
The Romance of Heroism and Heroic Leadership

ISBN: 978-1-78756-658-3, eISBN: 978-1-78756-655-2

Publication date: 6 February 2019

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Goethals, G.R. and Allison, S.T. (2019), "Index", The Romance of Heroism and Heroic Leadership, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 179-189.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
, 140

Activities to promote transformation

hero’s journey
, 129–130

spiritual practices
, 126–129

training and development practices
, 122–125

ACT. See Acceptance and commitment therapy

Alexander the Great
, 22

Ali, Muhammad
, 4, 39, 42–44, 46, 66–72, 146

Allison, S. T.
, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 115, 116, 119, 134, 139

, 115

, 25, 26

Asch, Solomon
, 13, 44, 45

Attribution theories
, 15

Automatic meaning-making
, 10–17

, 120–121

Avolio, B. J.
, 86

Bad versus good
, 33–39

Banks, George
, 128

Bannister, Roger
, 16

Barriers to transformation
, 137–140

Basic law of rumor
, 18

Bass, B. M.
, 86

Battle Hymn of the Republic
, 66

Baumeister, R. F.
, 33–35, 38

Bebbington, K.
, 36

Bergen, P.
, 131

Berle, Milton
, 55, 56

Berry, Chuck
, 55, 59

Big Iron
, 8–9, 10, 18, 22, 33

Big John
, 22

Black, Bill
, 54

Black Lives Matter
, 94

Blagojevich, Rod
, 94, 95

Blink (Malcolm Gladwell)
, 11

Bogart, Humphrey
, 2, 103–104, 128

Bratslavsky, E.
, 33

Brownell, Herbert
, 62

Brown, Roger
, 18

Brown vs Board of Education
, 41

Bruner, Jerome
, 31

Burns, James MacGregor
, 47, 74–76, 78–80, 86, 92, 99, 118, 151

criteria of transforming leadership
, 102

Bush, George H. W.
, 45

transforming leadership
, 90, 95

Calling (motivational transformation)
, 111

Camelot (musical)
, 31

Campbell, Joseph
, 83, 105, 107, 110, 111, 114, 116, 119–122, 135, 138, 149–152

Cantril, Hadley

Invasion from Mars, The
, 19

Carlston, D. E.
, 37

Carter, Jimmy
, 48

, 2, 103, 128, 142

, 13, 74, 85, 99, 152

Charismatic leadership
, 86, 87

Chicago Cubs MVP
, 11

, 125, 133

Christmas Carol, A
, 128

Churchill, Winston
, 79–80

Civil Rights Act of 1964
, 64

Civil rights movement
, 62, 146

Clay, Cassius Marcellus, Jr. See Ali, Muhammad

Clemente, Roberto
, 3

Clinical psychology
, 97

Clinton, Bill
, 28, 29, 45, 72

Clinton, Hillary
, 29, 91, 94

, 9, 10

need for
, 20–21

, 76

Cognitive dissonance theory
, 19

Collective behavior
, 18

, 109, 123

, 82

, 75

Connors, Phil
, 128

Correspondence bias
, 16

Cosmic understanding of heroic transformation
, 113

, 43, 46, 47, 51, 83, 84, 93, 111, 121, 123, 124, 129, 136, 141

Creative leadership
, 86

Crudup, Arthur
, 54

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
, 126

Curphy, G. J.
, 79

Dark mentors
, 139

Dark triad
, 95, 96

Davis, Jefferson
, 73, 93

Declaration of Independence
, 60

, 120–121

Developmental growth
, 111

Developmental psychologists
, 106

Diana, Princess
, 85

, 44–46

Domino, Fats
, 55

Dorsey, Jimmy
, 54

Dorsey, Tommy
, 54

Doyle, Arthur Conan
, 2, 25, 32

Hound of the Baskervilles, The
, 7, 10

Dread rumors versus wish rumors
, 18

D’Souza, Dinesh
, 94

Eastwood, Clint
, 22

Ed Sullivan Show
, 56, 57

Education, and heroic transformation
, 130–131

, 101, 112, 119–120, 142

Einstein, Albert
, 103, 150

Eisenhower, Dwight D.
, 62

Ellison, M. T.
, 36

Emancipation Proclamation
, 73

Emotional arousal
, 91–92

