
Emerging Patterns and Behaviors in a Green Resilient Economy

ISBN: 978-1-83549-781-4, eISBN: 978-1-83549-780-7

Publication date: 2 September 2024


(2024), "Prelims", Andrei, J.V. and Grigorescu, A. (Ed.) Emerging Patterns and Behaviors in a Green Resilient Economy (Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxiii.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Jean Vasile Andrei and Adriana Grigorescu

Half Title Page

Emerging Patterns and Behaviors in a Green Resilient Economy

Series Page


Series Editors: Bruno S. Sergi and Cole C. Scanlon

Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development is Emerald’s innovative book series on the study of entrepreneurship and development, striving to set the agenda for advancing research on entrepreneurship in the context of finance, economic development, innovation, and the society at large.

The Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development (LEAD), a now-independent research lab that first started at the Institute of Quantitative Social Sciences (IQSS) at Harvard University, with the overarching and ambitious aim of using the book series as to synthesize interdisciplinary research by academics and students to advance our understanding of modern entrepreneurship and development across cultural and disciplinary boundaries.

Previous volume:

  • Entrepreneurship and Development in the 21st Century – Edited by Bruno S. Sergi and Cole C. Scalon

  • Entrepreneurship for Social Change – Edited by Bruno S. Sergi, Cole C. Scalon and Luke R. I. Heine

  • Entrepreneurship Development in the Balkans: Perspective from Diverse Contexts – Edited by Veland Ramadani, Sasho Kjosev and Bruno S. Sergi

  • Entrepreneurship and Development for a Green Resilient Economy – Edited by Adriana Grigorescu and Jean Vasile Andrei

Title Page

Emerging Patterns and Behaviors in a Green Resilient Economy



National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu,” Romanian Academy, Romania



National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL.

First edition 2024

Editorial Matter and Selection © 2024 Jean Vasile Andrei and Adriana Grigorescu.

Individual chapters © 2024 The authors.

Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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ISBN: 978-1-83549-781-4 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83549-780-7 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83549-782-1 (Epub)


About the Editors vii
About the Contributors ix
Foreword xix
Acknowledgments xxiii
Chapter 1: The Dynamic Interaction Between Scientific Output in Environmental Science and Energy and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in G7 Countries
Nikola Vasilić, Sonja Đuričin and Isidora Beraha 1
Chapter 2: China's Pursuit of Carbon Neutrality: Roadblocks and Greenlights
Vasilii Erokhin and Tianming Gao 31
Chapter 3: CO2 Emissions, Manufacturing Growth and Renewable Energy Consumption Relationship in OECD Countries: Empirical Evidence from ARDL Model
Mustafa Batuhan Tufaner and Ilyas Sozen 61
Chapter 4: An Analysis of Employees in Serbian Organizations from the Point of View of Decisions on the Personnel Policy and the Management Style
Nikola Ćurčić, Aleksandar Grubor and Vuk Miletić 77
Chapter 5: Challenges and Constraints of Female Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Economies: Empirical Insights from Romanian Business Environment
Gheorghe Dan Isbășoiu, Dana Volosevici and Jean Vasile Andrei 105
Chapter 6: Current Challenges Facing Women Entrepreneurs in Contemporary Economics
Cristina Gafu, Ileana Georgiana Gheorghe and Violeta Sima 129
Chapter 7: Patterns and Trends in Developing Green Energy Paradigms
Răzvan Vasile and Adriana Grigorescu 153
Chapter 8: Possibilities of Sustainable Business Operations of Economic Entities in Conditions of Extraordinary External Influences
Ljiljana Rajnović and Snežana Cico 169
Chapter 9: Marketing Strategies in Historical Tourism Based on Tourist Motivation and Needs
Mahta Saremi, Hassan Darabi, Mohammad Javad Amiri, Gholamreza Nabi Bidhendi and Homa Irani Behbahani 187
Chapter 10: Salience of Corporate Sustainability: Proposed Operationalization
Hiranya Dissanayake, Hareendra Dissabandara, Roshan Ajward, Wasantha Perera, Catalin Popescu and Irina Gabriela Radulescu 205
Chapter 11: Leader Approach and Rural Entrepreneurship for Resilient Rural Areas: Perceptions by the Local Action Groups’ Managers in Serbia
Vesna Paraušić and Nataša Kljajić 233
Chapter 12: Achieved Level of Development Within the Framework of the Smart Cities Concept in the Direction of Green Resilient
Drago Cvijanović, Tibor Fazekaš, Otilija Sedlak and Dragan Stojić 255

