Impacts of digitization on real estate sector jobs

Daniel Piazolo (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Friedberg, Germany)
Utku Cem Dogan (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Friedberg, Germany)

Journal of Property Investment & Finance

ISSN: 1463-578X

Article publication date: 19 March 2020

Issue publication date: 10 February 2021




Previous research on automation and job disruption is only marginally related to the real estate industry and its characteristics. This study investigates the effects of digitization on jobs in German real estate sector, in order to assess the proportion of jobs threatened to be replaced by automation. Since Germany is the largest EU economy insights for the German real estate market allow a first approximation for Europe.


An extensive database of the German Federal Employment Agency containing job definitions and occupation titles is matched with real estate criteria to create a subset with the relevant real estate occupations. This data is combined with a database of the German Institute of Employment Research reflecting to what extent tasks within jobs can be automated by current technical capabilities.


For the 286 identified occupations within the real estate sector a weighted average of 47 percent substitution probability through current technological capabilities is derived for tasks within the examined occupations.

Practical implications

This contribution indicates the extent of the structural change the real estate sector has to face due to digitization: One out of two real estate jobs will have to be re-created.


This research quantifies the magnitude of the job killer aspect of digitization in the real estate sector.



Piazolo, D. and Dogan, U.C. (2021), "Impacts of digitization on real estate sector jobs", Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 39 No. 2, pp. 47-83.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020, Daniel Piazolo and Utku Cem Dogan


Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. The challenge for jobs

When the popular media routinely run article titles like “A World Without Work” (Thompson, 2015), there is a strong indication that an issue has reached a significant level of critical mass. There is no disputing that new technologies (NT) are disrupters to labor and vocational categories, however, the levels of disruption and its impact are not agreed on. At the same time, the utilization of NT's leads to new possibilities and job areas that are being created. These jobs differ in their complexity and demands, and therefore are often better paid.

Innovation and its impact on labor is part of structural change. Pessimistic views in the last year are frequently based on insights from Frey and Osborne (2013) who quantified the impacts of NT's on labor markets in the United States. Accordingly, 47 percent of jobs are subject of being substituted by NT's until 2030. Various studies have used the results of Frey and Osborne by transferring the codes of American occupations to other countries (Bonin et al., 2015; Dengler and Matthes, 2015; Brzeski and Burk, 2015), according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO). However, these studies follow the approach that it is not entire professions that can be replaced by NT's, but rather activities leading to a significantly lower share of jobs that are being threatened to be substituted by computers. Arntz et al. (2017) maintain that there is evidence to support an impact of a 9 percent to 11 percent job loss in OECD countries caused by digitization. For the purpose of serving as a literature review to a wider study that specifically aims at the impact of NT's on real estate, the focus of the following will ask whether there is anything emergent about the current transformations and a long history of previous disruptive phases.

Wage stagnation has been an important economic force that has occurred steadily since the 1980's among Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations. Stagnation means that wages are relatively flat and do not rise at the rate of inflation. Among these OECD countries, this is a reversal of economic trends that have defined most of the Twentieth Century and was accelerated in particular, during the post-World War Two period. It is a period where the most prominent factor of this trend is that each subsequent generation had more wealth and disposable income than the previous. The consequence of this stagnation is that little growth is occurring and lower relative wages means that capital is not circulating in the economy given that people simply have less disposable income to spend (Picketty, 2014). The economy has stagnated, but capital or profit has increased and this is explained through fewer workers creating more profit and also, a shift toward the financialization of the economy. At the same time, Gregory et al. (2016) conclude that from 2000 to 2010 there has been a steady increase in labor demand. In spite of this shift on the other hand, rising unemployment has not been an outcome through the processes of automation that have occurred so far (Arntz et al., 2017). Within the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and robotics, these general factors raise a number of important variables for consideration because they make the impact of these new technologies difficult to measure.

When the data concerning wage stagnation is combined with the analysis of large sets of tax returns in the US and France over a fifty-year period (Picketty, 2014), a number of competing theories emerged as plausible explanation for this. One theory was that through the erosion of the bargaining power of labor wages have stagnated. A second major theory was that outsourcing of tasks and globalization of production are the most significant drivers of stagnation. Manufacturing and then service sector jobs have continually been moved from developed economies to emerging economies because of lower standards for regulation (Addo, 2016). After a period of stagnation being explained by theories about bargaining power shifts and globalization, a new set of evidence began to present NT's as the most important driver to this trend. However, the wider use of NT has various, mutually conflicting consequences. Variables of influence like globalization and political policies, cannot be completely separated from NT's as a factor for job loss and the de-skilling of labor which has resulted in lower wage forms of employment. Frey and Osborne (2017) assert that this creates a greater “polarization” between skilled and unskilled labor and therefore “a hollowing-out of middle-income jobs”.

The following will examine the level of disruption on the real estate sector in particular. There is an important and conflicting set of assumptions and conclusions that make this difficult to determine. For reasons that will be outlined in the Literature Review, this study will take the task-based approach to automation or substitution potential defined by Dengler and Matthes, 2015, 2016 in order to determine the share of jobs in the German real estate industry that are affected by digitization. The article concludes with a discussion on the remaining tasks for human beings in the real estate industry.

2. Literature review

NT's can be understood as having a long history within the capitalist economy. The mechanization of labor can be traced to the steam powered machines that replaced hand weaving in the clothing industry in the late 1700's and early 1800's. This economic transformation to industrialization also contributed to an early reactionary backlash, which led to protests by workers in England between 1811 and 1816 when these new machines were blamed for unemployment and low wages. Consequently, the manufacturing equipment was damaged by workers (DeCanio, 2016; Frey and Osborne, 2017). Industrialization and automation were furthered when the Ford model of production was invented and then, quickly adopted by other types of industries. Henry Ford introduced the assembly line model of production whereby individuals become specialized in only one area of manufacturing and this division of labor made production more streamlined and created greater output. The automation of tasks and the deskilling of labor are not new. Like-wise, neither is the criticism of automation that has historically been based on the loss of employment and the de-skilling of existing work tasks. However, the counterweight to this trend has been the economic gains that have emerged as a result. Various areas of employment have been created by the technological change that has led to an expansion of entire sectors such as electronics and computer related fields. For example, Bessen (2016) presented a comprehensive data set of 317 types of jobs that were being replaced by automated technologies driven by computerization and demonstrated that newly created types of employment far exceeded the losses caused by automation. Based on the structure of industrialization within a historical context, DeCanio (2016) presents a data analysis of tasks and substitution potential, and concludes that wage levels will decrease, and that although NT's create new opportunities in fields like engineering, the overall outcome will be the de-skilling of labor.

There are a number of criticisms to this historically driven approach to job market changes. An important criticism of is related to market capitalization and value creation. West (2018) looks at the relationship between market capitalization and employment and compares data taken from 1962 to 2017. In 1962 the two largest companies in terms of market value were AT&T with a value of USD$ 20B (2017) with 564,000 employees and General Motors with a USD$ 12B (2017) value and 605,000. In 2017, Apple had a market capital share of USD$ 800B with 116,000 employees and Google/Alphabet had USD$ 670B and 73,992 workers. In other terms, Apple generated forty times the wealth as AT&T with a fifth of the full-time employees (West, 2018). As a good example of this wealth generation process achieved by few, two individuals developed Android with less than $ 10,000 and then sold this in less than a year to Google for a $ 1B and at the point of sale they employed 50 individuals (Madridakis, 2017). While some maintain that more jobs have been created by the overall computerization (Bessen, 2016), there are important features in current technologies that have to be considered for future projections. Although in the past there was a link between employment growth and innovation, in the future other factors specific to new technologies might generate value without employment growth.

AI can be seen as an example of different value creation in the context of social media and the platform economy. In 2017, Facebook had a market value of USD$ 441B with 18,770 employees (West, 2018). The Facebook revenue was generated through the use of clients' data for the purposes of generating advertising, marketing and market research, and the means for this was the AI employed in data mining/collection and data-analytics. Plat-form models are achieving the same by having algorithms and not humans connect customers with service providers and then, collecting a fee through this human-less transaction. Facebook's market value to employee ratio is significantly greater than either Apple or Google.

Within the real estate industry, the platform economy and the use algorithms is likewise growing. Conway (2018) identifies nine major industry areas where 71 software applications and web-based platforms are emerging that replace human tasks and occupations. A number of these real estate areas include data analytics and platform applications that connect buyers and sellers, borrowers and lenders, customers and legal documents, customers and valuations. These areas are data driven AI applications, thus algorithms rather than people generate value.

Other areas are using more NT's and change the tasks performed by the human employees. The fastest growing area is buildings and operations management where remote security systems, smart home technologies and robotics used in cleaning and maintenance are already having a significant impact. Further, new possibilities emerge through 3D technologies employed in viewing properties and through 3D printing. Thus an image can be quickly generated into an entire model of a building or a neighborhood area. Companies-like Doxel, OpenSpace, and Airworks specialize in digital photo-capturing buildings and construction sites by having cameras that are fixed, mounted on robots, on drones and construction worker hats (Conway, 2018). Conway identifies how NT's including AI, machine learning and big data create opportunities in the real estate sector because of their positive results in data-gathering, distribution, and analytics, automated valuation models, risk assessment, communications, and business processes. Furthermore, that are additional emergent areas such as Augmentation and Space Planning, Geospatial Analytics, and the internet of Things (IoT). Augmentation and Space Planning is the use of video capturing to create accurate 3D-ready spatial/building information. Geospatial Analytics includes how this data is processed into 3D-models, drawings, or animated formats. Conway (2018) defines this emerging real estate processes in the following terms: “Geospatial analysis is the gathering, display, and manipulation of imagery, GPS, satellite photography and historical data, described explicitly in terms of geographic coordinates or implicitly, in terms of a street address, postal code, or forest stand identifier as they are applied to geographic models” (Conway, 2018, p. 47).

