
Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Czechia

ISBN: 978-1-83753-841-6, eISBN: 978-1-83753-840-9

Publication date: 8 April 2024

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(2024), "Index", Stavárek, D. and Tvrdoň, M. (Ed.) Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Czechia (Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 315-322.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Daniel Stavárek and Michal Tvrdoň. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Active labour market policies (ALMPs)
, 184, 192, 194

Aggressive investment policy
, 304–305

Aggressive working capital management
, 304–305

, 300, 310–311

Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF)
, 256

, 138–139

, 284–285

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
, 240

Banking sectors
, 251–252

Beta convergence
, 17–18

Beveridge curve, efficiency of Labour Market Based on
, 194–195

, 124

, 301

and consumer surveys
, 9

, 300–301

, 9


expansion approach
, 39

, 300–301

Central and Eastern European (CEE)
, 140

Central bank
, 153–154, 247

Civil Service Act
, 216, 225, 227–228

Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG)
, 142

Co-integration analysis
, 254–255

Commodity structure of foreign trade, changes in
, 44–47

Comparative fit index (CFI)
, 271–272

, 35–36, 41, 44

, 36–38

Conservative financing policy
, 310–311

Conservative investment policy
, 304–305

Conservative strategy
, 303

Conservative working capital management
, 304–305

Construction sector
, 308

Consumer sector
, 9

Contemporary economic theories
, 38–39

Control of Corruption (CC)
, 220


, 19

, 3–4

, 253

Copert (software tool)
, 124


in Czechia
, 105–111

in EU
, 107–108

reproduction process
, 110

, 104–105

Corporate income tax (CIT)
, 103–104, 106

Corporations Act
, 216

Correlation coefficient
, 140

, 225–228

Corruption Perception Index (CPI)
, 225

COVID–19 pandemic
, 28, 31, 93, 95–96, 111

, 112

empirical results
, 292–295

, 288–292

overview of Czechia’s export
, 282–285

performance among exporters and impact on export from Czechia to Germany
, 286–288


, 233–234

, 247

Criticism, effects of exchange rate commitment on
, 76–81

, 139–140

, 147

Czech economy
, 1–2, 87–88, 157, 282, 305

external economic position development
, 11–15

key qualitative macroeconomic indicators development
, 9–11

key quantitative macroeconomic indicators development
, 2–9

Czech housing market
, 175–176

Czech koruna (CZK)
, 14, 51–52, 55–56, 88–90, 99–100

Czech labour market
, 184

labour market institutions and effects
, 184–194

Czech National Bank (CNB)
, 1–2, 51–52, 71–72, 87–88, 91, 154–155, 233

adverse macroeconomic situation in early twenties in Czechia
, 90–92

current strategy of CNB in fight against inflation
, 98–100

dilemma of Governor of
, 93–98

effects of exchange rate commitment on economy and criticism
, 76–81

exchange rate commitment
, 72–73

exchange rate system and CNB’s foreign exchange reserves
, 81–84

foreign exchange interventions
, 81

functioning of exchange rate commitment
, 74–76

two decades of macroeconomic turbulence in Europe and worldwide
, 88–90

Czech Statistical Office (CZSO)
, 19, 282–283

, 284

, 11, 128, 281–282

adverse macroeconomic situation in early twenties in
, 90–92

characteristics of working capital management in selected economic sectors of
, 305–312

contribution of ICT sector in Czechia to innovation and economic growth
, 269–274

corporation taxation in
, 105–111

depreciation of tangible assets in
, 108–110

development of government expenditure
, 142–146

economic convergence
, 24–26

effects of indebtedness on GDP Growth in
, 239–247

employment polarisation and neighbouring countries
, 204–210

, 282–285

factors of adverse macroeconomic development in
, 93–98

fiscal situation in
, 31–32

inflation expectations data in
, 155–161

inflation expectations measurement in
, 154–155

institutional environment in
, 220–225

international competitiveness strategy of
, 39–41

literature review
, 140–142

methodology and data
, 138–140

performance among exporters and impact on export from Czechia to Germany
, 286–288

