The conference

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal

ISSN: 0951-3574

Article publication date: 29 April 2014



L'Huillier, B.M. (2014), "The conference", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 27 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

The conference

Article Type: Literature and insights From: Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Volume 27, Issue 4

The call for papers goes out
The theme “Sustainability”
No surprises there
For we read about it almost daily
And hear it on the news:
“The world is heating up!”
We’re told to change our ways

“The world is in great peril,” the keynote speakers cry
“We must reduce our carbon footprint
We must reduce our waste
We must conserve our fossil fuels
We must reduce consumption
We must live sustainably
If the human race is to survive!” they grimly exclaim.

We’re told we need to re-design our products and services
Our lifestyles and our goals
And so we say “Yes” at the conference
We’ll lead the charge
We’ll incorporate sustainability in our courses
We’ll use our influence over our students
And encourage a change in thinking.

“Zero waste can be achieved,” we’ll tell our students
“Zero carbon footprint is the ultimate goal
All it requires is a will to change
And some thought,”
Not to mention zero growth
A concept hard to swallow in the heady days
Of performance based bonuses.

But then I look around me;
What of our conference venue?
Is it sustainable?
Alas, I think not!
The flashest hotel in the city
With lights on during the day
And not a solar panel to be seen!

What of our conference dinner
Held across the street?
A restaurant lit up like a Christmas tree
And still no solar panels to be seen;
Food and drink magnificent
But wait, how was it all produced?
Sustainably I hope!

Sustainability – what a noble cause
We’ll teach it with a passion
We will write books and papers on it
Give lectures and interviews on it
But when it comes to conferences on it
Will we insist on practicing what we preach?
Or, will we just enjoy the fruits of unsustainable consumerism?

Barbara Marie L'Huillier
Department of Finance and Accounting, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al-Khobar, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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