Deloitte (2018) shows that the real estate service of the future must move away from the pure operational management of the buildings to a holistic approach that ensures that the customers are able to function.

Where some tasks such as a telephone dispatcher who would have conventionally connected a taxi driver with a customer have been replaced by the AI contained in phone apps, other tasks such as building maintenance, construction, and manufacturing will continue to require human participation. All of these areas are significant to the real estate business in particular. These discrepancies in drivers of automation versus job growth, significantly impact the theories that underpin future predictions in employment (Arntz, 2017; DeCanio, 2016). By contrast, the literature as a whole identifies variables such as hand precision and human to human contact as areas that will continue to be decisive for human employment. These tasks cover front line health care and surgery, hair cutting, cultural production and the arts. Furthermore, areas with soft skills like creative and social intelligence will be the types of non-routine tasks that cannot be replaced (Frey and Osborne, 2017).

There are a number of considerations regarding automation and gender. Dengler and Matthes (2015) demonstrate that male dominated vocations will be significantly more impacted than conventionally female jobs; however, it does not follow that the demand will increase for women because of this shift given that gender roles have determined both career choices, but also the social value placed on certain areas of work. A study of Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP (PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 2017) reveals similar findings, stating that female workers could be more affected by automation in the short term, but male jobs are more at risk of being automated in the long term. Males have dominated areas like manufacturing and facility related production occupations, and these are among the highest in terms of substitution potential (Dengler and Matthes, 2015). There is a limitation of looking at the change in supply and demand terms, given that there are considerations about how value is determined, and where women's work has been subject to the devaluing caused by patriarchy. This raises the important issue about how a job is evaluated and how consistent the automation design systems are when they are broken down into specific tasks (Arntz et al., 2016).

In the existing literature, there is a wide range of the effects of NT on employment numbers. At the high end of the predicted numbers are studies like Bowles (2014) who predict a loss of 60 percent of jobs due to NT and the Frey and Osborne study (Frey and Osborne, 2013, 2017), cited over 3,500 times, that predicts that by 2030 47 percent of analyzed 730 occupations will disappear through automation. By contrast, on the low end of the scale, Arntz et al. (2017) take a different approach by measuring automated tasks against full occupations, predict that only 9 percent to 11 percent of all jobs in OECD countries will be lost. To demonstrate the importance of tasks as opposed to isolating the automation of whole occupations, Arntz et al. (2017) use the data for the Frey and Osborne (2013) study that concluded that 47 percent of all jobs will be lost and reduced it to 9 percent by isolating the tasks within the jobs rather than the jobs themselves. The occupations defined by the substitution potential based on five tasks that include: manual non-routine tasks, interactive non-routine tasks, manual routine tasks, cognitive routine tasks and analytical non-routine task (Dengler and Matthes, 2015). Another international comparison is carried out by Nedelkoska and Quintini (2018). According to this, 14 percent of all jobs in OECD countries can be highly automated. For all 32 OECD countries analyzed in the study, this means 66 million jobs. Looking at the automation potential from 50 to 70 percent, it is even 32 percent of all jobs. This shows that structural changes are to be expected in large areas of the world of work as a result of digitization.

A study of the McKinsey Global Institute (McKinsey Global Institute, 2017) emphasizes on the job creation aspect of digitization. While NT's do replace jobs, they are creating new work possibilities. Accordingly, one-third of the newly emerged jobs of the past 25 years in the United States are directly linked to NT's, i.e. IT management and app creation. The study further underlines the importance of NT's on economies and their productivity.

The literature review presented has emphasized that the cross relational data and structural elements that has be used to describe the general trends within employment and automation can be applied to the real estate industry. What is unique to real estate, are the sub specialty areas like an emerging online and platform-based services that are already disrupting the real estate business as it has been conventionally run.

3. Methodology and results

Previous research has shown that it is not entire professions that can be automated, but rather tasks within occupations. In the following, the substitutability potential of occupations within the real estate industry in Germany is examined. The substitutability potential of an occupation is defined via the proportion of routine activities, which are likely to be automated by current technological capabilities (Dengler and Matthes, 2015).

When assessing the level of substitutability potential, the categorization suggested by Frey and Osborne (2013) is used: A low substitutability potential exists if a maximum of 30 percent of activities within an occupation can be performed by computers. An average substitutability potential means that between 30 percent and a maximum of 70 percent of activities are automatable. A high substitutability potential means that more than 70 percent of activities could be replaced by digitization.

The methodology applied in this contribution is set out in Figure 1.

In contrast to the previous studies on the impacts of automation on jobs, the substitution probabilities are not determined on the basis of American occupation data, but rather information on occupational research from the expert database BERUFENET (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, 2019), which provides information on all occupations known in Germany online and free of charge. The BERUFENET is used for job placement and information and contains approximately 3,900 occupations. The information provided includes information on the respective professional activities, necessary training or legal regulations.

Dengler and Matthes (2015) originally determined the task composition for each occupation on the basis of this database. For this purpose, the authors created a requirements matrix, in which approximately 8,000 requirements are assigned to the respective occupations. When deciding whether a work requirement should be understood as a routine or non-routine activity, it was explicitly researched whether the respective activity could be carried out by computer-controlled machines. Replicability by computers or computer-controlled machines was therefore a central criterion in deciding whether a requirement was categorized as a routine or non-routine activity. Therefore, the proportion of routine activities represent as a measure of the substitutability of these professions. Dengler and Matthes (2015) utilized the requirements matrix and calculated the proportion of routine activities (vs. non-routine activities) by dividing the core requirements in each individual occupation. These shares at individual occupational level are aggregated for the various occupational aggregates with a weight calculated on the basis of the number of employees in 2016.

The requirements matrix is not publicly accessible, however, Dengler and Matthes created the database IAB-Job-Futuromat (Institute of Employment Research, 2019) for the public in order to access the calculated automation probabilities for each occupation. The IAB-Job-Futuromat is a database that contains the occupation-specific substitution potentials along with job specific individual substitution potentials. Furthermore, the IAB-Job-Futuromat provides the substitution potentials for each of the 286 occupations taken from the second data set used in this study. The second data set is the BERUFENET database (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, 2019) which provides occupational titles from which 286 real estate sector occupation titles have been manually collected. These real estate titles have been categorized according to the classification of real estate industry job fields provided by Just et al. (2017). It is important to note that real estate can be either defined in a narrow sense or in a broad sense. The real estate sector within a narrow sense consists of the areas 1) real estate trade, 2) renting and leasing and 3) mediation and administration. However, far more activities are frequently also seen as been an essential part of the real estate sector. Consequently, Just et al. (2017) add additional areas to the real estate sector in a broad sense: 4) architectural/engineering offices, 5) construction industry (building construction/civil engineering), 6) real estate financers, 7) investment companies, 8) industrial cleaning and 9) other service providers. Some people argue that the planning of building should be seen as an integral aspect of real estate and thus, Architectural/engineering offices should be part of the real estate sector in a narrow sense. Other people might see the construction industry (building construction/civil engineering) as a core aspect of real estate, since the building of the properties is the most decisive aspect of the changing urban landscape. The decisive aspects of development and equity investment for the real estate sector are covered through the category investment companies. Consequently, we use the broad sense of the real estate sector for the categorization of real estate industry job fields to be able to examine the impacts of digitization on real estate sector jobs.

In the next step the IAB-Job-Futuromat database (Institute of Employment Research, 2019) was used to assign a substitutability probability to each occupation title (KldB 2010 5-digit level). Based on the approach by Dengler and Matthes (2015) each substitutability potential was mapped to the respective occupation title. For example, the job-profile of a facility manager contains the following essential activities. Therefore, the substitution probability of a facility manager is 60 percent (Table I).

These substitution probabilities at individual occupational level are aggregated for the various occupational groups with a weight calculated on the basis of the number of employees in 2018.

This requires a weighted average calculation of the substitutability potential and the respective employee count subject to social insurance. However, the employee count data is only available at occupational group level. In order to map the broadest possible occupational spectrum on the one hand, but on the other remain clear to a certain extent, the employee counts within an occupational group is assumed to be equally distributed following the approach by Dengler and Matthes (2015), which enables to calculate a weight based on the average substitutability of occupation titles within an occupational group and the employee count of the occupational group. Based on this approach the 286 occupation titles within 164 occupational groups have been aggregated covering a total of 5,231,766 employees subject to social insurance within the real estate industry (as set out in Table II). For these 5,231,766 employees within the real estate industry the weighted substitutability potential comes to 47.41 percent. This means that almost a half of all jobs in the real estate sector tasks can be automated by current technical capabilities.

A further insight can be gained by looking at the consolidated automation potential (Table III).

In analogy to Dengler and Matthes (2018), the automation potentials are classified as high (> 70 percent), medium (50 percent to 70 percent) and low (< 30 percent). This categorization that almost 36 percent of all jobs within the real estate sector have a high automation potential. Approximately 15 percent of the occupations have a medium automation potential. Overall, the analysis shows that approximately half of all the jobs within the real estate industry have an automation potential that exceeds 50 percent.

