
Torben Juul Andersen (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)

A Study of Risky Business Outcomes: Adapting to Strategic Disruption

ISBN: 978-1-83797-075-9, eISBN: 978-1-83797-074-2

Publication date: 29 September 2023

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Andersen, T.J. (2023), "Index", A Study of Risky Business Outcomes: Adapting to Strategic Disruption (Emerald Studies in Global Strategic Responsiveness), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 159-163.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Torben Juul Andersen


, 86–90

, 81

Adaptive capabilities
, 5–6

Adaptive learning process
, 102

Adaptive planning
, 111

Adaptive processes
, 102–105

Adaptive responses
, 104

Advanced Tissue Sciences Inc.
, 130

Alternative simulations
, 149–150

Altman’s Z2 (ALT Z)
, 83

American credit rating
, 16

Amerityre Corporation
, 131

Ancor Communications Inc.
, 133

Ariel Corp.
, 133–134

Armanino Foods Distinction
, 137

Autonomous investments (AUT)
, 86, 112

Average lifespan
, 31

Background and prior studies
, 66

theoretical underpinnings
, 68–76

Bankruptcy risk
, 83

Behavioral theory of firm
, 69, 98

Bioject Medical Technologies
, 134–135

Bloomberg records
, 25

Bowman paradox
, 4, 67, 69, 90, 98, 122, 143, 152

C-phone Corp
, 133

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
, 4, 67, 72, 147

Cardiodynamics International Corp.
, 135–136

Cardiovascular system (CVS)
, 138

Cash flow returns (CFRE)
, 39, 82, 85, 92

Cash holdings (CASH)
, 86

Central nervous system (CNS)
, 138

CEO tenure
, 6

ChromaDex Corporation
, 130

Climate change
, 2

“Closest fit” technique (CF technique)
, 23

Coefficient of variation
, 90

Collaborative approaches
, 8

Complete case approach
, 21–22, 35, 38, 48–49

, 25

, 16

North American Fundamental Annuals database
, 16

Computational analyses
, 106–107

Computational model
, 100–102

Computational simulations
, 5

Contemporary business activities
, 2

general background
, 4–6

methodological approach
, 6–8

negative and positive outliers
, 3

relationship between performance and risk
, 5

Contemporary firms
, 2, 120

Conventional planning-based control approaches
, 8

Corporate investment decisions
, 68

Corporate performance
, 98

Data analyzing
, 147–149

Data cleaning process
, 18–21

complete case approach
, 21–22

dataset construction
, 17–18

industry classification systems
, 19

KNN approach
, 23–24

missing values in original datasets
, 20

multiple imputation approach
, 22–23

smooth imputation
, 24–26

Data outliers
, 38–39

Data sampling
, 144–145

Dataset construction
, 17–18

DiaSys Diagnostic Systems
, 134

Disc, Inc.
, 132–133

Discounted cash flow (DCF)
, 68

Disruptive events
, 99

, 48–53

, 34–38

, 83

Dynamic capabilities
, 70–71, 98–99

Dynamic complex systems
, 7

Economic conditions, effects of
, 92–93

Effective strategic responsiveness
, 71

Empirical analyses
, 5

Empirical data studies
, 3

Empirical regularities
, 3

Empirical studies
, 67

Empirical validation
, 112–113

Ethical conduct
, 6

European data
, 16

European datasets
, 16, 20, 61

European Economic Area (EEA)
, 16

European firms
, 16

Executive overconfidence
, 88–89

Exploratory simulation studies
, 143

Extended data analysis
, 48

normality criteria
, 56–64

original European and North American data with complete dataset
, 50–51

outliers and distributions
, 48–53

persistency of outliers
, 53–56

ROA distributions
, 52

Extreme disaster-like losses
, 66

Extreme events
, 6

Extreme outcomes
, 120

Extreme outliers
, 38, 40–41

Extreme values
, 52

Extreme weather events
, 2

, 38

Finance scholars
, 68

Finance studies
, 67, 72–76

Finance theory
, 67

Financial crisis
, 92

Financial research agency
, 16

Financial returns
, 66

, 120–123

Fine-grained analyses
, 39–42

, 31, 98, 101

firm-specific traits
, 74

, 5

, 74

, 90, 142

Forensic techniques
, 123

Formal planning
, 8

Framing logic
, 7

Frequency diagrams
, 48

Gaussian distribution
, 72

Gaussian normality features
, 3

Gaussian statistical methods
, 72

Gaussian statistics
, 120

Geopolitical tensions
, 2

Global financial crisis
, 2

Good management
, 70

Graco Inc.
, 136–137

High excess kurtosis
, 144

, 6

Idiosyncratic organizational risks
, 68

Imputation methods
, 18

Imputation treatments on geographical dataset
, 44–45

Industry-related effects
, 90–92

Inner fences
, 38

Innovation Gaming Group
, 136

Interactive controls
, 103

Interactive strategy-making approach
, 5

Interactive updating
, 111–112

Inverse risk-return characteristics
, 3

Inverse risk-return relationships
, 69, 144

Investment analysis
, 38

Italiaonline s.p.a.
, 25

k closest observations
, 24

K-nearest neighbor approach (KNN approach)
, 23–24, 35, 144

k-number (k)
, 24

