Selection of unmanned aerial vehicle systems for border monitoring using the MPSI-SPOTIS method

Pablo Santos Torres (Department of Defence Engineering, Military Institute of Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil)
Marcos dos Santos (Department of Computer Engineering, Military Institute of Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics

ISSN: 2399-6439

Article publication date: 18 June 2024

Issue publication date: 12 September 2024




The present paper assesses the decision problem of selecting Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (SARP) by the hybrid MPSI-SPOTIS approach for deployment in border control and transborder illicit combat.


By the hybrid MCDA MPSI-SPOTIS approach, and from the database available in Gettinger (2019), models were filtered by Endurance, Range, Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW), and Payload, fitting within the classification of Categories EB 0 and 2. Category EB 1 was not considered in this study due to the limited number of models in the data source.


The use of the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool MPSI-SPOTIS allowed the determination of weights by stochastic criteria, applied in a ranking method resistant to reverse ordering. The application of the method identified the Raybird-3 (Cat EB 0) and Searcher (Mk3) (Cat EB 2) models as the best alternatives. From a proposed clustering, other selection possibilities with close performance in the evaluation were presented. The cost criterion was not taken into consideration due to the absence of information in the data source employed. Future studies are suggested to include criteria related to the life cycle and acquisition cost of the models.

Research limitations/implications

The cost criterion was not taken into consideration due to the absence of information in the data source used. Future studies are suggested to include criteria related to the life cycle and acquisition cost of the models.


This paper aims to propose a technology selection method applied to complex defense acquisitions when multiple factors influence the decision makers and it is hard to obtain a major optimum solution in multitask and multi-mission platform.



Torres, P.S., Gomes, C.F.S. and Santos, M.d. (2024), "Selection of unmanned aerial vehicle systems for border monitoring using the MPSI-SPOTIS method", Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 80-104.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024, Pablo Santos Torres, Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes and Marcos dos Santos


Published in the Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at

1. Introduction

1.1 Practical and methodological aims of the study

This paper aims to explore the use of the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method MPSI-SPOTIS for the selection of UAVs (in Brazilian Portuguese – Sistemas de Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas - SARP) intended for border monitoring, considering the various demands associated with their use. This study is based on the framework proposed by the Center for the Study of the Drone – Bard College (Gettinger, 2019), which encompasses technical data on SARPs from various countries.

To achieve this goal, this paper approaches the research problem in an attempt to identify a proper MCDA method to evaluate SARPs in the context of board control in Brazil, satisfying the following objectives: provide a description of the problem context; identify MCDA methods applied to similar problems; describe the MPSI-SPOTIS method; and rank the SARPs by the application of MPSI-SPOTIS.

1.2 Motivation for conducting research

The United Nations (UN), aiming to drive global development, established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of which Brazil is a signatory (UN, 2023). This set of goals encompasses 17 development axes, with SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - including the combat against transborder crimes (UN Brazil, 2015).

In this context, the Brazilian National Defense Policy, the Brazilian National Defense Strategy (Brazil, 2020a), and Complementary Law No. 97 and its amendments (Brazil, 1999) assign to the Armed Forces the responsibility of defending the national territory, ensuring sovereignty, maintaining law and order, as well as operating on the border. These documents established National Defense Objectives and oriented the participation of the Armed Forces in the fight against transborder crimes.

The Brazilian Army instituted the Strategic Program of the Army Integrated Border Monitoring System (SISFRON), part of the Integrated Border Protection Program. Its purpose is to promote “the integration and coordination of public security, intelligence, customs control, and the Armed Forces' actions with the actions of states and municipalities located in the border strip and neighboring countries” (Brazil, 2017).

SISFRON is a system composed of Systems and Materials for Military Use (SMEM), which aim to monitor, sense, and provide decision support in the Brazilian border strip. The use of technological solutions allows “enhancing the current Operational Capabilities of troops already deployed in this area of the national territory, whether in fulfilling their constitutional mission or acting in subsidiary assignments through cooperation with different agencies” (Brazil, 2017).

Among the essential components of SISFRON, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (SARP) stands out. SARPs must have features such as the ability to communicate with other systems, support sensing and monitoring activities, and potentially transport cargo (Brazil, 2020b).

