Does financial inclusion spur CO2 emissions? The marginal effects of financial sustainability

Yusuf Adeneye (Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Pengkalan Chepa, Malaysia)
Shahida Rasheed (Department of Commerce, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India)
Say Keat Ooi (Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Gelugor, Malaysia)

IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation

ISSN: 2753-4022

Article publication date: 14 November 2023

Issue publication date: 7 December 2023




This study aims to examine the relationship between financial inclusion, CO2 emissions and financial sustainability across 17 African countries.


Data were sourced from the World Development Indicators for the period 2004-2021. The study performs the principal component analysis, panel fixed effects model and quantile regression estimations to investigate the relationship between financial inclusion, CO2 emissions and financial sustainability.


The study finds that an increase in automated teller machine (ATM) penetration rate, savings and credits increases CO2 emissions. Findings also reveal that financial sustainability reduces financial inclusion, with significant negative effects on the conditional mean of CO2 emissions and the conditional distribution of CO2 emissions across quantiles.


This study is beneficial for policymakers, particularly in the age of digitalization and drive for low-carbon emissions, to develop green credits for energy players and investors to take up renewable and green energy projects characterized by high levels of carbon storage and carbon capture. Further, the banking sector’s credits and liquid assets should be used to finance alternative banking energy-related equipment and services, such as solar photovoltaic wireless ATMs, and fewer bank branches.



Adeneye, Y., Rasheed, S. and Ooi, S.K. (2023), "Does financial inclusion spur CO2 emissions? The marginal effects of financial sustainability", IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 77-97.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, Yusuf Adeneye, Shahida Rasheed and Say Keat Ooi


Published in IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Contemporary research on CO2 emissions reports that financial inclusion involving bank account ownership, automated teller machine (ATM) penetration rate, savings and credits drive the total amount of CO2 emissions (e.g. Le, Le, & Taghizadeh-Hesary, 2020). However, with the drive for low-carbon emissions, the financial system must play a significant role in reducing CO2 emissions by ensuring financial sustainability through the redistribution of more bank credits and liquid assets to finance renewable and nonrenewable energy initiatives. This study leverages World Development Indicators (WDIs) annual data from African countries to present new evidence to inform the policy implications of financial sustainability on financial inclusion and CO2 emissions. Understanding the link between the financial industry and environmental pollution in Africa is crucial (Abid, 2016) since most African countries are characterized by poor energy development, increased use of paper notes and the increase in the number of automated teller machines (ATMs) and bank branches in a way to foster financial inclusion. However, such unsustainable paper notes and the carbon emissions from ATMs, bank branches and light vehicles (i.e. that consume more fossil fuels) that are used to transport paper notes from one bank to the other contribute to the increasing rate of CO2 emissions in Africa (see Supplementary Table S1). For instance, ATMs emit about 3.2 million tons of CO2, while bank branches emit 383.1 million tons of CO2 yearly (McCook, 2014). The environmental impact of an average cash transaction is 5.1g CO2 equivalent with the energy use of ATMs, and currency transportation contributing about a 64% impact on the environment, while the production of coins contributes about 31% impact on the environment (Hanegraaf, Larçin, Jonker, Mandley, & Miedema, 2020). Also, banknotes weighing 93.4 tons emit approximately a volume of 1.6 million tons of CO2 equivalents (Wettstein, Lieb, & Lieb, 2000).

Indeed, the activities of the financial sector through financial inclusion can exert both direct and indirect effects on environmental pollution and contribute significantly to the total amount of CO2 emissions. The overall cash in circulation worldwide across countries continues to grow between 5% and 8% annually (Currency Research, 2017). In Spain, for example, 42% of people said that they prefer using cash (Esselink & Hernández, 2017). Interestingly, the existence of Covid-19 may indirectly contribute to CO2 emissions. The United Nations (2020) confirmed that cash has been used to fight Covid-19 only in the developing world. While one would expect that CO2 emissions should decrease during Covid-19 due to the stoppage in production across industrial and manufacturing firms, the circulation of cash as an economic palliative may still give rise to CO2 emissions. In Sweden, the cost of ATM cards and cash amounts to about 0.4% of gross domestic products, causing negative externalities through CO2 emissions (Bergman, Guibourg, & Segendorf, 2008). The growth in currency in circulation between 2006 and 2016 is over 100% in many African countries when compared to the Eurozone and the UK, where it is −2.5% (As in Figure 1). Also, the number of individuals who visit bank branches and ATMs with their light vehicles that use fossil fuels contributes to CO2 emissions in G-20 countries (Erdoğan, Taiwo, Altuntaş, & Victor, 2022). Internal combustion vehicles that bank use for cash transportation operations emit large quantities and amounts of CO2 equivalent (Bank of Finland, 2020). For instance, banking firms can contribute to indirect pollution by lending money to polluting companies or engaging in projects that cause major damage to the environment (Zhang, Yang, & Bi, 2011).

