference estimator
, 83

Augmented Dickey-Fuller specification (ADF specification)
, 230

Automatic differentiation
, 435

Autoregressive coefficient (AR coefficient)
, 75

Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (ARFIMA)
, 106

Autoregressive model (AR)
, 107

Average pairwise housing return correlations
, 387

Average partial effects (APEs)
, 365

Average treatment effect (ATE)
, 344, 348

Backward sequential testing procedure
, 111

, 433–434

Bailey, Kapetanios, and Pesaran approach (BKP approach)
, 155

Barro regressions
, 222

Bartlett–Newey–West estimator
, 32, 58

Baumeister and Hamilton model (BH model)
, 162

Bayesian approach
, 223

Bayesian deep learning
, 435

Bayesian equilibrium
, 292

Bayesian estimation
, 326

likelihood of optimal allocation and equilibrium prices
, 326–328

MCMC algorithm
, 328–331

Bayesian framework
, 145

Bayesian Gaussian semiparametric model
, 231

Bayesian model averaging (BMA)
, 218, 434

Bayesian neural networks
, 435

Bayesian semiparametric model

growth model
, 219

with random coefficients
, 222–224

Bayesian variable selection technique
, 434

Beta distribution
, 333

Beta selection
, 328

, 26


, 3–6, 17n2

simple alternative of estimating
, 280–281

Bias-corrected tail-trimmed estimator
, 262–265

interquartile range against simulation size
, 268

sampling distributions
, 270

, 74, 76, 78–80, 84, 87, 89

Bidders’ cost

, 298

inefficiency distribution
, 298

Bidding firms
, 289

Bidding strategies
, 295–298, 304, 319n6

, 299–300

Big data (BD)
, 413, 431

econometrics and
, 414–419, 425–429, 431–438

and growing engagement of economics with AI
, 425

interaction between economic or financial theory and
, 414–415

Binary Logit Model
, 368

Binary models for college attendance
, 365–371

Bivariate truncated normal distribution
, 393–394

Block approach
, 417

, 433–434

Bootstrapped nonparametric

specification test for RCM_CT against OWEC_CST
, 253

test for common trends
, 251–253

, 433–434

procedure for global shock effects
, 181–182

Borrower defaults
, 393–394

Break-adjusted forecasting method 132–133


benefit function
, 298

decision rule
, 289

, 292–294

, 294–295

Buyer’s optimal mechanism
, 290–291

firm’s IC and IR constraints
, 291–292

private buyer
, 292–294

public buyer
, 294–295


calibrated polynomial function
, 205–206

estimates of calibrated trending functions
, 213–214

of semiparametric estimated trends
, 199–200

Causality testing
, 426

CD statistic
, 387, 391

Censored normal distributions
, 407–411

Censored variables
, 393

Choice sets
, 363

Citigroup system (C system)
, 133

Classification and regression trees (CART)
, 432, 434

Click-through curve
, 332

Cobb–Douglas aggregate production function
, 218–219

Coefficient estimation
, 201–203

estimation results of coefficients
, 203

panel data unit root test statistics
, 202

Column standardization
, 362

Common correlated effect (CCE)
, 194

estimates of βi
, 210–211

, 197

Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)
, 343

Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)
, 343

Conditional mean independence
, 301

Conventional HAC methods
, 28

Conventional structural break tests
, 107

Conventional t-statistic
, 29

, 362

, 26

Coordinate ascent variational inference
, 435

, 410

average pairwise housing return
, 387

, 384

, 406

, 391

Cost function
, 301

multiplicative separability of
, 289, 300

Cost inefficiency
, 289

Country-specific effects of global shocks
, 157–159

Country-specific models
, 144, 182

Covariance matrix
, 133, 397

, 391–392

, 155, 157

Cross-section (CS)

, 165

, 144

Cross-sectional augmented IPS test (CIPS test)
, 230

unit root tests
, 231

Cross-sectional dependence (CSD)
, 155, 195, 197, 201, 384

empirical measures
, 390

, 389

weak vs. strong
, 387–391

, 432

, 385–387, 403n1, 405–406

Cubic B-splines
, 227

, 240n18

Cubic O’Sullivan splines
, 240n10

, 428–429

in statistics
, 426–427

Data analysis in econometrics
, 432

Data driven method
, 416

Data generating processes (DGPs)
, 2, 76, 112, 131


, 145–146

debt-generating fiscal policy
, 146

, 163–165

and growth
, 146–148

, 172n12

Debt-to-GDP series
, 150, 183

Deep learning
, 426

Deep mixture model
, 438

Defaulted loan
, 394

Density function
, 272n1

Determinants of HCE
, 193–194

, 200–201

, 194–200

, 201–207

Deterministic utility component
, 363

Digital single-lens reflexive camera (DSLR camera)
, 334

Dimension reduction
, 417–418

Direct effect (DE)
, 360, 362

Discrete choice models
, 256

Distribution free
, 194

Double selection problem
, 345

Dual problem (DP) (see also Linear sum assignment problems (LSAP))
, 326–327, 331, 338