The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems project (Brazil, 2020c) aims to establish the life cycle management of SARPs within the scope of the Brazilian Army. This document regulates the conditions for acquisition and logistics for the maintenance of SMEMs of Categories EB (Cat EB) 0 to 2 until the year 2035, within the context of the Army Strategic Program for Full Operational Capability Acquisition (Prg EE OCOP) (Brazil, 2020c, 2023).

Among the challenges outlined in the project initiation directive (Brazil, 2020c), the following stands out: the possibilities and the impacts of financing systems and materials obtained for the project, considering the life cycle of SMEM; obtaining SMEM, seeking to prioritize the national Defense Industrial Base (BID); reduction of technological gaps and external dependence on SMEM to be obtained; constant need for system replacement due to obsolescence, discontinuation, or wear and tear from use; and continuous study of the evolution of doctrine and new materials that can be adopted.

The main risks identified regarding the material include (Brazil, 2020c): acquisition of SMEM whose production line is closed or obsolete, leading to future difficulties in obtaining supplies; lack of capacity of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) institutions and/or national companies to develop or produce the material properly, making deliveries dependent on foreign technologies; discontinuity and/or insufficient budgetary resources for investment and financing; interruption of the supply of SARPs materials or loss of qualification of suppliers; and costs arising from frequent replacements of systems, especially in categories 0 and 1, due to wear and rapid obsolescence.

The Brazilian Land Operations Command (COTER), an organ of the Brazilian Army, established the guidelines for the use and responsibilities in SARPs (Brazil, 2023). In this document, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is defined as “an airborne vehicle in which the operator is not on board (unmanned), being controlled remotely from a pilot station, for the execution of a specific activity or task” (Brazil, 2023).

1.3 The contributions of the study

This paper offers a MCDA approach to the assessment of technological solutions, particularly SARP systems, through the application of MPSI-SPOTIS methods. The MPSI weight definition method allows a suitable approach for the context of research based on the alternatives’ performance in each criterion, and the SPOTIS ranking method has the feature of reverse ranking resistance. Therefore, a novel viewpoint to tackle the complexity of military systems’ selection is proposed that considers the possibility of allowing the decision-maker to insert or withdraw alternatives without modifying the previous ranking.

1.4 Organization of the paper

This paper is divided into the following sections: Introduction (Section 1) provides initial insights of the problem context; Problem Description (Section 2) depicts essential aspects of SARPs systems; Literature Analysis (Section 3) presents a literature overview of MCDM methods applied to military technology solutions assessment; Methodology (Section 4) describes the MPSI-SPOTIS method approach; Solution of the Problem (Section 5) shows the application of MPSI-SPOTIS in SARP ranking, compares with others MCDA approaches and offers a sensitivity test; Results (Section 6) discusses the major insights of the obtained ranking; and Conclusion (Section 7) debates the research goals, insights, contributions, limitations and future researches.

2. Problem description

An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System is a “set of means necessary for the accomplishment of a specific task using UAVs” (Brazil, 2023), composed of the parts presented in Figure 1.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or aerial platforms, include the propulsion system, electrical system, and embedded navigation and control system. The payload consists of sensors and equipment onboard for the fulfillment of the assigned mission, which may encompass electro-optical sensors, infrared sensors, radars, pointers, and laser systems, and Electronic Warfare (EW) systems (Brazil, 2023).

The Ground Control Station (GCS) serves as the interface between the operator, UAV, and payload. Depending on the category of the UAV, it can be portable or installed in vehicles or shelters. The GCS typically comprises the command for the UAV and the command for the payload. The Data Transmission Terminal (DTT) consists of equipment linking the aircraft to the GCS, combining both telemetry and coordination with air control (Brazil, 2023).

The Data Link Terminal (DLT) is composed of equipment that enables data flow between the GCS and the command-and-control center of the military unit of interest. Finally, the support infrastructure brings together resources and means to sustain logistical and maintenance aspects of the operation (Brazil, 2023).

To classify UAVs into groups, COTER proposed classes based on payload capacity called Categories EB (Cat EB), as outlined in Table 1.