How, then, can we minimize or mitigate the effects of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions? The most important way is to ensure the sustainability of the financial industry through financial sustainability, which, in turn, can reduce the negative effects of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions (In Bouma, Jeucken, & Klinkers, 2017). The availability of more bank liquid assets to finance renewable ATMs is important to reduce the carbon emissions that are emitted through ATMs. Equally, the enablement of green credit policy including more online transactions than cash payments, and the granting of more credits from bank deposits to energy policy actors and players to finance renewable energy, would further reduce the environmental effect of the financial industry (Zhang et al., 2011). By extension, banks’ credit policy meets a green standard where more credits are granted to firms that comply with environmental pollution standards, and that credit granted is made through transfer options rather than through cash payments.

Several studies have examined the role played by financial inclusion in African contexts. For example, Zins and Weill (2016) examined the determinants of financial inclusion in Africa and found that education, income and mobile banking drive formal accounts, savings and credit in 37 African countries, using probit estimations. In another study, the use of mobile telephony promotes the likelihood of savings for financial inclusion in Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia (Ouma, Odongo, & Were, 2017). Gebrehiwot and Makina (2019), using the GMM dynamic panel in 27 African countries, found that financial inclusion positively affects economic growth, while negatively affecting government borrowing. However, whether financial sustainability mitigates the negative impacts of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions is understudied.

Against this backdrop, this study investigates the impact of financial inclusion on carbon emissions along with the marginal effect of financial sustainability on the relationship between financial inclusion and CO2 emissions (finance-environment nexus) in 17 African countries over the period 2004-2021. The significant contribution of this study to the understanding of the finance-environment nexus is as follows. Firstly, concerning CO2 emissions, most studies in the African setting have been linked to economic growth, financial development, sustainable goals, globalization and renewable energy (e.g. Raheem, Tiwari, & Balsalobre-Lorente, 2020; Wang, Mirza, Vasbieva, Abbas, & Xiong, 2020; Zaidi, Zafar, Shahbaz, & Hou, 2019) with the conclusion that CO2 emissions retard economic growth, and its effects can be reduced through renewable energy and sustainable developmental goals. These studies fail to investigate the link between financial inclusion and CO2 emissions in African studies and the policy design concerning financial sustainability to reduce the likely negative effects of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions. Secondly, existing literature (e.g. Li & Wei, 2021) has focused mainly on investigating the environmental impacts of financial development. Specifically, previous studies have often relied on indicators such as domestic credit to the private sector, as a measure of financial development. To bridge the existing gap, this study develops a holistic financial inclusion index by incorporating diverse indicators of financial inclusion to evaluate the finance-CO2 emission nexus. Thirdly, since SGD-17 and the Paris Agreement 2015 have acknowledged the significant influence of financial sustainability on emission levels, this study examines the combined impact of financial sustainability and financial inclusion on carbon dioxide emissions in the selected African nations. Prior studies have largely ignored the channels by which the financial sector and promoting financial sustainability can collectively contribute to lowering CO2 emissions in the African context.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a review of related literature that leads to the research gaps and development of research hypotheses. Section 3 provides the data source and methods, while section 4 presents the results and discussions. Section 5 presents the conclusion and policy implications.

2. Literature review

This section presents the literature that forms the development of our hypotheses, and thus the gap for the study.


Financial inclusion promotes CO2 emissions.

The studies on the relationship between financial inclusion and CO2 emissions are beginning to increase. For instance, using Hoechle's (2007) model for Driscoll-Kraay standard errors, Le et al. (2020) investigated the effect of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions for 31 Asian countries and showed that financial inclusions appear to promote increased CO2 emissions. Although financial inclusion is an integral part of financial development (Le et al., 2020; World Bank, 2018), most of the studies, except for Le et al. (2020), have linked financial development with CO2 emissions. As reported by Abbasi and Riaz (2016), financial development promotes, and does not aid, the reduction of CO2 emissions in Pakistan by adopting ARDL and augmented VAR models. Charfeddine and Kahia (2019) established that financial development enhances CO2 emissions in 24 countries in the Middle East and North Africa region, using the PVAR model estimator, impulse response function and variance decomposition. The weak financial development in MENA countries does not contribute to environmental quality by reducing CO2 emissions. Raheem et al. (2020) reported that financial development has a weak effect on CO2 emissions in G7 countries, using the pooled mean group estimator. Shoaib, Rafique, Nadeem and Huang (2020) conducted a comparative analysis between developed (G8) and developing countries (D8) and found that financial development has significant positive effects on CO2 emissions in G8 and D8 countries, using the PMG panel ARDL estimator, which is in support of Wang et al. (2020) that study N-11 countries. Using a structural break test, Toda-Yamamoto causality and cointegration models, Shahbaz, Haouas, Sohag and Ozturk (2020) established that financial development positively affected CO2 emissions and environmental degradation in the United Arab Emirates between 1975 and 2014. In contrast, Zaidi et al. (2019) established that financial development retards CO2 emissions both in the long run and short run, using Westerlund cointegration, continuously updated fully modified and continuously updated bias-corrected estimation techniques on sample data of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. Similarly, Wang et al. (2020) found that financial development reduces CO2 emissions in the long run in Turkey. Nasir, Huynh and Tram (2019) confirm, using dynamic ordinary least squares and fully modified OLS on a sample of ASEAN-5 economies, that financial development increases CO2 emissions in the long run. Khan, Peng and Li (2019) further emphasized that financial development positively impacts CO2 emissions with high pollution spread, using dynamic GMM and seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) on a panel of 193 countries. Guo, Hu and Yu (2019) established that financial development efficiency increases CO2 emissions, while the financial development scale reduces CO2 emissions in China, using the STochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology (STIRPAT) model of environmental pressure. Also, Tian and Li (2022) confirm that financial inclusion increases carbon emissions, using the CS-ARDL and VECM Granger causality method, positing that the availability of financial services boosts funding for more industrial and manufacturing operations, which raises demands for and consumption of fossil fuels.

