
International Case Studies in the Management of Disasters

ISBN: 978-1-83982-187-5, eISBN: 978-1-83982-186-8

Publication date: 30 November 2020


(2020), "Prelims", George, B. and Mahar, Q. (Ed.) International Case Studies in the Management of Disasters (Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xv.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

International Case Studies in the Management of Disasters

Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations

Series editors: Maximiliano E. Korstanje and Hugues Seraphin

Since the turn of the century, the international rules surrounding security and safety have significantly changed, specifically within the tourism industry. In the age of globalization, terrorism and conflict have moved beyond individual high-profile targets; instead, tourists, travellers and journalists are at risk. In response to this shift, the series invites authors and scholars to contribute to the conversation surrounding tourism security and post-conflict destinations.

The series features monographs and edited collections to create a critical platform which not only explores the dichotomies of tourism from the theory of mobilities, but also provides an insightful guide for policy makers, specialists and social scientists interested in the future of tourism in a society where uncertainness, anxiety and fear prevail.

Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations explores research approaches and perspectives from a wide range of ideological backgrounds to discuss topics such as:

  • Studies related to comparative cross-cultural perceptions of risk and threat

  • Natural and human-caused disasters

  • Post-disaster recovery strategies in tourism and hospitality

  • Terror movies and tourism

  • Aviation safety and security

  • Crime and security issues in tourism and hospitality

  • Political instability, terrorism and tourism

  • Thana-tourism

  • War on terror and Muslim-tourism

  • The effects of global warming on tourism destinations

  • Innovative quantitative/qualitative methods for the study of risk and security issues in tourism and hospitality

  • Virus outbreaks and tourism mobility

  • Disasters, trauma and tourism

  • Apocalyptic theories and tourism as a form of entertainment

Title Page

International Case Studies in the Management of Disasters: Natural - Manmade Calamities and Pandemics

Edited by:

Dr. Babu George

Fort Hays State University, USA

Dr. Qamaruddin Mahar

Isra University, Pakistan

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK

First edition 2021

Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited

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ISBN: 978-1-83982-187-5 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83982-186-8 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83982-188-2 (Epub)

About the Contributors

Ali Akbult graduated from Istanbul Gelişim University Architecture Department with a scholarship. He is still at the thesis stage of Istanbul Aydın University Architecture master's program. Also he is still working in Istanbul Parking Facilities, Inc., under the supervision of studies and projects as an architect. Email: .

Ananthi Rajayya is a prolific author of management case studies with 13 years of experience in management education. She has authored 30 case drafts in various disciplines and has been as resource person for FDPs/workshops on case writing and analysis in more than 10 colleges. She is also passionate about participating in competitions and has won best case awards in various case study competitions at national and international level. She may be contacted at .

Anil Yasin Ar received his PhD in International Business and MSc in Organizational Leadership from the Southern New Hampshire University. He is currently Visiting Professor in the Department of International Business and Logistic at Tecnologico de Monterrey. His main research interests are international business strategy, corporate social responsibility, and emerging market firms’ innovative capabilities. He is also teaching international business and management classes. He may be contacted at or .

Babu George is Professor of International Business and Associate Dean in the School of Business, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, USA. He is the co-editor of The Changing Landscape of Global Businesses (2019), Strategies for Promoting Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism Services (2020), and Digital Transformation in Business and Society (2020). He may be contacted at

Darryl Bobb holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He may be contacted at .

Filip Lestan is an Alumni of International Business at the School of Entrepreneurship and Business, Häme University of Applied Sciences Ltd. (HAMK). His research interest includes crisis management, sustainable international business during times of uncertainty. He is a Chief Operation Officer in the small-sized business operating in the Oil and Gas Industry. He may be contacted at .

Frank Haas is President of Marketing Management, a consultancy providing strategic and management services focused on Hospitality and Tourism. He has managed projects for clients in Hawai'i, the US Mainland and Internationally. He has published papers and case studies on Destination Management and Smart Tourism. Email: .

Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Industrial Design Department at Istanbul Aydin University. She received her BArch from Istanbul University, Landscape Architecture Department, and MSc in Landscape Planning Program from Istanbul Technical University. She earned her PhD degree in Landscape Planning Program from Istanbul Technical University. Her major research interests are landscape design, environmental perceptions, and street furniture. She has been an associate editor of A + Arch Design journal of Istanbul Aydin University Architecture and Design Faculty since 2015. Email: .

Jerry Agrusa, PhD is a Professor of Travel Industry Management in the Shidler College of Business at University of Hawaii. He is well regarded for his expertise in research and teaching in the area of hospitality and tourism management. Professor Agrusa may be contacted at .

Jianhua Zhang is Professor and Dean in the School of Economics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. Email: .

John B. Cullen is Professor Emeritus of Washington State University. He received his PhD from Columbia University. He may be contacted at .

Joseph Lema, PhD is Professor/Chair in the Food & Beverage and Event Management Department in the Harrah College of Hospitality at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA. Professor Lema's professional experience includes hospitality industry management in ultracompetitive markets. He is a Fulbright scholar through the US State Department and a US-ASEAN Fulbright Specialist who lectures and conducts research in the area of international hospitality and tourism services. Email: .

Karla Maria Nava-Aguirre (PhD, MBA, BA) is Full Professor of International Business at Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) Business School in Mexico. Dr. Nava has participated as a researcher in international projects, conferences, published articles, and book chapters. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) from CONACYT in México. Email: .

Kinza Yousfani is Assistant Professor in the Management Science Department of Isra University, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Email: .

Kseniia Puzyreva is a research associate at the Centre for German and European Studies, St Petersburg State University – Bielefeld University. Her research interests include sociology of disasters, sociosemantic network analysis, and coevolution of knowledge structures in disaster management. She may be contacted at .

Lena Bucatariu is Faculty member in the area of professional communication in the School of Communication and design of RMIT University, Vietnam. Healthcare management in the special context of mental health in Vietnam is one of her major areas of expertise. Email: .

Manoj Menon brings over 29 years of experience and expertise in strategic information technology planning with special emphasis on the healthcare sector. As CIO of SPOTCHECK, he leads the cutting-edge wellness technology company and introduces innovative solutions to market. Manoj has been credited with Patents. He also has many publications and posters under his name apart from giving numerous presentations at high-profile healthcare conferences. His academic profile encompasses Doctor of Management. He can be contacted at .

Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez (PhD, MBS, Psy) is Full Professor of Management at Universidad EAFIT, Colombia. She is the regional chapter chair for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Academy of International Business (AIB-LAC) (2018–2021). Dr. Gonzalez-Perez has published 16 books, over 60 academic peer-reviewed papers. Email: .

Maximiliano E. Korstanje is a leading global cultural theorist specializing in terrorism, mobilities, and tourism. Dr. Korstanje serves as Senior Researcher at the University of Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality. In 2015, he was Visiting Professor at the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies (CERS) at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom; TIDES at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, in 2017, and the University of La Habana, Cuba, in 2018. Email: .

Miguel Cordova Espinoza (PhD(c), MBA, Eng) is an Associate Professor of Management at PUCP, Peru. His research interests are Power and Influence, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, and Entrepreneurship. He was a visiting professor at INSEEC Business School in Paris, UDD in Santiago, ESADE in Barcelona, and UDEM in Monterrey. Email: .

Nikita Basov is a senior researcher at St Petersburg State University and scientific manager of the Centre for German and European Studies, St Petersburg State University – Bielefeld University. His research interests include cultural sociology and sociosemantic network analysis. He may be contacted at .

Peter Mameli is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Management at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He may be contacted at .

K. Praveen Parboteeah is the inaugural COBE Distinguished Professor and Director of the Doctor of Business Administration program at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He may be contacted at .

