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Unlocking Human Perspective: The Psychological Ripple Effects of Financial Inclusion on Asian Communities and Future Avenues

Tehzeeb Sakina Amir (Institute of Professional Psychology, Bahria University, Pakistan)
Rabia Sabri (College of Business Management, Institute of Business Management, Pakistan)

Financial Inclusion Across Asia: Bringing Opportunities for Businesses

ISBN: 978-1-83753-305-3, eISBN: 978-1-83753-304-6

Publication date: 6 December 2023


Financial inclusion is more than just granting access to financial services; it involves fostering individuals’ overall financial health and prosperity. Financial inclusion has gained significant importance for policymakers and academia in the preceding two decades. It encourages individuals by extending ownership of their financial situation and empowering them to make well-informed decisions regarding their future. The literary work highlights the importance of financial inclusion in promoting prosperity and progress in society. Furthermore, the psychological effects of financial inclusion are addressed with an emphasis on reducing anxiety and stress associated with accessing necessary financial resources and increasing experiences of financial assurance and trust. Finally, the current condition of financial inclusion and ongoing initiatives to improve it is discussed with a regional focus on Asia. The idea of the empowered consumer is introduced, along with a discussion of how financial inclusion may enlighten customers, making them more knowledgeable and engaged members of the financial market. Finally, the conclusion presents a global perspective of underdeveloped nations, emphasizing the imperative requirement for financial integration in these places and the potential benefits it can provide. The chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of financial inclusion, its significance, and its psychological effects on people and their communities, particularly in Asia and developing nations.



Amir, T.S. and Sabri, R. (2023), "Unlocking Human Perspective: The Psychological Ripple Effects of Financial Inclusion on Asian Communities and Future Avenues", Leong, C.-M., Ali, M., Raza, S.A., Puah, C.-H. and Eksi, I.H. (Ed.) Financial Inclusion Across Asia: Bringing Opportunities for Businesses, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 43-64.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Tehzeeb Sakina Amir and Rabia Sabri