
Tourism in a VUCA World: Managing the Future of Tourism

ISBN: 978-1-83753-675-7, eISBN: 978-1-83753-674-0

Publication date: 19 July 2024


(2024), "Prelims", Islam, N.U., Chaudhary, M. and Vukadin, I.M. (Ed.) Tourism in a VUCA World: Managing the Future of Tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xviii.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Naser Ul Islam, Manjula Chaudhary, and Izidora Marković Vukadin

Half Title Page

Tourism in a VUCA World

Title Page

Tourism in a VUCA World: Managing the Future of Tourism

Edited by


Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India


Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, India



Institute for Tourism, Croatia

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL.

First edition 2024

Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Naser Ul Islam, Manjula Chaudhary, and Izidora Marković Vukadin.

Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 14 and 16 © 2024 The authors.

Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.

Chapters 3, 6–13 and 15 © 2024 Emerald Publishing Limited.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

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ISBN: 978-1-83753-675-7 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83753-674-0 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83753-676-4 (Epub)

Dedication Page

Dedicated to the readers of tourism literature in pursuit of a seamless tourism experience in the VUCA world.


About the Editors xi
About the Contributors xiii
Preface xvii
Chapter 1: Introduction: Tourism in a VUCA World
Manjula Chaudhary and Naser Ul Islam 1
Part I: Rethinking Tourism
Chapter 2: Management of Trends in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism Post-2023
Marko Koščak and Tony O’Rourke 11
Chapter 3: The New Realities of the Tourism Industry in the Era of Global Climate Changes
Mira Zovko and Damjan Zovko 27
Chapter 4: Capacities of Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in Tourism to Answer Challenges of the Climate Crisis
Izidora Marković Vukadin, Naser Ul Islam, Diana Baus and Damir Krešić 43
Chapter 5: The Impact of Technologies as an Alternative Reality on Business in Hotel Industry: Virtual, Augmented, and Artificial
Ana Portolan and Marino Stanković 65
Part II: Community Perspectives and Tourist Behaviour in VUCA
Chapter 6: Nudging: A Possible Solution for a More Successful Destination Management
Snježana Boranić Živoder 79
Chapter 7: Cruise Tourism, Local Life, and Rhythms in Pre-, During, and Post-Pandemic Times
Allegra Celine Baumann 93
Chapter 8: Tourist Xenophobia and Residents’ Perspective in the VUCA Era: The Case of Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wataru Uehara and Hiromi Kamata 105
Chapter 9: Psychological and Socio-Demographic Drivers of Pro-environmental Behaviour in Generation Z
Dora Ivković and Ante Mandić 119
Part III: Organisational and Strategy Transformations Under VUCA
Chapter 10: Tourism’s Vitality After COVID-19 Pandemic: Embracing Healing as a Significant Concept
Ricardi S. Adnan 145
Chapter 11: Resilience of Tourism Enterprises Facing VUCA Environment
Krzysztof Borodako, Jadwiga Berbeka and Michał Rudnicki 157
Chapter 12: Risk Preparation in Touristic Coastal Areas in Spain: COVID-19 Versus Tsunamis
Sandra Sánchez-Arcediano and Frank Babinger 171
Chapter 13: Crime and Insecurity as Factors of Uncertainty and Erosion of the Tourist Image of Mexico
Carlos Mario Amaya Molinar and Irma Magaña Carrillo 187
Chapter 14: Interfaces Between Biothreats, Biosecurity, and Tourism: Strategies for Indian Tourism
Manjula Chaudhary and Naser Ul Islam 203
Chapter 15: Transformation of Tourist Regions Through the Recovery of Abandoned Rural Settlements – The Case of Croatia
Jasenka Kranjčević and Dina Stober 213
Chapter 16: Challenges to Be Answered and Answers to Be Challenged
Izidora Marković Vukadin and Naser Ul Islam 231

About the Editors

Naser Ul Islam, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Tourism and Hospitality at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. His research interests primarily revolve around sustainable destination management, climatic change, destination attractiveness, and destination risk.

