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Social capital and national innovation system: a cross-country analysis

Sepehr Ghazinoory (Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran)
Ali Bitaab (Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran)
Ardeshir Lohrasbi (University of Illinois Springfield, Springfield, Illinois, USA)

Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal

ISSN: 1352-7606

Article publication date: 30 September 2014




In the last two decades, researchers have paid much attention to the role of cultural values on economic and social development. In particular, the crucial role of different aspects of culture on the development of innovation has been stressed in the literature. Consequently, it is vital to understand how social capital, as a core cultural value, affects the innovation process and the innovative performance at the national level. However, to date, the impact of different dimensions of social capital and innovation has not been properly portrayed or explained. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of four different dimensions of social capital (institutional and interpersonal, associational life and norms) on two of the main functions of national innovation system (NIS) (entrepreneurship and knowledge creation) based on over 50,000 observations in 34 countries.


In this regard, national-level data from the World Values Survey database was employed to quantify social capital. Entrepreneurship is, in turn, assumed to consist of three sub-indexes and 14 indicators based on the Global Entrepreneurship Index. Knowledge creation is also measured through US Patent Office applications. Also, exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling approach were used to build the measurement model and investigate the impact that each factor of social capital had on entrepreneurship and knowledge application, respectively. Measurement and structural models were built and their reliability and validity were tested using various fit indices. Research findings suggest the strong positive effect of institutional trust and networking on entrepreneurship. Also, interpersonal trust and networks were shown to have high influence on knowledge development at the national level. Norms appear to have naïve to medium negative effects on both functions.


Research findings suggest the strong positive effect of institutional trust and networking on entrepreneurship. Also, interpersonal trust and networks were shown to have high influence on knowledge development at the national level. Norms appear to have naïve to medium negative effects on both functions.


However, to date, the impact of different dimensions of social capital and innovation has not been properly portrayed or explained.



Ghazinoory, S., Bitaab, A. and Lohrasbi, A. (2014), "Social capital and national innovation system: a cross-country analysis", Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 453-475.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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