Similarly, Zaidi et al. (2019) advocate that financial inclusion increases carbon emissions in OECD and BRICS countries through increased economic activity, and access to credit leads to more carbon-intensive financing activities such as transportation or manufacturing. Hussain, Akbar, Gul, Shahzad and Naifar (2023) found that when individuals and businesses have access to affordable financial resources, it can positively affect carbon emissions in the short run only. However, beyond a certain threshold, the accessibility of credit at a reduced cost of capital increases corporate production capacity and energy-intensive household appliances. Another study by Tsimisaraka et al. (2023) advocates that easier access to credit exhibited a greater propensity to purchase a variety of products, such as automobiles and refrigerators, which has contributed to a greater demand for energy derived from fossil fuels, thereby increasing the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. These findings are supported by Jebli and Hakimi (2023), suggesting that companies tend to invest in non-environmentally friendly projects using financial services. Thus, this contributes to an increase in the consumption of energy derived from fossil fuels. Accordingly, the literature on the link between financial development and CO2 emissions is vast and varies in a contextual sense, an indication that assessing its integral parts such as financial inclusion may enhance our understanding of CO2 emissions in a particular context.

The results of these brief studies reveal some differences. The differences are due to the context in which the study is conducted, the type of estimation techniques, the sample size of the study, the period of study, the kind of theories adopted and the nature of the country (whether developing vs developed countries, the level of per capita income and economic growth and the level of financial structure that exists in the country understudied). Interestingly, one major similarity is that these studies focus on financial development emission linkages. In this paper, we further add to the finance-environment nexus, extending the study of Le et al. (2020), by examining the role that financial inclusion plays in promoting CO2 emissions across countries in Africa.


Financial sustainability reduces the impact of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions.

Several studies have posited that the increasing level of financial constraints is one of the major bottlenecks to taking up renewable and non-renewable energy policies. Supporting this claim, Baulch, Do, and Le (2018) submit that lack of access to capital and lack of credits and loanable funds from government and financial institutions have resulted in a serious barrier in the fight against the reduction of CO2 emissions in Vietnam. Meanwhile, Le et al. (2020) buttressed that the availability of affordable financial services that can promote the reduction of CO2 emissions by using alternative fossil fuels and gas such as CO2 capture and CO2 storage is relevant in the adoption of environmental sustainability programs. Further, Bayram, Talay, and Feridun (2022) argued that sustainable finance can help to assess climate-related financial risks, which can potentially lead to a reduction in emissions by incentivizing firms to invest in sustainable practices. Moreover, Wan, Pu, and Tavera (2023) claim that financial sustainability through digital finance reduces pollution through innovations, sustainable capital allocation effects and structural adjustments. Similarly, Cao (2023) argued that financial sustainability can be boosted through green finance projects. Another study by Kirikkaleli, Adebayo, and Güngör (2021) submit that sustainability can be accelerated by financing renewable energy technologies and research and development through financial development. Most studies that have linked financial inclusion and financial development having negative effects on CO2 emissions (e.g. Cao, 2023), imply that sustainable finance, hence financial sustainability, is required to enhance and promote the reduction of CO2 emissions.

While several studies have suggested different financial strategies and policies for reducing CO2 emissions using consumption-based carbon tax and other public finance strategies including green finance and digital finance (Bouwer & Aerts, 2006; Wan et al., 2023), two questions are yet to be answered. First, how sustainable is the financing of CO2 emissions reduction? Second, to what extent can the financing sustainability reduce CO2 emissions for policy formulation and implementation? Both questions are important because countries differ in terms of the capital market, availability of funds and foreign aid and the level of technological advancement. For instance, most capital markets in Africa are undervalued, and the financial system is less developed to finance CO2 emissions reduction goals. African countries that are also battling with issues of unemployment, incessant domestic war and insecurity have fewer funds to finance CO2 emissions. The demand for foreign aid and inflows of energy technologies into Africa has been increasing in the recent decade (Udi, Bekun, & Adedoyin, 2020). Furthermore, better financial sustainability such as energy players’ access to domestic credits to finance CO2 emissions reduction will enable the government to have long-term solutions to the energy problem and the environmental problems of CO2 emissions. Government political trust may also be required to promote financial sustainability by ensuring manufacturing and industrialized companies pay suitable tax rates.

To our knowledge, fewer empirical studies have investigated the role of financial sustainability in reducing the positive effect of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions in Africa. However, studies have identified a few indicators of financial sustainability in financing CO2 emissions reduction such as bank sector development, that is, the ratio of bank credit to bank deposits (Zafar, Zaidi, Sinha, Gedikli, & Hou, 2019), bank credit to the private sector (Nwani & Omoke, 2020) and liquid assets (Monasterolo & Raberto, 2019). We provide how these financing strategies, grouped as financial sustainability indicators, reduce the positive links between financial inclusion and CO2 emissions.