Dynamic panel model
, 2

JIVE for Arellano–Bond GMM estimation
, 19–24

model and Arellano–Bond GMM estimation
, 3–7

model with exogenous variables
, 7–10

Monte Carlo simulation
, 10–16

Dynamic spatio-temporal data
, 437

Easy-to-implement method
, 107

, 431

, 417

, 132

, 425–429, 431–438

BD and
, 414–419

combining data of different sources and time frequencies
, 418

data analysis in
, 432

dimension reduction
, 417–418

functional dynamics
, 418

incorporating AI and machine learning techniques
, 416–417

methodological challenges
, 416–419

modeling interactions among individuals, multiple equilibrium
, 419

multi-dimensional asymptotics
, 417

one stage modeling or multistage modeling
, 419

one-dimensional asymptotics
, 417

reduced form vs. structured equation approach
, 419

of scoring auctions
, 288–318

, 26


, 428

, 222

efficiency change (see Technical innovation change)

, 398–399

, 146, 414–415

Elastic nets
, 432

, 203

Empirical analysis
, 26

Empirical assignment model
, 324–326

Empirical rejection frequency (ERF)
, 15

Equilibrium prices
, 324–326, 338

Error cross-sectional dependencies
, 147

Error-correction models
, 418

Evidence lower bound (ELBO)
, 225–226, 235, 240n13

, 248–250

, 307

Exogenous quality
, 289–290

Exogenous variables, dynamic panel model with
, 7–10

Expansionary fiscal policies
, 146

, 147

Expected returns
, 397

Explosive models, model selection for

limit properties based on indirect inference estimator
, 82–86

limit properties based on OLS estimator
, 76–82

models, information criteria, and literature review
, 75–76

Monte Carlo study
, 87–89

proof for theorems
, 92–103

UR behavior
, 74

Explosive roots (EXs)
, 74

Exponent of cross-sectional dependence
, 389

External debt
, 146

Extreme bounds approach
, 426


, 417

augmented regressions
, 434

mixture analysis
, 438

mixtures of factor analyzers
, 437–438

, 434

Factor-augmented panel

VaR models
, 148–150

vector error-correcting model
, 144

Factor-augmented regressions
, 218–219

Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
, 385

Fee-for-service (FFS)
, 193

Financial crisis (2007–2008)
, 144

Financial theory
, 414–415

Firewall principle
, 432

Firm’s IC and IR constraints
, 291–292

Fiscal policy shocks (see also National shocks)