Manjula Chaudhary, Ph.D., is a Professor of Tourism and Director, Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) at Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. She has also worked as Director at Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management under the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. She has authored tourism management projects, policies, research papers, books, and articles in her interest areas of tourism management and marketing. With over 30 years of academic experience, she specialises in tourism marketing, tourist behaviour, and business communication.

Izidora Marković Vukadin, Ph.D., is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Tourism in Zagreb, Croatia. As an expert in sustainable tourism, she participated in a number of European projects concerning the spatial development of tourism. Her research is focused on sustainable tourism development and management, impacts of tourism on protected areas and identity and environmental impacts of tourism.

About the Contributors

Ricardi S. Adnan is a Sociologist from the University of Indonesia and has worked professionally in private companies. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a Doctoral degree in Industrial History. He developed a passion for tourism while mentoring postgraduate students researching the industry in 2018.

Frank Babinger is Associate Professor in Geography. He is specialised in tourism in coastal areas, sustainable tourism management and natural hazards in tourism destinations. He has published and presented papers at international conferences about those and other topics during the last 20 years.

Allegra Celine Baumann holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from TU Darmstadt, Germany. In her Ph.D. project, she analysed the impact of cruise tourism from a rhythmanalytic perspective using the case study of Dubrovnik. Allegra’s research focuses on the interaction of tourism, urban infrastructure, and local life in cities.

Diana Baus works at the Institute for Tourism in Zagreb, Croatia, while finishing her Ph.D. at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Her scientific research focuses on macroeconomic aspects of tourism, global value chains, sustainable supply chains, the development and application of circular economy in tourism, and the transfer of new technologies.

Jadwiga Berbeka, Ph.D., is a Professor at the Institute of Management at Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Prof Berbeka has authored or co-authored over 150 publications concerning innovation, business services, consumer behaviour, knowledge transfer, new technologies, and tourism. She reviews manuscripts for journals on the JCR list.

Krzysztof Borodako, Ph.D., is a Professor at the Institute of Management at the Krakow University of Economics (Poland). Prof Borodako is an author or co-author of over 160 publications concerning innovation, tourism, business services, new technologies, and event management. He has been the principal investigator in many research projects.

Irma Magaña Carrillo, holds a Ph.D. in Sciences, Trans-Pacific International Relations, a Master in Administration and a bachelor degree in Tourism Business Administration; is a tenured Professor at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Colima. As a Member of the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology of México, she specializes in Total Quality Management.

Dora Ivković is a Master’s graduate in Tourism from the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism at the University of Split, Croatia. With a keen interest in the tourism industry, Dora brings a fresh perspective grounded in academic excellence and is poised to make significant contributions to the field.

Hiromi Kamata is a Professor of Hospitality Management at the School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University. Her research interests include residents’ attitudes towards tourism and repeat tourists. She has published in journals including Tourism Review, Tourism Economics, Current Issues in Tourism, and Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights.

Marko Koščak held the position of the Assistant Professor from 2014 to 2019 at the Faculty of Tourism University of Maribor, Slovenia, and from 2019 in the same Faculty as an Associate Professor. His academic interests are in the fields of Sustainable and Community Tourism, Geography of Tourism and Destination Management. He also provides professional consultancy services in regard to heritage, cultural, ethical, and responsible tourism as well as working with public, private, and EU organisations. In the past 30 years, he has worked as an Advisor to various institutions, including UNDP LoSD and various sustainable tourism initiatives in countries of W Balkans, EU, and Asia.

Jasenka Kranjčević is a senior research fellow at the Institute for Tourism, Zagreb, Croatia. She is also an Assistant Professor at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek, where she gives lectures on the study course Rural Planning. Her research interests include rural development, spatial structure of villages, architectural touristic heritage, tourism history, and spatial distribution of tourism.

Damir Krešić has over 20 years of experience in the tourism sector, especially in destination management, strategic planning, and sustainable development. He graduated from Zagreb University with a degree in Finance and got his Ph.D. in Tourism. He is currently the Managing Director at the Institute for Tourism.

Dr Ante Mandić is an Assistant Professor at the University of Split, Croatia, and Affiliated Faculty at Colorado State University. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Ecotourism and Coordinator of knowledge development at the International Union for Conservation of Nature WCPA TAPAS. His expertise lies in sustainable tourism in nature-based destinations.