private and public indebtedness and dynamics in
, 232–233

regional housing prices in
, 175–180

relationship between GGE and economic growth
, 146–149

support for research and development
, 110–111

tax instruments and tax base construction
, 107–108

tax loss deduction
, 111

tax mix in
, 111–114

taxation of incomes
, 188

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
, 256

, 73

Depreciation of tangible assets in Czechia
, 108–110

Determinants of housing prices
, 172

, 273

Displaced middle-skilled workers
, 202

Econometric techniques
, 254–255

Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
, 17–18

Economic convergence
, 17–18

Economic growth
, 41, 44, 233, 251–252

changes in territorial and commodity structure of foreign trade
, 44–47

competitiveness paradigm
, 36–38

contemporary economic theories
, 38–39

contribution of ICT sector in Czechia to
, 269–274

institutional environment and corruption
, 225–228

institutional environment in Czechia
, 220–225

, 216–218

international competitiveness strategy of Czechia
, 39–41

linking competitiveness, international trade and
, 41–44

quality of institutional environment and measurement
, 218–220

relationship between GGE and
, 146–149

Economic internalization, theory of externalities and need for
, 122–123

Economic performance
, 26–27, 218

Economic sentiment indicator (ESI)
, 1–2, 9

Economic theory
, 42–43

, 299–300

effects of exchange rate commitment on
, 76–81

Efficiency of banking
, 252

Emission parameter calculations and road transport damage cost appraisal, results of
, 125–128

Employment polarisation
, 199–200

data and methods
, 203

empirical evidence and motives for studying employment polarization
, 200–202

employment polarisation in Czechia and neighbouring countries
, 204–210

Employment protection legislation (EPL)
, 184, 186

Endogenous growth theory
, 39

Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC)
, 122–123

Estimated coefficients
, 294

Euro area (EA)
, 17–18

fiscal situation in
, 31–32

nominal convergence
, 18–23

real convergence
, 23–24

Europe, two decades of macroeconomic turbulence in
, 88–90

European Central Bank (ECB)
, 18, 89

European Climate Act
, 157–158

European Commission, The
, 18, 106

European Union (EU)
, 1–2, 18, 40, 88, 184, 220–221, 232, 252–253, 266, 282

, 55–56

corporate taxation in
, 107–108

, 133

European Union Labour Force Survey (ELFS)
, 269

, 94

, 24, 27, 142–143

Excessive growth in Czech
, 172

Exchange rate
, 13–14

, 55–58

literature review
, 52–54

, 54–55

, 59–63

system and CNB’s foreign exchange reserves
, 81–84

Exchange rate commitment
, 72–73

effects of exchange rate commitment on economy and criticism
, 76–81

functioning of exchange rate commitment
, 74–76

, 155, 157–159

, 282–284

External balance
, 11

External economic position, development of
, 11–15

Federal Reserve System (FED)
, 89

Financial crisis
, 156–157

Financial development (FD)
, 255, 267

Financial independence
, 308–309, 312

Financial institutions
, 252–253

data and methodology
, 255–256

empirical analysis and results
, 256–259

literature review
, 252–255

Financial policy (FP)
, 303, 305

Financial stability
, 252, 254

Financing policy of working capital
, 309–310

Fiscal criterion
, 20–21

Fiscal policy instruments
, 122

Fiscal situation in Czechia and EA
, 31–32

Flexibility of labour market
, 184

Flexible investment policy
, 310–311

Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 267

Foreign exchange interventions
, 80, 98–99

Foreign trade, changes in territorial and commodity structure of
, 44–47

Freedom of Access to Information Act
, 216

Galloping inflation
, 90

and recession
, 90–92

Gender inequality index (GII)
, 266

General government expenditure (GGE)
, 138, 142

relationship between GGE and economic growth
, 146–149

Generalised method of moments (GMM)
, 240

, 288–289

Germany, performance among exporters and impact on export from Czechia to
, 286–288

Global economic crisis
, 156–157

Global financial crisis
, 231–232

Government Effectiveness (GE)
, 219

, 238

criterion on sustainability of government financial position
, 20–23

development of government expenditure
, 142–146

, 138

Granger causality
, 148

, 140, 257–259

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 1–2, 4, 18, 40, 54–55, 113, 266

effects of indebtedness on GDP growth in Czechia
, 239–247

Gross fixed capital formation (GFF)
, 268

Gross savings rate of households (GSRH)
, 6–7

Heavy goods vehicles (HGV)
, 124

Heckscher–Ohlin theorem
, 39

Heteroskedasticity-and autocorrelation-consistent weighting matrix (HAC weighting matrix)
, 240

High-skilled workers
, 203

Hodrick-Prescott filter (HP filter)
, 4–5, 139

Household indebtedness
, 233–234


demand for
, 233–234

, 172

Human development
, 266

Human development index (HDI)
, 266

ILOSTAT database
, 203–204

Industrial production index (IPI)
, 1–2

Industry-level data
, 53, 63, 67

, 72–73

current strategy of CNB in fight against
, 98–100

data and variables
, 162–163

inflation expectations data in Czechia
, 155–161

inflation expectations measurement in Czechia
, 154–155

macroeconomic determinants of
, 162

, 163–164

, 163–165

targeting regime
, 153–154

Information and communication technology (ICT)
, 266

contribution of ICT sector in Czechia to innovation and economic growth
, 269–274