, 34–35, 57, 85

of ROA distribution
, 36–37


, 86–90

, 148

, 149

Left-skewed performance distributions
, 142

Left-skewed returns
, 127

Leptokurtic distribution
, 127

Linear regression analysis
, 3

Lotus Pharmaceuticals Inc.
, 138

Management scholars
, 68

Management studies
, 66–69

Managing risk events
, 120

, 86

Manhattan distance
, 23

Market-based returns
, 73

Mathematical derivations
, 5

Military conflict
, 2

Missing values
, 18

Missing-completely-at-random (MCAR)
, 21–22

Multiple imputation approach
, 22–23

Multiple Imputation Chained Equation (MICE)
, 21–22, 144

imputation methodology
, 35

Negative outliers
, 123

Negative risk-return phenomenon
, 67

Negative risk-return relationships
, 70, 74, 98, 142

Negative skew in stock returns
, 73

Negatively skewed distributions
, 70

Net income
, 83

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)
, 130

Nicotinamide riboside (NR)
, 130

Non-insurable incidents
, 2

Normal distribution
, 57

Normality assumption
, 57

Normality criteria
, 56–64

North American databases
, 16

North American dataset
, 20, 62–63

, 142

Operating activities net cash flows (OANCF)
, 82, 85, 92

Operating margin (OPM)
, 39, 42

, 6

Ordinary least-square regressions
, 70

Organization for Economic and Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 17

Organization studies
, 8

Organizational ability
, 2

Organizational adaptation processes
, 4–5

Organizational learning
, 107

Organizational studies
, 66

, 2

Outer fences
, 38

, 38, 40–41, 48–53, 119

, 150–151

financial return analysis
, 120–123

, 123–127

return outcomes and risk correlations of manufacturing firms
, 122

Overconfidence (OVER)
, 6, 70, 88, 112

Overconfident executives
, 87

, 2

Path-dependent random walk
, 102

Performance distributions of firms
, 66

Performance function
, 101

Performance measures
, 17

for European and North American Datasets
, 27–28

Performance outcomes
, 2

Persistency of outliers
, 53–56

Platykurtic frequency distribution
, 86

Point of Care Nano-Technology Inc. (PCNT)
, 25

Positive outliers
, 126

Positively skewed distribution
, 73

Predictive mean matching (PMM)
, 23

Preliminary data analysis
, 30

data outliers
, 38–39

distribution characteristics
, 34–38

, 42–43

fine-grained analyses
, 39–42

missing values
, 30–31

number of firms and lifespans
, 31–34

Price volatility of individual stocks
, 73

Prospect theory
, 69, 98

Quartile approach
, 48

, 71

Rapid environmental changes
, 142

Relative ratio
, 67

, 7

to complexity
, 7–8

Resilient organizations
, 7

Response capabilities
, 10, 127

Response models
, 4

Responsiveness model
, 109–110

Return on assets (ROA)
, 22, 30, 67, 82

needed decrease in share of observations and companies per industry to make ROA distribution normal
, 60

outliers in North American and European datasets across different company sizes
, 58–59

Risk behavior
, 6

Risk propensity
, 5

Risk-neutral return distributions
, 73–74

Risk-return effects
, 71

Risk-return relationships
, 70

Securities and Exchange Commission Office (SEC)
, 17–18

Semiautomated approaches
, 3

Size effects
, 48

, 34–35, 57

of ROA distribution
, 36–37

Smooth imputation
, 24–26

Soligen Technologies
, 132

SQI Diagnostics
, 129

Standard & Poor (S&P)
, 16

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
, 17

Static stochastic process
, 102

Stationary stochastic process
, 101

Statistical measure kurtosis
, 48

Statistical skewness measure
, 48

Stock beta
, 73

Stock price
, 67

, 73

Strategic adaptation
, 5, 98, 142

general background
, 98–99

strategic responsiveness
, 99–113

Strategic fit
, 100

Strategic response capabilities
, 70

Strategic responsiveness
, 99

adaptive processes
, 102–105

computational analyses
, 106–107

computational model
, 100–102

effects of major disruptions
, 107–111

empirical validation
, 112–113

Strategic threats
, 68

, 86

accounting and leadership effects
, 86–90

accounting and leadership statistics for firms above and below median ROA
, 89

analyzing data
, 83–86

descriptive statistics on key performance variables for manufacturing firms
, 85

effects of economic conditions
, 92–93

frequency diagrams of net income, total assets, and ROA
, 84

industry-related effects
, 90–92

statistics for firms performing above and below median ROA
, 89

statistics on leadership and accounting variables for manufacturing firms
, 88

Sunrise Technology
, 129–130

Sustainable competitive advantage
, 2

Systematic risk
, 67

Theoretical foundations
, 145–147

, 5

Tobin’s q (TQ)
, 17, 82, 85, 148–149

Trace plots
, 23

United Energy Corporation (UEC)
, 131

, 138

Unsystematic risk
, 67–68

Vidamed Inc.
, 135

Vitreous Glass
, 139

Waterfurnace renewable energy
, 140

, 139

Wicked problems
, 8

, 57, 150