4. Conclusion

The digital transformation of the real estate sector is lagging behind other sectors. However, the real estate industry is facing seismic change. The adaption of technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics are transforming operations. Highly administrative, humanly performed tasks are becoming increasingly redundant. Although the disruption is significant, the industry has a number of limitations that make the complete automation of this sector difficult or impossible to completely make. By contrast, there are notable intersections of negative trends that are also a consideration and that is the deskilling of labor and the greater polarization between highly skilled or professional credentials and employment that can be achieved by anyone. When work can be done by the lowest common denominator, the over abundant supply means that the wages can remain low. The problem with low wages is two-fold in terms of stagnation, and it means that lower incomes mean that less money is circulating in the economy, and that has a secondary effect of reducing any capacity for reinvestment and then growth. The circular effect on real estate and the economy in general, is punctuated by a smaller pool of consumers for property and a lower overall price as well. The deskilling and polarizing of labor along with the economic stagnation that this causes, is countered by the benefits such as the creation of new industries and work opportunities. Further, there are a number of factors that will contribute to a lag for adopting NT's and the driverless car is a good example where the existing technology is available, but the legislative framework and social acceptance of lags behind. These social and political considerations are significant to the growth of automation and at the same time, they are difficult to predict and therefore create limitations on any model that assesses the risk to employment. Both the obstacles to a quick transformation and job creations thanks to the new possibilities of NT's highlight the necessary aspects that also have to be considered in the interpretation of the 47 percent figure of disappear jobs within the real estate industry. Further, an occupational approach that looks at macroeconomic trends along with standard data collected from current employment data can only represent a snap-shot of a static scenario analysis. This contribution has emphasized that a task-based approach demonstrates how high the percentage is of jobs affected: Almost every second job within the real estate industry. However, also in the real estate industry new jobs will be generated thanks due to NT. For example, in data analytics and photo capturing technologies, there has been a significant amount of benefits and growth for the real estate industry (Conway, 2018).

This contribution has focused on the derivation of an approximation for the magnitude of the job killer aspect of digitization. As set out, digitization has also the job motor aspect and many new jobs will arise thanks to digitization. Structural change can be painful for the affected industries, especially if the size of the change required is considerable. Consequently, the real estate industry should be aware of significant shifts and adjustment pains within the sector due to digitization.


Methodology for the calculations of the automation probabilities

Figure 1

Methodology for the calculations of the automation probabilities

Example job profile and substitution potential for the occupation facility manager

 ActivityCan be performed by computers, robots or artificial intelligence
1Maintenance management
2Building system technology, building control technology
3Building services
4Invitation to tender, award of contract, description of services
5Facility management (coordination)
6Real estate business management
7Property management
8Cost and activity accounting
10Apply Facility Management Software (CAFM)

Automation Probability of the ten largest occupation groups

Occupation group (English name)Occupation group (German name)Employee countAveraged automation probability per occupation group (in %)
1Skilled workers in commercial and technical business administration (without specialisation)Aufsichtskräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rollladen- und Jalousiebau936,38744.00%
2Specialists in building services engineering (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der Gebäudetechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)233,27266.00%
3Specialists in construction electricsFachkräfte in der Bauelektrik224,33475.00%
4Specialists in metal constructionFachkräfte im Metallbau216,63585.00%
5Specialists in sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologyFachkräfte in der Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik171,53570.00%
6Specialists in woodworking, furniture and interior designFachkräfte im Holz-, Möbel- und Innenausbau142,61955.75%
7Specialists in information and telecommunications technologyFachkräfte in der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik141,81294.33%
8Specialists in electrical operating technologyFachkräfte in der elektrischen Betriebstechnik116,17470.00%
9Specialists for painting and varnishing workFachkräfte für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten113,61630.25%
10Technical draughtsmen and womenTechnische Zeichner/innen111,28578.25%

Source(s): Appendix Table A1

Summarized automation probabilities of jobs in the real estate sector

Number of jobsPercentage of all jobs
Probability of Automation of over 70%1,883,72436.01%
Probability of Automation between 50 and 70%783,42314.97%
Sum: Probability of Automation of over 50%2,667,14750.98%

Source(s): Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, 2019a), Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, 2019b), Institute of Employment Research (Institute of Employment Research, 2019); own calculations

Automation Probability per Occupation Group 164 occupation groups have been collected which consisted of 286 occupation titles. The mean value of the automation probability of an occupation group has been derived from the automation probabilities of the occupation titles it contains