, 275

literature review
, 267

methodology and data
, 267–269

Innovation, contribution of ICT sector in Czechia to
, 269–274

Institutional environment
, 215–216, 225, 228

in Czechia
, 220–225

quality of institutional environment and measurement
, 218–220

Institutional quality
, 217

, 216–218

Insurance sectors
, 251–252

International competitiveness strategy of Czechia
, 39–41

International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
, 41

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 83

International trade
, 35–36, 39, 41, 44, 54–56

International trade static models
, 39

Investment policy (IP)
, 302, 305–306

J-curve theory
, 53


, 200, 266

search theory
, 187

Johansen cointegration test
, 59

Key qualitative macroeconomic indicators, development of
, 9–11

Key quantitative macroeconomic indicators, development of
, 2–9

L-category vehicles
, 124


, 27

, 270–271

Labour force participation (LFP)
, 267

Labour market
, 200

active labour market policies
, 192–194

efficiency of labour market based on Beveridge curve
, 194–195

employment protection legislation
, 184–186

institutions and effects
, 184–194

minimum wages
, 186–187

payroll taxes
, 188

real convergence of
, 27–31

trade unions
, 191–192

unemployment benefits
, 187–188

Light utility vehicles (LUV)
, 124

, 301, 304

Long-term funds
, 303

Long-term interest rates, criterion on
, 19–20

Long–run effects of credit shocks
, 247

Low-skilled workers
, 203

Maastricht convergence criteria
, 18

Macroeconomic determinants of inflation expectations
, 162

Macroeconomic performance
, 7–9

Macroeconomic turbulence in Europe and worldwide, two decades of
, 88–90

Managed floating exchange rate regime
, 51–52

Maximum likelihood estimator (ML estimator)
, 269

Middle class
, 201–202

Middle-skilled workers
, 203

Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
, 31–32

Moderate policy
, 302

Monetary policy
, 52, 88, 153–154

, 154

Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
, 286–287

Multiple indicators and multiple causes (MIMIC)
, 267–268

National economy
, 299–300

Net replacement ratio (NRR)
, 188

New Civil Code
, 216

New Hybrid Keynesian Phillips Curve
, 163

Nitrogen oxides (NOX)
, 122

Nominal convergence. (see also Real convergence)
, 18–23

criterion of price stability
, 18–19

criterion on long-term interest rates
, 19–20

criterion on sustainability of government financial position
, 20–23

Non-financial corporations (NFCs)
, 232

Non-tradable industries
, 235–236

Nonfinancial Corporate Debt
, 234–237

One-year moving average (1Y–MA)
, 173–174

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 1–2, 10–11, 266

, 219–220

Output gap
, 4–5

Panel data model
, 172

Particulate matter (PM)
, 122

Passenger vehicles (PV)
, 124

Payroll taxes
, 188

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
, 113–114

Personal income tax (PIT)
, 103–104

Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism (PV)
, 224

Price stability, criterion of
, 18–19

Private indebtedness and dynamics in Czechia
, 232–233

Property Index Overview of European Residential Markets
, 175

Property taxes
, 112–113

Public debt and risks entailed
, 237–239

Public indebtedness and dynamics in Czechia
, 232–233

Public Procurement Act
, 216, 225

Purchasing power parity (PPP)
, 24

Purchasing power standards (PPS)
, 24

Quality of institutional environment
, 216

and measurement
, 218–220

Rankings of international organizations
, 40–41

Real convergence. (see also Nominal convergence)
, 18, 23–24

of labour market
, 27–31

of relative economic level
, 24–27

Real economic growth
, 26

Real effective exchange rate (REER)
, 14

Regional differences
, 181

Regional housing prices in Czechia
, 175–180

data and methodology
, 174–175

literature review
, 172–174

Register of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
, 123–124

Regression analysis
, 177–178

, 185

Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)
, 216

Regulatory Quality (RQ)
, 219

, 110

Relative economic level, real convergence of
, 24–27

Relaxed policy
, 302

Research and development (R&D)
, 145–146

Restricted policy
, 302

Return on assets (ROA)
, 288–289, 300, 310–311

, 294–295

Return on equity (ROE)
, 288–289

Return on investment (ROI)
, 302

Return on total assets
, 288

Road tax
, 128–132

Road Tax Act
, 132

Road transport
, 122

results of emission parameter calculations and road transport damage cost appraisal
, 125–128