Qamaruddin Mahar is Associate Professor of Management at Isra University, Pakistan. He coordinated the Collaborative Research Program between Ball State University, USA, and Isra University, funded by the U.S Department of State (2012-2015). He also served as a book and monograph reviewer for the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan during (2017-18). Email:

Sahrok Kim is Assistant Professor of Management at California State University, Stanislaus. He received his PhD from Washington State University. His research interests include disruptive innovation and the effects of cultural values and social institutions on ethical, crisis management, and other managerial outcomes. He may be contacted at .

Sajal Kabiraj is a Principal Lecturer of Strategy and International Business at the School of Entrepreneurship and Business, Häme University of Applied Sciences Ltd. (HAMK). He has received Best Teacher Award – 2008, 2011, 2014, 2018, Xinghai Friendship Award – 2015 (Municipal Gov't. of Dalian, PR China), Outstanding Contribution Award – 2018 (DUFE, PR China). He may be contacted at .

Smarty Mukundan is a Member of Faculty, at State Bank Institute of Leadership (SBIL), an apex training Institute of SBI at Kolkata. She has been training and teaching aspiring management graduates, consultants, and technocrats in HR and OB and skills development for the past 17 years. Her research interests lie in Emotional Intelligence, Conflict management, Leadership, and HR analytics and has published several research articles, coauthored a book on analytics, and a peer reviewer for some top international management journals. She may be contacted at .

Thomas R Panko is Professor Emeritus in the School of Criminal Justice, Forensic Science and Security, at University of Southern Mississippi, USA. His research interests include criminal justice, safety, security, and crisis management.

Tony L. Henthorne is currently a professor in the William F. Harrah College of Hospitality at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA. Previously, he investigated emergency management topics in the contexts of the Tsunami that hit the Indian Ocean countries (2004) and the Hurricane Katrina that hit the US Gulf Coast (2005). He may be contacted at .

Vivake Anand is Assistant Professor in the Management Science Department of Isra University, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Email: .

Zakkariya K.A. Professor in Management and the Director of DDU KAUSHAL Kendra (a center for vocational studies) at Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India, with more than two decades of experience in teaching and research. He has published over 70 research papers in reputed national and international journals and is reviewer of half a dozen top international journals. He has been a member in various academic and administrative bodies of different universities in India. He may be contacted at .


We live under the constant spell of disasters and they seem to be outpace our abilities to predict them. We were no more cognizant about the emergence of COVID-19 hitting us than the previous generation knew about the devastating arrival of the Spanish flu. Does this mean, the study of disasters is of no practical use? The answer is a resounding “no”. For one thing, certain disasters are truly outlier events and our incapacity to predict them need not be overblown. What matters is whether we are better prepared to deal with it when something of a similar kind hits us. We did learn about managing pandemics from the previous outbreaks and this knowledge is currently being used. Of course, management, even as we term it a scientific process, is also muddled with the compulsions of our political and public administration leadership. These complex equations make it difficult to fully leverage the accumulated knowledge from previous crises with emerging crises.

While the COVID-19 pandemic is a current worldwide pandemic mentioned in the same breath as the plague of the seventeenth century in Europe, and the outbreak of influenza in 1918–1919, I have experienced the disastrous wrath of nature in the form of hurricanes. Three remain vividly etched in my memory. While going through the chapters of this book, my own memories of living through those disasters quickly came to mind. I had a scholar's understanding of these calamities but that alone was insufficient.

Betsy hit Louisiana the day I arrived in Baton Rouge in September 1965. I was born and raised in Michigan but had transferred universities. I had no idea what hurricanes were like but found out that night as Betsy tracked through and hammered the state capital. I was holed up in a hotel and can still hear the fury and howling of the storm. The next morning, I went to the top of the state capital and surveyed the damage. Uprooted trees, damage to buildings, and many other reminders left in the storm's wake. What a reception to my new home!.