country-specific effects of global shocks
, 157–159

estimated global shocks
, 157

evidence on CS dependence
, 155–157

expansionary fiscal policy shock
, 147

FEVDs and IRFs of global shocks
, 159–160

global output and fiscal policy shocks and effects
, 154

robustness of global shocks analysis
, 160–161

Fiscal shock

contemporaneous effects of
, 165–170

priors used for estimating effects of
, 182–183

Fitted model
, 32

Fixed effect (FE)
, 192, 194, 202, 240n9


, 49n1

lag truncation rule
, 28

variance estimation
, 33

Florida procurements
, 290

Forecast error variance decomposition (FEVD)
, 159

of global shocks
, 159–160

for sets of global and national shocks
, 181

Forecasting methods
, 112

comparison break occurs at end of sample
, 131–132

comparison of forecasting methods
, 115

optimal weighting averaging approach
, 114

post-break approach
, 112

simulation design I
, 115–129

simulation design II
, 129–131

VAR approximation approach
, 114

VNV method
, 113–114

VNVNO method
, 112–113

Forecasting multivariate realized volatility
, 132

break-adjusted forecasting method
, 132–133

h-step ahead forecasts
, 133

out-of-sample forecast evaluation
, 135–136

relative root mean squared forecast errors
, 134

Forecasting univariate time series
, 106

Forward chaining
, 433

Fraternal twins
, 414

French National Space Agency (CNES)
, 318

Full Bayesian model
, 224

Functional dynamics
, 418

Functional principal component analysis (FPCA)
, 437

Functional regression analysis
, 418

Functional time series

, 418

theme of
, 436–437

Gamma function
, 250

Gaussian distribution
, 269

Gaussian kernel function
, 196, 198

Gaussian mixture models
, 438

GDP per capita
, 201–202, 218

MCMC results for growth rate model for
, 234

MFVB results for growth rate model for
, 234

time means of MFVB spline fit of growth rate
, 236

General Electric (GE)
, 133

Generalized cost
, 294

Generalized method of moments (GMM)
, 2

Generalized Pareto distribution
, 257–258

Generalized social cost
, 295

Generic sequentially adaptive Bayesian learning algorithm
, 435

Genetic factors
, 414

Gibbs sampling
, 219, 224

Global business
, 147

Global factor-augmented error-correcting model
, 175–181

Global growth shock
, 145

Global shocks
, 144–145

bootstrapping procedure for effects
, 181–182

country-specific effects of
, 157–159

, 157

, 159–160, 181

, 159–160

robustness of global shocks analysis
, 160–161

Global value at risk (GVAR)
, 144, 419

additional result tables and figures
, 184–185

bootstrapping procedure for global shock effects
, 181–182

comparison of parameters across countries in models
, 189

, 183–184

estimates of long-run relationships between real GDP and public debt
, 186–187

estimating effects of national fiscal and technology shocks
, 182–183

FEVDs for sets of global and national shocks
, 181

global output and fiscal policy shocks and effects
, 154–161

global shocks
, 144–145

literature on debt and growth
, 146–148

long-run perspective on public debt and output
, 150–154

national shocks
, 161–170

representation of factor-augmented panel VaR models
, 148–150

representation using global factor-augmented error-correcting model
, 175–181

SEs of reduced-form shocks
, 188

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 144, 147, 192, 203, 218

country means of the growth rate
, 228

Growth empirics
, 239n1

Bayesian semiparametric model with random coefficients
, 222–224

, 227–231

mean field variational Bayes approximation
, 224–227

, 219–222

, 231–238

Guerre, Perrigne, and Vuong approach (GPV approach)
, 289

Half-Cauchy priors
, 240n10

Health care
, 192

Health care expenditure (HCE) (see also Determinants of HCE)
, 192–193

, 203

, 218

Heteroskedastic and autocorrelation consistent (HAC)
, 27

Heteroskedastic and autocorrelation robust estimators (HAR estimators)
, 27

, 52

, 27–28

generating mechanism under null hypothesis
, 53–72

Monte Carlo simulations and empirical example
, 42–48

preliminaries on robust inference concerning trend
, 28–29

robust testing
, 32–42

testing convergence
, 29–32

High speed rail projects in China
, 416

High-dimensional asymptotic theorems
, 417

High-dimensional asymptotics
, 436

High-impact journals
, 431–432

Historical Public Debt database
, 183

Holdout cross-validation
, 432

Home Depot Inc. (HD)
, 133

House price indices (HPIs)
, 385–386

, 74, 76, 78–80, 84, 87

Hsiao’s volumunus work on random coefficient models
, 239n5

, 432–433

Hypothesis tests
, 426, 432

, 146

IBM/SPSS Modeler
, 427

Identical twins
, 414

Identification argument
, 304

Idiosyncratic shocks
, 161, 361

Importance sampling
, 256–257

bias-corrected tail-trimmed estimator
, 262–265

, 257

future research
, 271–272

, 269–271

Monte Carlo experiments
, 265–268

tail-trimmed estimator
, 259–262, 268

testing for existence of variance
, 257–259

Importance sampling estimator
, 257

interquartile range against simulation size
, 268

sampling distributions
, 266–267, 270, 284–285

Incentive compatibility (IC)
, 291–292

, 193

Income elasticity (IE)
, 192

Independent component analysis
, 437

Indirect effect (IE)
, 360, 362

Indirect inference estimator
, 82–86

Individual rationality (IR)
, 291–292

, 326

, 241n30

