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Monetization of first questions by text mining: how do peer patients respond to online health information in a Q&A forum?

Dingyu Shi (Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin, China)
Xiaofei Zhang (Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin, China)
Libo Liu (Department of Business Technology and Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Australia)
Preben Hansen (Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden)
Xuguang Li (School of Information Management, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China)

Aslib Journal of Information Management

ISSN: 2050-3806

Article publication date: 11 January 2024




Online health question-and-answer (Q&A) forums have developed a new business model whereby listeners (peer patients) can pay to read health information derived from consultations between askers (focal patients) and answerers (physicians). However, research exploring the mechanism behind peer patients' purchase decisions and the specific nature of the information driving these decisions has remained limited. This study aims to develop a theoretical model for understanding how peer patients make such decisions based on limited information, i.e. the first question displayed in each focal patient-physician interaction record, considering argument quality (interrogative form and information details) and source credibility (patient experience of focal patients), including the contingent role of urgency.


The model was tested by text mining 1,960 consultation records from a popular Chinese online health Q&A forum on the Yilu App. These records involved interactions between focal patients and physicians and were purchased by 447,718 peer patients seeking health-related information until this research.


Patient experience embedded in focal patients' questions plays a significant role in inducing peer patients to purchase previous consultation records featuring exchanges between focal patients and physicians; in particular, increasingly detailed information is associated with a reduced probability of making a purchase. When focal patients demonstrate a high level of urgency, the effect of information details is weakened, while the interrogative form is strengthened.


The originality of this study lies in its exploration of the monetization mechanism forming the trilateral relationship between askers (focal patients), answerers (physicians) and listeners (peer patients) in the business model “paying to view others' answers” in the online health Q&A forum and the moderating role of urgency in explaining the mechanism of how first questions influence peer patients' purchasing behavior.



This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No: 72271131), Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by Tianjin (No: TJSQNTJ-2020-12) and the Taishan Scholar Project Special Fund.

Since submission of this article, the following author have updated their affiliations: Dingyu Shi is at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore, Singapore.


Shi, D., Zhang, X., Liu, L., Hansen, P. and Li, X. (2024), "Monetization of first questions by text mining: how do peer patients respond to online health information in a Q&A forum?", Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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