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Why and Where: Labour Market Security as a Push-pull Factor

Why Do People Migrate?

ISBN: 978-1-83867-750-3, eISBN: 978-1-83867-747-3

Publication date: 16 September 2019


The main aim of this chapter is to analyse the impact of labour market security on contemporary Polish labour migrants’ choices and perceptions of their destination countries. Qualitative and quantitative empirical data were used to explain the differences between two main states enjoying popularity as destination countries for the migrants from Poland: the United Kingdom and Germany. The concepts of Varieties of Capitalism and of social models were used to explain differences between the analysed countries. Presented data confirm that some of the migrants choose countries where they can accomplish labour market security through job security (i.e. Germany), while others find their way better in countries where the model based on employment security is favoured (i.e. the United Kingdom). Special attention was also paid to Ukrainian workers in Poland, who prefer some elements of employment security alongside income security.



Górecki, M.A., Matuszczyk, K. and Stec, M. (2019), "Why and Where: Labour Market Security as a Push-pull Factor", Duszczyk, M. (Ed.) Why Do People Migrate?, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 105-129.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019, Maciej A. Górecki, Kamil Matuszczyk and Monika Stec