About the Editors

Jean Vasile Andrei is Full Professor at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Department of Business Administration, Managing Director of Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency within National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu,” Romanian Academy, and PhD mentor in Economics at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. He is Co-founder and Scientific Coordinator of the Research Network on Resources Economics and Bioeconomy. He holds a PhD in Economics from the National Institute of Economics Research – Romanian Academy of Sciences. He has earned a BA degree in Administrative Sciences (2005) and in Banks and Finances (2007) from the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti. He has an MA degree in Economics, Administrative, and Business Management (2007) earned at the same university. He is also Associate Editor of Economics of Agriculture (Serbia), Scientific Reviewer, and Committee Member for numerous international conferences. He is a member of scientific organizations: The Balkan Scientific Association of Agrarian Economists, Serbia (2008), DAAAM Vienna, and Information Resources Management Association (2011). Issues like agricultural economics and rural development, energy and resource economics, and business economics are among his research and scientific interests.

Adriana Grigorescu is a Full Professor and PhD Supervisor in Management at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, a Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Economic Research Costin C. Kiritescu – Romanian Academy, and a Full Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. The research area is management and marketing in business and public administration, innovation and knowledge transfer, circular economy, labor economics, education management, and especially integrated, interdisciplinary studies of global economy and governance. The last published studies explored the digital transformation side effects of various aspects of business models, education, and the world of work. Sustainable development and environmental protection also represent a significant part of her work from the perspective of their impact on education and skills or business models. Moreover, she is preoccupied with finding models to measure people’s readiness for the nowadays challenges and spatial analysis.

About the Contributors

Prof Roshan Ajward, a Distinguished Academic with over 15 years of experience, currently serves as a Professor in Accounting at the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Sri Lanka. Holding a PhD from Waseda University, Japan, he is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka and the Institute of Certified Management Accountants. As the Co-chair of the Research Council and Coordinator of the Master of Professional Accounting Degree Program at USJP, he demonstrates strong leadership. He, a Mon-buka-gaku-shu scholar of Japan and a Monash Fellow of Monash University, Australia, has numerous international research publications in esteemed journals, focusing on corporate governance, auditing, ethics, and financial reporting. His contributions extend to serving as the chief editor for several journals.

Mohammad Javad Amiri is PhD and an Assistant Professor at the University of Tehran, Department of Environment. He is also the Executive Vice President of Aras International Campus of University of Tehran. He obtained his PhD in Forestry and Land Preparation. He holds a Master’s degree in Forestry and a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering. He has done research on social studies and tourism as well as research with statistical data analysis and remote sensing. He has also participated in several national and international conferences.

Hareendra Dissabandara, a Distinguished Finance Expert, currently serves as Finance Professor at the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Sri Lanka. With a PhD from Nagoya University and Chukyo University, Japan, he has achieved a high level of academic excellence. He has played key leadership roles within academia, serving as the head of the Department of Finance and as a council member at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. His membership in the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments (MCSI, UK) reflects his commitment to advancing the fields of finance and corporate governance. His research portfolio encompasses significant contributions to areas such as corporate governance, financial literacy, and dividend policy. He has further demonstrated his leadership and expertise in finance through roles such as vice-chancellor and CEO of Saegis Campus and deputy secretary-general of the National Economic Council of Sri Lanka.

