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Are you a trend setter or a straggler? Social drivers and customer shift toward co-creating value with self-service technologies

Badra Sandamali Galdolage (Department of Marketing Management, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka)

International Journal of Emerging Markets

ISSN: 1746-8809

Article publication date: 23 November 2022

Issue publication date: 13 August 2024




Future service interactions are anticipated to use humanoid robots in a society that is shifting to a digitalized era. Currently, it is evident that many businesses are replacing service interactions with self-service technologies (SSTs). This movement creates substantial societal changes that researchers have not paid sufficient attention to comprehend. In this setting, the purpose of this study is to examine the social drivers that influence customer mobility toward co-creating value via SSTs. The study also seeks to discover variations in customers' willingness and capacity to adopt SSTs.


To fulfill the research aims, a qualitative technique was adopted, with semistructured interviews conducted with 25 SST users from varied demographic backgrounds. To recruit individuals for the study, a nonprobabilistic purposeful sampling technique was adopted, with the goal of employing information-rich instances. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis.


The study identified eight social drivers that are important in the customer transition toward co-creating value with SSTs. According to the study, SSTs are characterized as a social trend in which adoption is accepted (social norm) and modifies social connections in a new direction. Using SSTs has evolved into a socializing tool that gives people social acknowledgment. Some people see SSTs as social pressure, putting them at a disadvantage if they do not adopt. People, on the other hand, acquire sufficient social support and independence to use SSTs. Customers were categorized into four groups depending on their willingness and ability to embrace SSTs: trendsetters, dreamers, old-fashioned and stragglers.

Practical implications

In practice, service providers can use this knowledge to successfully promote their SSTs and create enhanced client experiences through technological interfaces.


The study adds new knowledge by identifying social determinants in customer shifts toward SSTs, a phenomenon that has not been studied previously, and it adds to marketing theory by proposing a typology to group customers based on their ability and willingness to embrace SSTs.



The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their excellent reviewer suggestions in completing this study.


Galdolage, B.S. (2024), "Are you a trend setter or a straggler? Social drivers and customer shift toward co-creating value with self-service technologies", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 19 No. 9, pp. 2366-2384.



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