The Brazilian Army’s need to acquire the capability to operate UAV-type aerial vehicles and the complexity associated with the selection of systems based on various criteria constitute a complex problem, suitable for the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods. In this context, the MPSI-SPOTIS method emerges as a decision support tool applicable to a project of relevance to Brazil.

The center of the decision problem lies in the complexity of selecting from many alternatives of aerial platforms capable of fulfilling various missions they will be subjected to. The specific nature of a given task implies variations in the selection of payload, takeoff characteristics (MTOW), and the required flight time and distance. Figure 2 provides a rich picture of the inherent complexity of this decision-making process.

3. Literature analysis

In a broad approach, the application of MCDM methods in defense sciences has been the subject of many studies. Among the most recent, it is noteworthy the trending topics of evaluation of life cycle management (Girardi et al., 2022); selection of weapon systems (Radovanović et al., 2023, 2024), selection of 4 × 4 vehicles (Gavião et al., 2024), fighter aircraft (Rajukar et al., 2023); combat helicopters (Kurnaz et al., 2023); optimization of anti-aircraft missile system (Akram et al., 2024), anti-UAV systems selection (Moreira et al., 2023); defense supplier selection (Desticioglu Tasdemir and Asilogullari Ayan, 2024; Güneri and Deveci, 2023; Rasmussen et al., 2023); cybersecurity systems (Al-Hchaimi et al., 2023; Belal and Sundaram, 2023); strategy selection (Tešić et al., 2023) and technology evaluation (Girardi and Santos, 2023).

The main MCDA methods found were: AHP (Gavião et al., 2024), AHP-VIKOR (Radovanović et al., 2023), AHP-MOORA-VIKOR (Rajukar et al., 2023), AHP-TOPSIS-SECA (Rasmussen et al., 2023), AHP-TOPSIS-2N (Girardi and Santos, 2023), AHP-FTOPSIS (Desticioglu Tasdemir and Asilogullari Ayan, 2024), AHP-EDAS (Güneri and Deveci, 2023), LMAW-G-EDAS (Radovanović et al., 2024), ELECTRE III (Akram et al., 2024), F-FDOSM-CRITIC (Al-Hchaimi et al., 2023), MEREC-VIKOR (Belal and Sundaram, 2023), Grey SWARA (Kurwaz et al., 2023), DIBR-DOMBI-Fuzzy MAIRA (Tešić et al., 2023), and SAPEVO-H2 (Moreira et al., 2023).

Particularly, when analyzing the literature regarding SARP selection, the search descriptors (“unmanned aerial vehicles” OR “uav” OR “drone”) AND (“selection” OR “evaluation” OR “prioritization”) AND (“multicriteria” OR “multi-criteria”) were utilized in the Scopus database, retrieving 91 documents. The inclusion and exclusion criteria applied were: the time period between the years from 2018 to 2023; only papers, conference papers and journals as the source; English language; and a filter based on the title and abstract of documents related to the topic.

Figure 3 summarizes the literature search and filtering process, highlighting the stages of identification and selection of documents.

The bibliometric analysis conducted using the Biblioshiny software (Aria and Cuccurullo, 2017) provided general data from the field, as shown in Figure 4. Noteworthy is the growth trend in the subject’s interest (annual growth rate of 14.87%) and the significant international collaboration (35% co-authorship), indicating the global interest and relevance of the selection of SARPs.

Figure 5 describe the temporal evolution of the number of publications per year, with the trend line indicating the growth in the number of documents. The year 2021 exhibited the highest number of publications.

Table 2 presents the top 10 publication sources found, ordered by the number of documents and their H-index. Procedia Computer Science stood out with two publications. Overall, no clear prevalence of one source over another was demonstrated.

Figure 6 displays the most important authors, and Figure 7 shows the most relevant countries. Authors dos Santos, Gomes, and Moreira emerged as prominent figures, combined with Brazil’s leadership in scientific production in the field, indicating the formation of a significant research group.

Table 3 presents the top 15 publications in the field, ordered by Total Citations (TC). Notably, Moreira et al. (2020) and Moreira et al. (2021) appears twice, which, when combined with Figures 6 and 7, underscores the importance of Brazilian institutions in the field of MCDA.