Homa Irani Behbahani is PhD and a Retired Full Professor at the University of Tehran, Department of Environmental Design. She has also been a Professor at L’ecole polytechnique d’architecture et d’urbanism d’Alger in Algeria. She obtained her PhD in Architecture from the University of Florence in Italy. She has done research in landscape architecture, heritage sites, and most specifically on the subject of Persian gardens. She has authored two books and several papers in national and international journals and conferences.

Isidora Beraha, PhD, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia. A Senior Research Associate in the Innovation Economics Department at the Institute of Economic Sciences. Her expertise encompasses business economics, small- and medium-sized enterprises’ operations, industry clusters, value chain analysis, and innovation policy. She held the position of president of the Scientific Board from 2019 to 2023 and currently leads the Sector for Fundamental Research at the Institute. She has authored 2 scientific monographs and over 60 papers in various publications. Engaged in numerous national and international projects, she actively participates in conferences, workshops, and professional events globally. Additionally, she contributes as a reviewer for several domestic scientific journals and is affiliated with the Serbian Scientific Society of Economists, Society of Economists of Belgrade, and Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities (ERENET).

Gholamreza Nabi Bidhendi is PhD and a Full Professor at the University of Tehran, Department of Environment. He has focused on the subject of environmental research and impact assessment. He has obtained his PhD in Chemistry from Delhi University in India. He has been active in the academic sector as well as the executive departments in Iran. He has 3,426 citations in Scopus as well and 6,965 citations in Google Scholar. He has been in the editorial board of several journals, authored papers in scientific journals, and participated in numerous national and international conferences.

Snežana Cico, PhD, JKP Prostor Sombor, Trg Cara Lazara 1, Sombor. Title: Doctor of Social Sciences (PhD); scientific title: Research Associate; education: University in Belgrade: doctoral dissertation completed in the field of economics. University of Novi Sad: Faculty of Economics, postgraduate studies. Work experience: Starting from September 2021, she has been employed as a director of a state-owned company JKP Prostor Sombor. Before that, she was the Director of state-owned company Severtrans for eight years. She has been engaged in several projects of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, numerous public policy projects, and domestic and foreign private companies. Scientific and professional activity: her research is primarily focused on the topics that deal with the study of the world economy, marketing, investment management in order to achieve competitive advantages, finance, with special emphasis on studies in the field of matters related to corporate governance, corporate restructuring and restructuring, acquisitions, privatization, international agreements, etc. As an author, she has published over 70 bibliographic units. She was involved in the development of numerous projects, which were put into practice. She speaks English. She collaborates with numerous research and educational institutions in the country and abroad. She is the president of the board of directors of the Association of Auditors of Serbia.

Nikola Ćurčić, PhD, works as a Senior Research Associate in the field of Economic Sciences at the “Tamiš” Research and Development Institute in Pančevo, Serbia. He is the author of over 70 scientific papers that contribute to the domestic and international literature in the field of business economics and marketing. He is the Executive Editor of the Ekonomika journal; a member of the Editorial Board of the Agricultural Economics, Economy – Theory and Practice and The Annals of the Faculty of Economics in Subotica. He is also a member of the “Ekonomika” Scientific Society of Economists Niš and the Serbian Marketing Society “SEMA” Belgrade. He has also actively participated in the organization of numerous scientific meetings as a member of the scientific and organizational committees.

