
Elisa Serafinelli (University of Sheffield, UK)

Digital Life on Instagram

ISBN: 978-1-78756-498-5, eISBN: 978-1-78756-495-4

Publication date: 31 August 2018

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Serafinelli, E. (2018), "Index", Digital Life on Instagram (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy And Culture In Network Communication), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 207-216.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Elisa Serafinelli


, 171

Abu Ghraib event, photographs of
, 10

, 32

Adobe Photoshop
, 56

The Age of the World Picture (Heidegger)
, 1

Albrechtslund, A.
, 136

Alpha mode
, 18, 19

Amaro Montenegro
, 117, 119, 120

Amateur photographs
, 10, 12

Analogue photography
, 179

Anderson, B.
, 82

on ‘imagined communities’
, 82

Andrejevic, M.
, 128, 136

, 13, 28, 32, 42

Apple iPhone4 smartphone
, 56

Bagnara, S.
, 177

Bakardjieva, M.
, 81

Barthes, R.
, 16, 17, 19, 157, 160

Baudrillard, J.
, 15, 27

Bauman, Z.
, 8, 14, 137

Baym, N. K.
, 77

Bazin, A.
, 21

Belgian rock band
, 143

Belting, H.
, 23, 25, 26, 45

Benjamin, W.
, 1, 21

on reproducibility
, 1

Bentham, J.
, 131

Beta mode
, 18, 19

Big Brother
, 127, 135

Big Brother spirit
, 6, 149

Black and white film development
, 179

Black and white photographs
, 64, 68

Boaden, Helen
, 11

Boehm, G.
, 23–26

Bolter, J. D.
, 27, 41

Branding and users’ engagement
, 110–113

Branding identities
, 173–178

Buckingham, D.
, 159

Calhoun, C.
, 74, 75

Calvert, C.
, 136

Camera phones
, 10, 13, 50, 51, 52

Capa, Robert
, 58

Capital accumulation
, 127, 128

Casual photography
, 13, 15

Chalfen, R.
, 50

Chinese door street
, 64, 65

Chomsky, C.
, 102

Christmas decorations
, 117

Chronology of Instagram
, 83

Communication agencies, private advertising and
, 121–124

Computer-mediated interviewing methods
, 36–38

asynchronous method
, 37

qualitative interviewing
, 42

synchronous method
, 37

Connections and interactions
, 136

Consumer behaviour
, 106

Consumer surveillance
, 128, 136

Content-related organization
, 64, 65

Contextual integrity
, 129

Contextual privacy
, 129, 130

Convergence, defined
, 48

Convergence culture
, 9, 48

Convergent culture, Jenkins’ theorization of
, 49

Critical response analysis
, 39, 40

, 100

, 48

The Culture of Connectivity (Van Dijck)
, 51

D’Amico, E.
, 11

Debatin, B.
, 130

Debord, G.
, 159

Denzin, N. K.
, 135

Digital enclosure
, 128

, 1, 19, 20, 26, 31, 45, 51, 154, 180

Digital materialism
, 30

Digital Militarism: Israel’s Occupation in the Social Media Age (Kuntsman and Stein)
, 14