Inferential robustness
, 27

Infinite dimensional functions
, 437

Information criteria
, 87

for model selection
, 74–76

Instrument matrix
, 19

Integer programming problem
, 325

Intermediate order sequence
, 260

International Business Machines (IBM)
, 133

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
, 428

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 183

, 183

Interpretability of ML model results
, 427–428

IRFs of global shocks
, 159–160, 165

Jackknife instrumental variables estimation (JIVE)
, 2, 6–7

for Arellano–Bond GMM estimation
, 19–24

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)
, 133

, 432

cross-validation or bootstrapping
, 427

Kalman filter
, 270

Kernel methods
, 416

Kernel-based nonparametric estimators
, 289

Kronecker product
, 195

Kullback–Leibler divergence
, 225

L’Hopital’s rule
, 275, 277, 319n6, 408

Labor augmenting technical progress
, 220

Lagrange multipliers
, 326

λ estimation
, 315–316

Language information
, 432

, 432

, 432, 434, 436–437

Latent correlation
, 384

Latent Dirichlet allocation
, 435

Latent structure approach
, 417

Least squares (LS)
, 107

, 199

Lee and Wand’s approach
, 221


of optimal allocation and equilibrium prices
, 326–328

ratio framework
, 172n20

Limit theory
, 59

under alternative of convergence
, 36–42

under null
, 34–35

Linear discriminant analysis
, 437

Linear programming relaxation
, 325

Linear regression model
, 427

Linear stochastic frontier panel models
, 221

Linear sum assignment problems (LSAP)
, 323–324

application to Ad position auctions
, 331–335

Bayesian estimation
, 326–331

empirical assignment model
, 324–326

Linear trend regression method
, 27

Linear-mixed Gaussian specification
, 223

model-based penalized spline specification
, 226


, 384

risk of
, 385

Local-currency-denominated debt
, 172n6

Local-to-unity explosive (LTUE)
, 75, 85

, 362

Long memory models
, 106

Long run variance (LRV)
, 30

Long-run perspective on public debt and output
, 150–154

Loss function
, 196, 417

Lovell rule
, 426

Machine learning (ML)
, 426, 431, 435

, 432

interpretability of ML model results
, 427–428

tool of elastic nets
, 426

Machine learning techniques
, 416–417

Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods (MCMC methods)
, 218–219, 221, 224, 233, 240, 269, 271, 323–324

approximate posterior density functions
, 235

results for growth rate model for GDP per capita
, 234

Markowitz mean-variance scheme
, 415

Matrix completion approach
, 434–435

, 293

Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
, 106

Mean field variational Bayes

, 248–250

, 224–227

Mean field variational Bayesian approach (MFVB approach)
, 219, 225, 233, 240

approximate posterior density functions
, 235

, 238

results for growth rate model for GDP per capita
, 234

Methods-of-Payment survey (MOP survey)
, 343–344, 349

, 353

, 353–354

, 354

Mildly explosive model (ME model)
, 75

Mixed-mode surveys
, 342

Model primitives
, 289

Model selection approach
, 417

Model uncertainty
, 438

Model-based multivariate time-series clustering algorithm
, 437

Moment matching estimators
, 324

Monte Carlo experiments
, 265–268

Monte Carlo simulations
, 10–16, 42–44, 107, 363

and empirical example
, 42, 44

state unemployment rates
, 44–48

Monte Carlo study
, 87–89, 256

Mood test
, 427

Mortgage loans
, 384

Mortgage portfolio diversification
, 384

average pairwise housing return correlations
, 387

, 385

empirical dependence
, 385–393

housing return correlations
, 388

portfolio implications
, 397–399

, 399–401

, 393–397

Mulinomial models for post high school choice
, 371–379

Multi-dimensional asymptotics
, 417

, 418

Multinomial choice

, 289, 301

, 306

Multinomial Logit Model
, 372

Multiple testing estimator
, 434

Multiplicative separability of cost function
, 289, 300

Multistage modeling
, 419

Multivariate case
, 276–279

Multivariate GARCH models
, 132

Multivariate long memory models
, 106–108

Multivariate LS coefficient estimator
, 107

Multivariate volatility forecasting
, 132

“Naïve-no break” method (VNVNO method)
, 112–113, 124, 129

National shocks
, 161

debt elasticities
, 163–165

demand-supply model
, 162–163

effects of fiscal and technology shocks
, 165–170

FEVDs for sets of
, 181

Negative Hessian
, 270

Nested propensity score
, 345

No-blocking-pair condition
, 326

Non-nested propensity scores
, 345

Non-transferable utility matching models
, 324

, 146


approaches of nearest neighbor matching
, 416

estimation methods
, 239n6

, 302

, 33–34

Nonspatial models
, 369

, 74

Normal density function
, 407

Null and alternative hypotheses
, 32–33

Numerical integration
, 363

Observed allocation
, 326

OLS estimator
, 74, 84–85, 87, 90, 96

limit properties based on
, 76–82

One covariate at time multiple testing (OCMT)
, 434

One stage modeling
, 419

One-dimensional asymptotics
, 417

Optimal allocation
, 325

Optimal discriminant analysis
, 433

Optimal q-densities
, 225

Optimal scoring rule
, 290–291, 295–298

Optimal transport problems
, 324

Optimal weighting averaging approach
, 114

Optimal-in-sample goodness-of-fit
, 111

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development countries (OECD countries)
, 192

