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Multi-Objective Traveling Salesman and Transportation Problems with Environmental Aspects

Applications of Management Science

ISBN: 978-1-78714-283-1, eISBN: 978-1-78714-282-4

Publication date: 5 May 2017


The purpose of this chapter is to solve multi-objective formulation for traveling salesman and transportation problems. Computations are based on real data for the road freight transportation of a Spanish company. The company was selected because of its importance in Spanish economy and market. This company is important in the whole country; however, it has its higher importance in the northern part of Spain. The requirements for these models are the minimization of total distance and the CO2 emissions. To achieve this, it is required to know and carry out the minimization of the total distance traveled by the trucks during the deliveries. The deliveries are going to be executed between the different locations, nodes, in the region, and Elorrio, where the depot is situated. The data have been used to decide the best route in order to obtain a minimization of cost for the company. As it was mentioned earlier, the problems are focused on the reduction of the amount of CO2 emissions and minimization of total distance; by studying different parameters, the best solutions of route transportation have been obtained. The software used to solve these models is CPLEX solver with AMPL programming language.




This work has been partially supported by the National Research Center (NCN), Poland (DEC-2013/11/B/ST8/04458), by AGH, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (TRA2013-48180-C3-P and TRA2015-71883-REDT), and the Ibero-American Program for Science and Technology for Development (CYTED2014-515RT0489). Likewise, we want to acknowledge the support received by the CAN Foundation in Navarre, Spain (Grants CAN2014-3758 and CAN2015-70473). The authors are grateful to anonymous reviewers for their comments. The authors would like to express their thanks to Erasmus student Nerea Martínez Gómez from Public University of Navarre at Pamplona, Spain, who during her stay at AGH University of Science & Technology at Krakow, Poland, helped in preparing some tables, graphs, and some analyses of results presented in this chapter.


Sawik, B., Faulin, J. and Pérez-Bernabeu, E. (2017), "Multi-Objective Traveling Salesman and Transportation Problems with Environmental Aspects", Applications of Management Science (Applications of Management Science, Vol. 18), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 21-55.



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