3. Data and methods

This study utilizes the panel fixed effects model and quantile regression technique to examine the relationships between financial inclusion, financial sustainability and CO2 emission across 17 African countries for the period 2004-2021. The description of the variables is presented in Supplementary Table S2. A principal component analysis was performed on the two measures of financial sustainability that support the study of Le, Chuc and Taghizadeh-Hesary (2019). The study controls for GDP, GDP square, energy consumption, trade openness, urbanization and political stability.

3.1 Fixed effect model

Fixed effects estimation is a statistical technique for investigating non-experiment data. It enables the researcher to control individual-specific characteristics that remain constant over time but may be correlated with the predictor variables and exert their influence on the predicted variable (Baltagi and Giles, 1998). These characteristics could encompass unobservable traits or contextual factors that vary across individuals but remain constant over time (Schmidheiny & Basel, 2011). It addresses the potential endogeneity and omitted variable biases that arise in panel data. The fixed effects model provides unbiased estimates of a casual effect than ordinary regression. Therefore, the fixed effects model equation can be written as follows:


3.2 Marginal effects model

The interaction term between financial inclusion measures (accounts ownership, ATM penetration rate, savings and credits) and financial sustainability is expected to increase our understanding of the CO2 emissions equation. At the margin, the effect of financial inclusion measures (accounts ownership, ATM penetration rate, savings and credits) and/or financial sustainability can be calculated by using the interaction model of Brambor and Golder (2006), examining the partial derivative or partial difference of CO2 emissions concerning each of the indicators of financial inclusion.


By applying the method of Brambor and Golder (2006), the standard error can be calculated as follows for each variable:

where Z=financialsustainability¯

The t-statistics for marginal effect at the mean value of financial sustainability can be calculated as follows:


3.3 Quantile regression model

Unlike the OLS which is based on the conditional mean of the distribution, the quantile regression produces results for all the conditional quantiles of distribution for an outcome variable (Ramdani & Witteloostuijn, 2010). Quantile regression uses a conditional quantile function by splitting the conditional distribution function into segments, and it is appropriate for distribution with heteroskedasticity and the presence of outliers (Koenker & Bassett, 1978). The quantile estimation model is presented as follows:

where yit is the dependent variable; CO2 emissions at quantile q; and xit is the vector of the independent variables.

The application of the fixed effects model, quantile regression and marginal effect analyses provides a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between financial inclusion, sustainability and carbon emission. First, the inclusion of fixed effects accounts for time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity at the individual level (Kansil, 2021). By incorporating individual fixed effects, we can account for any stable individual-level characteristics that may affect the outcome variable (CO2 emission) but do not vary over time. This helps us to mitigate potential bias arising from unobserved individual heterogeneity, providing more reliable estimates of the relationship between financial inclusion, finance sustainability and carbon emission (Bell, 2015). Second, incorporating quantile regression provides a robust and comprehensive analysis of the relationship between financial inclusion, financial sustainability and carbon emission at different points of the conditional distribution. By estimating the effects at various quantiles (e.g. median, upper and lower quantiles), we can capture the heterogenous effects of financial inclusion and financial sustainability across different emission levels (Syed, Bhowmik, Adedoyin, Alola, & Khalid, 2022). This approach offers a more nuanced understanding of how these factors influence CO2 emission, accounting for potential non-linear relationships and capturing effects that may be obscured in traditional mean-based regression models (Okada & Samreth, 2017). Third, complementing the fixed and quantile regression models, a marginal effect analysis allows us to examine the incremental impact of financial inclusion and finance sustainability on CO2 emission associated with a unit change in financial inclusion and finance sustainability. This analysis helps us to evaluate the magnitude and direction of the effects (Okafor, Ede, Chijoke-Mgbame, Ohalehi, & Mgbame, 2021). Through their applications, this study can offer a critical examination of the complex dynamics between financial inclusion, financial sustainability and carbon emission, contributing to the existing body of literature.

4. Results and discussion

4.1 Results

The results of the fixed effects estimations are shown in Table 1. The baseline model (1) shows that account ownership has a negative and significant impact on carbon emissions. This suggests that individuals and entities with account ownership tend to have lower carbon emissions as account owners have better access to financial services, enabling them to invest in energy-efficient technologies or renewable energy sources. while ATM penetration rate, savings and credits have positive and significant coefficients, showing a positive impact on carbon emission. Higher ATM penetration, savings and credit availability may lead to increased economic activity, resulting in higher emissions from production processes and increased competition. The results are in line with Peterson & Ozili (2023). Also, financial institutions are not yet fully aligning their services with environmentally friendly practices, leading to an increase in carbon emissions. In addition, results also show that financial sustainability has significant negative coefficients across the five models, suggesting that sound financial sustainability reduces the total amount of CO2 emissions. Therefore, financial institutions with strong financial sustainability may have policies that prioritize green lending and environmentally friendly capital investments (Bayram et al., 2022). The interaction role of financial sustainability further reduces CO2 emissions across the measures of financial inclusion. Therefore, the negative joint effect of higher accounts ownership and financial sustainability suggests that environment-friendly financial practices and services assist in the reduction of carbon emissions by aligning financing with sustainable projects and promoting responsible consumption and investment behaviour (Dou & Li, 2022). Moreover, control variables like GDP, energy consumption, urbanization and trade openness are positively correlated with carbon emissions across the models. Higher GDP is associated with increased economic activity and energy demand. Further rapid industrialization and trade openness drive energy consumption, transportation needs and industrial activities. Also, political stability reduces carbon emissions. This suggests that more stable political environments may be better equipped to implement and enforce environmental regulations leading to reduction in carbon emission (Adebayo, 2022). Table 2 presents the marginal effect of financial sustainability using partial differentiation, while Table 3 presents the quantile regression results to establish the non-linearity effects of financial inclusion and financial sustainability on CO2 emissions.

