2013 Awards for Excellence

Journal of Services Marketing

ISSN: 0887-6045

Article publication date: 4 February 2014



(2014), "2013 Awards for Excellence", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 28 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSM-02-2014-008



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

2013 Awards for Excellence

Article Type: 2013 Awards for Excellence From: Journal of Services Marketing, Volume 28, Issue 1

The following article was selected for this year's Outstanding Paper Award for Journal of Services Marketing

"Time-of-day services marketing''

Scott G. Dacko
Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to synthesize, organize, and discuss multidisciplinary research influential to a service firm's use of a cyclical time-based marketing approach that may be aptly termed time-of-day services marketing, to introduce a general process and framework to assist in the evaluation of its strategic use, and to present areas in need of future research.
Design/methodology/approach - Objectives are achieved via conceptual analysis and a synthesis and organization of the relevant multidisciplinary literature.
Findings - The paper finds that the principal benefits to service firms of adopting a time-of-day services approach in varying degrees are that it is able to assist the firm in offering multiple, unique value-propositions, providing superior contextual value to the customer, enhancing customer perceptions of value in relation to their needs, and supporting the firm's pursuit of a sustainable competitive advantage in its services.
Practical implications - Time-of-day services marketing is a viable approach for some firms but is not a strategy to be pursued by all firms. Service industry executives and managers should carefully weigh its adoption in terms of an overarching framework to identify the best services strategy for their marketing and business objectives.
Originality/value - Time-of-day services marketing has received little strategic attention in the services marketing literature. Furthermore, there is no good, published source of guidance to help service industry executives and managers make decisions about the extent that such an approach may present opportunities for value creation and competitive advantage. This paper addresses these voids by providing and discussing a comprehensive set of multi-disciplinary factors, process, and framework that facilitate its evaluation for strategic adoption. Theoretically, the research contributes to the body of services marketing knowledge by altering the services marketing view of the "day" to be one that can be increasingly examined as less-constant in terms of many service-relevant individual and social behaviors, more systematically varying, and increasingly explainable on biological/physiological, sociological and/or psychological bases which are ultimately highly relevant to services marketers.
Keywords Services marketing, Strategic marketing, Time-of-day


This article originally appeared in Volume 26 Number 5, 2012, pp. 375-388, Journal of Services Marketing

The following articles were selected for this year's Highly Commended Award

``Frequency of CRM implementation activities: a customer-centric view''

Molan Kim, Jeong Eun Park, Alan J. Dubinsky, Seoil Chaiy

This article originally appeared in Volume 26 Number 2, 2012, Journal of Services Marketing

``How customer voice contributes to stronger service provider relationships''

Russell Lacey

This article originally appeared in Volume 26 Number 2, 2012, Journal of Services Marketing

``The impact of unprofitable customer abandonment on current customers' exit, voice, and loyalty intentions: an empirical analysis''

Michael Haenlein, Andreas M. Kaplan

This article originally appeared in Volume 26 Number 6, 2012, Journal of Services Marketing

Outstanding Reviewers

Professor David Faulds
Professor Levent Altinay

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