Occupation title (English name)Occupation title (German name)Automation probability per occupation title (in %)Occupation group (English name)Occupation group (German name)Employee countAveraged automation probability per occupation group (in %)
1Technical manager–roof, wall and sealing technologyFachleiter/in - Dach-, Wand- und Abdichtungstechnik30.00%Supervisors in dry and dry construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and blind constructionAufsichtskräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rollladen- und Jalousiebau8,06628.43%
2Master glazierGlasermeister/in50.00%Supervisors in dry and dry construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and blind constructionAufsichtskräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rollladen- und Jalousiebau8,06628.43%
3Industriemeister/in–Acoustic and dry constructionIndustriemeister/in - Akustik- und Trockenbau20.00%Supervisors in dry and dry construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and blind constructionAufsichtskräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rollladen- und Jalousiebau8,06628.43%
4Industrial foreman–InsulationIndustriemeister/in–Isolierung20.00%Supervisors in dry and dry construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and blind constructionAufsichtskräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rollladen- und Jalousiebau8,06628.43%
5Master roller shutter and sun protection technicianRollladen- und Sonnenschutztechnikermeister/in45.00%Supervisors in dry and dry construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and blind constructionAufsichtskräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rollladen- und Jalousiebau8,06628.43%
6Master of heat, cold and sound insulationWärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisolierermeister/in17.00%Supervisors in dry and dry construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and blind constructionAufsichtskräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rollladen- und Jalousiebau8,06628.43%
7Work foreman–FinishingWerkpolier/in–Ausbau17.00%Supervisors in dry and dry construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and blind constructionAufsichtskräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rollladen- und Jalousiebau8,06628.43%
8Master rooferDachdeckermeister/in25.00%Supervisors in building constructionAufsichtskräfte im Hochbau23,34320.83%
9Scaffolding foreman leaderGerüstbau-Kolonnenführer/in17.00%Supervisors in building constructionAufsichtskräfte im Hochbau23,34320.83%
10Master scaffolderGerüstbauermeister/in29.00%Supervisors in building constructionAufsichtskräfte im Hochbau23,34320.83%
11Master bricklayer and concrete builderMaurer- und Betonbauermeister/in14.00%Supervisors in building constructionAufsichtskräfte im Hochbau23,34320.83%
12Foreman–Building constructionPolier/in–Hochbau18.00%Supervisors in building constructionAufsichtskräfte im Hochbau23,34320.83%
13Plant foreman–Building constructionWerkpolier/in–Hochbau22.00%Supervisors in building constructionAufsichtskräfte im Hochbau23,34320.83%
14Master model makerModellbauermeister/in69.00%Supervisors in technical drawing, construction and model makingAufsichtskräfte im Technischen Zeichnen, Konstruktion und Modellbau2,84969.00%
15Polisher–Civil engineeringPolier/in–Tiefbau17.00%Supervisors in civil engineeringAufsichtskräfte im Tiefbau8,81718.00%
16Master road builderStraßenbauermeister/in15.00%Supervisors in civil engineeringAufsichtskräfte im Tiefbau8,81718.00%
17Master hydraulic engineerWasserbaumeister/in18.00%Supervisors in civil engineeringAufsichtskräfte im Tiefbau8,81718.00%
18Plant foreman–civil engineeringWerkpolier/in–Tiefbau22.00%Supervisors in civil engineeringAufsichtskräfte im Tiefbau8,81718.00%
19Construction machinery foremanBaumaschinenmeister/in44.00%Supervisors in construction and transport equipment managementAufsichtskräfte in der Bau- und Transportgeräteführung2,37444.00%
20Master screed layerEstrichlegermeister/in29.00%Supervisors in floor layingAufsichtskräfte in der Bodenverlegung87533.00%
21Master tiler, tiler and mosaic layerFliesen-, Platten- und Mosaiklegermeister/in30.00%Supervisors in floor layingAufsichtskräfte in der Bodenverlegung87533.00%
22Master parquet layerParkettlegermeister/in40.00%Supervisors in floor layingAufsichtskräfte in der Bodenverlegung87533.00%
23Master electrical engineerElektrotechnikermeister/in64.00%Supervisors in electrical engineeringAufsichtskräfte in der Elektrotechnik15,73373.67%
24Industrial foreman–Electrical engineeringIndustriemeister/in–Elektrotechnik80.00%Supervisors in electrical engineeringAufsichtskräfte in der Elektrotechnik15,73373.67%
25Master Information TechnicianInformationstechnikermeister/in77.00%Supervisors in electrical engineeringAufsichtskräfte in der Elektrotechnik15,73373.67%
26Industrial foreman–LacquerIndustriemeister/in–Lack82.00%Supervisors in paint and varnish technologyAufsichtskräfte in der Farb- und Lacktechnik1,28882.00%
27Industrial foreman–GlassIndustriemeister/in–Glas78.00%Supervisors in industrial glass production and processingAufsichtskräfte in der Industriellen Glasherstellung und -verarbeitung31078.00%
28Industrial foreman–CeramicsIndustriemeister/in–Keramik85.00%Supervisors in industrial ceramics production and processingAufsichtskräfte in der Industriellen Keramikherstellung und -verarbeitung25185.00%
29Master ceramistKeramikermeister/in64.00%Supervisors in the arts and crafts of ceramics and glass designAufsichtskräfte in der kunsthandwerklichen Keramik- und Glasgestaltung12764.00%
30Industrial foreman–Plastics and rubberIndustriemeister/in–Kunststoff und Kautschuk77.00%Supervisors in plastics and rubber production and processingAufsichtskräfte in der Kunststoff-, Kautschukherstellung und -verarbeitung1,97277.00%
31Welding foremanSchweißwerkmeister/in75.00%Supervisors in metal construction and welding technologyAufsichtskräfte in der Metallbau- und Schweißtechnik9,44175.00%
32Master of concrete block and terrazzo manufacturerBetonstein- und Terrazzoherstellermeister/in44.00%Supervisors in natural stone and mineral processing and processing as well as building material productionAufsichtskräfte in der Naturstein-, Mineralaufbereitung und -verarbeitung sowie Baustoffherstellung1,34459.50%
33Master of concrete block and terrazzo manufacturerBetonstein- und Terrazzoherstellermeister/in44.00%Supervisors in natural stone and mineral processing and processing as well as building material productionAufsichtskräfte in der Naturstein-, Mineralaufbereitung und -verarbeitung sowie Baustoffherstellung1,34459.50%
34Industrial foreman–concrete block industryIndustriemeister/in–Betonsteinindustrie50.00%Supervisors in natural stone and mineral processing and processing as well as building material productionAufsichtskräfte in der Naturstein-, Mineralaufbereitung und -verarbeitung sowie Baustoffherstellung1,34459.50%
35Industrial foreman–lime/cementIndustriemeister/in–Kalk/Zement100.00%Supervisors in natural stone and mineral processing and processing as well as building material productionAufsichtskräfte in der Naturstein-, Mineralaufbereitung und -verarbeitung sowie Baustoffherstellung1,34459.50%
36Waste water masterAbwassermeister/in50.00%Supervisors in supply and disposalAufsichtskräfte in der Ver- und Entsorgung5,83252.40%
37Master tank and apparatus builderBehälter- und Apparatebauermeister/in63.00%Supervisors in supply and disposalAufsichtskräfte in der Ver- und Entsorgung5,83252.40%
38Master craftsman–recycling and waste management and urban cleaningMeister/in - Kreislauf- u.Abfallwirtschaft u.Städtereinigung22.00%Supervisors in supply and disposalAufsichtskräfte in der Ver- und Entsorgung5,83252.40%
39Master craftsman–Pipe, sewer and industrial serviceMeister/in - Rohr-, Kanal- und Industrieservice63.00%Supervisors in supply and disposalAufsichtskräfte in der Ver- und Entsorgung5,83252.40%
40Water masterWassermeister/in64.00%Supervisors in supply and disposalAufsichtskräfte in der Ver- und Entsorgung5,83252.40%
41Domestic operations managerHauswirtschaftliche/r Betriebsleiter/in50.00%Supervisors in home economics and consumer consultingAufsichtskräfte in Hauswirtschaft und Verbraucherberatung11,43358.50%
42Master craftsman–housekeepingMeister/in–Hauswirtschaft67.00%Supervisors in home economics and consumer consultingAufsichtskräfte in Hauswirtschaft und Verbraucherberatung11,43358.50%
43Master interior decoratorRaumausstattermeister/in31.00%Supervisors in interior design, visual marketing, interior designAufsichtskräfte in Innenarchitektur, visuelles Marketing, Raumausstattung70331.00%
44Master installer and heating engineerInstallateur- und Heizungsbauermeister/in62.00%Supervisors in plumbing, sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologyAufsichtskräfte in Klempnerei, Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik10,84348.50%
45Master refrigeration system builderKälteanlagenbauermeister/in54.00%Supervisors in plumbing, sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologyAufsichtskräfte in Klempnerei, Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik10,84348.50%
46Master plumberKlempnermeister/in56.00%Supervisors in plumbing, sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologyAufsichtskräfte in Klempnerei, Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik10,84348.50%
47Master builder of kilns and air heatersOfen- und Luftheizungsbauermeister/in22.00%Supervisors in plumbing, sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologyAufsichtskräfte in Klempnerei, Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik10,84348.50%
48Master painter and varnisherMaler- und Lackierermeister/in36.00%Supervisors in painting, varnishing, stucco work, building waterproofing, wood and building protectionAufsichtskräfte in Malerei, Lackiererei, Stuckateurarbeiten, Bauwerksabdichtung, Holz- und Bautenschutz6,48732.50%
49Master craftsman–Timber and building protection tradeMeister/in - Holz- und Bautenschutzgewerbe29.00%Supervisors in painting, varnishing, stucco work, building waterproofing, wood and building protectionAufsichtskräfte in Malerei, Lackiererei, Stuckateurarbeiten, Bauwerksabdichtung, Holz- und Bautenschutz6,48732.50%
50Master craftsman–Protection and safetyMeister/in–Schutz und Sicherheit0.00%Supervisors in object, personal and fire protection, work safetyAufsichtskräfte in Objekt-, Personen-, Brandschutz, Arbeitssicherheit6,4870.00%
51Engineer–HorticultureIngenieur/in–Gartenbau35.00%Experts in horticulture (without specialization)Experten im Gartenbau (ohne Spezialisierung)1,69235.00%
52Business economist (university) - Bank und FinanzdienstlBetriebswirt/in (Hochschule) - Bank und Finanzdienstl39.00%Experts in investment consulting and other financial servicesExperten in Anlageberatung und sonstigen Finanzdienstleistungen15,59539.00%
53Engineer–safety engineeringIngenieur/in–Sicherheitstechnik11.00%Experts in occupational safety and safety technologyExperten in Arbeitssicherheit und Sicherheitstechnik20,17211.00%