As shown in Table 2, the effect of measures of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions is contingent on the level of financial sustainability. At the mean level of financial sustainability, with a 1% increase in accounts ownership savings and credits, the amount of CO2 emissions will decrease by 0.01%, 0.08% and 0.11%. Furthermore, at the maximum level of financial sustainability, a 1% increase in accounts ownership, ATM penetration rate, savings and credits, the amount of CO2 emissions will decrease by approximately 0.12%, 0.38%, 0.12% and 0.20, respectively. This finding supports Bodnar et al. (2018), that increasing public bank credits and long-term loans are successful in financing climate change mitigation goals.

Regarding the findings of quantile regression, this study demonstrates the outcomes at the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th quantiles shown in Table 3. The results showed that account ownership appears to lower the amount of CO2 emissions significantly in both lower and upper quantiles (q = 0.10, 0.25 and 0.90). This suggests that by increasing account ownership, the amount of CO2 emissions is reduced in both high- and low-emission countries. Conversely, a higher ATM penetration rate appears to increase the total amount of CO2 emissions significantly at extreme quantiles (q = 0.10 and q = 0.90), while saving positively impacts the emission across both lower and upper quantiles (q = 0.10, q = 0.50, q−0.75 and q = 0.90), though the strength of the relationship is heterogeneous among the quantiles. This implies that financial access (ATM penetration rates and level of saving) among less affluent countries may contribute to higher energy consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions. Furthermore, at the lower and upper quantiles (q = 0.25, q = 0.50 and q = 0.90, an increase in credit availability is associated with a significant increment in carbon emissions. This implies that among the fewer-emission countries, higher levels of credit access lowers carbon emissions. In addition, financial sustainability negatively impacts carbon emissions, across all the quantiles, reflecting access to sustainable finance services and indicating the adoption of sustainable practices. Furthermore, GDP, energy consumption and urbanization appear to increase CO2 emissions both at its extreme ends; at the lower quantile and highest quantile and across models, respectively (q = 0.10, q = 0.25, q = 0.50, q− = 0.75 and q = 0.90). In contrast to the aforementioned, political stability, GDP square and trade openness reduce carbon emission across all quantiles. It is worth noting that there is an increase in carbon emissions due to extensive usage of fossil fuel energy, industrialization and the race to a higher standard of living. In contrast, trade openness has a negative impact in lower quantiles (q = 0.10 and 0.25). It might be possible that trade openness and political stability can reduce emissions through technology transfer, improved environmental regulations and a stable political environment.

4.2 Robustness test results

To verify the robustness of basic regression results, we analyzed the impact of financial inclusion indicators (account ownership, atm penetration, savings and credits) on carbon emission during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results are presented in Supplementary Table S3. Firstly, across all four models, account ownership, ATM penetration, savings and credits exhibited a positive relationship with carbon emissions. The results in Table S3 demonstrated that account ownership, ATM penetration, savings and credits contribute to increased carbon emissions by 12%, 28%, 19% and 37%, respectively. This could be attributed to the fact that enhanced financial inclusion leads to greater economic activity, resulting in higher energy consumption and subsequently increased carbon emission (Du, Wu, Zhang, Lei, & Saeed, 2022). Secondly, we observed a negative and significant impact of financial sustainability and the Covid-19 dummy variable on carbon emissions across the models. This could be because the Covid-19 pandemic led to a more prolonged and widespread lockdown, resulting in a decrease in economic activity, agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and transportation activities, thus reducing carbon emissions (Ray, Singh, Singh, Acharya, & He, 2022). Also, the negative association with financial sustainability suggests that environmentally sustainable financial practices, such as investments in green technologies or renewable energy sources, may help mitigate carbon emissions. Furthermore, the interaction effect between the Covid-19 period and financial sustainability, as well as each financial indicator, also has a negative and significant relationship with carbon emissions. This indicates that financial activity disruptions and a decrease in money supply made investors hesitant to make new investments and also delayed ongoing capital investment projects due to the Covid-19 pandemic (Anser et al., 2021); this, coupled with a focus on sustainable financial practices, led to a decrease in carbon emission. Moreover, the control variables are consistent with basic results, further validating the robustness of our findings.