Analyzing the history of the seminal paper on the SPOTIS method (Dezert et al., 2020) using the LITMAPS tool (n.d.), there is a substantial volume of related papers, indicating the consolidation of the MCDA method (Figure 8).

The MCDA methods used in the relevant publications (Table 3) include: AHP (Canetta et al., 2018), AHP-ANP-DEMATEL (Zhang et al., 2023), AHP-TOPSIS (Hamurcu and Eren, 2020; Dukić et al., 2022), TOPSIS (Karaşan and Kaya, 2020), Fuzzy TOPSIS (Topaloglu et al., 2018; Nur et al., 2020), DEMATEL (Raj and Sah, 2019), WASPAS (Simić et al., 2021), PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1 (Moreira et al., 2020, 2021), Spherical Fuzzy MARCOS (Kovač et al., 2021), CoCoSo (Pamucar et al., 2023), and SAGA (Mohamadi et al., 2021).

As for the types of problems addressed, 5 focused on UAV for military applications (Dukić et al., 2022; Hamurcu and Eren, 2020; Karaşan and Kaya, 2020; Moreira et al., 2020, 2021), 4 addressed drone product delivery (Kovač et al., 2021; Nur et al., 2020; Raj and Sah, 2019; Simić et al., 2021), 2 dealt with transportation systems and control (Mohamadi et al., 2021; Pamucar et al., 2023), and 1 focused on value chain analysis (Canetta et al., 2018), and environmental solutions (Topaloglu et al., 2018).

4. Methodology

This paper proposes a case study with a hybrid MCDA approach, combining the Modified Preference Selection Index (MPSI) (Gligorić et al., 2022) and the Stable Preference Ordering Towards Ideal Solution (SPOTIS) (Dezert et al., 2020). The choice of the MPSI method aims to obtain weights, eliminating the need to define the relative importance between criteria since it is calculated using stochastic concepts without the expression of criteria preferences by decision-makers. SPOTIS stands out for being a method designed to avoid reverse ordering, allowing the inclusion or exclusion of alternatives without altering the previous result.

The MPSI-SPOTIS hybrid approach explores the calculation of criterion weights through statistical measures of preference values from the MPSI method (Gligorić et al., 2022) and ranks the results obtained by SPOTIS. This approach allows flexibility to change the decision environment without causing reverse ordering due to changes in expressed preferences (Dezert et al., 2020). The constituent steps of this process are schematically presented in Figure 9.

4.1 MPSI method steps

The MPSI method proposed by Gligorić et al. (2022) comprises five steps. In Step 1, the definitions of objectives, criteria, alternatives, and preference values take place. Considering the set of alternatives A={Ai} for i={1,2,3,,m}, the set of criteria C={Cj} for j={1,2,3,,n}, and the preference value xij for each alternative Ai concerning criterion Cj, the matrix given by M=[xij]m×n is defined as a decision matrix.

  • Step 2 involves normalizing the data by transforming values xij into a range from 0 to 1 while maintaining proportions. For the calculation, it is necessary to define the objective of the criteria as either benefit-monotonic or cost-monotonic. Benefit criteria aim for the highest possible value and are normalized using Equation (1), while cost criteria aim for minimization, described by Equation (2).


Steps 3 and 4 involve obtaining the values of the preferences pj applying Equations (3) and (4).

In step 5, the vector of weights wj is calculated using Equation (5), where wj is used in step 4 of the SPOTIS method.

4.2 SPOTIS method steps

The SPOTIS method, proposed by Dezert et al. (2020), presents five steps starting from the decision matrix M defined in step 1 of the MPSI method.

In step 1, the definition of criterion limits takes place, which is a subjective stage. Decision-makers must establish value intervals that meet the problem’s solution. For each criterion C={Cj|j=1,2,,n}, an interval [Snmin,Snmax]=[x1,x2] is defined, constituting the set of limits to be used. This definition should not be too restrictive, as it would make it difficult to find a suitable quantity of alternatives, and it should not be too broad either, as it would make the distinction between alternatives difficult.

In step 2, the Ideal Solution Points are defined, where the extreme value of each interval is selected based on the criteria’s objective. For monotonically benefit criteria, the highest value is selected, and for monotonically cost criteria, the lowest value is selected. Thus, each Ideal Solution Point Sn* (ISP) makes up the set of ISPs S*={Sn*}.