54Engineer–Waste ManagementIngenieur/in–Abfallwirtschaft20.00%Experts in waste managementExperten in der Abfallwirtschaft89620.00%
55ArchitectArchitekt/in21.00%Experts in architectureExperten in der Architektur69,59421.00%
56Business economist (university) - Construction industryBetriebswirt/in (Hochschule) - Bauwirtschaft29.00%Experts in construction accounting and costingExperten in der Bauabrechnung und -kalkulation33329.00%
57Civil servant–Higher civil engineering serviceBeamt(er/in) - Höherer bautechnischer Dienst17.00%Experts in construction planning and supervision (without specialisation)Experten in der Bauplanung und -überwachung (ohne Spezialisierung)54,43215.50%
58Engineer–ConstructionIngenieur/in–Bau14.00%Experts in construction planning and supervision (without specialisation)Experten in der Bauplanung und -überwachung (ohne Spezialisierung)54,43215.50%
59Engineer–Building PhysicsIngenieur/in–Bauphysik40.00%Experts in construction expertise and construction controlExperten in der Bausachverständigung und Baukontrolle1,19440.00%
60Engineer–building materialsIngenieur/in–Baustoffe50.00%Experts in building material testingExperten in der Baustoffprüfung15450.00%
61Engineer–Building Technology/Facility ManagementIngenieur/in–Gebäudetechnik/Facility-Management55.00%Experts in building services engineering (without specialisation)Experten in der Gebäudetechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)2,99955.00%
62Engineer–GeotechnicsIngenieur/in–Geotechnik40.00%Experts in geotechnicsExperten in der Geotechnik94240.00%
63Engineer–Wood TechnologyIngenieur/in–Holztechnik50.00%Experts in woodworking and wood processing (without specialisation)Experten in der Holzbe- und -verarbeitung (ohne Spezialisierung)76250.00%
64Business economist (university) - Real estateBetriebswirt/in (Hochschule) - Immobilien32.00%Experts in real estate marketing and managementExperten in der Immobilienvermarktung und -verwaltung1,47832.00%
65Engineer–Information and communication technologyIngenieur/in - Informations-, Kommunikationstechnik50.00%Experts in information and telecommunications technologyExperten in der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik13,67450.00%
66Interior designerInnenarchitekt/in40.00%Experts in interior designExperten in der Innenarchitektur5,02240.00%
67Design engineer (m/f)Konstruktionsingenieur/in38.00%Experts in design and equipment constructionExperten in der Konstruktion und im Gerätebau14,05238.00%
68Urban and regional plannerStadt- und Regionalplaner/in0.00%Experts in urban and spatial planningExperten in der Stadt- und Raumplanung5,7140.00%
69IT engineerIngenieurinformatiker/in17.00%Experts in technical computer scienceExperten in der technischen Informatik3,62217.00%
70Civil servant–Surveying (high technical service)Beamt(er/in) - Vermessungswesen (höh. techn. Dienst)88.00%Experts in surveying technologyExperten in der Vermessungstechnik7,31477.00%
71Civil servant–Surveying (high technical service)Beamt(er/in) - Vermessungswesen (höh. techn. Dienst)88.00%Experts in surveying technologyExperten in der Vermessungstechnik7,31477.00%
72Surveying engineerVermessungsingenieur/in55.00%Experts in surveying technologyExperten in der Vermessungstechnik7,31477.00%
73Engineer–Water ManagementIngenieur/in–Wasserwirtschaft0.00%Experts in water managementExperten in der Wasserwirtschaft1,7300.00%
74Engineer–Glass, Ceramics, BindersIngenieur/in–Glas, Keramik, Bindemittel70.00%Experts in materials technologyExperten in der Werkstofftechnik3,00070.00%
75Security managerSicherheitsmanager/in10.00%Experts in object, personal, fire protection, occupational safety (other specific activity information)Experten in Objekt-, Personen-, Brandschutz, Arbeitssicherheit (sonstige spezifische Tätigkeitsangabe)o.A10.00%
76Building and object coaterBauten- und Objektbeschichter/in38.00%Specialists for painting and varnishing workFachkräfte für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten113,61630.25%
77painter and varnisher–building and corrosion protectionMaler/in und Lackierer/in - Bauten- und Korrosionsschutz29.00%Specialists for painting and varnishing workFachkräfte für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten113,61630.25%
78Painter and varnisher–design and maintenanceMaler/in und Lackierer/in–Gestaltung und Instandhaltung29.00%Specialists for painting and varnishing workFachkräfte für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten113,61630.25%
79Painter and varnisher–Church painting and monument preservationMaler/in und Lackierer/in–Kirchenmalerei und Denkmalpflege25.00%Specialists for painting and varnishing workFachkräfte für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten113,61630.25%
80Expansion managerAusbaumanager/in30.00%Specialists for stucco workFachkräfte für Stuckateurarbeiten16,92130.00%
81Finishing skilled workerAusbaufacharbeiter/in0.00%Skilled workers in dry and dry construction (without specialisation)Fachkräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau (ohne Spezialisierung)20,5886.50%
82Drywall fitterTrockenbaumonteur/in13.00%Skilled workers in dry and dry construction (without specialisation)Fachkräfte im Aus- und Trockenbau (ohne Spezialisierung)20,5886.50%
83Building mechanic for demolition and concrete separation technologyBauwerksmechaniker/in für Abbruch und Betontrenntechnik0.00%Specialists in the demolition of buildingsFachkräfte im Bauwerksabbruch7270.00%
84Mining and mechanical engineer–Transport and maintenanceBerg- und Maschinenmann/-frau - Transport und Instandhaltung80.00%Specialists in mining and surface miningFachkräfte im Berg- und Tagebau13,57779.83%
85Mining and machine operator–tunnelling and extractionBerg- und Maschinenmann/-frau - Vortrieb und Gewinnung83.00%Specialists in mining and surface miningFachkräfte im Berg- und Tagebau13,57779.83%
86Mining Technologist–Civil EngineeringBergbautechnologe/-technologin - Tiefbautechnik75.00%Specialists in mining and surface miningFachkräfte im Berg- und Tagebau13,57779.83%
87Mining technologist–Deep drilling technologyBergbautechnologe/-technologin - Tiefbohrtechnik83.00%Specialists in mining and surface miningFachkräfte im Berg- und Tagebau13,57779.83%
88Mining Technologist–Civil EngineeringBergbautechnologe/-technologin - Tiefbautechnik75.00%Specialists in mining and surface miningFachkräfte im Berg- und Tagebau13,57779.83%
89Mining technologist–Deep drilling technologyBergbautechnologe/-technologin - Tiefbohrtechnik83.00%Specialists in mining and surface miningFachkräfte im Berg- und Tagebau13,57779.83%
90Concrete and reinforced concrete constructorBeton- und Stahlbetonbauer/in17.00%Specialists in concrete and reinforced concrete constructionFachkräfte im Beton- und Stahlbetonbau33,18417.00%
91Concrete and reinforced concrete constructorBeton- und Stahlbetonbauer/in17.00%Specialists in concrete and reinforced concrete constructionFachkräfte im Beton- und Stahlbetonbau33,18417.00%
92ScaffolderGerüstbauer/in0.00%Specialists in scaffolding constructionFachkräfte im Gerüstbau11,8730.00%
93Skilled construction workerHochbaufacharbeiter/in0.00%Specialists in building construction (without specialisation)Fachkräfte im Hochbau (ohne Spezialisierung)57,6690.00%
94Skilled worker–wood and building protection workFachkraft - Holz- und Bautenschutzarbeiten25.00%Specialists in wood and building protectionFachkräfte im Holz- und Bautenschutz1,40737.00%
95Wood and building protector–Building protectionHolz- und Bautenschützer/in–Bautenschutz43.00%Specialists in wood and building protectionFachkräfte im Holz- und Bautenschutz1,40737.00%
96Wood and building protector–Wood protectionHolz- und Bautenschützer/in–Holzschutz43.00%Specialists in wood and building protectionFachkräfte im Holz- und Bautenschutz1,40737.00%
97Specialist–Furniture, kitchen and moving serviceFachkraft - Möbel-, Küchen- und Umzugsservice38.00%Specialists in woodworking, furniture and interior designFachkräfte im Holz-, Möbel- und Innenausbau142,61955.75%
98Wood mechanic (m/f) - manufacturer Building element, wooden pack and frameHolzmechaniker/in-Herst. v. Bauelement.,Holzpackm. u. Rahmen80.00%Specialists in woodworking, furniture and interior designFachkräfte im Holz-, Möbel- und Innenausbau142,61955.75%
99Wood mechanics/manufacturers of furniture and interior componentsHolzmechaniker/in-Herstellen v. Möbeln u. Innenausbauteilen67.00%Specialists in woodworking, furniture and interior designFachkräfte im Holz-, Möbel- und Innenausbau142,61955.75%
100Wood mechanic/assembler. of interior fittings and construction elementsHolzmechaniker/in-Montier. v. Innenausbaut. u. Bauelementen38.00%Specialists in woodworking, furniture and interior designFachkräfte im Holz-, Möbel- und Innenausbau142,61955.75%
101Canal builderKanalbauer/in0.00%Specialists in canal and tunnel constructionFachkräfte im Kanal- und Tunnelbau3,7770.00%
102Hydraulic engineerWasserbauer/in0.00%Specialists in cultural and hydraulic engineeringFachkräfte im Kultur- und Wasserbau5,6360.00%
103BricklayerMaurer/in0.00%Specialists in the bricklaying tradeFachkräfte im Maurerhandwerk92,3880.00%
104Specialist for metal technology–construction technologyFachkraft für Metalltechnik–Konstruktionstechnik86.00%Specialists in metal constructionFachkräfte im Metallbau216,63585.00%
105Construction mechanicKonstruktionsmechaniker/in86.00%Specialists in metal constructionFachkräfte im Metallbau216,63585.00%
106Metalworker–Construction technologyMetallbauer/in–Konstruktionstechnik83.00%Specialists in metal constructionFachkräfte im Metallbau216,63585.00%
107Technical model maker–viewTechnische/r Modellbauer/in–Anschauung90.00%Specialists in model makingFachkräfte im Modellbau9,91796.67%
108Technical model maker–foundryTechnische/r Modellbauer/in–Gießerei100.00%Specialists in model makingFachkräfte im Modellbau9,91796.67%
109Technical model maker–bodywork and productionTechnische/r Modellbauer/in–Karosserie und Produktion100.00%Specialists in model makingFachkräfte im Modellbau9,91796.67%
110protective and security forceSchutz- und Sicherheitskraft0.00%Specialists in object, value and personal protectionFachkräfte im Objekt-, Werte- und Personenschutz189,6370.00%
111Furnace and air heating engineerOfen- und Luftheizungsbauer/in17.00%Specialists in furnace and air heating constructionFachkräfte im Ofen- und Luftheizungsbau2,37117.00%
112Assistant–Product DesignAssistent/in–Produktdesign0.00%Specialists in product and industrial designFachkräfte im Produkt- und Industriedesign2,6800.00%
113Pipeline builderRohrleitungsbauer/in20.00%Specialists in pipeline constructionFachkräfte im Rohrleitungsbau22,97320.00%
114Roller shutter and sun protection mechatronics technicianRollladen- und Sonnenschutzmechatroniker/in43.00%Specialists in the construction of roller shutters and venetian blindsFachkräfte im Rollladen- und Jalousiebau4,96343.00%