Drago Cvijanović, PhD, is a Full Professor and a Dean at the University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, working within the Department of Management and Business. He has many awards such as FIRST ANNUAL AWARD FOR 2008 – on the occasion of the day of the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce – for successful scientific research work in the field of agriculture and food industry; ACKNOWLEDGMENT 2019 – on the occasion of marking the 70th anniversary of the Institute for Agricultural Economics – Belgrade, for many years of successful management and contribution to the work and development of the institute; CHARTER 2022 – Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, in recognition of their exceptional contribution to the development of consultancy and agriculture in the Republic of Serbia. He was employed at faculties, institutes, factories, agricultural cooperatives, agricultural combines, and the Ministry of Agriculture. He was engaged in scientific and research work on a large number of projects (44), in the capacity of project manager, research team leader, expert coordinator, and member of research teams in the country and abroad. He has written over 50 monographs, books, and textbooks. He published over 500 papers in domestic and foreign journals, proceedings at domestic and international conferences. He was a member or president of the selection committee for scientific and research positions more than 50 times. He is editor in chief of two journals (international and national) and participates in the editorial boards of 15 domestic international journals.

Hassan Darabi PhD, currently holds the position of Assistant Professor of Environmental Design at the University of Tehran, where his area of expertise lies in the research of regional landscape. He obtained his PhD in geography and rural planning from the University of Tarbiat Modras in the Islamic Republic of Iran. At present, his research primarily focuses on regional landscape changes, planning, and tourism.

Hiranya Dissanayake, a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Accountancy, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, is a PhD candidate in Management (finance) at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Holding an MSc in Applied Finance and a BCom (special) second-class honors degree from the University of Colombo, Hiranya is a passed finalist of CIMA and a notable recipient of the CIMA Research Excellence Award in 2022 and Second Runner Up and People’s Choice Award at the National Pitching Research Competition in 2021. Having served as the head of the Department of Accountancy (2018–2019), Hiranya’s teaching interests encompass corporate governance, strategic management accounting, sustainability reporting, financial statement analysis, and research methodology. With a research focus on corporate governance and sustainability, Hiranya has made substantial contributions to both international and local journals, addressing critical topics in finance and management.

Sonja Đuričin, PhD, Institute of Economic Sciences (IES), Serbia. A Senior Research Associate in the Innovation Economics Department at the Institute of Economic Sciences. She has authored/co-authored more than 100 research papers, multiple books in business economics, financial management, and competitiveness. Engaged in various national and international projects, her expertise spans financial management, market research, restructuring, value assessment, business development, local economic development, innovation, agroeconomics, and value chain analysis. She is IES’ transformation team leader in the World Bank’s SAIGE project – Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship. She is also the editor in chief of the IES’ publication on medium enterprises in Serbia and serves as the deputy president of the IES’ Governing Board. She is a member of the Scientific Society of Economists of Serbia and the Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities (ERENET).

Vasilii Erokhin is an Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China. Since 2017, Dr Erokhin is a Researcher at the Center for Russian and Ukrainian Studies (CRUS) and Arctic Blue Economy Research Center (ABERC), Harbin Engineering University, China. He is an author of over 200 publications in the areas of macroeconomics, sustainable development, green development, and food security. His major book titles include Contemporary Macroeconomics: New Global Disorder (2023), Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Trade: The Protectionism Outbreak and Food Security (2021), and Handbook of Research on International Collaboration, Economic Development, and Sustainability in the Arctic (2019).

Tibor Fazekaš, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics Subotica. He is working within the department of trade, marketing, and logistics. He has worked as general manager of Subotica–Trans, a public transportation enterprise. He is an expert witness, expert forensic evaluation of traffic accidents. He is involved in the realization of the teaching process for basic and master studies. He is an author and co-author of several textbooks, scripts, notes, and compendiums. He has published or co-published many scientific and professional papers in both national and international journals in the field of traffic and economic science. He has participated in the work and has presented his scientific works at more than 30 scientific meetings. He coordinated the IPA “DitranS 2011” project and many local projects about sustainable development in transport.

Cristina Gafu holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Philology, Faculty of Letters and Sciences, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Romania. She has published more than 30 international papers in outstanding journals (h-index 4), and 4 authored books, being interested in ethnology, Romanian culture and civilization, and folklore. She also participated in research projects in the field of entrepreneurship.