Emotional transformations
, 109

, 123

, 108, 109

Erikson, E.
, 118

Esteves, F.
, 35

, 140, 141

Everly Brothers
, 58

Exposure to traumatic events
, 138

, 46

Eyewitness to Power (David Gergen)
, 23

, 88

Fay, N.
, 36

Festinger, Leon
, 19, 147

Field of Dreams
, 32

Finkenauer, C.
, 33

Fiske, S. T.
, 35

Flexner, James Thomas
, 23

Fontana, D. J.
, 54

Ford, Gerald
, 48

, 126, 127

Fourteenth Amendment
, 62

Franco, Z. E.
, 140

Frankl, Viktor

Man’s Search for Meaning
, 128

Frazier, Joe
, 70, 71

Freedom Rides
, 63

Freud, Sigmund
, 13, 23, 27, 30, 47, 86, 90

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
, 106

on transforming leadership
, 91–92

Frontiers in Psychology
, 1

Fundamental attribution error
, 16

Gandhi, Mahatma
, 52, 83, 86, 135

Gardner, Howard
, 43, 47, 48, 51, 75, 77, 81, 93

, 51, 105, 126, 127, 132

Gennep, Arnold van
, 113

Gergen, David
, 23–24, 27, 30

Eyewitness to Power
, 23

Gilbert, D. T.
, 24

Gilovich, T.
, 35

Gipp, George
, 27

Gladwell, Malcolm

, 11

Goethals, G. R.
, 107, 108, 111, 113, 115, 116, 119, 134

Goffman, E.
, 30

Good mentorship, absence of
, 139

Good versus bad
, 33–39

Grant, Ulysses S.
, 83, 136

, 127

Grice, Le
, 108

Groundhog Day
, 128

, 82

Haley, Bill
, 41, 55

Handbook of Heroism and Heroic Leadership
, 1

Hanh, Thich Nhat
, 106, 127, 128, 150, 151

Harding, Warren C.
, 12, 25

Hawking, Stephen
, 105

Hayes, S. C.
, 140

, 111–112

Heider, Fritz
, 15

Heroic images, construction of
, 30–33

Heroic Imagination Project
, 123

Heroic lag
, 146–147

Heroic leadership dynamic (HLD) framework
, 98, 116

Heroic traits
, 149

Heroic transformation
, 103–143

education and
, 130–131

internal and external sources of
, 113–119

overview of
, 105–110

purpose of
, 110–113

religion and
, 132

types of
, 108–110

Heroic transforming leadership
, 5, 73–102, 151

definition of
, 82–87

Heroism-guided purpose
, 130

Heroism Science literature
, 1, 4

Heroism Science (journal)
, 1

Hero’s journey
, 129–130

Heschel, Abraham
, 111

Hierarchy of needs approach
, 76, 114, 131, 138, 148

Hillman, J.
, 97

Hitler, Adolf
, 50–51, 78, 87

HLD. See Heroic leadership dynamic framework

Hogan, J.
, 79

Hogan, R.
, 79

Hogg, Michael
, 29

Hollander, E. P.
, 118–119

Holly, Buddy
, 58

Hound of the Baskervilles, The (Arthur Conan Doyle)
, 7, 10, 18

House, R. J.
, 86

Howe, Julia Ward
, 66

How the Grinch Stole Christmas
, 128

Human transgression
, 114–115

, 81, 126–127, 134

Huxley, Aldous
, 39

Implicit leadership theories
, 16

Impression formation, primacy effects in
, 13–14

Informal social communication
, 8

Informational social influence
, 45

Intergroup conflict
, 88

Invasion from Mars, The (Hadley Cantril)
, 19

, 31

Jackson, Andrew
, 13

Jackson, Joe
, 32

James, Bill
, 10–11

James, William
, 50, 106, 115, 127–128, 132, 141

Varieties of Religious Experience, The
, 105

, 52

Jim Crow segregation
, 42

Johnny Carson effect
, 99

Johns, Barbara
, 42

Johnson, Lyndon B.
, 48, 64, 65, 70

John XXIII, Pope
, 51, 75, 78

Journal of Humanistic Psychology
, 1

Jung, Carl
, 25, 137–138, 141

Kahneman, D.
, 35

Keegan, John
, 22–23

, 53

Kennedy, Jacqueline
, 31

Kennedy, John F. (JFK)
, 28–32, 62, 63, 87

Cuban Missile Crisis speech
, 77

Kennedy, Robert
, 63

King, Coretta
, 62

King, Martin Luther, Jr.
, 4, 39, 42, 44, 46, 52, 54, 59–66, 79, 84–86, 146, 147, 150