115Firing and chimney builderFeuerungs- und Schornsteinbauer/in0.00%Specialists in chimney constructionFachkräfte im Schornsteinbau1,4760.00%
116Asphalt farmerAsphaltbauer/in20.00%Specialists in road and asphalt constructionFachkräfte im Straßen- und Asphaltbau33,68610.00%
117Road builderStraßenbauer/in0.00%Specialists in road and asphalt constructionFachkräfte im Straßen- und Asphaltbau33,68610.00%
118Special civil engineerSpezialtiefbauer/in10.00%Specialists in civil engineering (without specialisation)Fachkräfte im Tiefbau (ohne Spezialisierung)32,0205.00%
119Civil engineering skilled workerTiefbaufacharbeiter/in0.00%Specialists in civil engineering (without specialisation)Fachkräfte im Tiefbau (ohne Spezialisierung)32,0205.00%
120Furnishing consultantEinrichtungsfachberater/in50.00%Specialists in the sale of furniture and furnishingsFachkräfte im Verkauf von Möbeln und Einrichtungsgegenständen41,61650.00%
121Financial assistantFinanzassistent/in73.00%Investment advisory and other financial services professionalsFachkräfte in Anlageberatung und sonstigen Finanzdienstleistungen6,30573.00%
122Specialist–recycling and waste managementFachkraft - Kreislauf- und Abfallwirtschaft33.00%Specialists in waste managementFachkräfte in der Abfallwirtschaft10,18433.00%
123Electronics technician–automation technology (handicraft)Elektroniker/in–Automatisierungstechnik (Handwerk)75.00%Specialists in automation technologyFachkräfte in der Automatisierungstechnik21,77775.00%
124Electronics Technician–Automation Technology (Industry)Elektroniker/in–Automatisierungstechnik (Industr, i.e.)75.00%Specialists in automation technologyFachkräfte in der Automatisierungstechnik21,77775.00%
125Electronics Technician–Energy and Building TechnologyElektroniker/in - Energie- und Gebäudetechnik75.00%Specialists in construction electricsFachkräfte in der Bauelektrik224,33475.00%
126Electronics Technician–Building and Infrastructure SystemsElektroniker/in - Gebäude- und Infrastruktursysteme75.00%Specialists in construction electricsFachkräfte in der Bauelektrik224,33475.00%
127Technical Assistant–Structural EngineeringTechn. Assistent/in–Bautechnik50.00%Specialists in construction planning and supervision (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der Bauplanung und -überwachung (ohne Spezialisierung)9,89450.00%
128Specialist–road and traffic engineeringFachkraft - Straßen- und Verkehrstechnik50.00%Specialists in the construction planning of traffic routes and facilitiesFachkräfte in der Bauplanung von Verkehrswegen und -anlagen34750.00%
129Precast concrete constructorBetonfertigteilbauer/in50.00%Specialists in the production of building materialsFachkräfte in der Baustoffherstellung21,29279.57%
131Process mechanic - stone-/earth-based building materialsVerfahrensmechaniker/in - Steine-/Erdenind.- Baustoffe100.00%Specialists in the production of building materialsFachkräfte in der Baustoffherstellung21,29279.57%
132Process mechanic - Stone-/Earth-Industrial - Plasterplast/fibre oreVerfahrensmechaniker/in - Steine-/Erdenind.- Gipspl./Faserz100.00%Specialists in the production of building materialsFachkräfte in der Baustoffherstellung21,29279.57%
133Process mechanic - stone-/soilind.- lime./poresVerfahrensmechaniker/in - Steine-/Erdenind.- Kalks./Porenb100.00%Specialists in the production of building materialsFachkräfte in der Baustoffherstellung21,29279.57%
134Process mechanic–Rock/soil aggregate ready-mixed concreteVerfahrensmechaniker/in - Steine-/Erdenind.- Transportbeton100.00%Specialists in the production of building materialsFachkräfte in der Baustoffherstellung21,29279.57%
135Process mechanic - stone-/soil-presp. concrete oreVerfahrensmechaniker/in - Steine-/Erdenind.- vorg. Betonerz57.00%Specialists in the production of building materialsFachkräfte in der Baustoffherstellung21,29279.57%
136Building material testerBaustoffprüfer/in86.00%Specialists in building material testingFachkräfte in der Baustoffprüfung4,00286.00%
137Building sealerBauwerksabdichter/in50.00%Specialists in waterproofing buildingsFachkräfte in der Bauwerksabdichtung2,88950.00%
138Technical Assistant for the MonumentDenkmaltechnische/r Assistent/in60.00%Specialists in building maintenance and renewalFachkräfte in der Bauwerkserhaltung und -erneuerung71960.00%
139RooferDachdecker/in0.00%Specialists in the roofing tradeFachkräfte in der Dachdeckerei49,8090.00%
140Electronics technician–industrial engineeringElektroniker/in–Betriebstechnik70.00%Specialists in electrical operating technologyFachkräfte in der elektrischen Betriebstechnik116,17470.00%
141Electrical engineering assistantElektrotechnische/r Assistent/in100.00%Specialists in electrical engineering (without specialization)Fachkräfte in der Elektrotechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)31,722100.00%
142Screed layerEstrichleger/in33.00%Specialists in screed and terrazzo layingFachkräfte in der Estrich- und Terrazzoverlegung4,26533.00%
143Tile, slab and mosaic layersFliesen-, Platten- und Mosaikleger/in20.00%Specialists in the laying of tiles, slabs and mosaicsFachkräfte in der Fliesen-, Platten- und Mosaikverlegung26,31720.00%
144Building cleanerGebäudereiniger/in13.00%Specialists in building cleaningFachkräfte in der Gebäudereinigung101,58713.00%
145Housekeeper/House technicianHauswart/in/Haustechniker/in40.00%Specialists in building services engineering (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der Gebäudetechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)233,27266.00%
146Technical Assistant–Building Services EngineeringTechn. Assistent/in–Gebäudetechnik92.00%Specialists in building services engineering (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der Gebäudetechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)233,27266.00%
147Glazier–Window and glass facade constructionGlaser/in - Fenster- und Glasfassadenbau29.00%Specialists in the glazier's shopFachkräfte in der Glaserei9,77044.50%
148Glazier–Glazing and glass constructionGlaser/in–Verglasung und Glasbau60.00%Specialists in the glazier's shopFachkräfte in der Glaserei9,77044.50%
149GlassmakerGlasmacher/in100.00%Specialists in glass productionFachkräfte in der Glasherstellung9,556100.00%
150HousekeeperHauswirtschafter/in38.00%Specialists in home economicsFachkräfte in der Hauswirtschaft85,53035.50%
151Domestic helper/assistantHauswirtschaftshelfer/in/-assistent/in33.00%Specialists in home economicsFachkräfte in der Hauswirtschaft85,53035.50%
152Woodworking mechanicHolzbearbeitungsmechaniker/in86.00%Skilled workers in woodworking and wood processing (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der Holzbe- und -verarbeitung (ohne Spezialisierung)14,49886.00%
153Real estate assistantImmobilienassistent/in25.00%Experts in real estate marketing and managementFachkräfte in der Immobilienvermarktung und -verwaltung33,79625.00%
154Real estate agentImmobilienkaufmann/-frau25.00%Experts in real estate marketing and managementFachkräfte in der Immobilienvermarktung und -verwaltung33,79625.00%
155Technical-commercial assistant–building servicesTechnisch-kaufmännische/r Assistent/in–Gebäudeservice25.00%Experts in real estate marketing and managementFachkräfte in der Immobilienvermarktung und -verwaltung33,79625.00%
156Industrial ceramist (m/f) in model technologyIndustriekeramiker/in Modelltechnik100.00%Specialists in industrial ceramics (model technology)Fachkräfte in der Industriekeramik (Modelltechnik)981100.00%
157Industrial ceramist (m/f) in plant engineeringIndustriekeramiker/in Anlagentechnik92.00%Specialists in industrial ceramics (process and plant engineering)Fachkräfte in der Industriekeramik (Verfahrens- und Anlagentechnik)4,10496.00%
158Industrial ceramist in process engineeringIndustriekeramiker/in Verfahrenstechnik100.00%Specialists in industrial ceramics (process and plant engineering)Fachkräfte in der Industriekeramik (Verfahrens- und Anlagentechnik)4,10496.00%
159Electronics technician–Information and telecommunications technologyElektroniker/in - Informations- u. Telekommunikationstechnik100.00%Specialists in information and telecommunications technologyFachkräfte in der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik141,81294.33%
160Electronics Technician–Information and Systems TechnologyElektroniker/in - Informations- und Systemtechnik83.00%Specialists in information and telecommunications technologyFachkräfte in der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik141,81294.33%
161Information electronics technicianInformationselektroniker/in100.00%Specialists in information and telecommunications technologyFachkräfte in der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik141,81294.33%
162Assistant–Interior ArchitectureAssistent/in–Innenarchitektur20.00%Specialists in interior designFachkräfte in der Innenarchitektur38420.00%
163Insulation technicianIsolierfacharbeiter/in20.00%Specialists in insulationFachkräfte in der Isolierung11,46410.00%
164Heat, cold and sound insulation specialistWärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisolierer/in0.00%Specialists in insulationFachkräfte in der Isolierung11,46410.00%
165Plant assistant–Craft tradesBetriebsassistent/in–Handwerk40.00%Skilled workers in commercial and technical business administration (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)936,38744.00%
166Plant assistant–Craft tradesBetriebsassistent/in–Handwerk40.00%Skilled workers in commercial and technical business administration (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)936,38744.00%
167Industrial clerk (m/f)Industriekaufmann/-frau56.00%Skilled workers in commercial and technical business administration (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)936,38744.00%
168Technical business economist–CraftsmanshipTechnische/r Betriebswirt/in–Handwerk40.00%Skilled workers in commercial and technical business administration (without specialisation)Fachkräfte in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)936,38744.00%
169PlumberKlempner/in71.00%Specialists in plumbing (without specialization)Fachkräfte in der Klempnerei (ohne Spezialisierung)17,51671.00%
170Industrial Ceramist Decoration TechnologyIndustriekeramiker/in Dekorationstechnik100.00%Specialists in handicraft glass, ceramic and porcelain paintingFachkräfte in der kunsthandwerklichen Glas-, Keram- und Porzellanmalerei1,030100.00%
171CeramistKeramiker/in80.00%Professionals in the craft of ceramics designFachkräfte in der kunsthandwerklichen Keramikgestaltung2,58380.00%
172Parquet layerParkettleger/in50.00%Specialists in parquet layingFachkräfte in der Parkettverlegung4,44050.00%
173Interior decoratorRaumausstatter/in13.00%Specialists in room furnishingFachkräfte in der Raumausstattung18,21013.00%
174Plant mechanic–Sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologyAnlagenmechaniker/in - Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik70.00%Specialists in sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologyFachkräfte in der Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik171,53570.00%