Tianming Gao is a Professor, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China. He is a Director and Chief Expert of the Center for Russian and Ukrainian Studies (CRUS) and Arctic Blue Economy Research Center (ABERC) at Harbin Engineering University, deputy head of the Heilongjiang International Economic and Trade Association, and leading consultant of governmental bodies and commercial organizations in the sphere of economic collaboration between China, Russia, and South Korea. He is the author of many publications in the areas of economic development, industrial policy, and investment. He is a member of the Scientific Board of the Research Network on Resources Economics and Bioeconomy (RebResNet).

Ileana Georgiana Gheorghe holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, and Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Romania. She has published about 60 international papers in outstanding journals (h-index 8), 6 book chapters in edited books, and 2 authored books, being interested in human resources management, green economics, social responsibility, and organizational culture. She also participated in research projects in the field of human resources development.

Aleksandar Grubor, PhD, is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, the University of Novi Sad. His field of interest is marketing. He has authored 3 textbooks, 18 scientific papers published in the Prominent International Journals ranked in the Thomson Reuters JCR, and more than 80 scientific papers published in the Journals of National Importance. Besides, he has participated in more than 40 international scientific conferences. He teaches global marketing, services marketing, and the principles of marketing. He is the project leader of the University of Novi Sad team in ERASMUS+ projects: the Implementation of Dual Education in the Higher Education of Serbia – DUALEDU, and the Professional Development of Vocational Education Teachers with European Practices (PRO-VET). Also, he is a project member in the Advanced Data Analytics in Business (ADA) ERASMUS+ project. In the period from January to March 2004, he successfully completed the International Faculty Development Program at the Free Market Business Development Institute, School of Business Administration, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA. Currently, he is a member of the Serbian Marketing Association (SEMA). From 2010 to 2016, he was the editor in chief of The Annals of the Faculty of Economics in Subotica journal. From 2016 to 2022, he was the editor in chief of the Strategic Management journal.

Gheorghe Dan Isbășoiu is Lecturer at Faculty of Economic Sciences within the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti and holds PhD in Industrial Engineering. His research is focused on social and economic statistics as well as on entrepreneurship.

Nataša Kljajić is a Doctor of Economic Sciences. She has been engaged in scientific work for a long time and has so far published many articles and books in the field of rural economy, organizations of agricultural production, and agricultural development. Also, she has participated in numerous domestic and international agriculture and rural development projects.

Vuk Miletić, PhD, an Associate Professor and Research Associate, is employed at the “Dositej” College of Academic Studies in Belgrade, Serbia. He is the author of more than 60 papers published in journals of various categories, including papers in relevant international journals in the management and business economics fields. He has authored the monograph titled Leadership in a Contemporary Organization. He is a reviewer of the Ekonomika international journal for economic theory and practice and social issues and a member of the “Ekonomika” Scientific Society of Economists in Niš. He has actively participated in the organization of numerous scientific meetings as a member of the review teams and the editorial boards of national and international scientific conferences.

Vesna Paraušić is a Doctor of Economic Sciences. She has published many scientific and research articles and participated in numerous rural development projects. The focus of interest and scientific work is directed predominantly on the following areas: sustainable rural and local development, strategic planning, networking and associations in agriculture, and local development initiatives.

Prof Wasantha Perera, a Distinguished Academic, currently serves as a Finance Professor at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Sri Lanka. With a PhD in Finance from Victoria University, Australia, he received the “Best Research Student Award” in 2015. He holds a first-class Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and an MBA in Finance from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. His accomplishments span publishing in esteemed international journals, supervising students, and serving as a peer reviewer for numerous journals. He also authored widely used finance textbooks and assumed various academic administrative roles, including postgraduate program coordinator, department head, international conference chair, and chairperson of the Board of Study in Management Studies and Commerce in Sri Lanka.