4.3 Discussion

Developing economies face a significant challenge in mitigating climate risks, as these nations possess the potential for rapid economic development that may inadvertently harm the environment. In this regard, our results of financial inclusion accelerate carbon emissions due to financial inclusion. This indicates that the conventional policies intended to promote financial inclusion in these nations are not aligned with their commitment to ecological welfare objectives. The results of the positive relationship between financial inclusion and carbon emission can be attributed to the fact that developing nations can be linked to an increase in energy demand from both the production and consumption side. The plausible reason for this is that the availability of ATMs and bank branches enhances access to financial services and involves the construction and operation of physical infrastructure, resulting in higher energy usage. In addition, the energy associated with operating ATMs' electricity usage and maintenance, increased savings and access to credits enables individuals and businesses to pursue personal and economic goals by spending on carbon-intensive goods and services, industrial expansion and infrastructure. Given the heavy reliance on fossil fuels in developing countries, it is anticipated that the rise in energy demand caused by financial inclusion will lead to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions. In the same vein, as the economy experiences growth and its domestic output level increases, it induces a corresponding surge in energy demands, ultimately leading to elevated levels of carbon emission (Liu, Sinha, Destek, Alharthi, & Zafar, 2022).

On the other hand, the finding of a negative nexus between financial sustainability and carbon emission can be explained by encouraging the development and implementation of financing renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind power, which reduce reliance on fossil fuels and consequently reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Besides green financing, it can direct capital toward low-carbon and sustainable initiatives, thereby contributing further to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, financial sustainability can incorporate climate risk assessments, allowing for the identification and mitigation of climate-related investment risks. In addition, it assists businesses in adopting sustainable practices, integrating environmental considerations into strategies and promoting eco-friendly supply chains, which ultimately result in emission reductions throughout the entire value chain. Furthermore, the strengthening of climate change by international and domestic regulatory frameworks like the Paris Agreement (2015) and the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCE) (1985) has strengthened the call to the financial community to foster financial sustainability. Thereby, there is a pressure on banks to encourage credit financing for renewable energy projects, green financing energy initiatives and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

The other key findings confirm that economic growth can exacerbate carbon dioxide emissions. This observation is especially pertinent for African nations that are experiencing economic growth and rely primarily on non-renewable energy sources. In these nations, economic activities undertaken are creating a trade-off between pursuing increased economic growth and grappling with intensified environmental challenges. Linking it with the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) theory suggests that the selected African nations have attained a critical threshold of economic growth, indicating that it is time to adopt and implement policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions. Furthermore, another finding of this study confirms that energy consumption and urbanization positively impact carbon emissions in African countries. The scenario can be attributed to the increased combustion of energy (fossil fuels), which contributes to the overall increase in emissions by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere (Peter & Ndubuisi, 2022). Furthermore, urbanization leads to an increase in emissions since urbanization fuels the demand for fossil energy. Besides, it induces waste generation and deforestation due to urban expansion. These findings are in line with Erdoğan et al.’s (2022) study on African countries.

Another key finding derived from this study is regarding political stability and trade openness being linked with the reduction of carbon emissions. Political stability permits the establishment of regulatory frameworks that incentivize the adoption of sustainable practices and renewable energy sources. Therefore, there is a greater likelihood of implementing and maintaining consistent environmental policies and practices in nations with stable political systems, supporting past studies in the African context (e.g. Abid, 2016). Lastly, the scenario in which trade openness reduces can be attributed to the fact that trade openness increases access to advanced technologies and knowledge from more environmentally advanced nations. This is consistent with the trade-related “pollution halo hypothesis” (Cole, Elliott, & Fredriksson, 2006), which posits that trade openness has a positive environmental effect because countries with stricter environmental regulations tend to specialize in cleaner industries and export environmentally friendly goods and services.

5. Conclusion and policy implications

Rapid economic expansion in African countries accelerates CO2 emissions, creating a challenging trade-off between economic benefits and environmental costs. This trade-off is exacerbated by the widespread use of fossil fuels in many African countries, which makes it difficult to accomplish economic expansion without causing environmental degradation. Despite the advocation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change in the reduction of CO2 emissions, the rising level of financial inclusion and financial development has contributed to increasing CO2 emissions. Under the given circumstances, it is of paramount importance to identify effective strategies to mitigate the carbon emissions faced by African countries. Against this backdrop, the primary objective of this research was to examine the impact of financial inclusion and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions with financial sustainability as a moderator in 17 African economies. Several control variables were introduced into the study to guarantee accurate and dependable results. These control variables included energy consumption, GDP growth, GDP per capita, trade liberalization, urbanization and political stability. The effect of financial inclusion on CO2 emissions in the African context was analysed using panel fixed effect and quantile regression.

The econometric results suggest that financial inclusion does not significantly contribute to emission reduction in African countries. However, the results reveal that financial sustainability moderates the association between financial inclusion and CO2 emissions. As evidenced by the findings of this study, financial sustainability does not only reduce CO2 emissions, but it further reduces the positive effects of account ownership, atm penetration rate and credits on CO2 emissions. Therefore, financial sustainability measured as bank credit to bank deposits and liquid assets to deposits and short-term funding can mitigate carbon emissions through initiatives like expanding access to green financing, renewable energy projects and factoring in climate risk when determining loan terms reduce the carbon emission. In addition, economic growth, energy consumption and urbanization have a strong positive correlation with CO2 emissions. On the other hand, it was discovered that political stability and trade openness have a negative relationship with CO2 emissions.