Digital photography
, 14, 51, 153, 154, 160, 161

Digital sociality

panopticon and surveillance theories in
, 131–134

Digital storytelling
, 108, 109, 163, 168

, 11

Discipline and Punish (Foucault)
, 132

Doing Visual Ethnography (Pink)
, 35, 41

Domestic photography
, 85

Dominick, J. R.
, 28

Dubois, P.
, 19, 20

Eastman, George
, 49

Eco, U.
, 16, 18

Edwards, W. K
, 51

, 172

Ellison, N. B.
, 130, 131

Email asynchronous interviewing method
, 37

Email interview
, 38, 42

(Embedded) multiple-case design
, 33–36

Engagement, activity of
, 107

Episodic identities
, 173, 177

Ethical considerations
, 41–42

, 101

Evans, D.
, 107, 111, 138

Extrinsic motivation
, 59

, 32–33, 78, 100, 104, 108, 130, 139, 161, 164

Face-to-face photosharing
, 48, 83

Family photography
, 50

Faraj, S.
, 77

, 170

, 51, 81, 87, 102, 162, 164

, 122

Ford Italia Instagram account
, 121

, 51

Foucault, M.
, 131, 132, 157

Fragmentised subjectivity
, 7, 151

Freund, G.
, 22

Frohlich, D. M.
, 49, 85

Fuchs, C.
, 6, 103, 127, 128

, 63

Gaby, D.
, 10

Garnham, N.
, 103

Gefter, A.
, 13

, 144

German landscape
, 115

Giddens, A.
, 5, 151, 159, 159

Gilliom, J.
, 138

Giulia, M.
, 75

Goffman, E.
, 157

Gold, R. L.
, 39

Gonzalez, Philippe
, 113

Good photographs
, 56

, 51, 102, 127

Goran Bregovic’s concert
, 69, 70

Granieri, G.
, 13

Grusin, R.
, 27, 41

, 122

Hagar, C.
, 80

Happy Family
, 95, 96, 115, 116

, 112, 121, 123

Haythornthwaite, C.
, 80

Heidegger, M.
, 1

Herman, E.
, 102

Hesmondhalgh, D.
, 74

Horst, H. A.
, 101

Iconic turn
, 24

, 151–178

branding identities
, 173–178

fragmented online identities
, 160–162

representations of the self
, 155–160

selfies and the other self
, 169–173

visual representation of the self
, 163–169

Identity disclosure through objects
, 166

Igers Berlin community
, 68, 91, 95, 115, 116

Igers Bologna
, 117, 118

Igers community
, 88, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 114, 116, 119, 120