“I Have a Dream” speech
, 64

“Letter from a Birmingham Jail,”
, 63

King, Martin Luther, Sr. (Daddy King)
, 62–63

Knox, Buddy
, 58

Knute Rockne, All American
, 27

, 24

Koffka, Kurt
, 9

Kohen, A.
, 122–124

Kohlberg, L.
, 99

Ku Klux Klan
, 136

Langdon, M.
, 122–123

Leader archetypes
, 25, 26

Leader–follower relationship
, 119

Leader schemas
, 11–13


, 86, 87

, 86

definition of
, 74–80

, 133

motivation and
, 78, 151

mystery and mystification in
, 22

qualities of
, 13

romance of
, 16

, 16

unwavering independence and
, 46–50

Leader’s perception

mystery and mystification in
, 22–25

sweet imagination of
, 25–30

LeBon, Gustave
, 90, 92

Letting go
, 127

Lewin, Kurt
, 21

Leyens, J. P.
, 37

Libby, Scooter
, 94

Lincoln, Abraham
, 3, 66, 73–74, 75, 81, 84, 87, 104

assassination of
, 32

transforming leadership
, 88–89, 96, 99, 101, 102

Lind, E. A.
, 119

Love (transformative power of)
, 128

Lover’s perception

sweet imagination of
, 25–30

Loving kindness
, 128–129

Lowcock, Mark
, 130

Lundqvist, D.
, 35

, 96

MacLeod, C.
, 36

Malala Yousafzai
, 105

Mandela, Nelson
, 33, 83, 84, 130, 135

Man’s Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
, 128

Marshall, George
, 81–82

Marshall Plan
, 81

Marshall, Thurgood
, 42

Martin, Joe
, 67

Mary Poppins
, 128

Maslow, Abraham
, 118–120

hierarchy of needs approach
, 76, 114, 131, 138, 148

Maugham, Somerset

Of Human Bondage
, 92

Mays, Willie
, 134, 135

McCain, John
, 91, 97

, 4

, 10–17

basics of
, 9–10

from partial information
, 14–15

ubiquity of
, 15

Mental transformations
, 109–110

Mentorship, temporal sequencing of
, 117–118

Milgram, S.
, 115

Milhado, P.
, 97–98

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord
, 66

Montgomery Bus Boycott
, 42, 61–62, 79

Montgomery Improvement Society
, 60

Moore, Scotty
, 53, 54

, 3, 5, 43, 50, 52, 77, 80, 82, 87, 95, 99, 100, 102, 110, 118, 127, 148, 149, 151, 152

