List of Contributors

Disaster by Design: The Aral Sea and its Lessons for Sustainability

ISBN: 978-1-78190-375-9, eISBN: 978-1-78190-376-6

ISSN: 0196-1152

Publication date: 29 November 2012

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(2012), "List of Contributors", Edelstein, M.R., Cerny, A. and Gadaev, A. (Ed.) Disaster by Design: The Aral Sea and its Lessons for Sustainability (Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, Vol. 20), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. xi-xiv.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Disaster by Design: The Aral Sea and its Lessons for Sustainability
Research in Social Problems and Public Policy
Research in Social Problems and Public Policy
Copyright Page
List of Contributors
Maps of Uzbekistan and the Greater Aral Sea Region
List of Tables and Figures
List of maps
Section one The Multiple Disasters of the Aral Sea
An Overview of the Aral Sea Disaster
Going with the Flow: Economic Impacts from the Overuse of Irrigation
Pollution and Salinization: Compounding the Aral Sea Disaster
Death and Rebirth Island: Secrets in the U.S.S.R.’S Culture of Contamination
Potential Climate and Hydrological Changes in the Aral Sea Region
The Significance of Being Downstream: Uzbek Concerns Over the Rogun Dam
Section Two The Aral Disaster in Historical Perspective
A Last Movement for a Lost Sea
Aral Sea Analogs in the American West
Disaster by Design: The Multiple Caused Catastrophes of the Aral Sea
Section Three Cotton, Cotton Everywhere, But not a Drop to Drink: Agriculture as the Villain
What went Wrong: The Case of Un-Ecological Agriculture
The Nonarable Aral: Loss of Productivity in Uzbek Agriculture
Cotton in our Ears: Water, Agriculture, and Climatic Change in the Post Aral Context
Water Footprints: Integrated Water Resource Management to the Rescue in the Aral Sea Basin
Section Four Adapting to Catastrophe: Cascading Social Impacts of the Aral Sea Disaster
The Tragedy of the Aral: Counting on Cotton, a Region Loses its People
Reflections on Growing Up in the Karakalpakstan Region
An Unhealthy Place to Live: Prioritizing Public Health and Addressing Environmental Contamination in Karakalpakstan
A Physician's Observations of Karakalpak Health
Ecological Change in the Aral Region: Adaptations by the Spoonbill and Black-Crowned Night Heron
Environmental Change as a Threat to the Khorezm Heritage
Whose Disaster is it Anyway? Romancing the World Heritage Status in Uzbekistan
Section Five:Designing Solutions: Social, Ecological and Technological Approaches
New Thinking and New Approaches: A Bioregional Response to the Lost Aral Sea
Renewable Social Energy: Mahalla
Clearing the Pipes: Providing Potable Water through Well Restoration
Renewing with Renewables: Direct Solar Energy Use in Developing Countries
Getting the Salt Out: Innovative Solar Technologies for Rural Clean Water
Renewable Energy as a Key Factor for Sustainable Development in Uzbekistan
Permaculture Restoration of the Aral Sea Watershed
Section Six Lessons of the Aral Sea Disaster: Implications for Social Learning
Aral Sea Demise as a Dry Run for Climate Change: From Cumulative to Cascading Impacts
Highlands-to-Sea Cooperation in the Aral Sea Basin: Linking or Sinking?
About the Authors