Carlos Mario Amaya Molinar is a tenured Professor at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Colima. He holds a Ph.D. in Tourism, Law and Business by the University of Girona, a Master in Finance from the University of Colima and a bachelor degree in Sociology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He has research in subjects like tourism competitiveness, information technologies in tourism and community-based tourism.

Tony O’Rourke works with the Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development in Portugal. Since retiring in 2011, he has taught part-time at the MSc and MBA levels as a visiting/part-time Professor and also carried out advisory work for Co-operatives UK. His current academic interests are in the fields of Sustainable and Responsible Local Tourism, Financing of Local Tourism/Destination Management organisations and the creation of tourism credit co-operatives.

Ana Portolan is Associate Professor and works at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, University of Dubrovnik. Her research interests include tourism impacts, competitiveness in tourism, sustainable tourism, and peer-to-peer tourist accommodation. She also publishes on local residents’ attitudes towards tourism impacts with emphasis on World Heritage Sites.

Michał Rudnicki, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management at Krakow University of Economics (Poland). He has authored or co-authored over 70 publications concerning innovation, business services, knowledge transfer, tourism, and new technologies. He has been the principal investigator in a few research projects.

Sandra Sánchez-Arcediano is a Ph.D. student in Tourism. She is specialised in tourism destination planning and management. She is currently specialising in risk management in coastal tourism destinations and tourism vulnerability analysis. She is very interested in the study of tsunamis, analysed from a tourist perspective.

Marino Stanković works as a Professor Assistant at the University of Dubrovnik, Department of Economics and Business. His interests are in the fields of the tourism industry and statistical analysis. He also publishes on sustainable tourism and marketing in tourism.

Dina Stober is an Associate Professor at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek. Her academic and professional field is urban planning and design, focusing on urban planning, rural planning, revitalising cultural heritage, industrial buildings, and heritage.

Wataru Uehara is a Professor of Marketing at the School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University. His research interests include consumer behaviour, marketing management, and tourism. He has published in several academic journals, including International Journal of Marketing & Distribution, Tourism, and Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights.

Damjan Zovko, Faculty of Economics & Business, and University of Zagreb. Damjan Zovko is a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb. He actively deals with issues of integrated environmental topics, such as resource efficiency and sustainable production and consumption. His particular areas of interest are decoupling economic growth from environmental pressures, statistics, commercial law, and corporate reporting on environmental, social, and governance issues.

Mira Zovko, Ph.D. is an Expert Advisor-Specialist for environmental and climate issues, and tourism sustainability in the Ministry of tourism and sports of the Republic of Croatia. She has over 20 years of experience in environmentally related public health issues, sustainable development, and reporting on the environment and nature as an editor of the State of the Environment Report in the Republic of Croatia, a collaborator in the creation of the European State of Environment Report (EEA), and as a member of the Steering Committee on the Future of Global Environment Outlook (UNEP).

Snježana Boranić Živoder is a Research Associate at the Institute for Tourism, Zagreb, Croatia. Her research interests include destination management and marketing, destination branding, sustainable tourism, and behavioural science. She has published in several academic journals, including Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Acta Turistica, and Tourism.


Global tourism witnessed the worst-ever crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic when tourist arrivals nosedived. This sudden threat compounded the existing problems of the tourism industry, which was trying to balance the ecological, economic, political, technological, and social concerns at destinations. This ambiguity of the tourism landscape challenged the strategic decision-makers to adopt ‘Innovation and Creativity’ as a way of life. It was the innovative approaches that gave solutions to unprecedented pandemic times in the form of ‘tourism with restrictions’. This also led to the learning that possible future environments may be more threatening, requiring a completely new approach to strategic management.

The book emerges as a timely contribution to strategic management in tourism that looks at the future of tourism in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. Through this book, an attempt has been made to understand the strategies and plans of tourism stakeholders during VUCA times. The diversity of strategies and plans of tourism stakeholders in equally diverse settings makes this book an invaluable guide for tourism and hospitality administrators, academicians, and students. The rich collection of articles on different dimensions of destination planning and management under VUCA adds to the appeal of this book for destination management organisations and all other tourism stakeholders.