, 81

Moral transformations
, 110

Morewedge, C. K.
, 37

Morison, Samuel Eliot

Oxford History of the American People
, 31–32

Motivational transformation
, 110

Motivation, and leadership
, 78, 151

Muhammad, Elijah
, 69

Munroe, Bill
, 54

, 7–10, 13, 14, 33, 34, 37, 38, 119, 142–143, 145, 146, 151

in perception of leaders
, 22–25

resolving information, search for
, 17–20

Mystification, in perception of leaders
, 22–25

, 117

NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

, 46, 95

Narcissistic personality disorder
, 139–140

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
, 62

Need-based heroism
, 99

Negative agency bias
, 37

Nixon, Richard
, 28–29, 48, 62, 70

, 44–47

Normative social influence
, 45

Obama, Barack
, 33, 91, 92

transforming leadership
, 89–90, 99

“Yes We Can” campaign
, 86–87

, 91

Oehman, A.
, 35

Opportunities for transformation
, 138

Pandey, S.
, 131

Park, B.
, 36

Parks, Rosa
, 60, 61

Partial information

image construction or drawing conclusion from
, 15–16

meaning-making from
, 14–15

and rumor transmission
, 18

Partial transformation
, 135–137

Patton, George
, 78

Peace Democrats
, 75

Perceptual readiness
, 30–33

Perkins, Carl
, 54

Personality traits
, 46

Phillips, Sam
, 53, 56

Physical transformation
, 108–109

Picasso, Pablo
, 82

Portman, Natalie
, 31

Post-conventional morality
, 81

Presley, Elvis
, 4, 39, 42–43, 44, 46, 52–59, 85, 146

Primacy effects

in impression formation
, 13–14

meaning-making from partial information
, 14–15

Procedural justice
, 119

Prototypical group member
, 12–13

Psychological flexibility
, 140

Psychological transformation
, 108, 109, 122

, 96

Rank, Otto
, 107

Reagan, Ronald
, 23, 26–28, 48, 82

, 110

Religion, and heroic transformation
, 132

, 50, 111, 124, 126, 129

, 129

, 76

Richard, Little
, 55, 57

Riches, B. R.
, 122–123

Rick Blaine (character)
, 2, 142–143

Rickey, Branch
, 42

, 124–125

Robinson, Jackie
, 41, 42, 83

Rock ‘n’ Roll
, 55, 56, 58, 59

Rohr, R.
, 114, 132, 133, 150, 151

Rolling Stones, The
, 58

Romance, definition of
, 3

Romance of leadership
, 16, 152

, 17

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR)
, 29, 82, 87

transforming leadership
, 89

Rothbart, M.
, 36


basic law of
, 18

dread versus wish
, 18

transmission of
, 18, 19

of violence
, 18

Ryan, Paul
, 96

, 128

, 50–52

Salk, Jonas
, 42


, 11–13

, 16

role in social perception
, 10–11

Scrooge, Ebenezer
, 128

SDI. See Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

, 135

, 126

, 47, 124

, 43, 44, 50, 51, 77–79, 89, 119

, 112

, 137

Sense of accomplishment
, 50

Setterberg, G. C.
, 110

Shakespeare, William
, 38

Shamir, B.
, 86

Sharp, Daryl
, 101, 150

Sherlock Holmes (character)
, 2, 7, 32, 83

Simon, Paul
, 24, 30

Simonton, D. K.
, 25

Skowronski, J. J.
, 37

Smith, G.
, 108, 139

Social class stereotypes
, 15, 16

Social cognition
, 38

Social environment of the hero
, 117

Social identity theory
, 12, 36, 50–52

, 119–120, 142

“Spaghetti Westerns”
, 22

Sperry, L.
, 121

Spiritual practices
, 126–129

Spiritual transformations
, 109

Spiritual understanding of heroic transformation
, 113

Spontaneous trait inferences
, 15

Stagnation to growth
, 121–122

Stanton, Edwin
, 32–33

Stargell, Willie
, 134, 135

Steve Allen Show
, 55, 56

Stewart, Jimmy
, 27

Stewart, Martha
, 94, 95

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
, 23

Strosahl, K. D.
, 140

Sullenberger, Chesley (“Sully”)
, 83

, 2

Svoboda, E.
, 123

Tao Te Ching
, 134

Theory of lifelong development
, 118

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (Sigmund Freud)
, 106

Tolle, Eckhart
, 150

, 109

Transforming leadership

definition of
, 78–82

, 5, 73–102

, 108–109

Truman, Harry S.
, 41, 81

Trump, Donald J.
, 5, 74, 77

as puer aeternus
, 96–102, 148

vs transforming presidential leadership
, 87–96

Tversky, A.
, 35

Tyler, J.
, 119

, 4, 5, 8, 18–20, 22, 24, 33, 35, 38, 39, 145, 147, 148, 151, 152

pleasures of
, 25

Urban League
, 62

US Civil War
, 11–12

Varieties of Religious Experience, The (William James)
, 105

, 138–139

Vohs, K. D.
, 33

Voting Rights Act of 1965
, 65

War of the Worlds (Orson Wells)
, 20, 21

Warren, Earl
, 42

Warren Harding Error
, 11, 25

Washington, George
, 13, 23, 84–85, 87, 88

Washington, Martha
, 85

Wayne, John
, 27

Weber, M
, 29, 85, 86

Weiner, B.
, 35

Wells, Orson

War of the Worlds
, 20, 21

We Shall Overcome
, 65

, 115

Whitechurch, E. R.
, 24

Wilson, K. G.
, 140

Wilson, T. D.
, 24

Winfrey, Oprah
, 85

, 84, 106, 110, 113, 139, 141

Women, as transformers
, 132–134

World Trade Center attack (1993)
, 131

Xenophobic racial profiling
, 32–33

“Yes We Can” campaign
, 86–87

Yzerbyt, V. Y.
, 37

Zeigarnik, Bluma
, 21

Zeigarnik effect
, 21

Zimbardo, P.
, 120–121, 123, 142