From S*, the normalized distance matrix is calculated (step 3). Using the values from the initial matrix M, the new value dij of each element in the new matrix D is obtained using Equation (6).

with the values from the matrix D, the normalized average distance is obtained in step 4, using the vector of weights wj obtained from Equation (5), according to Equation (7).

At last, the ranking is obtained by ascending order of each d(Ai,S*) obtained from Equation (7).

5. Solution of the problem

Gettinger (2019) provides technical data for 168 SARPs currently in use or under development. As the scope of the SARP project in the Brazilian Army covers only Categories 0 to 2 (Table 1), this is the only alternative selection criteria in the database provided by Gettinger (2019) in this paper. The evaluated criteria chosen in this paper are Endurance, Range, Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW), and Payload. These criteria were selected since they were the parameters available for most UAVs in the database.

The Endurance criterion, measured in hours, is related to the work hours that an UAV can last in operation, where the more it endures, the better (monotonic benefit). The Range criterion, as a monotonic benefit and measured in kilometers, describes the maximum distance that an UAV can travel while in operation. The MTOW criterion, a monotonic benefit measured in kilograms, expresses the maximum weight that an UAV can have to take off from an airbase. The Payload criterion, also a monotonic benefit measured in kilograms, represents the maximum cargo weight that an UAV can carry as additional equipment, such as sensors.

After filtering the UAVs in the database (alternatives) using the aforementioned criteria, 18 models from Category EB 0, 2 models from Category EB 1, and 13 models in Category EB 2 were selected, as shown in Table 4. Since only 2 models were found in Category EB 1, these models were not evaluated in this study.

From the data in Table 4, the decision matrix M is formed. The criteria aim for maximization (monotonic benefit), and Equation (1) is applied to obtain the normalized decision matrix (Table 5).

Based on the normalized decision matrix (Table 5), the process of obtaining the weights is started by the calculation of the vectors vj (Equation 3) and pj (Equation 4) using the UAV data from Gettinger (2019) in each criterion, resulting in the weight vector wj (Equation 5) of the MPSI method, whose values are found in Table 6.

Returning to the decision matrix M (Table 4), minimum, maximum limits, and ISPs are defined (step 1 of the SPOTIS method). In this case study, the extremes found were used as the limits of the intervals Sn, and considering the monotonic benefit objective of the criteria, the points Sn* are composed of the upper limits of Sn. Table 7 summarizes the values found.

Using the values of S*, the normalized distance matrix was calculated (Table 8) using Equation (6).

With the data from Table 8, the values of wj (Table 6) were used, resulting in the normalized average distance matrix as presented in Table 9.

Using the values calculated in Table 9 and applying Equation (7), ranking was performed in ascending order, resulting in the final ordering presented in Table 10.

5.1 Sensitivity and comparative analysis

Sensitivity Analysis is an important step in the application of MCDA methods, in order to validate the obtained results. The SPOTIS method was assessed by Azevêdo Junior et al. (2023) and Więckowski et al. (2022), presenting a robust performance when compared to other approaches, credited to the characteristic of ranking reversal resistance.

As stated by Radovanović et al. (2023, 2024), in this paper the sensitivity analysis is followed by the evaluation of the impact of criteria weights changing. This approach implies that the weight vector wj obtained from the MPSI method (Table 6) is not applied in the analysis.

This analysis is built on six scenarios. The scenario S0 comprehends the original weights at Table 6; the scenario S1 assesses an equal weights scenario; and the S2 to S5 scenarios evaluate the predominance of one criterion over the others. Table 11 depicts the weights applied in the sensitivity analysis.

Applying the coefficients in the Table 11, the obtained rankings of alternatives are shown in Table 12.

The deviation obtained in the Table 12 suggests that the initial and final ranked alternatives in Cat EB 0 did not suffer major ranking changes (1st to 5th positions and 12th to 18th). In Cat EB 2, there was more ranking fluctuation, but with a minor magnitude, except for the Horlytsya UAV model. The overall behavior of the ranking is depicted in Figure 10.