Prof Dr Catalin Popescu is Professor of Management at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania. His research and consulting interest includes project management, quantitative methods for business and management, operations management, statistical analysis, energy management, and sustainable development. He has 32 years of experience in higher education. Starting with 2016, he is PhD Advisor in the Engineering and Management domain. He has published over 230 articles, 9 books, and 12 book chapters, he participated in 45 international conferences (in more than 27 different countries), and he was involved in more than 30 scientific research grants and international projects. He was also a member of scientific committees within more than 50 international conferences, and he was six times plenary speaker. He is editor in chief of two scientific journals: Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices (JIBBP), Stamford Publishing, USA, and Economic Insights Trends and Challenges Journal, Romania.

Irina Gabriela Radulescu is Professor at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești, Dean of Faculty of Economic Sciences, Vice President of Export Business Center Association from Bucharest, Member of the coordinating team of European Digital Innovation Hub – Wallachia eHub for South-Muntenia region, and manager of Danube Engineering Hub Cluster. She is author and co-author of 80 scientific papers presented at national/international conferences and/or published in recognized journals, indexed ISI Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO, Ulrich, or other international databases and 10 specialized books published at recognized national publishing houses. She is involved as member or coordinator in national and international projects related to international trade, entrepreneurship, or digital transformation processes.

Ljiljana Rajnović, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Volgina 15, Belgrade, Serbia. Title: Doctor of Social Sciences (PhD); scientific title: Senior Research Associate; education: University Union – Nikola Tesla Beograd: doctoral dissertation completed. University of Belgrade: Faculty of Law, postgraduate studies. Work experience: Starting from April 2003, she has been employed at the Institute for Agricultural Economics, Belgrade (Institute), as a Research Associate. Before that, she worked in state bodies and the Government of Serbia on jobs related to economic subjects. She has been engaged in several projects of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, numerous public policy projects, and domestic and foreign private companies. Scientific and professional activity: her research is primarily focused on the topics of legal and economic science and profession, with special emphasis on studies in the field of matters related to business law, corporate governance, corporate restructuring and restructuring, acquisitions, securities market, privatization, international agreements, etc. As an author, she has published over 80 bibliographic units. She was involved in the development of numerous projects, which were put into practice. She participated in expert groups on drafting several laws. She speaks English and Russian. She collaborates with numerous research and educational institutions in the country and abroad. As a lecturer, she participates in seminars and other professional forums and promotions.

Mahta Saremi, PhD is an Adjunct Professor in the Alborz Campus of the University of Tehran. She has done research in the fields of tourism planning, management, design, and modeling tourist behavior and has presented several national and international papers. She has also done research on World Heritage Sites (WHS) for their development with limiting the negative impacts of unmanaged visitations as well as the intangible aspect of WHS. She has her PhD in Environmental Planning and has two Master’s degrees in Environmental Management and Environmental Design and Engineering. She has work experience with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Department of Environment on the subject of Environmental Impact Assessment in Iran. She has been one of the main members of the Sport and Environment Commission of the National Olympic Committee in Iran. She has also worked with different nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) as well as organizers for various conferences and forums. Her recent research works are on new technologies for tourism development.

Otilija Sedlak, PhD, is a Full Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics Subotica, working within the Department of Quantitative Methods. She has worked as the Vice Dean of studies as well as ECTS Coordinator. She is a Member of the following scientific and professional associations: AEORS (Association of European Operational Research Society) and EuROMA (European Operations and Management Association). She is involved in the realization of the teaching process on basic studies, master studies, as well as on PhD studies: operational research, financial and actuary mathematics, business mathematics, quantitative methods in economy and management, and risk management. She is an author and co-author of several textbooks, scripts, notes, and compendiums. She has published or co-published over 35 scientific and professional papers in both national and international journals. She has participated in the work and has presented her scientific works at more than 80 scientific meetings.

Violeta Sima holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania. She has published about 70 international papers in outstanding journals (h-index 9), 6 book chapters in edited books, and 4 authored books, being interested in marketing research, consumer behavior, green economics, and social responsibility. She also participated in research projects in the field of entrepreneurship.