in Germany
, 115

in Italy
, 116–117

in Spain
, 113, 114

Igers Helsinki community
, 68, 92

Igers Italia
, 116, 117, 119

Igers Piceni community
, 91

Imagined communities
, 82

In-depth interview
, 37–38, 39, 42

Instagram Celebrity
, 175, 176

Instagram-Facebook partnership
, 83

, 57

Instagram popular page
, 120

, 87, 92, 93–96, 115, 116, 119

, 87, 93–96, 115, 116, 119

Intent of sharing photos on Instagram
, 59

, 100

, 1, 2, 32, 47, 50, 138

Internet connectivity

in mobile communications
, 9

and visibility
, 99

Internet research, new research methods in
, 29

computer-mediated interviewing technique
, 36–38

(embedded) multiple-case study
, 33–36

ethical considerations
, 41–42

netnographic approach for qualitative research
, 31–33

qualitative content analysis
, 39–41

visual data collection
, 38–39

Internet surveillance
, 125

Interpersonal social surveillance
, 138

Intrinsic motivation
, 59

Jenkins, H.
, 9, 48–49

on convergent culture
, 49

Kember, S.
, 10, 27

, 49

Kozinets, R. V.
, 31, 32

Kress, G.
, 41

Kuntsman, A.
, 14, 15

Lacan, J.
, 156, 157

La Chambre Claire (Barthes)
, 16

L’Acte Photographique (Dubois)
, 20

, 9, 56

Lateral surveillance
, 136

Lessig, L.
, 127

LG Nordic Instagram account
, 110

Life after New Media (Kember and Zylinska)
, 10, 27

Life On The Screen (Turkle)
, 152, 158

, 130, 161

Liquid Life (Bauman)
, 14

Liquid Modernity (Bauman)
, 14

Liquid Surveillance
, 129

Little brother
, 127

London bombing
, 11

photographs of
, 11

Lugano, G.
, 79

Lyon, D.
, 133

Manovich, L.
, 15, 16, 57

Marwick, A.
, 137

Mass self-surveillance
, 127

McCahill, M.
, 134

McKee, J.
, 107, 111, 138

McLuhan, Marshal
, 48, 74

Media and online marketing strategies

political economy of
, 102–109

The Media and Social Theory (Hesmondhalgh, & Toynbee)
, 74

Mediated memories, defined
, 153

Mediated Memories in the Digital Age (Van Dijck)
, 153

Mediated relationships
, 75, 82, 138

Mediated social relationships
, 83

Mediated voyeurism
, 136

Media theories towards new visual practices
, 9–16

Mediation-mobility-visuality, triangulation of
, 8, 26

, 153

Metz, C.
, 16

Miller, A. D.
, 51

Mills, J. L.
, 126

Minimalist photography
, 64

Mirror stage
, 156

Mitchell, W. J. T.
, 23, 24, 26, 43

Mobile camera phones
, 54, 84

Mobile phones
, 9, 10, 56, 80, 84, 101

Mobile photography
, 55, 68, 91, 114

Mobile social networks
, 79

, 54, 58, 172

Monahan, T.
, 138

Multiple-case study research method
, 33–36

Mulvey, L.
, 135

, 78, 102

, 172

Nature and positivity
, 60, 61

, 78

Netnographic approach for qualitative research
, 31–33

Networked individualism
, 76

New materialism
, 30

New mobile visualities
, 8, 42–45, 182

New mobilities paradigm
, 12, 29

News Corp
, 102

New visual practices, media theories towards
, 9–16

Nissenbaum, H.
, 129

Online photosharing
, 1, 47

evolution of
, 48–55

media theories towards new visual practices
, 9–16

, 55, 58–62

new mobile visualities, theorising
, 42–45

new practices
, 55, 67–72

new research methods in Internet research
, 29

computer-mediated interviewing technique
, 36–38

(embedded) multiple-case study
, 33–36

ethical considerations
, 41–42

netnographic approach for qualitative research
, 31–33

qualitative content analysis
, 39–41

visual data collection
, 38–39

, 55, 62–67

semiotics and theories of image
, 16–29

Online self-presentation
, 160, 161

Online sharing
, 1

Online surveillance
, 127, 131, 141

O’Really, T.
, 78

Orwell, George
, 128

, 174

Panopticon and surveillance theories in digital sociality
, 131–134

Panoptic sorting
, 127

Papacharissi, Z.
, 28

Paradoxical dichotomy
, 133

Parikka, J.
, 30

Participants’ photosharing observation
, 39, 41, 42

Peirce, C. S.
, 16

Personal mass dataveillance
, 127

Personal photography
, 53

Personal traces
, 134

Personal visual diary
, 66, 168

Persuasive advertising
, 108

, 51

Photo editing
, 56

Photo Explosion
, 56

Photographic eyes
, 179

Photographic Image in Digital Culture (Lister)
, 18

Photographic index
, 19, 20, 21

Photography and Society (Freund)
, 22

Photo opportunities
, 43–44, 67, 68, 181

Photo Plus
, 56

Photosharing websites
, 52

Physical proximity
, 75, 96, 134

, 51

Pink, S.
, 35, 38

, 87

Pirandello, L.
, 156

Political economy of media and online marketing strategies
, 102–109

Popular users and influencers
, 120–121

Porn stars
, 147

Positivity, nature and
, 60, 61

Poster, M.
, 82