Applying the Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Table 13), it can be stated that the difference between the scenarios does not represent a major change in the decision-making process. The obtained values are above 0.8, which is considered satisfactory and reinforces that the MPSI-SPOTIS approach is suitable for the research problem context.

For a Comparative Analysis, TOPSIS (Zavadskas et al., 2016), Gaussian AHP (Santos et al., 2021), and MEREC-WISP (Keshavarz-Ghorabaee et al., 2021; Stanujkic et al., 2021) were chosen since they are consolidated MCDA methods in the literature. Table 14 depicts the ranking obtained with these methods.

Assessing the correlation by the Spearman’s coefficient (Table 15), no relevant differences were found between MPSI-SPOTIS and TOPSIS, AHP-G, and MEREC-WISP, since the coefficients obtained were above 0.8.

6. Results

The application of the MPSI-SPOTIS method identified the UAV model Raybird-3 as the most suitable in Category EB 0 and the Searcher (Mk3) model in Category EB 2. Observing the values of the distances d(Ai,S*), it is suggested to form 5 clusters for Category EB 0 (Figure 11) and 5 clusters for Category EB 2 (Figure 12).

From Figure 11, there is a greater dispersion, with only 4 models falling within the interval d(Ai,S*)<0.6, indicating a greater restriction on alternatives that exhibit the best performance in the evaluation. The median of distances for Category EB 0 is 0.7213, confirming the dispersion in performance.

For Category EB 2 (Figure 12), there was a greater concentration of models in the clusters, representing a more balanced division. This facilitates decision-making as there are more options with similar performance in the evaluation. The median of distances found was 0.6310, indicating a greater centralization of alternatives.

From the analysis conducted in the paper, it was identified that the recommended SARP model in Category EB 0 is the Raybird-3, while for Category EB 2, the Searcher (Mk3) model stood out. However, it is emphasized that the evaluation of cost was not possible due to the unavailability of data from the used source (Gettinger, 2019). The clustering proposal suggested the possibility of considering other models beyond those highlighted. For Category EB 0, the Orbiter 3 model proved to be relevant. In Category EB 2, the Bayraktar – TB2 and Seeker 400 models were identified as alternatives to be considered.

7. Conclusion

In this paper, the evaluation of SARP systems was performed by the MCDA method MPSI-SPOTIS. The MPSI method proved to be an adequate approach to obtain the weight vectors, reinforced by the sensitivity and comparative analysis performed. The ranking of SARPs was performed by the SPOTIS method, which presents the feature of rank reversal resistance and adds to the decision-making process the capability to assess new alternatives or remove some without changing the overall scenario.

The sensitivity and comparative analysis performed showed that the weights obtained in MPSI methods satisfactorily described the importance grade of each criterion. Even when some criteria were privileged, the overall ranking did not suffer major changes in the top and bottom alternatives. It was observed that there was a higher deviation only in the middle of the ranking. The SPOTIS method performed statistically equivalent to other established methods, as described by the Spearman’s coefficients above 0.8. Therefore, SPOTIS presents the rank reversal feature and stability, which have been considered suitable to assess defense systems.

It is recommended that future research incorporate cost as an additional criterion in the analysis. Furthermore, the evaluation of criteria related to the life cycle of SARPs can provide a more comprehensive view, including aspects of maintenance, updates, and sustainability.


Components of a SARP

Figure 1

Components of a SARP

Rich picture of SARP selection for a deployment

Figure 2

Rich picture of SARP selection for a deployment

Search steps

Figure 3

Search steps

Research field overview

Figure 4

Research field overview

Publications per year

Figure 5

Publications per year

Most relevant authors

Figure 6

Most relevant authors

Most relevant countries

Figure 7

Most relevant countries

Most relevant documents of SPOTIS method

Figure 8

Most relevant documents of SPOTIS method


Figure 9


Alternatives rankings network in different scenarios

Figure 10

Alternatives rankings network in different scenarios

Category EB 0 clusters

Figure 11

Category EB 0 clusters

Category EB 2 clusters

Figure 12

Category EB 2 clusters

SARP categories

ClassCategory EBPayload (kg)Deployment forceDeployment level
III4C Cj/FTCOperational
II3150–600FTC (Division/C Ex)Tactical
1<15U/Brigade (Light)
0<10até SU