taxes and fees related to
, 132–134

Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)
, 271–272

Rule of Law (RL)
, 220

Sectoral indebtedness

effects of indebtedness on GDP Growth in Czechia
, 239–247

household indebtedness
, 233–234

nonfinancial corporate debt
, 234–237

private and public indebtedness and dynamics in Czechia
, 232–233

public debt and risks entailed
, 237–239

Short-term business statistics (STS)
, 5–6

Short-term funds
, 303

Short–run effects of credit shocks
, 247

Sigma convergence
, 17–18

Skill-biased technological change (SBTC)
, 200

, 140, 147–148

, 88

Standard International Trade Classification (SITC)
, 56–57

Standardised root mean square residual (SRMR)
, 271–272

State Fund for Transport Infrastructure (SFTI)
, 133

Structural change
, 210

Structural equation model (SEM)
, 268

Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
, 122

Supply-side determinants
, 173–174

Sustainability of government financial position, criterion on
, 20–23

Sustainable development index (SDI)
, 270

Sustainable economic growth
, 122

Swiss National Bank (SNB)
, 76

Systemic competitiveness
, 35–38


and fees related to road transport
, 132–134

base construction
, 107–108

data and methods
, 123–125

, 108

, 107–108

loss deduction
, 111

mix in Czechia
, 111–114

policy implications
, 128–134

, 104, 106

results of emission parameter calculations and road transport damage cost appraisal
, 125–128

, 104

road tax
, 128–132

theory of externalities and need for economic internalisation
, 122–123

Technical zero
, 89–90

Technology gap
, 38–39

Territorial structure of foreign trade, changes in
, 44–47

Theory of externalities and need for economic internalisation
, 122–123

Three-year moving average (3Y–MA)
, 173–174

Tolerance Patent
, 222–224

, 124


, 53

, 301–302

, 191–192

Trade openness (TO)
, 267

Transport Research Centre (TRC)
, 123–124

Transport sector
, 121–122

Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
, 18

Two-tier system
, 185

, 28–29

benefit system
, 187–188

, 1–2, 7, 9

US dollars (USD)
, 76

VAT revenues
, 112

Vector autoregressive model (VAR)
, 256

, 254–255

Vehicle Testing Stations (VTS)
, 123–124

Voice and Accountability (VA)
, 219, 222, 224

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
, 122

Working capital management of Czech companies
, 300–301

characteristics in selected economic sectors of Czechia
, 305–312

data and methodology
, 304–305

influence on company profitability
, 310–312

theoretical basis of
, 300–304

type of working capital financing policy
, 308–310

type of working capital investment policy
, 306–308

World Bank (WB)
, 240

World Economic Forum
, 41

World Openness Index
, 11

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGIs)
, 219–220

Zero integration
, 104–105

Chapter 1 The Czech Economy in the Last Decade: Determinants and Obstacles to Economic Growth
Chapter 2 Nominal and Real Convergence of Czechia With the Euro Area
Chapter 3 International Trade and the Competitiveness of Czechia as the Fundamental Determinants of Economic Growth
Chapter 4 The Role of Exchange Rate in Contemporary Czechia’s Foreign Trade
Chapter 5 Exchange Rate Commitment of the Czech National Bank
Chapter 6 Dilemma of the Czech National Bank: Factors of Adverse Macroeconomic Development in Czechia
Chapter 7 Corporate Taxation in Czechia: A Proper Tax Mix Stimulating Economic Growth
Chapter 8 Tax Policy to Internalize Road Transport Externalities
Chapter 9 Relationship Between General Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Czechia
Chapter 10 Inflation Expectations in Czechia: Measurement and Determinants
Chapter 11 Regional Housing Prices in Czechia: Dynamics, Co-Movements and Drivers
Chapter 12 Efficiency of the Czech Labour Market: Do Institutions Matter?
Chapter 13 Polarisation of Employment in Czechia and Neighbouring Countries
Chapter 14 Institutional Environment, Corruption and Their Impact on Economic Growth
Chapter 15 Sectoral Indebtedness and Its Influence on Output of the Czech Economy
Chapter 16 The Contribution of Financial Institutions to Economic Growth
Chapter 17 The Information and Communication Technology Sector in Czechia and Its Contribution to Innovation and Economic Growth
Chapter 18 The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Microeconomic Development of Czech Exports
Chapter 19 Impact of Working Capital Management of Czech Companies on Their Performance