Based on these important findings, we propose a series of crucial carbon emission mitigation policies. Firstly, to effectively address the environmental challenges associated with promoting financial inclusion, it is essential for African economies to simultaneously promote financial inclusivity and environmental sustainability. These nations must identify the financial risks which are pertinent to the increase in carbon emissions and take proactive steps to align their financial services with sustainable practices. In addition, the implementation of green financial initiatives that provide incentives for investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable technologies should be investigated to mitigate the negative environmental effects of promoting financial inclusion. Secondly, increasing the sources of financial sustainability can meet the financing of carbon storage, carbon capture and alternative renewable energy that is cost-efficient and results in the reduction of CO2 emissions. The government must assess the degree of financial inclusion practices and how each phase and every activity affect CO2 emission. This will help to plan adequately in the distribution of alternative energy sources into different locations to meet households' and corporates’ energy requirements and needs. For instance, hot and sunny locations may be operated using solar-based ATMs to reduce the CO2 emissions generated by ATMs. This supports that a solar-based PV power generation system is expected to reduce CO2 emissions between 69-100 million tons by 2030 (Hosenuzzaman et al., 2015). Thirdly, incorporating climate risk assessments into financial decision-making processes can assist in identifying and managing environmental hazards associated with investments. In addition, capacity-building programs should be implemented to improve financial literacy and environmental awareness, thereby empowering individuals and businesses to make sustainable decisions. Moreover, strict regulatory frameworks should be created and enforced to promote environmentally responsible lending practices and support sustainable initiatives. Fourthly, African economies must swiftly switch to using more renewable energy sources and less fossil fuels to power their economies. To make this change, substantial funds must be invested in R&D to improve renewable electricity generation technology. Fifthly, African countries should encourage ecologically friendly economic growth that does not trade environmental well-being for greater economic growth. Sixthly, urban planning sustainability should be prioritized for mitigating urbanization-led carbon emissions in African countries. Furthermore, a significant aspect of this approach involves that meeting the escalating urban energy demand through the utilization of clean energy resources (solar, wind and hydropower) can diminish their dependence on fossil fuels and effectively mitigate associated carbon emissions.

Lastly, our study has a practical impact on environmental sustainability in Africa through sustainable cash notes. The use of sustainable cotton-fiber paper in the production of banknotes can reduce the negative environmental impacts of cash. Finland, the Netherlands and other members of the Joint Euro Tender (JET) across eight Euro countries are adopting the use of sustainable cotton paper via the application of a protective varnish layer to enhance the durability of banknotes (Bank of Finland, 2020).


Growth in currency in circulation (i.e. narrow money) between 2006 and 2016

Figure 1

Growth in currency in circulation (i.e. narrow money) between 2006 and 2016

Financial inclusion, financial sustainability, and CO2 emissions

Variablesln CO2 emissionsln CO2 emissionsln CO2 emissionsln CO2 emissionsln CO2 emissions
ln accounts ownership−0.050***−0.245***
ln ATM penetration rate0.200* 0.681***
(0.120) (0.088)
ln savings0.151** 0.2672**
(0.066) (0.066)
ln credits0.221*** 0.175***
(0.045) (0.057)
ln financial sustainability−0.434***−0.070*−0.126***−0.246***−0.091**
The role of financial sustainability
ln accounts ownership * ln financial sustainability −0.012***
ln ATM penetration rate * ln financial sustainability −0.060*
ln savings * in financial sustainability −0.111***
ln credits * ln financial sustainability −0.080**
GDP per capita0.616***0.756***−0.196**−0.014*0.768***
GDP square−0.457***−0.199*−0.247***−0.593***−0.519***
Energy consumption0.843***0.629***0.407***0.961***1.096***
Political stability−0.564***−0.900***−0.641***−0.683***−1.011***
Trade openness−0.849***−0.399***−0.982***−0.764***−0.784***
Adj R20.9370.9490.9380.8730.931
Country dummiesYesYesYesYesYes
Year dummiesYesYesYesYesYes

Note(s): The data used in estimating the results from columns (1)-(5) were extracted from the World Development Indicators. In brackets, t values are reported. *, ** and *** are significant at 10%, 5% and 1% level, respectively

Source(s): Analysis provided by authors

Marginal effects (using partial differentiation) of financial sustainability using the interaction model of Brambor and Golder (2006) ME=[CO2emissionsfinancialinclusion=β1+β4financialsustainabilityit]

The measures of financial inclusion
Accounts ownershipATM penetration rateSavingsCredits
(0.563)(0.704) (0.077)(0.505)
(0.056)(0.384)(0.08) (0.002)

Note(s): The data used in estimating the results from columns (1)-(4) were extracted from the World Development Indicators

***, ** and * denote significant at the 1, 5 and 10% levels, respectively. Values in the parentheses (.) indicate the standard errors. ME = marginal effect

Source(s): Analysis provided by author

Quantile regression of CO2 emissions, financial inclusion and financial sustainability [Qq(yit|xit)=xitθ(q)]