Source(s): Table adapted from Brazil (2023)

Relevant sources

SourcesDocumentsH index
Procedia Computer Science2109
Expert Systems with Applications1249
Information Sciences1210
IEEE Access1204
Computers and Industrial Engineering1148
Industrial Management and Data Systems1117
Soft Computing1102
Mathematical Problems in Engineering178
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing158

Source(s): Table by authors

Most relevant documents

DocumentTotal citations (TC)TC mean/yearNormalized TC
RAJ A, 2019, COMPUT IND ENG7314.601.00
SIMIĆ V, 2021, EUR TRANSP RES REV4515.002.74
HAMURCU M, 2020, J MATH338.251.42
TOPALOGLU M, 2018, SOFT COMPUT284.671.87
KOVAČ M, 2021, COMPLEXITY227.331.34
PAMUCAR D, 2023, INF SCI1717.002.83
NUR F, 2020, J COMPUT DES ENG133.250.56
DUKIĆ D, 2022, YUGOSL J OPER RES84.001.78

Source(s): Table by authors

Assessed models

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2
Orbiter 3Israel7150305.5Searcher (Mk 3)Israel18250450120
Ptero-5ERussia875305Seeker 400South Africa16250450100
Fulmar XSpain880204Bayraktar-TB2Turkey2015063055
FT-100 HorusBrazil22073CamCopter S-100Austria1020020050
Observer-SUkraine51006.51.5RQ-7 ShadowUSA912521243
Spy'RangerFrance33014.51.2Aludra (Mk1)Malaysia310020025
Skylark I-LEXIsrael3407.51.2PGZ-19RPeru121509020
XeFISouth Korea0.5330.5
InstantEye Gen3USA0.520.50.3

Source(s): Table adapted from Gettinger (2019)

Normalized decision matrix

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2
Objective MaxMaxMaxMaxObjective MaxMaxMaxMax
Orbiter 3Israel0.46670.62501.00001.0000Searcher (Mk 3)Israel0.90000.23810.71431.0000
Ptero-5ERussia0.53330.31251.00000.9091Seeker 400South Africa0.80000.23810.71430.8333
Fulmar XSpain0.53330.33330.66670.7273Bayraktar-TB2Turkey1.00000.14291.00000.4583
FT-100 HorusBrazil0.13330.08330.23330.5455CamCopter S-100Austria0.50000.19050.31750.4167
Observer-SUkraine0.33330.41670.21670.2727RQ-7 ShadowUSA0.45000.11900.33650.3583
Spy'RangerFrance0.20000.12500.48330.2182Aludra (Mk1)Malaysia0.15000.09520.31750.2083
Skylark I-LEXIsrael0.20000.16670.25000.2182PGZ-19RPeru0.60000.14290.14290.1667
XeFISouth Korea0.03330.01250.10000.0909
InstantEye Gen3USA0.03330.00830.01670.0545

Source(s): Table by authors

Value of vectors vj, pj and wj

Cat EBEnduranceRangeMTOWPayloadCat EBEnduranceRangeMTOWPayload

Source(s): Table by authors

Values of Sn and ISPs

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2

Source(s): Table by authors

Normalized distance matrix

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2
Orbiter 3Israel0.55170.37820.00000.0000Searcher (Mk 3)Israel0.11760.84210.33330.0000
Ptero-5ERussia0.48280.69330.00000.0909Seeker 400South Africa0.23530.84210.33330.2000
Fulmar XSpain0.48280.67230.33900.2727Bayraktar-TB2Turkey0.00000.94740.00000.6500
FT-100 HorusBrazil0.89660.92440.77970.4545CamCopter S-100Austria0.58820.89470.79630.7000
Observer-SUkraine0.68970.58820.79660.7273RQ-7 ShadowUSA0.64710.97370.77410.7700
Spy'RangerFrance0.82760.88240.52540.7818Aludra (Mk1)Malaysia1.00001.00000.79630.9500
Skylark I-LEXIsrael0.82760.84030.76270.7818PGZ-19RPeru0.47060.94741.00001.0000
XeFISouth Korea1.00000.99580.91530.9091
InstantEye Gen3USA1.00001.00001.00000.9455

