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Understanding Eastern European Cultures: Towards an Integrated, Multiparadigmatic and Complex Approach

Understanding National Culture and Ethics in Organizations

ISBN: 978-1-83867-023-8, eISBN: 978-1-83867-022-1

Publication date: 30 September 2020


This conceptual chapter, based on literature review, aims to elaborate an integrative approach to the study of cultural differences/convergence within and across the borders of Eastern European countries, in order to conciliate the two theoretical perspectives prevailing in the debate on cultural diversity management: the emic and the etic theoretical stances.

This chapter tries to propose a ‘third way’ to cultural analysis that includes the two perspectives, within a wider and complex multiparadigmatic and pluralistic framework, with a specific focus on Eastern European cultures.

Eastern European countries represent a sort of ideal construction that includes several countries, characterized by different trajectories and heritages: Catholic versus Orthodox religions, Slavic versus non-Slavic identities, Capitalistic versus Former Soviet Union values, etc. In spite of the renovated interest towards the regional area of Eastern Europe, empirical data show that there are significant differences in the distribution of cultural values, among national clusters. On the other hand, it is very difficult to say that Eastern European countries should be considered separate sociocultural entities, without any point of contact among other.

The main assumption of this chapter is that to better understand sociocultural dynamics within and across Eastern European countries, it is necessary to go beyond cultural mapping, in search of a more complex theoretical and methodological approach.

This approach may help to conciliate the apparent paradoxes emerging from the comparison of data related to Eastern European national clusters, providing a more complex and deep view of cultural phenomena, within and outside organizational and national boundaries.



Maimone, F. (2020), "Understanding Eastern European Cultures: Towards an Integrated, Multiparadigmatic and Complex Approach", Warter, I. and Warter, L. (Ed.) Understanding National Culture and Ethics in Organizations, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 33-46.



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