Coverage and Structure

The book offers a strategic outlook on tourism. It is divided into 3 thematic parts as sections and has 16 chapters. The different chapters raise the relevant issues of management in turbulent environments. Each chapter takes up a unique challenge encountered at a different site, offers analysis, and provides a way forward.

‘Rethinking Tourism’ is the first section and includes chapters relating to newer perspectives of tourism in current times, particularly concerning the high impact and high importance areas of sustainable tourism, climatic changes, and technology.

‘Community Perspectives and Tourist Behaviour in VUCA’ is the second section, including contributions on unexpected and unforeseen behavioural aspects of the community and tourists during VUCA times. This very interesting part discusses the unusual acceptance of tourism by stakeholders during the pandemic and among biothreats. Pro-environmental tourist behaviours and nudging are discussed as opening new dimensions.

The third section on ‘Organisational and Strategy Transformation Under VUCA’ carries the discussion forward to include chapters on pro-active and reactive models and action plans in the face of VUCA challenges. Managing destination branding and reputation; organisational change and management, and case studies on business approaches under risk are highlights of this part.

The different contributions to the diversity of management approaches under turbulent times showcase human ingenuity and hope for a brighter future, even during the VUCA environment. This book offers an understanding of volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous events bordering crisis and contingent solutions as a way forward. The discussions on situation analysis, new idea generation, and management of tourism are exciting and provide an in-depth understanding of relevant issues, making it a ‘Guidebook’ for all stakeholders in tourism ranging from graduate students to top managers, government to private players, businesses to community and many others.

Keywords: VUCA; sustainable tourism; tourism risk; tourism adaptation; strategic management


The book appreciates Innovation, Creativity, and Resilience in the Strategic Management of tourism in the VUCA world.

The book presents novel situations and solutions to overcome the high-risk VUCA circumstances.

The book addresses the need for a strategic reevaluation of the tourism industry in the face of VUCA.

The book showcases diverse management approaches during turbulent times, demonstrating human ingenuity and optimism for a brighter future.

The book will interest a complete generation of tourism and hospitality professionals, academics, policymakers, and tourists who have seen the extremely tough COVID-19 pandemic times. The cases and discussion in the book will stay relevant and offer solutions in times to come as risk events continue to rise, such as extreme weather, geological disturbances, and pockets of the world breaking into war.

Chapter 1: Introduction: Tourism in a VUCA World
Part I: Rethinking Tourism
Chapter 2: Management of Trends in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism Post-2023
Chapter 3: The New Realities of the Tourism Industry in the Era of Global Climate Changes
Chapter 4: Capacities of Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in Tourism to Answer Challenges of the Climate Crisis
Chapter 5: The Impact of Technologies as an Alternative Reality on Business in Hotel Industry: Virtual, Augmented, and Artificial
Part II: Community Perspectives and Tourist Behaviour in VUCA
Chapter 6: Nudging: A Possible Solution for a More Successful Destination Management
Chapter 7: Cruise Tourism, Local Life, and Rhythms in Pre-, During, and Post-Pandemic Times
Chapter 8: Tourist Xenophobia and Residents' Perspective in the VUCA Era: The Case of Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter 9: Psychological and Socio-Demographic Drivers of Pro-environmental Behaviour in Generation Z
Part III: Organisational and Strategy Transformations Under VUCA
Chapter 10: Tourism's Vitality After COVID-19 Pandemic: Embracing Healing as a Significant Concept
Chapter 11: Resilience of Tourism Enterprises Facing VUCA Environment
Chapter 12: Risk Preparation in Touristic Coastal Areas in Spain: COVID-19 Versus Tsunamis
Chapter 13: Crime and Insecurity as Factors of Uncertainty and Erosion of the Tourist Image of Mexico
Chapter 14: Interfaces Between Biothreats, Biosecurity, and Tourism: Strategies for Indian Tourism
Chapter 15: Transformation of Tourist Regions Through the Recovery of Abandoned Rural Settlements – The Case of Croatia
Chapter 16: Challenges to Be Answered and Answers to Be Challenged