Source(s): Table by authors

Normalized average distance matrix

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2
Orbiter 3Israel0.10760.07730.00000.0000Searcher (Mk 3)Israel0.02990.20080.09420.0000
Ptero-5ERussia0.09410.14170.00000.0288Seeker 400South Africa0.05980.20080.09420.0450
Fulmar XSpain0.09410.13740.09610.0865Bayraktar-TB2Turkey0.00000.22590.00000.1463
FT-100 HorusBrazil0.17480.18890.22110.1441CamCopter S-100Austria0.14940.21330.22500.1576
Observer-SUkraine0.13450.12020.22590.2305RQ-7 ShadowUSA0.16440.23210.21870.1733
Spy'RangerFrance0.16140.18040.14900.2478Aludra (Mk1)Malaysia0.25400.23840.22500.2138
Skylark I-LEXIsrael0.16140.17180.21630.2478PGZ-19RPeru0.11950.22590.28250.2251
XeFISouth Korea0.19500.20350.25960.2882
InstantEye Gen3USA0.19500.20440.28360.2997

Source(s): Table by authors

Final ranking

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2
Raybird-3Ukraine0.1153Searcher (Mk 3)Israel0.3248
Orbiter 3Israel0.1849Bayraktar-TB2Turkey0.3722
Ptero-5ERussia0.2647Seeker 400South Africa0.3997
Fulmar XSpain0.4141FalcoItaly0.4887
MicroFalconIsrael0.7137CamCopter S-100Austria0.7452
FT-100 HorusBrazil0.729010ºASN-206China0.776210º
Spy'RangerFrance0.738611ºRQ-7 ShadowUSA0.788511º
Skylark I-LEXIsrael0.797313ºAludra (Mk1)Malaysia0.931213º
XeFISouth Korea0.946316º
InstantEye Gen3USA0.982718º

Source(s): Table by authors

Weight coefficients in sensitivity analysis

Cat EBCriteriaScenarios
Cat EB 0C10.19500.25000.40000.20000.20000.2000
Cat EB 2C10.25400.25000.40000.20000.20000.2000

Source(s): Table by authors

Alternatives rankings in different scenarios

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2
Raybird-31111110.0Searcher (Mk 3)1111210.4
Orbiter 32222220.0Bayraktar-TB22224131.0
Ptero-5E3333330.0Seeker 4003333320.4
Fulmar X4444440.0Falco4445440.4
MicroFalcon99899100.6CamCopter S-1009999990.0
FT-100 Horus101111121181.4ASN-2061010111010100.4
Spy'Ranger111010108121.3RQ-7 Shadow1111101111110.4
Skylark I-LEX1313121312130.5Aludra (Mk1)1313131313130.0
InstantEye Gen31818181818180.0

Source(s): Table by authors

Spearman’s correlation of scenarios

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2
S0S1S2S3S4S5 S0S1S2S3S4S5
S01 S01
S10.9901 S11.0001
S20.9710.9881 S20.9840.9841
S30.9750.9920.9921 S30.9620.9620.9291
S40.9750.9830.9610.9631 S40.9780.9780.9730.8961

Source(s): Table by authors

Comparative analysis of MPSI-SPOTIS

Raybird-311110.0Searcher (Mk 3)12210.6
Orbiter 322220.0Bayraktar-TB224431.0
Ptero-5E33330.0Seeker 40033340.5
Fulmar X44440.0Falco45550.5
MicroFalcon910890.8CamCopter S-10099971.0
FT-100 Horus10913101.7ASN-20610101062.0
Spy'Ranger11119111.0RQ-7 Shadow111211110.5
Skylark I-LEX131312130.5Aludra (Mk1)131313120.5
InstantEye Gen3181818180.0

Source(s): Table by authors

Spearman’s correlation of methods

Cat EB 0Cat EB 2
TOPSIS0.9901 TOPSIS0.9341
AHP-G0.9460.9301 AHP-G0.9400.9951

Source(s): Table by authors


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This work is partially funded by the Brazilian Army – Science and Technology Department – Military Institute of Engineering (Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME).

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Pablo Santos Torres can be contacted at:

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