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Échele Cabeza as a harm reduction project and activist movement in Colombia

Mauro Díaz Moreno (Corporación Acción Técnica Social, Bogotá, Colombia)
Nathalia Alarcón Ayala (Corporación Acción Técnica Social, Bogotá, Colombia)
Yarelix Estrada (Corporación Acción Técnica Social, Bogotá, Colombia and The New York City Psychedelic Society, New York City, New York, USA)
Vannesa Morris (Corporación Acción Técnica Social, Bogotá, Colombia)
Julián Quintero (Corporación Acción Técnica Social, Bogotá, Colombia and The New York City Psychedelic Society, New York City, New York, USA)

Drugs, Habits and Social Policy

ISSN: 2752-6739

Article publication date: 24 November 2022

Issue publication date: 7 December 2022




The purpose of this paper is to present the results and context of the drug checking service (DCS) performed by the harm reduction project Échele Cabeza (EC) in Colombia.


Data from several years are presented with a focus on data from 2021. In 2021, data were derived from 2,339 questionnaires filled out by DCS users and a total of 2,868 drug checking test results from samples collected at the fixed-site service in Bogotá and 30 music festivals in 8 cities nationwide.


The tusi phenomenon is gaining strength in Colombia revealing a problem associated with the changing makeup of tusi and, thus, polydrug use. MDMA adulteration and misrepresentations have increased in comparison to 2019. There is an increasing number of people who want to use the DCS in Colombia, which is encouraging but also exposes the limitations of the drug checking methods available to EC.


This paper offers the first publication of the pioneering drug checking organization EC in Latin America.



Díaz Moreno, M., Alarcón Ayala, N., Estrada, Y., Morris, V. and Quintero, J. (2022), "Échele Cabeza as a harm reduction project and activist movement in Colombia", Drugs, Habits and Social Policy, Vol. 23 No. 3, pp. 263-276.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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