Orthogonalized LS
, 149

Out-of-sample forecasts
, 207–209

Overfitting problem
, 432

p-values of “final” regression model
, 426

, 342–343

Parameter instability
, 433


equilibrium selection rule
, 327

, 194

, 212

Partial effects evaluated at sample averages (PEA)
, 365

Partially linear models
, 194

Peer effects
, 360

accounting for
, 367

, 365

, 360–361

Penalized models
, 432

Penalized splines
, 240n8

, 415

Pooled common correlated effect (CCEP)
, 202–203

Pooled semiparametric profile likelihood dummy variable method (PPLE)
, 194–198, 202–204

, 310–313

Portfolio loss
, 398

Position auctions

calculating volume of Equilibrium CPC
, 339

characterizing set of equilibrium CPC
, 338–339

implementation details in empirical study of
, 338–339

Post-break method (PB method)
, 112

Post-break model
, 107

Postal Self-Administered Questionnaires (Postal SAQs)
, 343

Pre-break observations
, 433

, 342–343

identification with
, 344–349

, 415, 432, 436

Predictor importance measures
, 427–428

Price vector
, 326

Price-per-quality rules
, 289

ratio rule
, 288

Primal problem (P problem)
, 327

Primary data
, 342

Principal component (PC)
, 144, 388

Principal coordinates analysis
, 437

Private buyers
, 288, 292–294

Private effect (see Direct effect (DE))

Probabilistic computation tree logic models
, 437

Probabilistic principal component analysis
, 437

Probability kernel function
, 198

Procurement auctions
, 288

Pseudo maximum likelihood estimates
, 363

Public buyer
, 294–295

Public debt

, 147

, 172n6

long-run perspective on
, 150–154

Public financing (PF)
, 192

Public procurements
, 288

Purchasing power parity (PPP)
, 155, 227

Qualitative information
, 417

Quantile approach
, 416

Quantile treatment effect (QTE)
, 344, 348

Quasi-Bayesian form of cross-validation
, 433

Quasi-linear rules
, 289

Quasi-linear scoring rule
, 288

R-continuously differentiable
, 306–307

Random coefficients
, 222–224, 417

Random effect
, 240n9

Random forest algorithm
, 416

Random intercept and slope coefficients with common trends (RCM_CT)
, 232–233

bootstrapped nonparametric specification test against OWEC_CST
, 253

Random intercept and slope coefficients with country-specific trends (RCMCST)
, 232

Random utility
, 361

Realized covariance methods
, 132

Regional science
, 385

, 27

, 28

Relative RMSFE
, 122–124, 134

Repeat-sales framework
, 386

Research Data Centers (RDCs)
, 425

Residual sum of squares (RSS)
, 106

Response time
, 415

Reward point balance
, 350–351

Risky loan
, 394

, 432

, 432

Robust optimal weight averaging method
, 107

Robust optimal weighting forecasting procedure (ROW)
, 112, 132

Robust structural break test
, 106

Robust testing
, 32

limit theory under alternative of convergence
, 36–42

limit theory under null
, 34–35

null and alternative hypotheses
, 32–33

test statistics and alternative nonparametric studentization
, 33–34

, 348–349

, 284–285

of global shocks analysis
, 160–161

Rolling window forecast technique
, 207

Rolling-origin (see Forward chaining)

Root mean squared forecast errors (RMSFE)
, 122–124

Row standardization
, 362

S&P 500 index
, 269

Satellite data
, 431–432

Scoring auctions, econometrics of
, 288–289

, 305–316

, 316–318

, 298–305

, 290–298

Scoring rules
, 288

Selection effects
, 342

(Semi-)strong dependence
, 388

, 391–393

Seminonparametric estimator
, 315

Seminonparametric strategy
, 302

Semiparametric estimation
, 194, 239n6

calibration of
, 199–200

of trends
, 198–199

Semiparametric models
, 221, 239n6

Semiparametric nonlinear errors-in-variables models
, 239n6

Semiparametric one-way error component models with common trends (OWEC_CT)
, 232

Semiparametric one-way error component models with country-specific trends (OWEC_CST)
, 232

bootstrapped nonparametric specification test for RCM_CT against
, 253

Semiparametric panel data models
, 239n6

Semiparametric VAR(k) model
, 121

Series methods
, 416

Shapley–Shubik model
, 324

, 26–27, 31

Simple linear trend regressions
, 29–30

, 399–401

Skew-normal models
, 438

Skew-t mixture models
, 438

Slow variation
, 272n1

Smooth vs. abrupt changes
, 418

Smoothed function
, 232

Smoothness assumptions
, 306

Social effect (see Indirect effect (IE))