Camille hit the Gulf Coast in August 1969 with the highest windspeed at landfall ever recorded – worldwide. 190 miles per hour. Devastation on the coast, only an hour's drive, was horrendous but what really got my attention was the flooding, about three feet of water in my in-law's home. That water also brought in snakes and swarms of fire ants riding on the water, two critters I can do without.

Katrina in August 2005 flooded about 80% of New Orleans. Thousands sought refuge in the Superdome. Category 4 and 5 hurricanes cause so much damage, displacement, and death. Official hurricane season is June 1 to November 30 but peak activity occurs from mid-August to late October.

Living in the Pine Belt of Mississippi just an hour’s drive from the Gulf Coast provided no escape from Katrina’s fury. A few personal examples: tree limbs from towering pines punched through the roof and into my living room and bedroom. Electric power was out for three weeks (thankfully, I had purchased a generation specifically for such purpose) as was phone service. It took two full days and several eighteen-wheeler truckloads to clear my subdivision’s main street. The physical and social constraints on living are enormous when a hurricane pummels an area. Every crisis is different but, in the end, all people want and need it to be over. As I write, hurricane season has officially opened and there is a tropical depression whose projected cone has Baton Rouge in the center. Although it is not certain whether this will develop into a hurricane, it is predicted to bring large amounts of rain. Its counterclockwise motion will assuredly bring much precipitation to south Mississippi where I reside.

Residents living near the Gulf Coast are accustomed to standard hurricane warnings and instructions. Tracking maps are widely available and contain information on safe places if needed. Based on studies and experiences with many previous hurricanes, protocols have been developed for precrisis, crisis, and postcrisis circumstances. Steady PSAs on radio and television advise on a storm's progress, direction, and strength. As is the case with any disaster, information is key in reducing losses and returning to normalcy.

COVID-19 has killed hundreds of thousands of people and put many more in hospitals and other medical settings. The final total is far from being determined. Social distancing, wearing of masks, and self-quarantining are among the coping measures until a vaccine can be developed. Each measure must be closely followed because, contrary to the visible havoc a hurricane can wreak, the coronavirus like the plague, influenza, and other medical afflictions is invisible and does not leave readily observable scars on the landscape. However, the fear of contracting the virus exerts immense psychological pressure. In the end, its “costs” (social, economic, etc.) can be just as great or even more devastating than the physical forces of our world. Our understanding of disasters and coping methodologies is enhanced by studies such as those contained in this book.

General, universally valid theories of disasters or their management are neither possible nor feasible. For the best possible practical impact, there is need for developing nuance-laden case studies that touch upon specific disasters, yet presented in a manner as to integrate these with the wider body of literature on disaster management. It is refreshing to see this compendium of case studies taking shape at a time when it most needed. To reassert its timeliness, a substantial number of contributions in it connect with topics related to COVID-19. Case studies on other topics, drawn from a diverse mix of international contexts, make the book worthy of reading for a greater cross section of readership.

I am impressed that the contributions in this volume have impacts far beyond academia attributable, in part, to the nature of the topics and also because of the credentials of the contributors. The contributors come from a diverse range of disciplinary and practice areas, offering a wide variety of perspectives upon disaster management. They include sociologists, economists, psychologists, geologists, ecologists, technocrats, and business management consultants, among others. This book is significantly interdisciplinary in nature, with management studies as its interlinking element.

The disaster preparedness aspect of the case studies will be of most interest to planners and public policy makers. While case studies in rehabilitation part will be of greatest interest to psychologists, those focusing on the economic impacts of disasters will be of more interest to economists. All the case studies, in one way or another, showcase real-world disaster management practices that will be of immense use in planning for and mitigating impacts.

I earnestly hope this book will be a valuable reference guide for disaster management practitioners and a supplementary educational resource in the graduate courses in related areas.

Thomas R. Panko, PhD

Professor Emeritus,

School of Criminal Justice, Forensic Science and Security,

University of Southern Mississippi, USA