175Specialist for metal technology–Forming and wire technologyFachkraft für Metalltechnik - Umform- und Drahttechnik83.00%Specialists in non-cutting metalworkingFachkräfte in der spanlosen Metallbearbeitung25,27583.00%
176Civil servant (m/f) - Surveying (middle technical service)Beamt(er/in) - Vermessungswesen (mittl. techn. Dienst)88.00%Specialists in surveying technologyFachkräfte in der Vermessungstechnik18,23069.00%
177Civil servant (m/f) - Surveying (middle technical service)Beamt(er/in) - Vermessungswesen (mittl. techn. Dienst)88.00%Specialists in surveying technologyFachkräfte in der Vermessungstechnik18,23069.00%
178Surveying technician–mountain surveyingVermessungstechniker/in–Bergvermessung50.00%Specialists in surveying technologyFachkräfte in der Vermessungstechnik18,23069.00%
179Surveying technician–SurveyingVermessungstechniker/in–Vermessung50.00%Specialists in surveying technologyFachkräfte in der Vermessungstechnik18,23069.00%
180Specialist–Sewage technologyFachkraft–Abwassertechnik60.00%Specialists in water supply and waste water technologyFachkräfte in der Wasserversorgungs- und Abwassertechnik26,16077.00%
181Specialist–Pipe, sewer and industrial servicesFachkraft - Rohr-, Kanal- und Industrieservice100.00%Specialists in water supply and waste water technologyFachkräfte in der Wasserversorgungs- und Abwassertechnik26,16077.00%
182Specialist–Water supply engineeringFachkraft–Wasserversorgungstechnik71.00%Specialists in water supply and waste water technologyFachkräfte in der Wasserversorgungs- und Abwassertechnik26,16077.00%
183Specialist–Water ManagementFachkraft–Wasserwirtschaft56.00%Specialists in water managementFachkräfte in der Wasserwirtschaft1,21856.00%
184Carpenter/room ownerZimmerer/Zimmerin13.00%Specialists in carpentryFachkräfte in der Zimmerei50,62113.00%
185Construction equipment operatorBaugeräteführer/in0.00%Drivers of earthmoving and related machineryFührer/innen von Erdbewegungs- und verwandten Maschinen49,4720.00%
186Wood farmerHolzwirt/in55.00%Executives in woodworking and wood processingFührungskräfte in der Holzbe- und -verarbeitung18955.00%
187Banker (m/f)Bankkaufmann/-frau88.00%Commercial banking specialistsKaufmännische Bankfachkräfte431,54788.00%
188Business administrator–BankFachwirt/in–Bank50.00%Commercial banking specialistsKaufmännische Bankspezialisten33,22050.00%
189Business economist (university) - CommerceBetriebswirt/in (Hochschule) - Handel41.00%Commercial experts in trade (without specialization)Kaufmännische Experten im Handel (ohne Spezialisierung)55841.00%
190Business administrator–TradeFachwirt/in–Handel42.00%Commercial specialists in trade (without specialization)Kaufmännische Spezialisten im Handel (ohne Spezialisierung)17,30242.00%
191Technical specialist (m/f) - hardware technologyTechnische/r Fachkaufmann/-frau - Beschlagtechnik44.00%Commercial specialists in trade (other specific activity information)Kaufmännische Spezialisten im Handel (sonstige spezifische Tätigkeitsangabe)3,60846.67%
192Technical specialist–sanitary/heating/air conditioningTechnische/r Fachkaufmann/-frau - Sanitär/Heizung/Klima58.00%Commercial specialists in trade (other specific activity information)Kaufmännische Spezialisten im Handel (sonstige spezifische Tätigkeitsangabe)3,60846.67%
193Technical specialist (m/f) - tools/machinesTechnische/r Fachkaufmann/-frau - Werkzeuge/Maschinen38.00%Commercial specialists in trade (other specific activity information)Kaufmännische Spezialisten im Handel (sonstige spezifische Tätigkeitsangabe)3,60846.67%
194Insurance specialistVersicherungsfachmann/-frau63.00%Commercial insurance specialistsKaufmännische Versicherungsfachkräfte135,49363.00%
195Business Administrator–Insurance and FinanceFachwirt/in–Versicherungen und Finanzen58.00%Commercial insurance specialistsKaufmännische Versicherungsspezialisten42,75358.00%
196NotaryNotar/in33.00%Notaries (m/f)Notare/Notarinnen2,90633.00%
197Specialist attorney at lawFachanwalt/-anwältin20.00%Attorneys at lawRechtsanwälte/-anwältinnen33,88720.00%
198Chimney sweepSchornsteinfeger/in20.00%Chimney sweepsSchornsteinfeger/innen8,89220.00%
199painter and varnisher–restoration workMaler/in und Lackierer/in–Restaurierungsarbeiten33.00%Specialists for painting and varnishing workSpezialisten für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten39632.00%
200Restorer–painter and varnisher craftRestaurator/in - Maler- und Lackiererhandwerk31.00%Specialists for painting and varnishing workSpezialisten für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten39632.00%
201Technician–Civil engineering (extension)Techniker/in–Bautechnik (Ausbau)40.00%Specialists in dry and drywall construction (without specialisation)Spezialisten im Aus- und Trockenbau (ohne Spezialisierung)53940.00%
202Technician–Civil engineering (concrete construction)Techniker/in–Bautechnik (Betonbau)40.00%Specialists in concrete and reinforced concrete constructionSpezialisten im Beton- und Stahlbetonbau83440.00%
203fire protection specialistBrandschutzfachkraft25.00%Fire protection specialistsSpezialisten im Brandschutz3,86525.00%
204Specialist–building managementFachmann/-frau - Gebäudebewirtschaftung25.00%Specialists in Facility ManagementSpezialisten im Facility-Management9,20146.67%
205Business administrator–Facility ManagementFachwirt/in - Facility-Management55.00%Specialists in Facility ManagementSpezialisten im Facility-Management9,20146.67%
206Facility ManagerFacility-Manager/in60.00%Specialists in Facility ManagementSpezialisten im Facility-Management9,20146.67%
207Technician–Civil engineering (structural engineering)Techniker/in–Bautechnik (Hochbau)50.00%Specialists in building construction (without specialisation)Spezialisten im Hochbau (ohne Spezialisierung)4,63350.00%
208Restorer–Furniture and wooden objectsRestaurator/in–Möbel und Holzobjekte54.00%Specialists in wood, furniture and interior constructionSpezialisten im Holz-, Möbel- und Innenausbau2,67852.00%
209Technician–wood technology (furniture construction and interior design)Techniker/in–Holztechnik (Möbelbau und Raumgestaltung)50.00%Specialists in wood, furniture and interior constructionSpezialisten im Holz-, Möbel- und Innenausbau2,67852.00%
210Bricklayer–Restoration workMaurer/in–Restaurierungsarbeiten0.00%Specialists in the bricklaying tradeSpezialisten im Maurerhandwerk3136.50%
211Restorer–Masonry tradeRestaurator/in–Maurerhandwerk13.00%Specialists in the bricklaying tradeSpezialisten im Maurerhandwerk3136.50%
212Technician–metal construction technology (steel construction)Techniker/in–Metallbautechnik (Stahlbau)63.00%Specialists in metal constructionSpezialisten im Metallbau3,95263.00%
213Technician–Civil engineering (civil engineering)Techniker/in–Bautechnik (Tiefbau)50.00%Specialists in civil engineering (without specialisation)Spezialisten im Tiefbau (ohne Spezialisierung)2,01150.00%
214Consultant–Financial ServicesFachberater/in–Finanzdienstleistungen43.00%Specialists in investment advice and other financial servicesSpezialisten in Anlageberatung und sonstigen Finanzdienstleistungen14,74147.33%
215Business administrator–financial consultancyFachwirt/in–Finanzberatung44.00%Specialists in investment advice and other financial servicesSpezialisten in Anlageberatung und sonstigen Finanzdienstleistungen14,74147.33%
216Business administrator–InvestmentFachwirt/in–Investment55.00%Specialists in investment advice and other financial servicesSpezialisten in Anlageberatung und sonstigen Finanzdienstleistungen14,74147.33%
217Business administrator–ConstructionFachwirt/in–Bau60.00%Specialists in construction accounting and costingSpezialisten in der Bauabrechnung und -kalkulation4,05560.00%
218Civil servant–Senior civil engineering serviceBeamt(er/in) - Gehobener bautechnischer Dienst25.00%Specialists in construction planning and supervision (without specialisation)Spezialisten in der Bauplanung und -überwachung (ohne Spezialisierung)25,45641.67%
219Technician–Civil engineering (construction operation)Techniker/in–Bautechnik (Baubetrieb)50.00%Specialists in construction planning and supervision (without specialisation)Spezialisten in der Bauplanung und -überwachung (ohne Spezialisierung)25,45641.67%
220Technician–Civil engineering (without focus)Techniker/in–Bautechnik (ohne Schwerpunkt)50.00%Specialists in construction planning and supervision (without specialisation)Spezialisten in der Bauplanung und -überwachung (ohne Spezialisierung)25,45641.67%
221Technician–Civil engineering (renovation of a building)Techniker/in–Bautechnik (Bauerneuerung/Bausanierung)40.00%Specialists in building maintenance and renovationSpezialisten in der Bauwerkserhaltung und -erneuerung1,76440.00%
222Technician–Electrical engineering (without focus)Techniker/in–Elektrotechnik (ohne Schwerpunkt)88.00%Specialists in electrical engineering (without specialization)Spezialisten in der Elektrotechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)50,56888.00%
223Technician–Cleaning and hygiene technologyTechniker/in - Reinigungs- und Hygienetechnik40.00%Specialists in building cleaningSpezialisten in der Gebäudereinigung1,43740.00%
224Specialist–Building services engineeringFachkraft–Gebäudetechnik90.00%Specialists in building services engineering (without specialisation)Spezialisten in der Gebäudetechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)13,31383.33%
225Specialist planner–energy and building technologyFachplaner/in - Energie- und Gebäudetechnik78.00%Specialists in building services engineering (without specialisation)Spezialisten in der Gebäudetechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)13,31383.33%
226Technician–building system technologyTechniker/in–Gebäudesystemtechnik82.00%Specialists in building services engineering (without specialisation)Spezialisten in der Gebäudetechnik (ohne Spezialisierung)13,31383.33%
227Technician–Geological EngineeringTechniker/in–Geologietechnik14.00%Specialists in geotechnicsSpezialisten in der Geotechnik73914.00%
228Technician–glass technology (glass and window construction technology)Techniker/in–Glastechnik (Glas- und Fensterbautechnik)58.00%Specialists in glass productionSpezialisten in der Glasherstellung71570.00%
229Technician–glass technology (glassworks technology)Techniker/in–Glastechnik (Glashüttentechnik)82.00%Specialists in glass productionSpezialisten in der Glasherstellung71570.00%
230Specialist housekeeperFachhauswirtschafter/in38.00%Specialists in home economicsSpezialisten in der Hauswirtschaft3,29340.00%
231Technician–Nutrition and Supply ManagementTechniker/in - Ernährungs- und Versorgungsmanagement44.00%Specialists in home economicsSpezialisten in der Hauswirtschaft3,29340.00%
232Economist–Home economicsWirtschafter/in–Hauswirtschaft38.00%Specialists in home economicsSpezialisten in der Hauswirtschaft3,29340.00%