Variables0.10 (1)0.25 (2)0.50 (3)0.75 (4)0.90 (5)
Accounts ownership−0.052***−0.046***−0.053***−0.057***−0.042***
ATM penetration0.281*0.1550.1740.1890.0625*
Financial sustainability−0.452***−0.472***−0.447***−0.357***−0.341***
GDP per capita0.935***0.663***0.636***0.588***0.606***
Energy consumption0.631***0.756***0.720***0.826***0.748***
Political stability−0.525***−0.602***−0.584***−0.578***−0.648***
Trade openness−0.644***−0.795***−0.757***−0.797***−0.691***

Note(s): The data used in estimating the results from columns (1)-(5) were extracted from the World Development Indicators

In brackets, t values are reported. *, ** and *** are significant at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. The equation is explained as follows. The elements of the parameter vector θ give the marginal effect of the corresponding explanatory variable. The notation θ(q) highlights the presence of a potentially different parameter vector at each respective quantile q of the distribution

Source(s): Analysis provided by author

Currency-CO2 emissions impact (mean 2004-2014)

CountryCO2 from automated teller machines (per 100,000 adults)CO2 emissions from bank branches (per 100,000 adults)CO2 from ATMs as a percentage of total CO2 emissions (per 100,000 adults)CO2 from bank branches as a percentage of total CO2 emissions (per 100,000 adults)
Burkina Faso1.4251162.6990.05560.060
Cabo Verde46.46617235.5729.2363482.817
Central African Republic0.586423.6970.206156.033
Congo, Dem. Rep0.422356.8930.01417.133
Congo, Rep2.6031194.0680.11860.877
Cote d'Ivoire3.0001955.7850.03324.641
Egypt, Arab Rep9.8052751.3270.0051.418
Equatorial Guinea3.7052073.5370.07241.518
Sao Tome and Principe10.10511468.3219.10011117.126
Sierra Leone0.2211030.2610.029141.190
South Africa60.8655410.6950.0131.152

Note(s): We computed the average CO2 emissions from automated teller machines and bank branches using the methodology of McCook (2014). McCook (2014) found that 600,000 bank branches emit 383.1 million tons of CO2 emissions per year. This amounts to an average of 638.5 tons emitted per branch in a year. We then multiply 638.5 by the number of bank branches in each of the countries annually. About 3.2 million CO2 emissions are emitted from 2,394,700 ATMs in the world annually (McCook, 2014). By calculation, each ATM emits 1.336 tons of CO2 emissions per year. We adopt the same process as in bank branches

Source(s): Analysis provided by author

Description of variables

CO2 emissionThe total carbon dioxide emission from the consumption of energy measured in million metric tonsEuropean Union Publication on CO2 and GHG emissions, WDI
Financial inclusionAccounts ownership (automated teller machines per 100,000 adults)WDI
ATM penetration Rate (bank branches per 100,000 adults)WDI
Savings (deposit accounts with commercial banks per 1000 adults)WDI
Credits (borrowers from commercial banks per 1000 adults)WDI
Financial sustainabilityBank credit to bank deposits (%)WDI
Liquid assets to deposits and short-term funding (%)WDI
GDPGDP per capita (constant 2015 US$)WDI
GDP squareSquare of GDP per capita (constant 2015 US$)
Energy consumptionEnergy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita)WDI
Urban populationThe population is measured in millions of persons to indicate urbanizationWDI
Trade openness(Exports + imports (BoP, current US$)/GDPWDI
Political stabilityPerceptions of political instability, politically motivated violence, including terrorismWDI

Note(s): This table presents variables used in this paper and sources of raw data. *WDI is World Development Indicator

Source(s): Table provided by author

Financial inclusion, Covid-19 and CO2 emissions

VariablesCO2 emissions (1)CO2 emissions (2)CO2 emissions (3)CO2 emissions (4)
Accounts ownership0.116*
ATM penetration .0276**
Savings 0.189***
Credit 0.366***
Financial sustainability−0.203***−0.177***−0.096**−0.268***
Covid. dummy−0.230*−0.271**−0.1453*−0.297***
The role of Covid-19
Account ownership* Covid*Sustainability−0.063*
ATM penetration* Covid*sustainability −0.069**
Savings* Covid* sustainability −0.025**
Credits* Covid* sustainability −0.036**
GDP square−0.664***−1.595***−1.787***−1.360***
Energy consumption0.968***2.091***1.068***0.011
Trade openness−0.863***−0.803***−0.632***−0.602***
Political stability−0.404***−0.629***−0.536***−0.713***
Adj R20.8910.9410.9670.948
Country dummiesYesYesYesYes
Year dummiesYesYesYesYes

Note(s): The data used in estimating the results from columns (1)-(4) were extracted from the World Development Indicators. In brackets, t values are reported. *, ** and *** are significant at 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively

Source(s): Analysis provided by author

Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

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Further reading

Su, C. W., Umar, M., Kirikkaleli, D., Awosusi, A. A., & Altuntaş, M. (2023). Testing the asymmetric effect of financial stability towards carbon neutrality target: The case of Iceland and global comparison. Gondwana Research, 116(April), 125135. doi: 10.1016/

The World Bank World development indicators. Washington. DC. Available from: (accessed 15 February 2020).

Corresponding author

Shahida Rasheed can be contacted at:

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