Ilyas Sozen is a Professor at Dokuz Eylul University. He received his MSc in 2006 and received his PhD in 2010 from the Department of Middle East Economics at the Marmara University. He focuses on the regional studies and energy and environment in the context of international economic issues.

Dragan Stojić, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics Subotica. He is working within the Department of Quantitative Methods as a Head of the department. He is a member of the following scientific and professional associations: AEORS (Association of European Operational Research Society) and EuROMA (European Operations and Management Association). She is involved in the realization of the teaching process on basic studies, master studies, as well as on PhD studies: operational research, financial and actuary mathematics, business mathematics, quantitative methods in economy and management, risk management, and financial and actuarial mathematics. He is an author and co-author of several textbooks, scripts, notes, and compendiums. He has published or co-published over 35 scientific and professional papers in both national and international journals. He has participated in the work and has presented his scientific works at more than 40 scientific meetings.

Mustafa Batuhan Tufaner is an Associate Professor at Beykent University. He completed his MSc in 2015 and received his PhD in 2019 from the Department of Economics at the Marmara University. His research focuses on the economic development and renewable energy in developing and developed countries. He is the author of various international articles.

Răzvan Vasile is a Researcher at the National Institute of Economic Research “Costin C. Kiritescu” – Romanian Academy. The main research topics are the digital transition, labor market disequilibria, skills mismatch, financial inclusion, energy transition, sustainable development, cultural heritage interpretation, digitalization, and socio-economic evaluation. He has good international cooperation as a team member in interdisciplinary research projects. As a member of the Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, he is involved in interdisciplinary studies and publications related to today’s challenging topics.

Nikola Vasilić, MSc, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia, is a Research Assistant in the Innovation Economics Department at the Institute of Economic Sciences. He is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Department of Macroeconomics. Currently, he is in the process of writing a doctoral dissertation titled “National innovation system efficiency and economic growth in developed and developing countries.” His primary areas of scientific research interest encompass science, technology, innovation development, entrepreneurship, and applied econometrics. He has published over 20 papers in prestigious domestic journals, as well as in international and domestic monographs and conference proceedings.

Dana Volosevici is Lecturer at Faculty of Letter and Sciences within the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti and is specialized in Labor Law, researching mainly the impact of labor legislation in industrial processes and transformations.


In a context of environmental challenges and the urgent need for sustainable development, Emerging Patterns and Behaviors in a Green Resilient Economy may represent a reference contribution to understanding this new economic and societal landscape, bringing together a series of in-depth analyses and discussions that together point the way to a future where economic growth is seamlessly aligned with environmental responsibility.

This edited volume explores the strategies and innovations that are shaping the global economy, focusing on the intersection of environmental sustainability and economic resilience. It comprehensively explores new business models, policy shifts, and technological advancements. The volume explores and presents a range of perspectives from different fields to illustrate the path to a more sustainable and resilient economic future. Policymakers, academics, and industry leaders who want to understand and contribute to developing a resilient green economy will find this text a vital resource.

With contributions from diverse experts, this book maps out a path toward a sustainable and robust economic future, making it an indispensable resource for policymakers, academics, and industry leaders. It begins with analyzing China’s journey toward carbon neutrality, exploring the hurdles and successes that offer lessons for other economies. Further chapters delve into sustainable marketing strategies in tourism, the gender gap in entrepreneurship, and the nexus of CO2 emissions with manufacturing growth, among other critical topics.

This book delves into the role of rural entrepreneurship, as discussed by Vesna Paraušić and Nataša Kljajić, and the intricate dynamics of scientific output in environmental science, as analyzed by Nikola Vasilić and the team. “China’s Pursuit of Carbon Neutrality: Roadblocks and Greenlights” by Vasilii Erokhin and Tianming Gao sets the tone with an in-depth analysis of the world’s largest emitter’s journey toward carbon neutrality. It is a story of challenges and triumphs that offers valuable lessons for other economies. From China’s journey toward carbon neutrality to the insightful examination of marketing strategies in historical tourism by Mahta Saremi and colleagues, this book traverses a broad spectrum of topics.