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (Goffman)
, 157, 176

Privacy agreements
, 103

Privacy and surveillance
, 125–149

connections and interactions
, 136

interpersonal social surveillance
, 138

lateral surveillance
, 136

panopticon and surveillance theories in digital sociality
, 131–134

paradox of privacy on social media platforms
, 126–131

, 134, 135, 147

sharing and protecting visual content on Instagram
, 139–149

, 134, 135–136, 146–148

watching and being watched in social media
, 137

watching other users’ photosharing
, 138

Private advertising and communication agencies
, 121–124

Professional photography
, 15

, 156

Psychoanalytic theories
, 135

, 67

Qualitative content analysis
, 39–41

Qualitative interviewing techniques
, 31, 36

, 10, 11, 27, 41

, 22

Reproducibility, Benjamin’s concept of
, 1

Rheingold, H.
, 75

Robin, B. R.
, 109

Robins, K.
, 132

Rubinstein, D.
, 14

Sarvas, R.
, 49, 85

Schroeder, J. E.
, 6, 101

, 134, 135, 147

The Second Self (Turkle)
, 152, 158


branding identities
, 173–178

representations of
, 155–160

selfies and the other self
, 169–173

visual representation of
, 163–169

, 151, 152, 155, 159, 161, 164, 165, 166

, 8, 62, 161, 169–173, 176

, 8, 15, 152, 165, 169, 172

, 8, 178

Self-visual representation
, 152

Selling experiences
, 108

Semiotic analysis
, 39

Semiotics and theories of image
, 16–29

Sharing of selfies
, 169, 170

Sheller, M.
, 12, 29

60 Minutes (programme)
, 10

, 29, 37, 38, 40

Sluis, K.
, 14

Smart mobile devices
, 2, 3–4, 7, 11, 14, 26, 29, 31, 47, 50, 80, 145, 154, 176–177, 180

Smart mobile technologies
, 2, 9, 13, 44

, 51

Smythe, D. W.
, 103

Snap, share and move on culture
, 44

Snapshot aesthetics
, 6, 101, 120

Snapshot photography
, 49

Snapshot Versions of Life (Chalfen)
, 50

Social engagement
, 86, 96, 118

Social media experts
, 99

Social media marketing
, 6, 35, 99, 105–107, 113

Social media platforms
, 2, 9, 11, 12, 26, 27, 29, 47, 49, 53, 78, 79, 80, 85, 86, 94, 102, 105, 126–131, 137, 141, 152, 153, 155, 159, 160, 163, 177, 180

Social network, Instagram as
, 90

Social networking sites
, 8, 44, 73, 74, 79, 81, 85, 86, 87, 131, 141, 152, 161

Social relationships
, 73–97

in Instagram online communities
, 86–93

Instagram communities’ offline encounters
, 93–97

mediation of photosharing in
, 82–85

, 74–81

Social surveillance
, 137, 138

The Society of the Spectacle (Debord)
, 158

Socio-technical transformations
, 30

Spanish Igers community
, 113, 114

Square frame
, 70–71

Stationary moments
, 145

Stein, R. L.
, 14, 15

Story sharing
, 53

Storytelling organization
, 64

Street photography
, 64, 143

Studio photography
, 179

, 133

Surroundings, visual attention towards
, 69


, 133

privacy and. See Privacy and surveillance

Thematic photographic accounts
, 165

Thomas, N.
, 41

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (Freud)
, 134

Time-based organization
, 64, 65

Toynbee, J.
, 74

Traditional branding
, 110

, 78, 130

, 109

Turkle, S.
, 80, 152

Turow, J.
, 128

, 78, 90, 104, 109

Uno, Nessuno e Centomila (Pirandello)
, 156

Urban photography
, 64, 66, 68

Urry, J.
, 12, 29

User-generated advertising
, 121, 175

User-generated content (UGC)
, 106, 107, 108, 109, 128, 151

Van Dijck, J.
, 51, 62, 153, 178

Van House, N.
, 52, 53

Van Leeuwen, T.
, 41

Vecchi, B.
, 137

Victoria’s Secret Instagram account
, 147

Viral advertising
, 106

Virtual togetherness
, 81

Visual attention towards surroundings
, 69

Visual communication
, 1, 2, 83, 88, 97, 101

Visual content analysis
, 31, 39, 41

Visual content on Instagram

sharing and protecting
, 139–149

Visual data collection
, 38–39, 42

Visually unconventional scenes
, 66

Visual media marketing
, 99–124

branding and users’ engagement
, 110–113

photo contests and visual promotion
, 113–120

political economy of media and online marketing strategies
, 102–109

popular users and influencers
, 120–121

private advertising and communication agencies
, 121–124

Visual mobile communication
, 180

Visual representation of the self
, 163–169

Visual storytelling
, 66, 83, 120–121, 124

, 117

, 134, 135–136, 146–148

Wasko, M. M.
, 77

Watching and being watched in social media
, 137

Watching other users’ photosharing
, 138

Web 2.0
, 78, 128

Web 2.5
, 78

Web 3.0
, 78

Webster, F.
, 132

Wellman, B.
, 75, 76

Wendt, B.
, 169

Wiles, R.
, 42

, 102

Yin, R. K.
, 33

, 164

, 51

Zylinska, J.
, 10, 27