233Technician–Wood technology (model and mould making)Techniker/in–Holztechnik (Modell- und Formenbau)79.00%Specialists in woodworking and wood processing (without specialisation)Spezialisten in der Holzbe- und -verarbeitung (ohne Spezialisierung)2,30371.00%
234Technician–Wood technology (without focus)Techniker/in–Holztechnik (ohne Schwerpunkt)63.00%Specialists in woodworking and wood processing (without specialisation)Spezialisten in der Holzbe- und -verarbeitung (ohne Spezialisierung)2,30371.00%
235Business economist (technical college) - Real estateBetriebswirt/in (Fachschule) - Immobilien27.00%Specialists in real estate marketing and managementSpezialisten in der Immobilienvermarktung und -verwaltung28,83717.33%
236Business administrator–Real estateFachwirt/in–Immobilien25.00%Specialists in real estate marketing and managementSpezialisten in der Immobilienvermarktung und -verwaltung28,83717.33%
237Real estate expertImmobiliensachverständige/r0.00%Specialists in real estate marketing and managementSpezialisten in der Immobilienvermarktung und -verwaltung28,83717.33%
238Technician–Ceramic TechnologyTechniker/in–Keramiktechnik73.00%Specialists in industrial ceramics (process and plant engineering)Spezialisten in der Industriekeramik (Verfahrens- und Anlagentechnik)21573.00%
239Technician–Electrical Engineering (Information/Communication)Techniker/in–Elektrotechnik (Information/Kommunikation)78.00%Specialists in information and telecommunications technologySpezialisten in der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik38,21678.00%
240Designer–Colour technique/room designGestalter/in–Farbtechnik/Raumgestaltung0.00%Specialists in interior designSpezialisten in der Innenarchitektur1,2380.00%
241Designer–Wood/Furniture/Room designGestalter/in–Holz/Möbel/Raumgestaltung0.00%Specialists in interior designSpezialisten in der Innenarchitektur1,2380.00%
242Technician–Computer Science (Network Technology)Techniker/in–Informatik (Netzwerktechnologie)42.00%Specialists in IT network technologySpezialisten in der IT-Netzwerktechnik8,86342.00%
243Security Technician (IT)Sicherheitstechniker/in (IT)80.00%Specialists in IT network technology, IT coordination, IT administration and IT organization (other specific activities)Spezialisten in der IT-Netzwerktechnik, IT-Koordination, IT-Administration und IT-Organisation (sonstige spezifische Tätigkeitsangabe)6,30780.00%
244Business economist–CraftsmanshipBetriebswirt/in–Handwerk54.00%Specialists in commercial and technical business management (without specialization)Spezialisten in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)53,25639.13%
245Business economist–IndustryBetriebswirt/in–Industr, i.e.29.00%Specialists in commercial and technical business management (without specialization)Spezialisten in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)53,25639.13%
246Specialist for commercial business management (HwO)Fachmann/-frau für kaufmännische Betriebsführung (HwO)27.00%Specialists in commercial and technical business management (without specialization)Spezialisten in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)53,25639.13%
247Business administrator–CraftsmanshipFachwirt/in–Handwerk36.00%Specialists in commercial and technical business management (without specialization)Spezialisten in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)53,25639.13%
248Business economistFachwirt/in–Wirtschaft40.00%Specialists in commercial and technical business management (without specialization)Spezialisten in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)53,25639.13%
249Technical-commercial skilled worker–craftsmanshipTechnisch-kaufmännische Fachkraft–Handwerk33.00%Specialists in commercial and technical business management (without specialization)Spezialisten in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)53,25639.13%
250Technical business economist (further education)Technische/r Betriebswirt/in (Weiterbildung)44.00%Specialists in commercial and technical business management (without specialization)Spezialisten in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)53,25639.13%
251Technical specialist (m/f)Technische/r Fachwirt/in50.00%Specialists in commercial and technical business management (without specialization)Spezialisten in der kaufmännischen und technischen Betriebswirtschaft (ohne Spezialisierung)53,25639.13%
252CAD specialist (without centre of gravity)CAD-Fachkraft (ohne Schwerpunkt)75.00%Specialists in design and equipment constructionSpezialisten in der Konstruktion und im Gerätebau95,40277.75%
253CAD-Specialist - ConstructionCAD-Fachkraft - Bau70.00%Specialists in design and equipment constructionSpezialisten in der Konstruktion und im Gerätebau95,40277.75%
254CAD Specialist–MetalCAD-Fachkraft - Metall86.00%Specialists in design and equipment constructionSpezialisten in der Konstruktion und im Gerätebau95,40277.75%
255Design engineerKonstrukteur/in80.00%Specialists in design and equipment constructionSpezialisten in der Konstruktion und im Gerätebau95,40277.75%
256Technician–glass technology (glass design)Techniker/in–Glastechnik (Glasgestaltung)36.00%Specialists in handicraft glassblowingSpezialisten in der kunsthandwerklichen Glasbläserei5736.00%
257Parquet layer–Restoration workParkettleger/in–Restaurierungsarbeiten43.00%Specialists in parquet layingSpezialisten in der Parkettverlegung2136.50%
258Restorer–parquet laying tradeRestaurator/in–Parkettlegerhandwerk30.00%Specialists in parquet layingSpezialisten in der Parkettverlegung2136.50%
259Design consultant–interior decoratorGestaltungsberater/in–Raumausstatterhandwerk18.00%Specialists in interior designSpezialisten in der Raumausstattung29420.50%
260restorer–interior decoratorRestaurator/in–Raumausstatterhandwerk23.00%Specialists in interior designSpezialisten in der Raumausstattung29420.50%
261Business administrator–solar technologyFachwirt/in–Solartechnik36.00%Specialists in regenerative energy technologySpezialisten in der regenerativen Energietechnik3,40356.33%
262Service technician–wind turbine technologyServicemonteur/in–Windenergieanlagentechnik73.00%Specialists in regenerative energy technologySpezialisten in der regenerativen Energietechnik3,40356.33%
263Solar technicianSolartechniker/in60.00%Specialists in regenerative energy technologySpezialisten in der regenerativen Energietechnik3,40356.33%
264Technician–Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technologyTechniker/in - Heizungs-, Lüftungs-, Klimatechnik80.00%Specialists in sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologySpezialisten in der Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik7,36173.50%
265Technician–Sanitary engineeringTechniker/in–Sanitärtechnik67.00%Specialists in sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technologySpezialisten in der Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik7,36173.50%
266Welding specialistSchweißfachmann/-frau63.00%Specialists in welding and joining technologySpezialisten in der Schweiß- und Verbindungstechnik1,94159.50%
267Welding technicianSchweißtechniker/in56.00%Specialists in welding and joining technologySpezialisten in der Schweiß- und Verbindungstechnik1,94159.50%
268BlasterSprengmeister/in57.00%Specialists in blasting technologySpezialisten in der Sprengtechnik1,43057.00%
269Financial managerFinanzwirt/in39.00%Specialists in tax administrationSpezialisten in der Steuerverwaltung1,10839.00%
270Technician–computer science (technical computer science)Techniker/in–Informatik (techn. Informatik)45.00%Specialists in technical informaticsSpezialisten in der technischen Informatik5,07945.00%
271Specialist–Quality Assurance/ManagementFachkraft–Qualitätssicherung/-management57.00%Specialists in technical quality assuranceSpezialisten in der technischen Qualitätssicherung53,05557.00%
272Technician–Environmental protection. (Water supply and disposal)Techniker/in–Umweltschutzt. (Wasserver- u. -entsorgung)55.00%Specialists in environmental protection technology (other specific activities)Spezialisten in der Umweltschutztechnik (sonstige spezifische Tätigkeitsangabe)19255.00%
273Energy consultantEnergieberater/in25.00%Specialists in environmental management and consultingSpezialisten in der Umweltschutzverwaltung und -beratung5,58041.00%
274Business administrator–Energy industryFachwirt/in–Energiewirtschaft57.00%Specialists in environmental management and consultingSpezialisten in der Umweltschutzverwaltung und -beratung5,58041.00%
275Civil servant (m/f) - Surveying (technical service)Beamt(er/in) - Vermessungswesen (geh. techn. Dienst)88.00%Specialists in surveying technologySpezialisten in der Vermessungstechnik6,39875.33%
276Civil servant (m/f) - Surveying (technical service)Beamt(er/in) - Vermessungswesen (geh. techn. Dienst)88.00%Specialists in surveying technologySpezialisten in der Vermessungstechnik6,39875.33%
277Technician–Surveying technologyTechniker/in–Vermessungstechnik50.00%Specialists in surveying technologySpezialisten in der Vermessungstechnik6,39875.33%
278Restorer–CarpentryRestaurator/in–Zimmererhandwerk14.00%Specialists in carpentrySpezialisten in der Zimmerei2457.00%
279Carpenter (m/f) - Restoration workZimmerer/Zimmerin–Restaurierungsarbeiten0.00%Specialists in carpentrySpezialisten in der Zimmerei2457.00%
280Business administrator–Notary's officeFachwirt/in–Notariat29.00%Specialists in law firm and notary's officeSpezialisten in Rechtsanwaltskanzlei und Notariato.A29.00%
281Business administrator–financing and leasingFachwirt/in–Finanzierung und Leasing43.00%Specialists in insurance and financial services (other specific activities)Spezialisten in Versicherungs- und Finanzdienstleistungen (sonstige spezifische Tätigkeitsangabe)3,01343.00%
282RoadkeeperStraßenwärter/in0.00%Road and tunnel attendantsStraßen- und Tunnelwärter/innen27,4460.00%
283Construction draughtsmanBauzeichner/in67.00%Technical draughtsmen and womenTechnische Zeichner/innen111,28578.25%
284Technical system planner–Electrotechnical systemsTechnische/r Systemplaner/in–Elektrotechnische Systeme83.00%Technical draughtsmen and womenTechnische Zeichner/innen111,28578.25%
285Technical system planner–steel and metal construction technologyTechnische/r Systemplaner/in–Stahl- und Metallbautechnik80.00%Technical draughtsmen and womenTechnische Zeichner/innen111,28578.25%
286Technical system planner–supply and equipment technTechnische/r Systemplaner/in–Versorgungs- u. Ausrüstungst83.00%Technical draughtsmen and womenTechnische Zeichner/innen111,28578.25%



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Further reading

O'Donnell, A. (2017), “When will traditional real estate catch up to the modern world? A professional services occupier view”, Corporate Real Estate Journal, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 300-306.


This paper forms part of a special section “PropTech and Entrepreneurship - Innovation in Real Estate II”, guest edited by Dr Larry Wofford, Dr David Wyman, Dr Elaine Worzala.

Corresponding author

Daniel Piazolo can be contacted at:

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