Social programs, evaluating or simulating impacts of
, 416

Social surplus
, 325

Solow residual (see Total factor productivity (TFP))

Spatial approach
, 419

Spatial Binary Logit Model
, 369–370

Spatial dependence (see also Cross-sectional dependence)
, 384, 391–393

Spatial econometrics
, 385

, 361

, 161

Spatial models
, 369

Spatial multinomial logit choice model
, 360

, 364–365

direct and indirect impacts
, 363

, 362–363, 365–379

, 360–362

Spatial random utility
, 361–362

Spatial weight matrix
, 361

Spherical model
, 391

Spherical semivariogram
, 392

Spike-and-slab priors
, 437

Spike-and-slab regression (see Bayesian variable selection technique)

Stable matching
, 326

, 192

Statistical inference
, 417

Statistical modeling
, 426

Stochastic gradient descent

, 435

computational technique
, 416–417

Stochastic volatility
, 256

, 269

Structural breaks
, 106–108, 113, 118, 121, 131–133, 433

Structural econometric model
, 305–307

Structured equation approach
, 419

Subjective survey questions
, 342

, 432

Sup–Wald test
, 130

Survey design
, 342

identification with predata
, 344–349

MOP survey
, 349–354

Symmetric matrix
, 4

square matrix
, 361

Tail-trimmed estimator
, 259–262, 268

, 262–265

Tax ratio
, 222

Technical innovation change
, 221

Technology shock

contemporaneous effects of
, 165–170

priors used for estimating effects of
, 182–183

Test statistics
, 252

Testing convergence using HAR inference
, 29–32

Texas Higher Education Opportunity Project (THEOP)
, 360, 364

Threshold approach
, 417

Time series
, 106

of cross-sectional averages
, 389

model specification
, 198

Total effect (TE)
, 363

Total factor productivity (TFP)
, 218–219, 237

regression-based estimation
, 239n5

Traditional “hill climbing” computational approach
, 417

Traditional cross-validation
, 433

Traditional econometric models
, 414

Traditional location prediction models
, 437

Training-testing-validation methodology
, 432


regression misspecification
, 27

semiparametric estimation of
, 198–199

study of trending functions
, 203–207

Tri-diagonal matrix
, 6

Trimmed estimated cost inefficiencies
, 309

Truncated normal distributions
, 407–411

Two-fold dimension reduction approach
, 437

Two-sided matching

, 323

, 324

Two-stage approach
, 387

Type I Extreme Value distribution (TIEV distribution)
, 361

Uniform distribution
, 333

Uniform selection
, 328

Unit-root behavior (UR behavior)
, 74

Univariate AR approximation-based forecast
, 133

Univariate framework
, 106

Univariate long memory process
, 140–141, 275

Urban economics
, 385

Valuation matrix
, 324

Value at Risk approach (VaR approach)
, 398

approximation approach
, 107, 114

comparison of forecasting methods
, 115–132

forecasting methods
, 112–115

forecasting multivariate realized volatility
, 132–136

model and theoretical insights 108–112

multivariate long memory models
, 106–108

proof of Lemma
, 141

simulation and empirical support
, 140–141

VAR(k) approximation-based forecasting
, 138

Vandermonde determinant
, 303

VAR-RV-Break model (VRB model)
, 133

VARFIMA-based forecast method (VNV method)
, 112–114

, 250–251

Variance, testing for existence of
, 257–259

Variational Bayesian inference
, 224

Variational evidence lower bound
, 248–250

Variational inference algorithms
, 227

Variogram measure
, 391–392

Vector autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (VARFIMA)
, 106–107, 109

Virtual cost
, 289, 294, 302

Weak σ-convergence
, 26, 30–31, 36

Web Self-Administered Questionnaires (Web SAQs)
, 343–344

Weighted linear scoring rule
, 290

Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test
, 427

Winning probability
, 307, 317