In “Marketing Strategies in Historical Tourism,” authors like Mahta Saremi and Hassan Darabi explore the intersection of tourism, a significant economic driver, with sustainability principles. This chapter is particularly relevant in preserving cultural heritage while fostering economic growth.

Addressing crucial aspects like gender gaps in entrepreneurship, corporate sustainability, and the intersection of CO2 emissions with manufacturing growth, each chapter contributes unique perspectives and findings. This book also ventures into the critical discourse of gender and entrepreneurship. Gheorghe Dan Isbășoiu, Dana Volosevici, and Jean Vasile Andrei examine the gender gap in entrepreneurship, offering insights into developing competitive economies that are inclusive and diverse.

In addition to these, this book covers a broad spectrum of topics ranging from the LEADER approach in rural entrepreneurship, the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth, to the development of smart cities, and the dynamics of scientific output in environmental science.

This book also includes in-depth discussions on corporate sustainability, offering operational frameworks for sustainable corporate practices, indicative of the evolving role of businesses in a greener economy. Covering a wide range of topics, including rural entrepreneurship, the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth, and the development of smart cities, this book is a forward-looking collection that reflects and anticipates the future dynamics of green economies.

Cristina Gafu and her co-authors discuss women entrepreneurs’ challenges, while Nikola Ćurčić and colleagues analyze personnel policies in Serbian organizations. Ljiljana Rajnović and Snežana Cico explore the possibilities for sustainable business operations in extraordinary external conditions.

Hiranya Dissanayake and colleagues present “Salience of Corporate Sustainability,” a chapter that proposes operational frameworks for sustainable corporate practices. This chapter is a testament to the evolving role of businesses in leading the charge toward a greener economy.

Furthermore, chapters like the one on green energy paradigms by Răzvan Vasile and Adriana Grigorescu indicate the breadth and depth of this book’s coverage. This forward-looking collection reflects the current state of green economies and anticipates future developments and challenges.

Each chapter presents unique perspectives and insights, contributing to a rich narrative that underscores the importance of inclusive, diverse, and competitive economies. Discussions range from rural entrepreneurship and scientific output in environmental science to the challenges women entrepreneurs and sustainable business operations face under extraordinary external conditions.

Emerging Patterns and Behaviors in a Green Resilient Economy serves as a call to action, inviting readers to engage with pioneering ideas and practices that are pivotal in steering societies toward a more sustainable and equitable future. It is a valuable resource for those in entrepreneurship, economics, environmental science, and sustainability studies, providing in-depth insights into the emerging trends shaping contemporary economies. This book weaves together a narrative more significant than the sum of its parts, representing a mosaic of strategies, challenges, and innovations crucial for shaping the future of resilient green economies.

The editors

Jean Vasile Andrei,

National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu,” Romanian Academy, Romania

Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania

Adriana Grigorescu,

National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu,” Romanian Academy, Romania

Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romania


The editors wish to express their deepest and most heartfelt acknowledgments to everyone involved in making this book project possible. Our sincere appreciation also goes to all the contributors to this book project and the Emerald Editorial team, whose support was invaluable in publishing this edited book. Your invaluable contributions, each idea shared, every piece of constructive criticism, the invaluable insights, and the support have brought this edited book to printing.

We extend our profound gratitude to the National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiritescu” of the Romanian Academy, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, and the Research Network on Resources Economics and Bioeconomy Association. The development of this book would hardly have been possible without their support.

We are also immensely grateful to Professor Bruno S. Sergi, the Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development coordinator, for providing the opportunity to expand our research. A special acknowledgment is reserved for Ms Sashikala Balasubramanian and Ms Lydia Cutmore whose direct involvement was crucial in bringing this book to fruition.